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"Fabrication of efficient thermoacoustic device with an interdigitated-like electrode on indium tin oxide glass", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, 10, 106702-1-4, 2016/09, SCI
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"Improvement and Noise reduction for the Active Air Inlet Quick Burner by Using Dispersive Combustion Method", American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 1, 1, 1-8, 2014/03, ELSE2
"Investigating the Optimum Efficiency of Acoustoelectric Conversion Plate Devices", International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2014/03, ELSE2
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"Developing the Fabrication Technique with Low Energy Consumption of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 7th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, and 11th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2013/07/14
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"利用 Color Full-Scale Schlieren 進行排油煙機流場改善研究", 第二十一屆中華民國振動與噪音工程學術研討會, 臺北, 2013/06/29
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"Developing the Coaxial Dual Heat Pipe for Applications of Heat Pipe Cooler", ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2010/11/12
"Experimental Study on Reversal Structure of Photoelectrode in DSSCs", ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2010/11/12
"Efficiency Improvement of the DSSCs by Building the Carbon Black as Bridge in Photoelectrode", 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Aachen, 2009/08/31
"Design and Investigation of a Roadway System for Waste Gas Reduction, Energy Storage, and Electric Generation", 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Aachen, 2009/08/31
"Measuring the Temperature Dependence of Photoelectric Conversion Efficiency with DSSCs", 2009 US-EU-china Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy, 北京, 2009/05/28
"Reducing Noise of the Active Air Inlet Quick Burner Using the Dispersing Combustion Method", The seventh Asian-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 台北, 2009/05/24
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"Experimental Data for Research on the Shielding Effect of Electromagnetic Wave", The 31st National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kaohsiung, 2007/12/21
"Experimental Studies of Logical Control Action for the Combined System of Wind Forced Chiller and Generator", The 31st National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kaohsiung, 2007/12/21
"Absorption Spectra Analysis of Natural Dyes for Applications in Dye-Sensitized Nano Solar Cells", The 31st National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kaohsiung, 2007/12/21
"Manufacture of Dye-Sensitized Nano Solar Cells and their I-V Curve Measurements", International Conference on Advanced Manufacture, Tainan, 2007/11/26
"Viscosity Analysis for Development of the Industrial Bio-Lubricants Based on the Soybean Oils", World Renewable Energy Conference, Taipei, 2007/10/30
"Measurements and Analysis of Pipe Flow Noise for the Quick Burner", The 15th National Conference on Sound and Vibration, Taipei, 2007/06/16
"Fabrication and Water Vapor Condensation Tests of Micro-grain Side for Studying the Lotus Effect", The 30th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Changhwa, 2006/12/15
"Development of Micro-Schlieren Technique for Flow Visualization", AASRC/CCAS Joint Conference, Jhongli, 2006/12/10
"Micro-Heatflow Visualization using Micro-Schlieren Technique", 23th conference of mechanical engineering, Tainan, 2006/11/24
"Efficiency Analysis of a Wind Forced Chiller", Energy, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Conference (ERAC), Taipei, 2006/09/16
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"Acoustic properties of Ni3Si intermetallic materials", Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials, 2005 TMS Annual Meeting, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 2005/02/13
"Investigation of the effect of color mask on the sensitivity of color schlieren imaging", AASRC/CCAS Joint Conference, Taichung, 2004/12/12
"The improvement of color schlieren technique by using an LCD projector", AASRC/CCAS Joint Conference, Taichung, 2004/12/12
"Preliminary study of confocal fabry-perot interferometer for ultrasound medial imaging", IEEE International Workshop on BioMedical Circuits & Systems, 2004/12/01
"Application of Microwave Plasma Torch for synthesizing Nano Semiconductor Powder", 21th conference of mechanical engineering, Kaohsiung, 2004/11/26
"Characterization of Nano Diamond Powder prepared by Microwave Plasma Torch", IUMRS-ICA 2004, Hsinchu, 2004/11/16
"Growth and Characterization of Nano Diamond Powder prepared by Microwave Plasma Torch", 13th Semi-conducting and insulating Materials Conference, Peiking, 2004/09/20
"Deformation of Shock and Vortex during their Interaction on the Hypersonic Configuration ELAC1c in the Supersonic Flow", The 27th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, 2003/11/12
"Heat Transfer Measurements and Flow Visualizations in Supersonic Flow", 13. DGLR/STAB - Symposium, Munich, 2002/11/13
"Heat Transfer Measurements in Supersonic Flow using the Liquid Crystal Display Technique", 11th AIAA/AAAF International Conference, Orleans, 2002/09/29