"Visual and Haptic Guidance for Enhancing Target Search Performance in Dual-Task Settings", Applied Sciences, 14, 11: 4650, 26, 2024/05, SCI
"Identifying Brand Consistency by Product Differentiation Using CNN", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 140, 1, 685-709, 2024/04, SCI
"Identifying Brand Consistency by Product Differentiation Using Machine Learning", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 18, 2023/09, SCI
"The role of fluid intelligence in creativity: The case of bio-inspired design", Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45, 2022/06, SSCI
"Applying t-SNE to Estimate Image Sharpness of Low-cost Nailfold Capillaroscopy", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 30, 1, 237–254, 2022/04, SCI
"The Bridging Role of Goals between Affective Traits and Positive Creativity", Education Sciences, 12, 2, 144, 2022/02, ELSE2
"Comparison of Chi-Square Test and Representative Decision Tree in Features that Influence Vehicle Style", International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC), 11, 5, 333-338, 2021/09, ELSE2
"Applying t-SNE to Estimate Image Sharpness of Low-cost Nailfold Capillaroscopy", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 30, 3, 2021/09, SCI
"Can abstraction help ideation? A case study on biologically inspired design", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION, 31, 5, 866-896, 2021/09, SSCI
"A Case Study on Evolution of Car Styling and Brand Consistency Using Deep Learning", Symmetry SCI IF 2.645 ISSN 2073-8994, 12, 12, 2074-30, 2020/12, SCI
"Design by Analogy: A Proposed Model", Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, 7, 2, 93-97, 2019/12, ELSE2
"A FRAMEWORK OF PRODUCT DESIGN BY METAPHOR", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233, 2, 415-424, 2019/03, SCI
"A FRAMEWORK OF PRODUCT DESIGN BY METAPHOR", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 0, 0, 1-10, 2018/04, SCI
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"Analyzing Design Typicality by Image Classification with Deep Learning", AICCC '22: Proceedings of the 2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, Osaka, 2023/12/17
"Car Types and Semantics Classification Using Weka", AICCC '22: Proceedings of the 2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, Osaka, 2023/12/17
"Evaluate the Brand Style of Automated Design Product by Machine Learning", 2023 IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2023), Yunlin, 2023/10/27
"Utilization of Digital Human Model in Design Education: A Design Students’ Learning Survey and Case Study", The 6th International Conference on Technology in Education, Bangkok, 2023/10/19
"Predicting Consumer Preferences by the Deformation Threshold of Product Appearance", IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, Tainan, 2023/06/02
"Application of Typicality in Predicting Product Appearance", IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2023, Tainan, 2023/06/02
"Using Machine Learning to Identify Product Styles", IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2023, Tainan, 2023/06/02
"Applications of Machine Learning to Form-giving in Industrial Design (Best paper award)", 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022 (IEEE ECEI 2022), Keelung, 2022/02/10
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"Method of Design through Mythology as Analogical Source for Product Service System Design", 2020 3rd International Conference on Education Technology Management, London, 2020/12/17
"Rule Induction of Automotive Historic Styles Using Decision Tree Classifier", ICCCI 2020: Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence, Da Nang, 2020/11/30
"Developing Creativity through Design-by-Analogy with Word Trees", The 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), Tokyo, 2020/10/31
"Study of the Impact of Computational Thinking Education Based on Robots on Behaviors of Preschoolers", The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2020), Tokyo, 2020/07/19
"An Approach to Design-by-Analogy Using Structure Mapping Theory", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2018) 日本 Chiba, Japan, Chiba, 2018/04/13
"An Approach to Design-by-Analogy Using Structure Mapping Theory", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2017), Sapporo, Japan, 2017/05/13
"技專校院新生的領域創意成就:設計與工程科系的個案", CID, 新竹, 2016/05/07
"領域創造力與就讀科系之關係", CID2016, 新竹, 2016/05/07
"A Blended Method for Generating Creative Product Concepts", INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM OF ART AND DESIGN EDUCATION RESEARCH 2014, Penang, MALAYSIA, 2014/04/05
"Building A Case Base for Creative Design", 5th IASDR 2013 TOKYO, TOKYO, 2013/08/26
"A Casebase of Chair Design", ICID 2013, 台北, 2013/05/16
"A Comparison of Similarity Measurement on Design Features", ICID 2013, 台北, 2013/05/16
"Adapting ZMET to Orange-Tech-based Chair Design", ICID 2013, 台北, 2013/05/16
"The Deep Metaphors Lying in Red Dot Winners", ICID 2013, 台北, 2013/05/16
"Application of The Blending theory in PET Bottle Design", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Creative Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"Book Cover Analysis And Design Using Conceptual Blending", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Creative Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"The Design of Affordance Using Blending Theory", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Creative Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"明星星光大道明星之路:設計師成名要素的個案研究", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Research Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"地方文化應用於產地標章之設計研究", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Research Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"Hakka Spirit- The Cultural Cognition of Different Ethnic Groups", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Research Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"認知型態與詩詞對創造力之影響", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Innovation and Design: Research Thesis, 台北, 2012/04/16
"ALIGNMENT AND PERCEPTUAL SIMILARITY BETWEEN PRODUCTS", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"Structural Mapping on Design Metaphor —An Approach Toward Lighting Design", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"比較產品相似性分類之發展", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"感覺或概念性的判斷產品相似", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"An Analysis on Similarity of Product Images", First International Conference on Design Creativity, ICDC 2010, Kobe, 2010/11/29
"An Approach to Measuring Metaphoricity of Creative Design", First International Conference on Design Creativity, ICDC 2010, Kobe, 2010/11/29
"Differential Approach of Design Image and Similarity Cognition", First International Conference on Design Creativity, ICDC 2010, Kobe, 2010/11/29
"Pinball Light: Metaphorical design of Taiwanese cultural products", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Innovation and Design, Taipei, 2010/04/30
"An Approach to Perception and Evaluation of Metaphorical Products", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Innovation and Design, Taipei, 2010/04/30
"Wind, Water, and Stone: A Cultural Product Design of Applying Design Metaphor", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Innovation and Design, Taipei, 2010/04/30
"Tonghulu Light: A Metaphoric Design and Similarity Measures", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Innovation and Design, Taipei, 2010/04/30
"An Analysis on Metaphoricity of Design Competition Winners", 2009 IASDR, Seuol, 2009/10/18
"Applications of Metaphor Theory to Product Design", 2009 IASDR, Seuol, 2009/10/18
"慢科技的概念設計反思消費文化", 2009世界華人工業設計論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"I come, I see, I conquer - 陌生化之溜狗器設計", 2009世界華人工業設計論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"Chores with shadow - 鼓勵高齡者做家事的智慧型產品", 2009世界華人工業設計論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"Smart Iron - Wrinkle-Proof Memory", 2009世界華人工業設計論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"設計隱喻初探", 2009世界華人工業設計研究論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"Dusting Your Fat—以從事家事活動幫助減壓之清掃用品設計", 2009世界華人工業設計研究論壇, 台中, 2009/05/13
"An Object Oriented Approach to Design Metaphor", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"Using Contrast Model in Design Metaphor", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"Design for reflection by deferring user experience", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"roning My Winkle Memory:A smart design for encouraging the elderly do house chores", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"DABLE– A Shyness-reducing Dinning Table", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"Defamiliarization for Poetic Products", 2009 International Conference ofInnovation and Design, Taipei, 2009/05/08
"VISUALIZATION AND GEOMETRY IN DESIGN CREATIVITY", Proceedings of APEEC 2009The ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress, Taipei April 09-11, 2009/04/09