
計算物理研究小組Computational Physics Research Group本實驗室主要進行電漿、計算流體力學與熱傳學等相關研究


Wang, C.-C., Tsai, Y.-C., and Chang, M.-F., "Numerical Study of DBD Plasma Actuator for Flow Control of a Flapping Wing," The 8th Taiwan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (TWSIAM2020) Annual Meeting, p.22, Tainan, Taiwan, July 24-25, 2020.

Wang, C.-C., Tsai, Y.-C., and Chang, M.-F., "Numerical Study of DBD Plasma Actuator for Flow Control of a Flapping Wing," The 8th Taiwan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (TWSIAM2020) Annual Meeting, p.22, Tainan, Taiwan, July 24-25, 2020.
