"A Single Layer Dual-Polarization Printed Bow-Tie Slot Broadband Antenna with C-Band Stop", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ELECTRONICS, 12, pp.38-45, 2021/12, SCI&EI
"A Compact Fractal-Shaped_O-Ring_Monopole_Antenna_for Modern Broadband Wireless Applications", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ELECTRONICS, 12, pp.93-99, 2021/12, SCI&EI
"A Four-Layer Odd Function Symmetrical Dual-Polarization Equilateral Right Triangle Slot Printed Broadband Directional Antenna for Wireless Lab Measurement Applications", Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2021, pp.1-10, 2021/10, SCI
"Design of Broadband Dual-Polarized Rectenna Array for WPT Applications", International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 15, pp.377-382, 2021/04, SCI
"Design of Ultra-Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Ceramic-Filled PTFE Composites", WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) Transactions on Systems and Control, Vol. 16, pp.194-197., 2021/04, SCI&EI
"Small Antenna Design of Triple Band for WIFI 6E and WLAN Applications in the Narrow Border Laptop Computer", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2021, Article ID 7334206,, PP1-8, 2021/03, SCI
"Recording the growth of bean sprouts exposed to a cell phone’s electromagnetic energy", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 8, pp.47-52., 2019/08, SCI
"Watchstrap-Embedded Four-Element Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output Antenna Design for a Smartwatch in 5.2–5.8 GHz Wireless Applications", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 1-16, 2018/04, SCI
"A broadband circularly polarized antenna of square-ring patch for UHF RFID reader applications", AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 85, 2, 84-90, 2018/02, SCI
"A compact inverted-F dual-band MIMO antenna with pattern diversity for WLAN applications", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, 12, 1, 52-58, 2018/01, SCI
"Design of a compact MIMO antenna with pattern diversity for WLAN application", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 59, 7, pp.1692-1697, 2017/07, SCI
"Modified Microstrip Franklin Array Antenna for Automotive Short-Range Radar Application in Blind Spot Information System", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 2, pp.1731-1734, 2017/02, SCI
"Carrier Current Line Systems Technologies in M2M Architecture for Wireless Communication", Journal of Sensors, Vol. 2016, 2016, pp.1-10, 2016/05, EI
"Triple-bandMIMOAntenna for MobileWireless Applications", IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS 1, 8, 1, 2015/08, SCI
"Circularly-polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed by Off-centered Microstrip Line for 2.4-GHz ISM Band Applications", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 1, 2014/12, SCI
"A Novel On-Glass GPS Antenna for Handset Applications", Procedia Engineering, 29, 3376-3380, 2012/02, EI
"A Compact Internal Planar Antenna with a Capacitive Tuner for 3G and 4G Mobile Phone Application", International Journal of Communications, 4, 2, 56-64, 2011/04, EI
"The novel compact 2.4/5.2 GHz dual wideband bandpass filter with deep transmission zero", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 617-628, 2011/03, SCI&EI
"Print a Compact Single- and Quad-band Slot Antenna on Ceramic Substrate", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 1697–1707, 2011/01, SCI
"Design of a Multi-Band Antenna for Mobile Handset Operations", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 8, 2009/08, SCI&EI
"A small 3-D multi-band antenna of “F” shape for portable phones’ applications", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 9, pp. 183-192, 2009/05, SCI
"Compact chip antenna applications in GPS by LTCC processing", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 51, 4, 1017-1019, 2009/04, SCI&EI
"A new printed slot loop antenna with tunable strips for 2.4- and 5-GHz wireless applications", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 8, pp.356-358, 2009/04, SCI&EI
"A Printed Multi-Band Antenna for Cell-Phones Applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 51, 3, 742-744, 2009/03, SCI&EI
"Compact multi-band slotted antenna for wireless communication applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 51, 2, 502-503, 2009/02, SCI&EI
"Compact Printed Slot Antennas for Wireless Dual- and Multi-Band Operations", Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 88, 289-305, 2008/12, SCI&EI
"Bow-tie antenna using high-impedance ground plane", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 50, 11, 2928-2931, 2008/11, SCI&EI
"Circularly polarized stacked antenna with a high-impedance ground plane for RFID reader applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 50, 9, 2248-2250, 2008/09, SCI&EI
"A new single defected ground structure for coplanar waveguide low-pass and band-pass filters", International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 15, 4, 329-332, 2008/08, EI
"A fractal dipole tag antenna for RFID dual-band application", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 50, 7, 1963-1966, 2008/07, SCI&EI
"Enhanced Bandwidth for a Coplanar Coupled-Line Balun Design", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 49, 12, 2902-2905, 2007/12, SCI&EI
"Multi-band antenna applications in mobile phone", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters,, 49, 10, .2498-2501, 2007/10, SCI&EI
"A study of printed monopole antenna for ultra wideband applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49, 6, 1435-1438, 2007/06, SCI&EI
"New Design of A CPW-Fed UWB Slot Antenna", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 49, 3, 561-564, 2007/03, SCI&EI
"A New CPW-Fed Half-Loop Antenna", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 49, 3, 684-686, 2007/03, SCI&EI
"New Multiband Printed Meander Antenna for Applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, 47, 6, 539-543, 2005/12, SCI&EI
"Study on Antenna Radiation Characteristics Affected by Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin", WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 4, 11, 1203-1214, 2005/11, EI
"Design of a Flexible Printed Antenna", IEE Electronics Letters, 40, 17, 1034-1035, 2004/08, SCI
"Dual-band cellular PA strives for Efficiency", Microwaves & RF, 41, 5, 2002/05, SCI
"Dual-band cellular PA strives for Efficiency", Microwave Journal, 45, 5, 2002/05, SCI
"A Smart Saddle for the Status Monitoring of Guide Dogs", 2024 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taichung, 2024/07/09
"8×8 MIMO Antenna for 5G Mobile Applications", 2024 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2024), Chengdu, 2024/04/21
"Design of 24 GHz Antenna Array for Powder Materials Flow Measurement Applications", 2021 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2021), Taipie, 2021/10/19
"Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Helical Antenna for Satellite Buoy", 2021 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2021), Taipei, 2021/10/19
"Antenna Design for Accurate Tracking of Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics:Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM 2018), Nagoya, 2019/08/29
"Design of a 26GHz FMCW Antenna", 2019 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Rome, 2019/06/17
"A Phase Array Antenna with Four-bit Phase Shifter", 2019 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), Rome, 2019/06/17
"Sub-6GHz UWB Monopole Antenna Design”, 2018 VII International Conference on Network", 2018 VII International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (2018 ICNCC), Taipei, 2018/12/14
"Quasi-Yagi Antenna with PBG Structure for Dual Band RFID Applications", 2018 7th International Symposium on Next Generation Electronics (ISNE), Taipei, 2018/05/07
"Wireless Charging Platform for Dual-Band Magnetic Resonance", 2018 7th International Symposium on Next Generation Electronics (ISNE), Taipei, 2018/05/07
"A Novel Pogo Pin Connector Design for High Speed USB3.1 Operations", 2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2017 PIERS), 2017/11/19
"A Contactless Charging Platform with Reconfigurable Coils", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC2017), Banff, 2017/10/05
"An extended CPW ground antenna for Bluetooth headset", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 台北, 2017/06/12
"An asymmetric shorted ground using CPW fed antenna for wearable device applications", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taipei, 2017/06/12
"A 2.45-GHz planar array antenna with harmonic suppression for wireless power transmission applications", 2017 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC 2017), 台北, 2017/05/10
"A Compact Self-Decoupling Dual Band MIMO Antenna", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, 2016/10/09
"Study of the Smart Contactless Charging Platform with Coil Array", 2016 International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT 2016), Taipei, 2016/08/13
"Full Metal Case Antenna Design and Measurement", 2016 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2016 PIERS), Shanghai, 2016/08/08
"A Novel Pogo Pin Connector Design for High Speed USB3.1 Operations", 2016 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Shanghai, 2016/08/08
"近距離 MIMO 天線設計", 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2015), Taoyuan city, 2015/11/26
"設計矩形繞製式線圈應用於磁共振之無線功率傳輸", 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2015), Taoyuan city, 2015/11/26
"手持式行動通訊之立體金屬天線", 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2015), Taoyuan city, 2015/11/26
"Design of Effective Lens Rectenna Array for Wireless Power Transmission", 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2015), Taoyuan city, 2015/11/26
"手持式雙環型金屬天線研究", 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (NST2015), Taoyuan city, 2015/11/26
"Triple-band MIMO Antenna with Proximity Coupling Radiators", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2015 (2015 PIERS), Prague, 2015/07/06
"A Novel Dual-band Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN Applications", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2015 (2015 PIERS), Prague, 2015/07/06
"Design of Dual Polarized Rectenna for Wireless Power Transmission", 2015 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Microwave Conference (APEMC 2015), Taipei, 2015/05/24
"A Compact Dual-Band MIMO Antenna for Wireless LAN Applications", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2014), Sendai, 2014/11/04
"A Compact Dual-Band MIMO Planar Antenna", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC2014), San Diego, 2014/10/05
"A Circularly Polarized Half-Wave Voltage Doubling Rectenna", 18th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2014), Santorini Island, 2014/07/17
"MIMO雙頻單極天線設計與探討", 2013全國電信研討會, 台南, 2013/11/15
"非接觸式充電平台之研究", 2013全國電信研討會, 台南, 2013/11/15
"雙極化整流天線之設計", 2013全國電信研討會, 台南, 2013/11/15
"A Rectenna for Wireless Power Transmission", PIERS, Stockholm, 2013/08/12
"A Contactless Inductive Charging Platform", 2013 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2013 PIERS), 台北, 2013/03/25
"Design of a Multi-band Dielectric Resonator Antenna", 2013 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2013 PIERS), 台北, 2013/03/25
"Design of a Circularly Polarized Rectenna for Wireless Power Transmission", 2013 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2013 PIERS), 台北, 2013/03/25
"Design of a Contactless Charging Platform", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS 2012), Maui, Hawaii, 2013/02/01
"A Circularly Polarized Rectenna for Wireless Power Transmission", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2011 PIERS), Suzhou, 2011/09/12
"GPS Antenna Design and Measurement", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2011 PIERS), Suzhou, 2011/09/12
"Cellular Antenna Design and Measurement", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2011 PIERS), Suzhou, 2011/09/12
"Small Antenna Chamber Design and Measurement", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2011 PIERS), Suzhou, 2011/09/12
"微小化具有GPS及ISM雙頻段倒F型天線設計", 2010第五屆智慧生活科技研討會 (ILT 2010), Taichung County, 2010/06/04
"PIFA Antenna with Coupling Effect for Bandwidth Enhanced Design and Measurement", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/26
"Wideband WLAN Antenna Design for PDA Operation", The 8th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Penang, 2010/03/23
"Cellular Phone Antenna Design for PDA Operation", The 8th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Penang, 2010/03/23
"Cellular Phone Antenna Design for PDA Operation", The 8th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Penang, 2010/03/23
"Meander Line Antenna for GPS Phone Operation", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Antenna Measurement System for CTIA OTA Operation", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Double-ridged Horn for 3D Antenna Measuremen", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Corrugated Tapered Slot Antenna Design and Measurement", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"New Antenna System Measurement Technology for GPS OTA Operation", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Ultra-wideband (UWB) Dipole Antenna Design and Measurement", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Wire Inverted-F Antenna Design for WLAN and Bluetooth Operation", 2010 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2010 PIERS), Xian, 2010/03/22
"Cellular Phone Antenna Design for SAR and HAC Application", The 4th International Conference on Near-Field Characterization and Imaging (ICONIC2009, Teipei, 2009/06/24
"Half Hollow Cylindrical Monopole Antenna Design for Wireless OTA Application", The 4th International Conference on Near-Field Characterization and Imaging (ICONIC2009, Teipei, 2009/06/24
"Design and experiment of a loop rectenna for RFID wireless power transmission and data communication applications", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"Design of a compact dual-band loop-slot antenna", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"Planar Fresnel zone lens antenna", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"Cylindrical DR antenna design", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"Antenna pattern measurement", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"Planar antennas for UMPC integration", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"WLAN and Bluetooth antenna design", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"WLAN and Bluetooth antenna design", Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2009 (2009 PIERS), Beijing, 2009/03/23
"UMTS and DVB-H antenna co-integration", UMTS and DVB-H antenna co-integration, Beijing, 2009/03/23
"A HIGP printed antenna at 2.4-GHz operation", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2008 (APMC 2008), Hong Kong, 2008/12/16
"Design and experiment of a loop rectenna for RFID wireless power transmission and data communication applications", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Hong Kong, 2008/12/16
"Dual-band dipole antenna for RFID tag applications", 38th European Microwave Conference 2008 (EuMW2008), Amsterdam, 2008/10/28
"A compact antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"A slot loop antenna with a pair of patches for dual-band operation", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"Multi-band printed antenna for wireless communication systems", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"Printed fractal antennas for multi- and wide-band applications", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"Small Internal Antennas for Cell-Phones Application", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"A Dual-Band Chip Antenna for Handheld Cell-phones Application", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"A Printed Multi-Band Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2008), Taipei, 2008/10/27
"Triple-band printed loop antenna", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Taichung, 2008/06/06
"Fractal dipole antenna for RFID system", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Taichung, 2008/06/06
"3-D Bi-PIFA Antenna Applications in Cellular Phones", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Taichung, 2008/06/06
"Applications of Small Dual-Band Chip Antenna in Cellular Phones", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Taichung, 2008/06/06
"Small Antennas Application in Portable Phones", Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference (ILT2008), Taichung, 2008/06/06
"Application of Artificial Dielectric Material for a PIFA Antenna", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"The Dipole Antenna Array Design with Balun Integration", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"The GPS Antenna Design and Measurement", The GPS Antenna Design and Measurement, Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"The PBG Filter Design", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"Small Antenna Measurement Facilities", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"Reflector Antenna with Artificial Magnetic Conductor Structure", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"The Planar V-Dipole Antenna Fed by Marchand Balun", 2008 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (2008 PIERS), Hangzhou, 2008/03/24
"Small Antenna in Multi-Band for Mobile Terminal Applications", 2008 International Workshop on Antenna Technology “Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials", Chiba, 2008/03/04
"The V-Dipole Antenna Fed by Marchand Balun", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"The Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Reflector Antenna Structure and Design", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"The Multi-Band Helical Antenna for PDA Phone Design", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"The GPS Antenna Design and Method of Polarization Transform", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"The Dipole Antenna Array Design", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"The Artificial Dielectric Material Applied to Enhance Antenna Radiation and Bandwidth Performance", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"一種結合攝影機可應用於無線區域網路2.4/5.2GHz雙頻操作之小型化內建式單極金屬天線設計", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"Design of CPW low-pass filter with single DGS and application to band-pass filter", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"Planar high-gain antenna for 2.4GHz WLAN access point", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"A tapered monopole antenna with band notch function for ultra-wideband communication", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"Multi-Band Antenna Applications in Mobile Phone Terminal Equipments", 2007 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2007 NST), Taipei, 2007/11/23
"GPS and WLAN Co-design Antenna", 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2007 IEEE AP-S), Honolulu, 2007/06/10
"Cellular Antenna Design for PDA Phone Application", 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2007 IEEE AP-S), Honolulu, 2007/06/10
"Design of Dual Wideband WLAN Antenna", 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2007 IEEE AP-S), Honolulu, 2007/06/10
"Half Hollow Cylindrical Monopole Antenna", 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2007 IEEE AP-S), Honolulu, 2007/06/10
"Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Horn Antenna Design and Measurement", 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (2007 IEEE AP-S), Honolulu, 2007/06/10
"Design of A Broadband Switched-Beam Antenna Array with Reduced Mutual Coupling Effects for Wireless Communication", IASTED International Conference on Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation (ARP2007), Montreal, 2007/05/30
"Mobile Antenna Design for PDA/Smart Phone Application", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"Multi-frequency for GPS and Wi-Fi Antenna Co-design", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"Design of Three-Way Power Divider", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"TEM Horn Antenna Design and Measurement", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"Ultra-Small UWB Antenna", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"Design of Dual-Band WLAN Antenna", 2007 URSI/SRS Radio Science Conference and Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on Antennas and Propagation, Chung-Li, 2007/03/08
"A New Half-Loop Antenna for UWB Spectrum", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006 (APMC 2006), Yokohama, 2006/12/12
"The Novel 3-Way Power Dividers/Combiners Structure and Design", 2006 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON '06, Florida, 2006/12/04
"A Multi-Band Stereo-Inverted F Antenna for Cellular Phone Applications", 2006 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON '06, Florida, 2006/12/04
"The Innovative Folded Wire Monopole Antenna Design for Multi-band Mobile Handheld Operation", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The Full Band DVB-H and GPS Antenna Co-design and Bandwidth for Mobile TV and Location Operation", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"Short Range Wireless and Wireless Sensor Radiator for DSRC, WLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee and RFID Bands Co-Integration", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The 3D Far-Field Antenna System for Total Radiation Efficiency, Mean Effective Gain and Multi-Input Multi-Output Measurement Operation", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The Curved TEM Horn Antenna Design for EMC Measurement Operation", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The Multi-band Wireless LAN Antenna Design for VoIP/VoWLAN Mobile System Application", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The Compact 1×4 Circular Polarization Dipole Antenna Array Design Serve RFID Beamforming System and Smart Antenna Operation", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"結合攝影機的小型化內建式單極Bluetooth金屬天線", 2006 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2006 NST), Kaohsiung, 2006/12/01
"The Innovative Multi-band Wire Monopole Antenna Design for 2.5G/3G Wireless Multimedia and Future Phone Application", 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing (2006 WCESP), Hsinchu, 2006/11/16
"The Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H) Antenna Design for Consumer Mobile TV Operation", 2005 International Symposium on Communications (2005 ISCOM), Hsinchu, 2006/11/16
"Multi-Folded Wire Monopole Antenna Design for GPS and Wi-Fi Co-integration on Consumer PDA Handset Operation", 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing (2006 WCESP), Hsinchu, 2006/11/16
"The Compact 2×2 Circular Polarization Dipole Antenna Array Design Serve RFID Reader and Beamforming System for Smart Scanning Operation", 2006 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing (2006 WCESP), Hsinchu, 2006/11/16
"A study of printed monopole antenna for ultra wideband systems", 2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2006), Singapore, 2006/11/01
"Wideband Fractal Monopole Antennas", 2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2006), Singapore, 2006/11/01
"The Tapered TEM Horn Antenna Design for EMC and Radiation Measurement", 2006 The 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (2006 ISAPE), Guilin, 2006/10/26
"The 3D Far-Field Antenna Measurement Technology for Radiation Efficiency, Mean Effective Gain and Diversity Antenna Operation", 2006 The 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (2006 ISAPE), Guilin, 2006/10/26
"The Pliant Monopole Antenna (PMA) Design for Handset Phone Operation", 2006 The 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (2006 ISAPE), Guilin, 2006/10/26
"The Omni-directional Dipole Antenna Structure and Design", 2006 The 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (2006 ISAPE), Guilin, 2006/10/26
"The Wideband Marchand Balun Transition Design", 2006 The 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (2006 ISAPE), Guilin, 2006/10/26
"Design and Manufacture for Flexible Printed Antenna Technology", 2005 International Symposium on Communications (2005 ISCOM), Hanoi, 2006/10/10
"The Folded Broadside Coupled Lines Balun Structure and Design", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"The H-Shape Dipole Antenna Fed by Tapered Balun for Wireless Application", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Design of Antenna of DTV for Cell Phone Application", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Study of EM Energy Deposition in Human head by Using Cell Phone Antenna", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"A Four-Port Switched-Beam Antenna Array with Wideband Characteristic for Wireless Applications", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"A New Ultra-Wideband Slot Antenna", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Rectangle Shape CPW-Fed Monopole Antenna with Cambered Ground Plane for UWB Communication", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Study of Printed Fractal Monopole Antennas for UWB Applications", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Application of defected ground structure for the bandwidth enhancement and harmonic suppression of T-shaped monopole antenna", 2006 Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (2006 CSTRWC), Macau, 2006/08/24
"Flexible Monopole Antenna for Mobile Phone Co-Design and 3D Far-Field Antenna Scanning Technique Apply to Total Radiation Efficiency and Mean Effective Gain Measurement", 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (2006 CJMW), Chengdu, 2006/08/23
"Manufacture, Design, Measurement and FPC Antennas Integration for PDA Phone", 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (2006 CJMW), Chengdu, 2006/08/23
"Mobile Handset Measurement for Wireless System Networking", 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (2006 CJMW), Chengdu, 2006/08/23
"Monopole Antenna Design and Study of Different Ground Plane Effect for Radiation Restriction Issues", 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (2006 CJMW), Chengdu, 2006/08/23
"Effects of EM Radiation Power on Similar Phantom", 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (2006 CJMW), Chengdu, 2006/08/23
"適用於寬頻帶波束切換式陣列天線之巴特勒矩陣", 2006 Communication Electronic Technology and Application, CETA, Kaohsiung, 2006/07/06
"適用於超寬頻操作之具弧形接地面共平面波導饋入式矩形單極天線", 2006 Communication Electronic Technology and Application, CETA, Kaohsiung, 2006/07/06
"The Compact Yagi Antenna Design Serve Beamforming Operation and Smart Antenna Application", 2006 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Antennas Technologies :Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (2006 IWAT), New York, 2006/03/06
"Characteristics of UWB Antenna and Wave Propagation", 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS 2005), Hong Kong, 2005/12/13
"The Low Profile Dipole Antenna Design for ITS Application,", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Design of The UWB Antenna and Measurement", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"The Spherical Antenna Measurement and Spherical Absorption Rate (SAR) for Near Field Radiation Evaluation", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"The High Gain Yagi-Uda Antenna Design Serve Smart Antenna Beamforming Application", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Characteristics of The Defected Transmission Line", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Design of The UWB Antenna and Measurement", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Influence of Radiation Energy of External Antenna on Human Head", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Measurement of Radiation Absorption on UWB Bands", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Balanced to unbalanced (Balun) Transformer for EMC Application", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Design the Antenna for DTV Application", 2005 Asia Pacific Symposium on EMC (2005 APEMC), Taipei, 2005/12/06
"Study of the EM Radiation Effects of Portable Communication Antenna", 2005 Mechatronic and Industry Interact Cross Strait Conference (2005 MIICS), Hsinchu, 2005/11/23
"Design the Antenna of DTV by Loop Antenna", 2005 Mechatronic and Industry Interact Cross Strait Conference (2005 MIICS), Hsinchu, 2005/11/23
"The Multi-cross UWB Antenna", 2005 International Symposium on Communications (2005 ISCOM), Kaohsiung3, 2005/11/20
"The Multi-band Dipole Antenna", 2005 International Symposium on Communications (2005 ISCOM), Kaohsiung, 2005/11/20
"Characteristics of UWB Antenna and Wave Propagation", 2005 International Symposium on Communications (2005 ISCOM), Kaohsiung, 2005/11/20
"EMF Radiation Effects on Human Head in Use of Wireless Headset Terminal", 2005 Korea-Japan Microwave Workshop (KJMW2005), Busan,, 2005/10/17
"Study of Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna", 2005 European Conference on Wireless Technology, Paris, 2005/10/03
"Design of Dual Band Dipole Antenna Serve WLAN and DSRC for ITS Application", 2005 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, Seoul, 2005/08/23
"Stepped Coupled Lines for Bandwidth Enhanced Balun Design", 2005 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, Seoul, 2005/08/23
"Characteristics of Guided-Wave Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure", 2005 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, Seoul, 2005/08/23
"Far-Field Effects with Human Head Evaluation of EM Emittion", 2005 WSEAS International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, 2005/08/23
"Enhanced Design for an Omni-Directional UWB Antenna", 2005 International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation, Seoul, 2005/08/23
"ENHANCED DESIGN FOR AN MONI-DIRECTIONAL UWB ANTENNA", 2005 International symposium on antenna and propagation, Seoul, 2005/08/03
"應用於無線區域網路之平面雙頻帶天線", 2005 Communication Electronic Technology and Application, 高雄, 2005/04/29
"Dual-frequency Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Inverse T-shape Parasitic Strip", 2005 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/04/03
"Slot Fed Broadband Dielectric Resonator Antenna", 2005 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/04/03
"Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Parasitic Strip", 2005 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/04/03
"Dual-band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna", 2005 IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/04/03
"Characteristics of UWB Bands Measurement, Human Effect and Power Absorption", 2006 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Antennas Technologies :Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (2006 IWAT), New York, 2005/03/06
"The CPW Coupled-Line Balun", 2004Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, 2004/12/15
"A Compact Quasi Yagi-Uda Antenna", 2004 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, 2004/12/15
"A Dual-Frequency Monopole Antenna with High Frequency-Ratio for DAB System", 2004 National Symposium on Telecommunications Conference, Keelung, 2004/12/05
"Design of The Planar Yagi-Uda Antenna", 2004International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TAIPEI, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Flexible Mobile Antenna", 2004International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TAIPEI, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Flexible Mobile Antenna", 2004International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Finite-Ground CPW Coupled-Lines Balun", 2004 International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Periodic Slot Loading for Photonic Bandgap Microstrip Line", 2004International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Application", 2004International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility, TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Application", International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility (2004 ICEMAC), TAIPEI, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Periodic Slot Loading for Photonic Bandgap Microstrip Line", International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility (2004 ICEMAC), TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Finite-Ground CPW Coupled-Lines Balun", International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility (2004 ICEMAC), TPE, 2004/10/14
"Design of The Planar Yagi-Uda Antenna", International Conference on Electromagnetic Application and Compatibility (2004 ICEMAC), TPE, 2004/10/14
"The Compact Quasi Yagi-Uda Antenna with Low Profile Planar Structure", 2004 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwave, Harbin, 2004/08/05
"The Flexible Printed Antenna", 2004 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwave, Harbin, 2004/08/05
"1-D U-Slot Loading for PBG Microstrip Line", 2004 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwave, Harbin, 2004/08/05
"The Uni-Planar Coupled-Line Balun", 2004 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwave, Harbin, 2004/08/05
"A Novel High Rejection Low Pass Filter Structure", Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Guilin, 2003/10/25
"A New Design Method for Planar Balun", 2003Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Guilin, 2003/10/25
"The PCB Dipole Antenna Design", 2003Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Guilin, 2003/10/25
"The Traveling Slot Antenna", 2003Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Guilin, 2003/10/25
"2.4GHz ISM-Band Bowtie Antenna Design", 2003Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, Guilin, 2003/10/25
"A New Equal-length Circularly Polarized Antenna", 2003 Taiwan EMC Conference, TPE, 2003/10/17
"A Broadband CPW-fed Slot Antenna with Harmonic Suppressions", 2003 Taiwan EMC Conference, TPE, 2003/10/17
"The broadband loop slot antenna with photonic bandgap structure", IEE Twelfth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Exeter, 2003/04/11
"The compact broadband microstrip antenna with defective ground plane", IEE Twelfth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Exeter, 2003/04/11
"Efficiency of Various Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Structures", 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, 2002/08/17
"A New DRF with Microstrip PBG Structure", 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, 2002/08/17
"A Novel Design of The Planar Coupled-Line Balun", 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, Beijing, 2002/08/17