
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網





  • "Modeling GA-derived optimization analysis for canal-based irrigation water allocation under variations in runoff-related and irrigation-related factors", Agricultural Water Management, 290, 108588, 2023/12, SCI
  • "Digital elevation models for highresolution base ood elevation mapping inadensely populated city", Natural Hazards, 116, 2693-2716, 2023/03, SCI
  • "Digital elevation models for high-resolution base flood elevation mapping in a densely populated city", Natural Hazards, 2022/12, SCI
  • "Spatial Frequency Analysis by Adopting Regional Analysis with Radar Rainfall in Taiwan", Water, 14, 17, 2710, 2022/08, SCI
  • "Hydrological Topography Data Set (HTD)— The Data Set for High Resolution 2D Urban Flood Modeling", Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 88, 7, 439-450, 2022/07, SCI&EI
  • "Modeling the 2D Inundation Simulation Based on the ANN-Derived Model with Real-Time Measurements at Roadside IoT Sensors", Water, 14, 14, 2189, 2022/07, SCI
  • "Variation of uncertainty of drainage density in flood hazard mapping assessment with coupled 1D–2D hydrodynamics model", Natural Hazards, 111, 3, 2297-2315, 2022/02, SCI
  • "Stochastic Modeling for Estimating Real-Time Inundation Depths at Roadside IoT Sensors Using the ANN-Derived Model", Water, 13, 21, 3128, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Stochastic modeling of artificial neural networks for real-time hydrological forecasts based on uncertainties in transfer functions and ANN weights", Hydrology Research, 52, 6, 1490, 2021/08, SCI
  • "Stochastic generation of gridded short-term rainstorms", Hydrology Research, 52, 4, 876–904, 2021/06, SCI
  • "Real-time error correction of two-dimensional flood-inundation simulations during rainstorm events", Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 34, 641-667, 2020/05, SCI
  • "初談浮動式房屋分析與設計", 結構工程, 34, 2, 90-112, 2020/01, ELSE1
  • "Evaluation of GPM-era Global Satellite Precipitation Products over Multiple Complex Terrain Regions", Remote Sensing, 11, 24, 2019/12, SCI
  • "A Case Study for the Application of an Operational Two-Dimensional Real-Time Flooding Forecasting System and Smart Water Level Gauges on Roads in Tainan City, Taiwan", Water, 10, 5, 574, 2018/04, SCI
  • "The Damage Assessment of Flood Risk Transfer Effect on Surrounding Areas Arising from the Land Development in Tainan, Taiwan", Water, 10, 4, 473, 2018/04, SCI
  • "Improving the Computational Performance of an Operational Two-Dimensional Real-Time Flooding Forecasting System by Active-Cell and Multi-Grid Methods in Taichung City, Taiwan", Water, 10, 3, 319, 2018/03, SCI
  • "Rainfall Network Optimization Using Radar and Entropy", Entropy, 19, 553, 13, 2017/10, SCI
  • "Real-time correction of water stage forecast using combination of forecasted errors by time series models and Kalman filter method.", Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 29, 1903-1920, 2017/05, SCI
  • "An evaluation framework for identifying the optimal raingauge network based on spatiotemporal variation in quantitative precipitation estimation", Hydrology Research, 2016/03, SCI
  • "High-performance meshing processing of remote sensing data on large displays", JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 8, 21, 2015/09, SCI
  • "多模式水文水理氣象整合平台建置工作之簡介", 國家災害防救科技中心災害防救電子報, 第121期, 2015/08, ELSE1
  • "Modeling the effect of uncertainties in rainfall characteristics on flash flood warning based on rainfall thresholds.", Natural Hazards, 75, 2, 1677–1711, 2014/08, SCI
  • "A numerical study of cubic parabolas on railway transition curves", Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan), 21, 2, 191-197, 2013/12, SCI
  • "Damage Survey of Water Supply System and Fragility Curve of PVC Water Pipelines in the Chi- Chi Taiwan Earthquake", Journal of Natural Hazards, 37, 71-85, 2006/02, SCI
  • "A Water Requirements Estimation Model for Fire Suppression: A Study Based On Integrated Uncertainty Analysis", Journal of Fire Technology, 41, 1, 5-24, 2005/01, SCI&EI
  • "阿公店水庫更新改善工程施工期間之水文風險分析", 台灣水利, 52, 1, 39-49, 2004/03, ELSE1
  • "以火災熱釋放率分析消防用水量之研究-實務案例探討", 災害防救學報, 4, 191-212, 2003/09, ELSE1
  • "應用不確定分析於流量延時曲線可靠資料年限決定之研究", 台灣水利, 51, 2, 62-72, 2003/06, ELSE1
  • "應用地理資訊系統於落石坍方災害管理之規劃", 台北科技大學學報, 36, 1, 77-93, 2003/03, ELSE1
  • "考量地層下陷之地下水優化模式之建立與探討", 台灣水利, 50, 4, 83-95, 2002/12, ELSE1
  • "平行運算於地層下陷模擬之應用", 台灣水利, 50, 3, 83-92, 2002/09, ELSE1
  • "緩和曲線於軌道工程應用之研究", 測量工程, 44, 3, 1-32, 2002/09, ELSE1


  • 天然災害防治導論, 全華科技圖書股份有限公司, 957-21-5143-6, 2006/11/01


  • "智慧防汛網之淹水感測器高程精度探討", 第24屆臺灣地理國際 ╳ 2020中國地理學會 聯合學術研討會, 台北市, 2021/11/14
  • "由降雨分析建立失穩邊坡之災害機率模型", 第39屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 新北市, 2021/10/28
  • "視覺密度對於人員疏散之擁擠行為影響", ICEO&SI 2021地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會, 苗栗, 2021/08/23
  • "數值高程模型的不確定性對於二維淹水模式之影響分析", ICEO&SI 2021地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會, 苗栗, 2021/08/23
  • "水利數值地形模型於二維淹水模式之應用", ICEO&SI 2021地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會, 苗栗, 2021/08/23
  • "A Software Framework for Agent-based Evacuation Simulation Program", APCOM(The 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics), Taipei, 2019/12/18
  • "A model oriented interlink among platforms of IoT, AI, and FEWS", Delft-FEWS - International User Days, Delft, 2019/11/06
  • "物聯網路面淹水感測器空間配置方案之研析", 海峽兩岸水利科技交流研討會, 金門, 2019/10/28
  • "淹水預警功能之測試與運作", 臺灣水利專案計畫成果研討會, 台北市, 2019/09/25
  • "The Operational System Architecture for Flood Response And Water Resources", Taiwan-Thailand Business & Technology Cooperation Fair in Water Resource Management, Bangkok, 2019/07/30
  • "Smart Flood Proofing", IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018, Tokyo, 2018/09/16
  • "An Implementation towards Smart Flood Proofing with IoT and Simulation", Deltares Software Days South-East Asia, Yogyakarta, 2018/09/06
  • "水利數值地形模型 關鍵技術之合作發展", 內政部107年度DTM使用者論壇暨空間測繪應用計畫專案成果發表會, Taipei, 2018/07/30
  • "高時空解析度巨量水資源環境監測 之分析與應用", 水資源物聯網第四次工作坊, 台中, 2018/06/27
  • "雷達降雨資料與水文分析作業於水文氣象觀測整合平台之整合應用", 水利署106年度委辦計畫成果發表會, 台北, 2018/06/26
  • "淹水預警功能之測試與運作", 水利署106年度委辦計畫成果發表會, 台北, 2018/06/26
  • "A Framework of Realtime Flood Simulation with IoT Sensors", 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Tampere, 2018/06/05
  • "臺灣各流域集水區颱洪時期雷達降雨資料分析", 天氣分析與預報研討會, 台北, 2017/09/12
  • "以SOBEK 即時控制模組建立新店溪上游堰壩機制之研究", 第 23 屆 水利工程研討會, 台中, 2017/09/04
  • "建立開源分佈式降雨逕流模於水情測預報平台之研究", 第 23 屆 水利工程研討會, 台中, 2017/09/04
  • "雨量的不確定性對地區性淹水範圍的影響", 第 23 屆 水利工程研討會, 台中, 2017/09/04
  • "災害管理多元資料與模式庫整合應用", 災防應科方案成果研討會, 台北, 2017/04/25
  • "A Study on Effect Analysis of River Forecast System due to Radar Precipitation Uncertainty in Taiwan", 2017 International Symposium Weather Radar and Hydrology, Seoul, 2017/04/10
  • "微型集水區對都市淹模擬之影響", 第 23 屆 水利工程研討會, 台中, 2017/02/04
  • "應用氣象局STMAS-WRF預報降雨於洪水預報作業流程之評估", 104年天氣分析與預報研討會, 台北, 2015/09/15
  • "QPESUMS於水利署FEWS_Taiwan平台的應用", 104年天氣分析與預報研討會, 台北, 2015/09/15
  • "VGI公民參與討論地圖平台以阿里山公路為例", 2014 ISTS 國際研討會, 台北, 2014/11/19
  • "雷達觀測資料及流域多水文模式於水文氣象觀測整合平台之建置與應用", 2014水利產業研討會, 高雄, 2014/10/08
  • "應用CWB ARPS 預報降雨於洪水預報作業流程之評估", 2014 ISTS 國際研討會, 台北, 2014/09/16
  • "應用地面光達識別關鍵岩塊之研究", 2013電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會, 台北, 2013/09/05
  • "水文站斷面虛擬實境建置-以坪林北勢溪大林橋為例", 第32屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨第2屆兩岸重力及大地水準面研討會, 新竹, 2013/08/28
  • "應用地面光達掃描檢測古蹟—以台灣松山文化創意區為例", 第32屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨第2屆兩岸重力及大地水準面研討會, 新竹, 2013/08/27
  • "集水區定量降水空間解析度對於水位模擬影響之研究", 102年天氣分析與預報研討會, 桃園, 2013/05/13
  • "結合預報降雨量之河川流量系集預報平台架構", 102 年天氣分析與預報研討會, 桃園, 2013/05/13
  • "日本實施巨型災害規模之製圖作業經驗探討", 第三十屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 台中, 2011/09/01
  • "以OPeNDAP應用於FEWS_Taiwan", 2011電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會, 高雄, 2011/09/01
  • "應用FEWS_TAIWAN平台實作水利模式整合", 2009台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 2009/10/15
  • "使用LBS模式擴充水情預報系統之整合與應用", 2009台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 屏東, 2009/10/15
  • "多元水文氣象資訊即時彙整與流量模擬之探討", 2009台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 2009/10/15
  • "Uncertainty propagation of Earthquake Loss Estimation System on the early seismic damage evaluation", 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2009, Fairfax, VA,, 2009/08/11
  • "Spatial uncertainty analysis for water distribution under fragility curves", 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2009, Fairfax, VA,, 2009/08/11
  • "局部極值消滅法應用於不規則斷面之流場模擬", 第十八屆水利工程研討會, 屏東, 2009/07/31
  • "考量降雨時間及空間不確定性之逕流量風險分析模式之發展", 第十八屆水利工程研討會, 屏東, 2009/07/31
  • "多維度水文氣象資訊整合應用於水情資訊", 第十八屆水利工程研討會, 屏東, 2009/07/31
  • "應用整合平台概念建立即時三維地下水流模式", 第十八屆水利工程研討會, 屏東, 2009/07/31
  • "洪氾圖洪水風險資訊多樣性之制度面研究", 第十八屆水利工程研討會, 屏東, 2009/07/31
  • "An approach To determine the extent of flood proof by cost-benefit analysis.", European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (EGU 2009), Vienna,, 2009/04/20
  • "A Research on Development of The Multi-mode Flood Forecasting System Version Management.", European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (EGU 2009), Vienna,, 2009/04/20
  • "模式參數與數值地形不確定性於洪氾區劃設影響之研究", 中國土木水利工程學會垚淼2008研討會, 宜蘭, 2008/10/22
  • "93、94 年風災對鄉縣道路系統重複破壞之分析-以縣159甲線為例", 中國土木水利工程學會垚淼2008研討會, 宜蘭, 2008/10/22
  • "區域消防水量需求與供應分析", 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 台南, 2008/09/04
  • "洪水預警系統集水區降雨量之推求與集水區劃設使用TauDEM之探討", 第十七屆水利工程研討會, 台中, 2008/08/05
  • "以經濟效益分析訂定社區防洪範圍之研究", 第十七屆水利工程研討會, 台中, 2008/08/05
  • "論歐盟水環境法制對我國國土復育政策之啟示", 第十七屆水利工程研討會, 台中, 2008/08/05
  • "改良型基因演算法應用於水文模式之參數率定", 第十七屆水利工程研討會, 台中, 2008/08/05
  • "河川生態工程規劃與設計輔助資訊系統之研究", 第十七屆水利工程研討會, 台中, 2008/08/05
  • "A Study of Deriving Fragility Curves by Using GPS Data at Control Points before and after Chi-Chi Earthquake", FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, 2008/06/14
  • "93、94年公共工程可能受災重複損壞之空間分析", 2007年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 台南, 2007/10/11
  • "消防水源配置需求之空間分析", 2007年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 台南, 2007/10/11
  • "應用OpenLayers於水情空間資訊展示之探討", 第二十六屆測量學術及應用研討會, 宜蘭, 2007/09/06
  • "探討模式參數與數值地形不確定性於洪氾災損分析之影響", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "桃竹苗水情測預報系統之建置", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "建構公共工程風災災損之空間關聯性", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "降雨逕流模式與氣候預報系統整合應用", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "水情測預報系統平台開發版本管理研析", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "開發即時水文資料備援系統之研究", 第十六屆水利工程研討會, 苗栗, 2007/08/22
  • "GIS 技術應用於水情測預報系統", 2006年臺灣地理資訊學會年會學術研討會, 台北, 2006/11/06
  • "洪災損失估計與風險證券化之研究」", 第三屆應用經濟研討會, 台中, 2006/10/20
  • "應用效益評估決定洪氾區劃設範圍之探討", 第十五屆水利工程研討會, 中壢, 2006/07/05
  • "頭前溪洪水育警報系統建置", 第十五屆水利工程研討會, 中壢, 2006/07/05
  • "基隆河整體治理計畫之前期計畫工程效益探討", 第十五屆水利工程研討會, 中壢, 2006/07/05
  • "洪氾圖詮釋資料之建置", 第24屆測量學術及應用研討會, 台北, 2005/09/08
  • "結合數值地形與風險分析以界定可能洪氾區域之研究", 第24屆測量學術及應用研討會, 台北, 2005/09/08
  • "地圖伺服器開發之系統分析", 第24屆測量學術及應用研討會, 台北, 2005/09/08
  • "開發網際網路地圖伺服器之研究", 第四屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會, 吉林市, 2004/08/16
  • "超級視訊格網應用於洪災應變之先期研究", 第十四屆水利工程研討會, 新竹, 2004/07/08
  • "基隆河可能洪氾區域界定之研究", 第十四屆水利工程研討會, 新竹, 2004/07/08
  • "擬似二維核胞模式不確定性分析-以屏東縣東港溪流域為例", 第十四屆水利工程研討會, 新竹, 2004/07/08
  • "洪氾區域劃設圖資架構規劃", 第十四屆水利工程研討會, 新竹, 2004/07/08
  • "基隆河洪氾區劃設之模擬分析研究", 第十四屆水利工程研討會, 新竹, 2004/07/08
  • "The Damage Ratio Estimation of Water Pipelines Due to Earthquake by Permanent Ground Deformation", Proceeding of The Third Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Lifeline Performance And Disaster Mitigation, 台北, 2004/05/14
  • "應用類神經網路於石門水庫上游集水區6小時暴雨預測之研究", 第十三屆水利工程研討會, 雲林, 2002/07/31
  • "洪災保險與防汛系統之相關法律問題研究", 第十三屆水利工程研討會, 雲林, 2002/07/31
  • "The Study of Permanent Ground Deformation Through Geographical Information System in Chi-Chi Earthquake", The Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Lifeline Preformance And Disaster Mitigation, Kobe, 2002/05/13
  • "Cmoparison of Street Lengths and Pipeline Lengths", The Ninth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, 2002/04/03


  • 測量技師, 經濟部