"Behavior analysis for increasing the efficiency of human–robot collaboration", Machines, 10, 1045, 1-23, 2023/01, SCI
"Supervised Object-Specific Distance Estimation from Monocular Images for Autonomous Driving", Sensors, 22, 22, 12, 2022/11, SCI
"Nonlocally adaptive image enhancement system for full-field optical coherence tomography", Optical Engineering, 60, 7, 1-17, 2021/07, SCI
"Implementation of Pavement Defects Detection System on Edge Computing Platform", Applied Sciences, 11, 8, 1-16, 2021/04, SCI
"Reinforcement Learning with Self-Attention Networks for Cryptocurrency Trading", Applied Sciences, 11, 16, 1-26, 2021/04, SCI
"Deep Reinforcement Learning for Portfolio Management on Markets with Dynamic Number of Assets", Expert Systems with Applications, 164, 2020/09, SCI
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"A Big Data and Time Series Analysis Technology‐based Multi‐Agent System for Smart Tourism", Applied Sciences, 8, 6, 21, 2018/06, SCI
"Activity Recognition Using Transfer Learning", Sensors and Materials, 29, 7-1, 8, 2017/07, SCI
"APPLICATION OF SLOW INTELLIGENCE FRAMEWORK FOR SMART PET CARE SYSTEM DESIGN", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 25, 12, 2016/01, SCI
"A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Conditional Random Fields for Bathroom Activity Recognition", Advanced Science Letters, 13, 1, 427-430, 2012/06, ELSE2
"A Novel FPGA-based Hand Gesture Recognition System", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7, 221-229, 2012/05, EI
"A Fuzzy-Grey Model for Non-stationary Time Series Prediction", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 6, 1, 53-64, 2012/04, SCI
"Decentralized Fault Diagnosis and its Hardware Implementation for Distribution Substations", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 27, 2, 902-909, 2012/04, SCI
"Online Fault Diagnosis for Power Transmission Networks Using Fuzzy Digraph Models", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 27, 2, 688-698, 2012/04, SCI
"Data Preprocessing Using Hybrid General Regression Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimization for Remote Terminal Units", International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 10, 2, 1-8, 2012/04, SCI
"Fault diagnosis for distribution substations using fuzzy sagittal mapping analysis", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 35, 2, 129-140, 2012/03, SCI
"Fault diagnosis for distribution substations using fuzzy sagittal mapping analysis", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 35, 2, 129-140, 2012/03, SCI
"Fault Section Estimation for Power Networks Using Logic Cause-effect Models", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 26, 2, 963-971, 2011/04, SCI
"State-feedback stabilization for fuzzy bilinear uncertain system with disturbance via fuzzy control approach", International Journal of Systems Science, 1-10, 2011/04, SCI
"Fault Section Estimation Using Fuzzy Matrix-Based Reasoning Methods", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 26, 1, 205-213, 2011/01, SCI
"Performance Quantification for Distribution System Restoration", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 33, 4, 563-572, 2010/06, SCI
"Quantitative Decision-making Model for Distribution System Restoration", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25, 1, 313-321, 2010/02, SCI
"Evolution strategy based optimal chiller loading for saving energy", Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 1, 132-139, 2008/10, SCI
"The Study on Alternative View in Grey Correlational Analysis", The Journal of Grey System, 10, 3, 193-206, 2008/06, ELSE1
"A Grey-Based Approach for Distribution Network Reconfiguration", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 28, 5, 795-802, 2005/09, SCI
"Distribution System Restoration Using the Hybrid Fuzzy-Grey Method", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20, 1, 199-205, 2005/02, SCI
"Preference Ranking for Restoration Plans in Distribution Systems Based on Grey Relational Analysis", The Journal of Grey System, 16, 4, 29-34, 2004/12, SCI
"A Novel Approach to Develop a Measurement Model for Restoration Plan in Power Distribution Systems", Journal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 11, 3, 295-300, 2004/08, EI
"Improved ELBO-assisted Transformer for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition", The 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bilbao, 2023/09/24
"Multi-Trajectory Prediction of Pedestrian based on Deep Neural Network Architecture", The 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Hokkaido, 2023/08/11
"Application of Trajectory Prediction Based on Deep Learning in Different Scenarios", The 15th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, Seoul, 2023/05/06
"Traffic accident prediction from dashcam videos based on the UString model", the 5th International Conference on Image Proc. and Machine Vision, Macau, 2023/01/13
"Monocular Supervised Metric Distance Estimation for Autonomous Driving Applications", The 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Busan, 2022/11/27
"Edge Computing-based Road Condition Detection Systems for Vehicular Applications", Proceedings of the 9th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, 2022/09/05
"Implementation of a Real-time Uneven Pavement Detection System on FPGA Platforms", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, Taipei, 2022/07/06
"Traffic Accident Prediction from Dashcam Videos Based on the UString Model", The 5th International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision, Macau, 2022/01/13
"Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction for Driving Assistance", The 5th International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision, Macau, 2022/01/13
"Exploration of sensor-based activity recognition based on time series feature extraction", the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing, Kobe, 2021/09/06
"基於深度學習之嵌入式動作偵測系統", 25屆人工智慧研討會, 台北, 2020/12/03
"Pothole Detection and Avoidance via Deep Learning on Edge Devices", International Automatic Control Conference, Hsinchu, 2020/11/04
"Human Activity Recognition with Data Augmentation Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks", The 13th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Amsterdam, 2020/10/14
"Self-Attention Networks for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Devices", IEEE SMC, Toronto, 2020/10/11
"A Lightweight Pedestrian Detection Model for Edge Computing Systems", The 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, L'Aquila, 2020/06/16
"Integrating Multiscale Deformable Part Models and Convolutional Networks for Pedestrian Detection", The 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Prague, 2020/05/02
"Adaptive Backstepping-Based Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Hydro-Turbine Governor Control Design Considering Energy Losses Minimization", IEEE Int. Conf. Advanced Robotics and Mech, Osaka, 2019/07/03
"Comparisons of Machine Learning Algorithms for Driving Behavior Recognition Using In-Vehicle CAN Bus Data", the 9th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, Spokane, 2019/05/30
"3D Object Pose Estimation Using the Hybrid Mask-RCNN and Iterative Closest Point Approach", The 15th International Confernce on Automation Technology, Taichung, 2018/12/06
"Learning by Competition: Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks", The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing, Matsue, 2018/09/10
"Implementation of In-Home Activity Recognition Based on Web Service and Machine Learning Approaches", The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing, Matsue, 2018/09/10
"Application of micro hydro turbine power generation systems", THE 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (IFUZZY 2017), Kenting, 2017/11/12
"An Ensemble Approach to Activity Recognition Based on Binary Sensor Readings", IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services, 大連, 2017/10/12
"LSTM-RNNs Combined with Scene Information for Human Activity Recognition", IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services, 大連, 2017/10/12
"Adaptive Machine Learning on Activity Recognition Using Wearable Devices", the 24th Conference on Automation Technology, Taichung, 2016/11/04
"Activity Recognition Using Transfer Learning", The Fifth International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2016 (IMETI2016), Taichung, 2016/10/28
"Hybrid Predictive Current-Mode Control for Power Factor Corrector with On-line Parameter Tuning", 2016 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, Florence, 2016/10/23
"Activity Recognition for Healthcare Based on Slow Intelligence Systems", Proceedings of the 4th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2016, 京都, 2016/09/08
"Application of Slow Intelligence Framework for Smart Pet Care System Design", The 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pittsburgh, 2015/07/06
"A Study of Vision-Based Swimmer Tracking", 第十九屆行動計算研討會, 台南, 2014/08/26
"Applications of Slow Intelligence Frameworks for Energy-Saving Control", International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vancouver, 2014/06/30
"Swimming Activity Recognition Based on Slow Intelligence Systems", The 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Boston, 2013/06/27
"A Slow Intelligence Framework for Human Behavior Recognition Using Wearable Cameras", the 18th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Miami, 2012/08/09
"Implementation of Low-cost Vision-based Gesture Recognition Systems Based on FPGA Approach", International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung, 2012/06/04
"Inddor Activity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields", The 11th International Conference on Automation Technology, 雲林, 2011/11/18
"Intelligent Assistive Systems Based on the Fusion of RFID and Computer Vision Technologies", International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, Yangzhou, 2011/09/29
"The Analysis of Human Judgment Accuracy Using Decision Tree Models", International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, Bali, 2011/08/04
"A Framework for Vision-based Swimmer Tracking", International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering 2011, Bali, 2011/08/04
"Improving Temporal Error Concealment by GRNN in Video Communication", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Barcelona, 2011/07/11
"Noisy Data Regression Model Based on General Regression Neural Networks", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 台北, 2011/06/27
"人體骨架模型於姿態辨識應用之研究", 第六屆智慧生活科技研討會, 台中, 2011/06/03
"A Vedio Interactive User Interface Design of the Courseware for Children", 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Hangzhou, 2011/05/29
"An RFID-based approach to task assistance for people with dementia", Proceedings of 2010 Asia Pacific International Conference on RFID, 台北, 2010/12/02
"A vision-based system for improving hand hygiene in health care", International conference on Ubiquitous healthcare, 2010/10/28
"水產養殖用自動化監控系統之研製", 九十九年度農業工程研討會, 台灣台南, 2010/10/22
"A Fuzzy Relational Model for Fault Diagnosis", the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2010/08/17
"A Generic Framework for the Design of Visual-based Gesture Control Interface", IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010/06/15
"Region-based Object Detection Approach for Varying Complex Backgrounds", International Conference of Technology Innovation and Smart Living, Taipei County, Taiwan, 2010/06/04
"A Region-based Object Detection Approach for Varying Complex Backgrounds", International Conference of Technology Innovation and Smart Living, 板橋, 2010/06/04
"A Novel Multi-agent Framework for the Design of Intelligent Homes", 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2007/04/02
"Face recognition based on grey principal component analysis", The 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Taipei County, 2005/08/21
"Removing Decaying DC Component in Fault Currents via a New Modify Discrete Fourier Algorithm", IEEE PES 2005 General Meeting, San Francisco, 2005/06/12
"An Agent-Based Fault Diagnosis System for Power System Operations", International Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2004/12/15
"A Novel Approach to Mulit-objective Network Reconfiguration", International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, Jeju, 2004/10/25
"Genetic Algorithm Based Alarm Processing for Power Substations", International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, Jeju, 2004/10/25
"A Design Strategy for Multi-agent Based Intelligent Alarm Processor", 第13 屆自動化科技研討會, 台北, 2004/06/17
"The Application of Grey System Theory to Distribution System Service Restoration", The Joint Conference on AI, Fuzzy system, and Grey system, 台北, 2003/12/04
"Intelligent Alarm Processor based on Genetic Algorithms", Tenth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, 新竹, 2002/12/05