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"Detection of DNA hybridization by monitoring the change in the molecular permittivity using Field-Effect-Transistors", 2022化學年會, 台北, 2022/03/11
"Detecting the interaction between quercetin and CuCl2 by using Field Effect Transistors", 2021化學年會, 桃園, 2021/03/12
"Using Solution-Phase modified APTES on Silicon Dioxide at room temperature", 2021化學年會, 桃園, 2021/03/12
"Probing the surface potential of an electrode in an ionic solu-tion using the open-loop electric potential microscope (OL-EPM)", 2021化學年會, 桃園, 2021/03/12
"Silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors (FETs) for detection of biologically active molecular interactions", HYBER Symposium 2017, Helsinki, 2017/05/18
"Functional and structural simulation analysis of Glycoside Hydrolase Family 3 β-glucosidase from Uncultured Neocallimastix frontalis J11", 第22屆生物物理研討會, 高雄義守大學, 2017/05/17
"Structural of GH6 Orpinomyces sp. Y102 enzyme reveals its flexible loops function as the cellobiohydrolase and cellotrihydrolase activity", 第 14屆亞洲結晶協會會議, 河內, 2016/12/04
"Detection of histidine/Ni-NTA interaction in the physiological-pH environment using silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors", 6th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, 雅典, 2016/09/27
"Detection of electrically neutral and nonpolar molecules in ionic solutions using silicon nanowire field effect transistors", 6th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, 雅典, 2016/09/27
"Silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors for the detection of the biologically active molecular interactions", 第三次與大阪府立大學交流研討會, 大阪府立大學, 2016/09/05
"The structure and sequence analysis of glycoside hydrolase family 3 enzymes", 二十一屆生物物理年會, 新竹, 2016/05/19
"Improving Nanowire Sensing Capability by Electrical Field Alignment of Surface Probing Molecules", 2014物理年會, 台中 中興大學, 2014/01/21
"Structural and functional study of the Eukaryotic Orpinomyces sp. Y102 OsCel6 catalytic domain C7", 2013 Asian Crystallographic Association Meeting (AsCA'13), hong kong, 2013/12/07
"Detection of ATP synthase activated modified liposomes using silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors", 本校成果展, 台北, 2013/05/20
"以分子印跡技術及矽奈米線場效應電晶體偵測多巴胺", 本校成果展, 台北, 2013/05/20
"Caffeic acid-loaded chitosan/cellulose composite films as active packagings for β-carotene preservation", 台灣保健食品學會2012年會員大會暨�ヲ抳P過敏研討會, 高雄, 2013/03/23
"Improved Nanowire Sensors by Electrical Field Alignment of Surface Probing Molecules", 2013物理年會, 花蓮, 2013/01/29
"Detection of ATP induced proton pumping in F0F1-ATPase modified liposomes using silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors", 102 物理年會, 花蓮, 2013/01/29
"Structural modelling and kinetic studies for Uncultured Neocallimastigales 1,4-β-Dxylanase", 2012 AsCA, 阿得列德, 2012/12/02
"Detection of the interaction between enzyme and substrate by silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors", Taiwan-Mongolia Joint Symposium on Science Education, 烏蘭巴托, 2012/06/25
"外切型纖維素水解�悚獐甡懇硎c分析", 第十七屆生化工程研討會, 高雄, 2012/06/25
"Structural modeling and kinetic studies for xylanase, xynR8", 第十七屆生物物理聯合研討會 (The 17th Joint Biophysics Conference), 台北, 2012/05/23
"Structural and functional studies of the active-sites in four glycoside hydrolase beta-jellyroll families", 第22屆國際結晶學會, 馬德里, 2011/08/22
"Structural and functional studies of the active-sites in four glycoside hydrolase beta-jellyroll families", 第十六屆生物物理聯合研討會 (The 15th Joint Biophysics Conference, 花蓮東華大學, 2011/05/18
"Nanowire-field-effect-transistor based molecular sensors with very high sensitivity", 2011物理年會, 台北, 2011/01/25
"Structural comparison of glycosyl hydrolase family 16 enzymes", 99年中國化學年會, 台北, 2010/11/03
"Structure and function of the Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase mutants F40I and W203F in complex with inhibitors", 第十屆亞洲結晶學會, 釜山, 2010/10/31
"Detection of Alcohol using Porphyrin Modified Silicon-Nanowire Field-Effect-Transistors", 98學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 臺北醫學大學, 台北, 2010/05/31
"Crystal structure of Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase mutant W203F in complex with inhibitors", 98學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會, 台北, 2010/05/31
"Detection of Alcohol using Porphyrin Modified Silicon-Nanowire Field-Effect-Transistors", 第16屆化學感測器年會, 台北, 2010/05/23
"Crystal structure of Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase mutant W203F in complex with inhibitors", 第十五屆生物物理聯合研討會 (The 15th Joint Biophysics Conference, 台北, 2010/05/19
"Detection of Alcohol using Porphyrin Modified Silicon-Nanowire Field-Effect-Transistors", National Taipei University of Technology-Okayama Univrsity, 台北, 2010/03/15
"Structural modeling studies at the active site of family 16 glycosyl hydrolases", National Taipei University of Technology-Okayama Univrsity, 台北, 2010/03/15
"Kinetic and Structural Studies of the Twelve Mutant Structures of Truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-Glucanase", National Taipei University of Technology-Okayama Univrsity, 台北, 2010/03/15
"Detection of bio-molecular charge using silicon-on-insulator based nanowire field-effect-transistors", 99年物理年會, 台南, 2010/02/03
"Alcohol detection using iron-porphyrin modified silicon-nanowires field effect transistors", 2009台灣化學工程學會56週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會, 台中, 2009/11/27
"Crystal structures of Fibrobacter succinogenes1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase F40I and W203F mutants in complex with inhibitors", 分子生物研究所第一屆研究壁報展, 台北, 2009/07/10
"Crystal structures of Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase mutants in complex with inhibitors", 第十四屆生物物理聯合研討會, 台南成功大學, 2009/06/24
"Purification and characterization of a chimeric 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase and β-1,4-xylanase enzyme", 第十二屆美洲華人生物科學學會國際學術研討會, 台北中央研究院, 2009/06/14
"Detection of bio-molecular charge using silicon-on-insulator based nanowire field-effect-transistors", 98年的物理年會, 彰化, 2009/01/19
"Structures of Phe40Ile and Trp203Phe mutants of Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase reveal the importance of sugar-aromatic CH–pi stacking interactions", The 6th Asian Biophysical Association (ABA) Symposium, 香港, 2009/01/11
"Alignment of immobilized molecules with parallel electrical fields", 97化學年會, 彰化, 2008/12/05
"Mutagenesis and Structural Studies of the Substrate Binding Cavity of Truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-Glucanase", 第十三屆生物物理新知研討會, 台中-惠蓀林場, 2008/05/21
"Surface Modification of Iron(II)-Porphyrin on Silicon Nanowires", Taiwan - Japan International Symposium on Organic Chemistry and Molecular Science, 台北, 2008/04/18
"Purification of GST-MyD88", Taiwan - Japan International Symposium on Organic Chemistry and Molecular Science, 台北, 2008/04/18
"Cloning and purification of a bifunctional fusion enzyme of 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase and β-1,4-xylanase", Taiwan - Japan International Symposium on Organic Chemistry and Molecular Science, 台北, 2008/04/18
"Rationale for Differential Carbohydrate Recognition by Barley and Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-Glucanases", FBIT 2007, 濟州島, 2007/10/11
"Over-expression and purification of GST-MyD88", 第十二屆生物物理新知研討會, 新竹, 2007/05/23
"Complex Structure of Lichenase and β-1,4-1,3-Cellotriose Reveals its Substrate Binding Conformation and Cleavage Mechanism", 九十三年化學年會, 台中 (中興大學), 2004/10/26