"A Study on Sustainability Indicators for Energy Companies in Viet Nam", Sustainability, 2025/01, SSCI
"Incorporating grey relational analysis into decomposition ensemble models for forecasting air passenger demand", Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 2024/12, SCI
"Optimizing Supply Chain Design under Demand Uncertainty with Quantity Discount Policy", Mathematics, 2024/11, SCI
"Applying Fermatean Fuzzy Sets in Sustainable Development Assessment: A Case Study in the Wire and Cable Sector", Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2024/10, SCI
"Performance Evaluation of Logistics Service Providers under Uncertain Environment Using a Modified DANP-mV Model", Studies in Informatics and Control, 33, 3, 61-71, 2024/09, SCI
"An Optimization Approach for the Assort-packing and Distribution Problem of Franchise Clothing Industry", 中原企管評論, 22, 2, 49-72, 2024/08, ELSE1
"Last-mile Delivery During COVID-19: A Systematic Review of Parcel Locker Adoption and Consumer Experience", Acta Psychologica, 249, 2024/08, SSCI
"Allocating Students to Internship Units Using Integer Programming", 管理與系統, 2024/07, TSSCI
"Sustainable Solutions in E-commerce: An Examination of Customer Acceptance of Automated Delivery Stations in Vietnam", Sustainability, 2024/05, SSCI
"Electric Vehicle Adoption Barriers in Thailand", Sustainability, 2024/02, SSCI
"An optimization approach to berth allocation problems", Mathematics, 2024/02, SCI
"Inventory Stockpiling and Covid-19 Pandemic Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese firms", Applied Economics Letters, 2023/10, SCI
"Is it good to hold more cash before the pandemic? A case of Taiwanese firms", Heliyon, 2023/05, SCI
"Analysis of Key Factors for Green Supplier Selection: A Case Study of the Electronics Industry in Vietnam", Sustainability, 2023/04, SSCI
"Applying a Hybrid MCDM Model to Evaluate Green Supply Chain Management Practices", Sustainability, 2023/02, SSCI
"Identification of applicable YouTuber for sustainable hotel development: A case of integrated hybrid fuzzy-based MCDM model", Sustainability, 2022/09, SSCI
"Evaluating the sustainable development of semiconductor industry using BWM and Fuzzy TOPSIS", Sustainability, 2022/08, SSCI
"Performance Evaluation of Food and Beverage Listed Companies in Vietnam", Computers, Materials & Continua, 73, 2, 3575-3593, 2022/05, SCI
"Managerial Ability, Financial Constraints, and the Value of Cash Holding", Applied Economics Letters, 29, 5, 462-468, 2022/05, SCI
"How to Achieve Passenger Satisfaction in the Airport? Findings from Regression Analysis and Necessary Condition Analysis Approaches Through Online Airport Reviews", Sustainability, 14, 2151, 1-20, 2022/02, SSCI
"Solving Patient Allocation Problem during an Epidemic Dengue Fever Outbreak by Mathematical Modelling", Healthcare, 10, 163, 1-13, 2022/01, SSCI
"A Hybrid Model with Spherical Fuzzy-AHP, PLS-SEM and ANN to Predict Vaccination Intention against COVID-19", Mathematics, 2021, 9, 1-26, 2021/11, SCI
"A Hybrid Spherical Fuzzy MCDM Approach to Prioritize Governmental Intervention Strategies against the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study from Vietnam", Mathematics, 2021, 9, 2021/10, SCI
"An AHP and fuzzy AHP multi-factor decision-making approach for technology and supplier selection in the high-functionality textile industry", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68, 4, 1112-1125, 2021/08, SSCI
"Impacts of Environmental Certificate and Pollution Abatement Equipment on SMEs’Performance: An Empirical Case in Vietnam", Sustainability, 2021, 13, 1-17, 2021/08, SSCI
"Unemployment Rates Forecasting with Grey- based Models at Post-COVID-19 Period: A Case Study from Vietnam", Sustainability, 2021, 13, 1-27, 2021/07, SSCI
"Selecting Bloggers for Hotels via an Innovative Mixed MCDM Model", Mathematics, 9, 13, 1555, 2021/07, SCI
"Analysis of Key Factors for Supplier Selection in Taiwan’s Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Displays Industry", Mathematics, 9, 396, 2021/02, SCI
"An Optimized Fractional Grey Prediction Model for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Forecasting", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 2, 587, 2021/01, SSCI
"Managerial ability, financial constraints, and the value of cash holding", Applied Economic Letters, 2021/01, SSCI
"Bankruptcy prediction using multivariate grey prediction models", Grey Systems: Theory and Application, 11, 1, 46-62, 2021/01, SCI
"Determinants of Share Prices of Listed Companies Operating in the Steel Industry: An Empirical Case from Vietnam", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 12, 131-138, 2020/12, ELSE2
"Assessing the Unemployment Problem Using A Grey MCDM Model under COVID-19 Impacts: A Case Analysis from Vietnam", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 12, 53-62, 2020/12, ELSE2
"A Grey MCDM Based on DEMATEL Model for Real Estate Evaluation and Selection Problems: A Numerical Example", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 11, 549-556, 2020/11, ELSE2
"Influencing Factors of the International Payment Service Quality at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 10, 241-254, 2020/10, ELSE2
"Estimating Sustainable Development Performance in the Electrical Wire and Cable Industry: Applying the Integrated Fuzzy MADM Approach", Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 1-13, 2020/08, SCI
"Stock Investment of Agriculture Companies in the Vietnam Stock Exchange Market: An AHP Integrated with GRA-TOPSIS-MOORA Approaches", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 7, 113-121, 2020/07, ELSE2
"Finding all global optima of engineering design problems with discrete signomial terms", Engineering Optimization, 52, 1, 165-184, 2020/01, SCI&EI
"An AHP and fuzzy AHP multi-factor decision-making approach for technology and supplier selection in the high-functionality textile industry", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019/07, SSCI
"A coordinated production planning model with capacity expansion for supply chain networks", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 13, 4, 435-460, 2019/06, SCI
"Optimal Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing", Symmetry, 10, 12, 756, 2018/12, SCI&EI
"An Efficient Deterministic Approach to Optimal Design of Reliable Networks", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY, 67, 2, 598-608, 2018/06, SCI&EI
"Establishing Grey Criteria Similarity Measures for Multi-criteria Recommender Systems", The Journal of Grey System, 30, 1, 194-207, 2018/01, SCI
"A Novel Grey Prediction Model Combining Markov Chain with Functional-Link Net and Its Application to Foreign Tourist Forecasting", Information, 126, 8, 1-13, 2017/10, EI
"A Global Optimization Approach for Storage Location Assignment Problems", Journal of Management & Systems, 2017/07, TSSCI
"A superior linearization method for signomial discrete functions in solving three-dimensional open-dimension rectangular packing problems", Engineering Optimization, 2016/12, SCI&EI
"A global optimization approach for solving three-dimensional open dimension rectangular packing problems", Optimization, 64, 12, 2601-2618, 2015/09, SCI&EI
"Comparisons of break points selection strategies for piecewise linear approximation", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 4, 3, 247-250, 2015/07, ELSE2
"A Heuristic Algorithm for TwoDimensional Rectangular Packing Problems", International Journal of Innovation in Management, 3, 1, 1-8, 2015/02, ELSE2
"A deterministic global approach for mixed-discrete structural optimization", Engineering Optimization, 46, 7, 863-879, 2014/07, SCI&EI
"Design Optimization of a Speed Reducer Using Deterministic Techniques", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2014/01, SCI&EI
"Ant Colony Optimization for Social Utility Maximization in a Multiuser Communication System", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 2014/01, SCI&EI
"Ant colony optimization for social utility maximization in a multiuser communication system", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013/12, SCI
"Design optimization of a speed reducer using deterministic techniques", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013/12, SCI
"Competence Set Expansion for Production Process Planning", NTU Management Review, 23, 2, 263-296, 2013/06, TSSCI
"An improved framework for solving NLIPs with signomial terms in the objective or constraints to global optimality", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 53, 44-54, 2013/06, SCI
"Optimization Theory, Methods, and Applications in Engineering", Mathematical problems in engineering, 2012, 759548, 1-7, 2012/08, SCI
"A Review of Deterministic Optimization Methods in Engineering and Management", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 756023, 1-15, 2012/08, SCI
"Solving Packing Problems by a Distributed Global Optimization Algorithm", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 931092, 1-13, 2012/08, SCI
"Solving Engineering Optimization Problems by a Deterministic Global Approach", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 6, 7S, 21S-27S, 2012/07, SCI
"Optimal expansion of competence sets with multilevel skills", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62, 3, 770-776, 2012/04, SCI&EI
"Range reduction techniques for improving computational efficiency in global optimization of signomial geometric programming problems", European Journal of Operational Research, 216, 1, 17-25, 2012/01, SCI
"Finding multiple solutions of signomial discrete programming problems with free variables", Optimization and Engineering, 12, 3, 425-443, 2011/09, SCI
"An efficient global approach for posynomial geometric programming problems", INFORMS Journal on Computing, 23, 3, 483-492, 2011/07, SCI
"Global Optimization for Signomial Discrete Programming Problems in Engineering Design", Engineering Optimization, 42, 9, 833-843, 2010/09, SCI
"An Optimization Algorithm for Cutting Stock Problems in the Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display Industry", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57, 3, 913-919, 2009/10, SCI
"Budget Allocation in a Competitive Communication Spectrum Economy", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009, 1-12, 2009/04, SCI
"Evaluating classification performances of single-layer perceptron with a Choquet fuzzy integral-based neuron", Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 2, 1793-1800, 2009/03, SCI&EI
"Treating free variables in generalized geometric programming problems", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 33, 1, 239-243, 2009/01, SCI
"Global Optimization of Signomial Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems with Free Variables", Journal of Global Optimization, 42, 1, 39-49, 2008/09, SCI&EI
"Convex Underestimation for Posynomial Functions of Positive Variables", Optimization Letters, 3, 2, 333-340, 2008/06, SCI
"Optimize a Supply Chain Schedule under Variable Cost Functions", Journal of Management & Systems, 15, 2, 261-286, 2008/04, TSSCI
"A Distributed Computation Algorithm for Solving Portfolio Problems with Integer Variables", European Journal of Operational Research, 186, 2, 882-891, 2008/04, SCI
"Finding Multiple Solutions to General Integer Linear Programs", European Journal of Operational Research, 184, 2, 802-809, 2008/01, SCI
"Fusing fuzzy association rule-based classifiers using Sugeno integral with ordered weighted averaging operators", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 15, 6, 717-735, 2007/12, SCI&EI
"The Design of a 2D Stock Cutting Decision Support System", Journal of Management & Systems, 14, 4, 1- 24, 2007/10, TSSCI
"Finding all solutions of systems of nonlinear equations with free variables", Engineering Optimization, 39, 6, 649-659, 2007/09, SCI
"On Generalized Geometric Programming Problems with Non-positive Variables", European Journal of Operational Research, 178, 1, 10-19, 2007/04, SCI
"An optimization approach for supply chain management models with various quantity discount policies", European Journal of Operational Research, 177, 2, 982-994, 2007/03, SCI
"Backpropagation multi-layer perceptron for incomplete pairwise comparison matrices in analytic hierarchy process", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 180, 1, 53-62, 2006/09, SCI
"A Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems", Engineering Optimization, 38, 6, 687-700, 2006/09, SCI
"An optimization approach for solving signomial discrete programming problems with free variables", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 30, 1256-1263, 2006/06, SCI
"Treating Free Variables in Generalized Geometric Global Optimization Programs", Journal of Global Optimization, 33, 4, 13, 2005/12, SCI
"Integrating Data Envelopment Analysis with Principal Component Analysis for Performance Analysis", International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 11, 4, 12, 2005/12, ELSE2
"On Optimization Approach for Multidisk Vertical Allocation Problems", European Journal of Operational Research, 165, 3, 8, 2005/09, SCI
"Global Optimization for Nonlinear Fractional Programming Problems in Engineering Design", Engineering Optimization, 37, 4, 11, 2005/06, SCI
"A Distributed Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54, 4, 7, 2003/04, SSCI
"Approximately Global Optimization for Assortment Problems Using Piecewise Linearization Techniques", European Journal of Operational Research, 140, 3, 6, 2002/08, SCI
"A Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 19, 1, 8, 2002/01, EI
"Global Optimization for Signomial Discrete Programming Problems in Engineering Design", Engineering Optimization, 34, 6, 10, 2002/01, SCI
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Generalized Geometric Programming: Mixed Continuous and Discrete Free Variables, the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Optimization, 1, Springer, 978-0-387-74758-3, 2009/01/01
"An efficient linear reformulation for project portfolio optimization problems", 33rd European conference on Operational Research, 哥本哈根, 2024/06/30
"An efficient optimization approach for three-dimensional packing problems", ICIAM2023, Tokyo, 2023/08/20
"Root system of olive trees( Olea Europaed L.) based on runoff harvesting system during dry period", ICESI 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"An optimization approach for the assort-packing and distribution problem of franchise clothing industry", ICBBD 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"Performance Evaluation and Development Strategy of Domestic Listed Game Companies", ICBBD 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"Performance Evaluation of Industrial Communication Device Industry in Taiwan Using Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis", ICBBD 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"A study on the assignment of students to internship units", ICBBD 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"A study on the competitive advantages of semiconductor equipment suppliers", ICBBD 2019, 東京, 2019/08/22
"Evaluating the strategies of sustainable development in electrical wire and cable industry-using the fuzzy MADM methods", The 48th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 48), Auckland, 2018/12/02
"Forecasting the Total Coffee Consumption in Vietnam Using Time Series Model", International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, 2018/08/22
"A Study of Key Factors Affecting Resident Care Attendant Retention", International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, 2018/08/22
"Performance Evaluation of the Passive Components Industry in Taiwan by DEA", International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, 2018/08/22
"Analysis of Key Factors for Supplier Selection in TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan", International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, 2018/08/22
"The Consumer Influential Factors of Choosing Infant Formula", International Conference on Business, Big-Data, and Decision Sciences (ICBBD), Bangkok, 2017/08/02
"A Study of Packing Problems for the Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant Unit", International Conference on Business, Big-Data, and Decision Sciences (ICBBD), Bangkok, 2017/08/02
"The Key Determinants Affecting International Budget Travelers’ Decision to Revisit the Kingdom of Thailand", International Conference on Business, Big-Data, and Decision Sciences (ICBBD), Bangkok, 2017/08/02
"A study of auto-carrier loading problems", International Conference on Business, Big-Data, and Decision Sciences (ICBBD), Bangkok, 2017/08/02
"Performance evaluation of Taiwan listed biotechnology drug development companies", ICBIT 2016, 吉隆坡, 2016/08/03
"Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Performance and Development Strategies of International Tourist Hotels in Taipei", ICBIT 2016, 吉隆坡, 2016/08/03
"A Global Approach for Storage Location Problems in a Distribution Center", EURO 2016, Poznan, 2016/07/03
"A study of the location selection problem of distribution centers in the logistic industry", 2015 ICBIS, 台北, 2015/08/05
"Analysis on the Key Factors for Finding the Location of Patra Niaga’s MFO Service in Indonesia with AHP", 2015 ICBIS, 台北, 2015/08/05
"A study of 2D cutting stock problems with different size raw materials", 2015 ICBIS, 台北, 2015/08/05
"A Portfolio Optimization Model Applied to Portfolio Selection in Taiwan Stock Market", International Conference on Innovation and Management, Sapporo, 2015/07/14
"Comparisons of break points selection strategies for piecewise linear approximation", International Conference on Control Engineering and Electronics Engineering, Chengdu, 2015/04/18
"A Heuristic Algorithm for TwoDimensional Rectangular Packing Problems", International Conference on Innovation and Management, Singapore, 2015/02/03
"Measuring the efficiency of Taiwan listed semiconductor companies by data envelopment analysis", International Conference on Business and Information, Osaka, 2014/07/03
"Inventory Management of a Supply Chain with Uncertain Demand", The 8th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Tokyo, 2013/08/05
"Optimal Design of a Speed Reducer", International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Hong Kong, 2013/07/26
"A Study of Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems", International conference on e-CASE & e-Tech, Kitakyushu, 2013/04/03
"Portfolio Selection Problems with Currency Exchange Rates", International conference on e-CASE & e-Tech, Kitakyushu, 2013/04/03
"A Global optimization approach for three dimensional rectangular packing problems", The 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, 2012/07/08
"A study of berth planning optimization problems", International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, 2012/07/03
"Performance Evaluation of Taiwan Listed Construction Companies by Data Envelopment Analysis", International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, 2012/07/03
"Green Supply Chain Management Models with Quantity Discounts", International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, 2012/07/03
"A Study on Currency Arbitrage Models", International conference on e-CASE & e-Tech, Hong Kong, 2012/03/30
"A Decision Support System of Currency Arbitrage", International conference on e-CASE & e-Tech, Hong Kong, 2012/03/30
"Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for Engineering Design Problems", International Conference on System Science and Engineering, Macao, 2011/06/08
"An Analysis of Online Banking Adopters and Non-Adopters By E-Lifestyle Using Self-Organizing Map", 2011 e-CASE & e-Tech Conference, 東京, 2011/01/18
"Optimal expansion of competence sets with multilevel skills", The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Hyogo, 2010/07/25
"An efficient global optimization approach for solving MINLP problems", The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Hyogo, 2010/07/25
"A superior piecewise linearization approach for assortment problems", 24th European Conference on Operations Research, Lisbon, 2010/07/11
"An efficient global approach for portfolio optimization problems", International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, 2010/07/05
"Supply chain management models with quantity discounts and reverse logistics", International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, 2010/07/05
"A decision support system of 2D stock cutting problems with multi-size raw materials", International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, 2010/07/05
"Optimization of container space allocation", International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, 2010/07/05
"Global Optimization Approach for Nonconvex Programming Problems", The 4th Sino-Japanese Optimization Meeting, Tainan, 2008/08/27
"Analysis of Competitive Economy Equilibrium Solution for Spectrum Management in Weak-Interference Market", The Ninth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Boston, 2008/05/10
"Comparison of Competitive Economy Equilibrium and Nash Equilibrium Solutions for Spectrum Allocation in Weak-Interference Networks", Sensors 2008: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Shalimar, 2008/04/24
"Global Optimization for Nonlinear Integer Programming", 2008 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Atlanta, 2008/03/14
"The design of a hybrid approach global optimization system", International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, 2007/07/11
"Common weight models in DEA", International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, 2007/07/11
"On Cycle Demand Inventory Models with Quantity Discount Policy", The INFORMS 2006 International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006/06/25
"Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems by Piecewise Linearization Techniques", The INFORMS 2006 International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006/06/25
"A Design of Global Optimization System", The INFORMS 2006 International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006/06/25
"Score Maximization versus Rank Minimization in DEA", The INFORMS 2006 International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006/06/25
"A Design of Optimal Human Resources Allocation System", The 6th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2005), Manila, 2005/12/04
"A cutting and manufacturing optimization support system", The 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, 2005/06/19
"A cutting and manufacturing optimization method for TFT-LCD industry", The 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, 2005/06/19
"Salespersons evaluation using data envelopment analysis and normalized weight vectors", The 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, 2005/06/19
"An Improved Algorithm for Training Feedforward Neural Network", 1st International Computer Engineering Conference – New Technologies for the Information Society (ICENCO’2004), Cairo, 2004/12/27
"Ranking DMUs with cluster analysis and DEA", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2004), Gold Coast, 2004/12/12
"Genetic Algorithm Applied in Improving Accuracy of Training Neural Network", The Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2004), Gold Coast, 2004/12/12
"Integrating DEA Weight and PCA into Performance Improvement", Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-V), Seoul, 2004/10/25
"Boosting discrimination of decision-making units with Kohonen self-organization map", The 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM 2004), Whistler, 2004/08/06
"Solving Supply Chain Management Models with Various Discount Cost Functions", The 33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jeju, 2004/03/25
"Convexification Strategies for Signomial Programming Problems", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (IEMP 03), Porto, 2003/05/26
"A global approach for Nonlinear Fractional Programming", The 6th Applied Mathematical and Modelling (APMOD 2002), Varenna(Lecco), 2002/06/17