
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Associate Professor/Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Journal articles

  • "Applying Deep Learning to Construct a Defect Detection System for Ceramic Substrates", Applied Science, 12, 2269, 16, 2022/02, ELSE2
  • "On a Dual Sourcing Policy in Two-sided Disruptive Supply Chain", Proceeding of the 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014, 2014/11, EI
  • "Ordering and pricing policies under vendor managed inventory and consignment arrangements", International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 21, 453-468, 2010/12, TSSCI
  • "On channel coordination under price-dependent revenue-sharing: Can eBay's fee structure coordinate the channel?", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2010/12, SSCI
  • "Channel coordination under consignment and vendor-managed inventory in a distribution system", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46, 6, 831-843, 2010/11, SSCI
  • "Coordinating a channel with a joint VMI and consignment contract for a deteriorating item and stock dependent demand", Proceedings of IEEE The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 1306-1310, 2010/10, EI

Conference papers

  • "特徵聯合模式應用於新冠肺炎肺部影像分類", 2021 中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 台南國立成功大學, 2021/11/20
  • "Improving Automotive Aftermarket Industry Online Channels by Integrated SERVQUAL and Kano Model into QFD", The 12th International Conference & the 11th Global Competition on Systematic Innovation, Guangdong, 2021/10/16
  • "Identifying Key Factors for Selection of Retirement Planning Services: An AHP Approach", The 12th International Conference & the 11th Global Competition on Systematic Innovation, Guangdong, 2021/10/16
  • "A Dynamic Pricing Parking System in Urban Area with a Reservation based Mode", International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management, 臺中市, 2021/08/29
  • "轉型OBM之策略與數位行銷通路選擇之研究", 2021經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2021/06/18
  • "DM商品促銷模式效益研究—以全聯福利中心為例", 第十五屆國際貿易與企業經營學術研討會, Taipei, 2021/05/28
  • "B2B 中小企業跨境電商之競爭優勢-以阿里巴巴平台為例", 第二十二屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 彰化縣 大葉大學, 2021/05/28
  • "LINE 官方帳號促銷推播之效益研究-以全聯福利中心例", 2021國立臺北大學企管系學術研討會, Taipei, 2021/05/07
  • "On a Dual Sourcing Policy in Two-sided Disruptive Supply Chain", The 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014 (IEEM 2014), Zhuhai, 2014/11/01
  • "Ordering and Pricing Policies under Vendor Managed Inventory and Consignment Arrangements", IEEE The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Xiamen, 2010/10/29
  • "考慮模糊成本之指定回送逆向供應鏈模式建構", 海峽兩岸科技與人文教育暨產學合作研討會, 台中, 2008/12/04
  • "產品型態變更方案中供應商評選模式建置", 海峽兩岸科技與人文教育暨產學合作研討會, 台中, 2008/12/04
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