
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Electrical Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Hour Ahead Photovoltaic Output Forecasting using Wavelet-ANFIS", Mathematics, 9, 19, 1-14, 2021/10, SCI
  • "一、二次套管不浸 油之桿上變壓器研究開發", 台電工程月刊, 858, 27-37, 2020/02, ELSE1
  • "應用EMTP軟體於超高壓發電廠之鐵磁共振分析", 台電工程月刊, 837, 61-70, 2018/05, ELSE1
  • "k-Nearest Neighbor Neural Network Models for Very Short-Term Global Solar Irradiance Forecasting Based on Meteorological Data", Energies, 10, 2, 1-18, 2017/02, SCI
  • "Promoting the surge immunity techniques of an uninterruptible hydro plant power system under the surge environment of high exposure", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 82, 274-280, 2016/11, SCI
  • "Risk assessment of surge current generated by spark discharges on open contacts of small power relays", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 10, 4, 883-888, 2016/03, SCI
  • "A Time-Driven and Event-Driven Approach for Substation Feeder Incident Analysis", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 74, 9-15, 2016/01, SCI
  • "Half-Interval Method applied in Feeder Terminal Unit Overcurrent Detecting Curve Setting", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30, 4, 1898-1905, 2015/08, SCI
  • "Adaptive Overcurrent Relay Coordination for Off-Peak Loading in Interconnected Power System", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 63, 140-144, 2014/12, SCI
  • "Determination of Optimal Drop Height in Free-Fall Shock Test Using Regression Analysis and Back-Propagation Neural Network", Shock and Vibration, 1-10, 2014/08, SCI
  • "A Hybrid MCDM Model for Improving GIS-Based Solar Farms Site Selection", International Journal of Photoenergy, 2014, 1-9, 2014/08, EI
  • "Optimal Demand Response of Smart Home with PV Generators", International Journal of Photoenergy, 1-9, 2014/07, EI
  • "A Novel Hybrid Model for Short-Term Forecasting in PV Power Generation", International Journal of Photoenergy, 2014, 1-9, 2014/07, EI
  • "System Simulation and Implementation of SIPS in Taiwan", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-10, 2014/05, SCI
  • "Optimization of the wind turbine layout and transmission system planning for a large-scale offshore wind farm by AI technology", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 50, 3, 2071-2080, 2014/05, SCI
  • "Optimal overcurrent relay coordination in power distribution system using a new approach", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 45, 1, 217-222, 2013/02, SCI
  • "Analytical Model and Experimental Evaluation of a Long Cylindrical Polyurethane Plastic Elastomer for a Shock Test in a Free-Fall Shock Machine", Storage Management Solutions, 2013/01, EI
  • "Evaluation of an 81R Relay in a UFLS System", Storage Management Solutions, 2013/01, EI
  • "A Design of Optimum Gray-Predicted Model to Forecast G-peak Value and Duration Time of Different Elastomers for Shock test in a Free Fall Shock Machine", Advances in Engineering Education, 2012/12, EI
  • "電力變壓器老化壽命損失估測", 電機能源論壇, 1, 1, 6, 2012/07, ELSE1
  • "電力變壓器延壽計畫及殘餘壽命評估", 台電工程月刊, 757, 40-53, 2011/09, ELSE1
  • "Overcurrent Relay Coordination Optimization with Partial Differentiation Approach for the Validation of Coordination Violation", Electric Power Components and Systems, 39, 10, 933-947, 2011/07, SCI
  • "Effect of Low- Voltage-Ride-Through Technologies on the First Taiwan Offshore Wind Farm Planning", IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, 2, 1, 78-86, 2011/01, SCI
  • "Optimal capacitors appointment though immune multi-objective algorithm", Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31, 5, 973-992, 2010/09, EI
  • "高壓交流與高壓直流海纜傳輸對系統之衝擊研究", 台電工程月刊, 742, 65-80, 2010/06, ELSE1
  • "離岸風場併入系統之衝擊研究", 台電工程月刊, 740, 85-101, 2010/04, ELSE1
  • "台電系統全黑啟動運轉能力評估", 台電工程月刊, 726, 49-75, 2010/02, ELSE1
  • "台電系統低頻卸載之最佳規劃", 台電工程月刊, 721, 88-95, 2008/09, ELSE1
  • "台電輸電系統裝設並聯電抗器補償最佳單組容量之選定", 台電工程月刊, 673, 69-81, 2004/09, ELSE1
  • "應用基因法則於電力系統最佳並聯電抗器規劃", 台北科技大學學報, 37, 1, 27-35, 2004/03, ELSE1
  • "應用自我組織類神經網路於最長不相交路徑問題", 台北科技大學學報, 35, 2, 45-52, 2002/09, ELSE1

Conference papers

  • "Photovoltaic Power Forecast Based on Gated Recurrent Unit and Wavelet Transform", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Honolulu, 2023/10/01
  • "Optimization of Active-Reactive Power Scheduling Using Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm", International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), Adelaide, 2023/07/09
  • "Hour-Ahead Power Generating Forecasting of Photovoltaic Plants Using Artificial Neural Networks Days Tuning", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Toronto, 2020/10/11
  • "Comparative analysis of maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic systems", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taoyuan, 2020/09/28
  • "Thermal unit commitment with wind farms using Taguchi-immune algorithm", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Taoyuan, 2020/09/28
  • "Optimal Charging Scheduling for Electric Vehicle in Parking Lot with Renewable Energy System", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Bari, 2019/10/06
  • "Application of Ant Colony System to Optimal Thermal Unit Commitment", 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 神戶, 2019/07/07
  • "Solution of the Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch for Power Systems by Using Novel Charged System Search Algorithm", The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, 台北, 2019/05/07
  • "Solution of the Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch for Power Systems by Using Novel Charged System Search Algorithm", The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, 台北市, 2018/05/07
  • "Short Term Forecasting of Global Solar Irradiance by k-Nearest Neighbor Multilayer Backpropagation Learning Neural Network Algorith", 2017 2nd International Conference on Information and Network Technologies, Jakarta, 2017/05/24
  • "k-NN Decomposition Artificial Neural Network Models for Global Solar Irradiance Forecasting Based on Meteorological Data", 2017 2nd International Conference on Information and Network Technologies, Jakarta, 2017/05/24
  • "Optimal Energy Consumption Scheduling In Home Energy Management System", Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Jeju, 2016/07/10
  • "Optimal Scheduling of Energy Consumption for Large Appliances in Smart Community Using Cloud Computing", International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Okinawa, 2016/07/03
  • "澎湖複合式發電系統機組排程規劃", 中華民國第36屆電力工程研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/12/12
  • "運用疫克隆選擇演算法進行智慧社區中最佳大型家電排程", 中華民國第36屆電力工程研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/12/12
  • "HTML5 Canvas應用於網頁式類即時SCADA單線圖顯示", 中華民國第36屆電力工程研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/12/12
  • "Artificial Neural Networks Model for Short Term Forecasting Global Irradiation at Center station in the Nine Station Photovoltaic", Asia Modelling Symposium 2015 (AMS), 吉隆坡, 2015/09/07
  • "Implementation of Demand Response in Home Energy Management System Using Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm", 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, sendai, 2015/05/25
  • "Demand Response Optimization for Smart Home Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm.", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, 2013/10/13
  • "Short-Term Scheduling of Reactive Power Controllers Using a Hybrid Taguchi- Genetic Algorithm", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, 2013/10/13
  • "再生能源併入綠島電網之衝擊研究", 中華民國第三十三屆電力工程研討會, 臺北, 2012/12/07
  • "大型離岸風場考慮線損與尾流效應之佈最佳化研究", 中華民國第三十三屆電力工程研討會, 臺北, 2012/12/07
  • "Optimization of the wind turbine layout and transmission system planning for a large-scale offshore wind farm by AI technology", 2012 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), Las Vegas, 2012/10/07
  • "蟻群演算法應用於離岸式風場線路配置最佳化", 2011台灣風能學術研討會, 臺南市, 2011/12/16
  • "基因演算法應用於風場風力機最佳排列", 中華民國第32屆電力研討會, 新北市, 2011/12/02
  • "Optimal Load Shedding Planning with Genetic Algorithm", 2011 IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2011/10/09
  • "Onshore Wind Farm planning and System Simulation Analysis under Low-Carbon-Island Project at Penghu", 16th Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2011, Crete, 2011/09/25
  • "SPS Generator Tripping Planning Using Immune Algorithm", 16th Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2011, Crete, 2011/09/25
  • "Role construction and recognition of a robot", 2010 International conference on information & technology, Taipei, 2010/12/28
  • "Dynamic target tracking of a robot via fuzzy grey prediction control", 2010 International conference on information & technology, Taipei, 2010/12/28
  • "使用DFIG與DDSG風機評估澎湖風力最大占比", 2010台灣風能學術研討會, 澎湖, 2010/12/17
  • "短期風力預測技術分析", 2010台灣風能學術研討會, 澎湖, 2010/12/17
  • "台灣陸岸式和離岸式風力發電廠之場址規劃評估及財務分析探討", 2010台灣風能學術研討會, 澎湖, 2010/12/17
  • "澎湖獨立系統風力發電最大占比及系統穩定度分析", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "大型風場併入台電系統之暫態穩定度改善", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "大型風場因風速擾動引起之系統衝擊改善", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "澎湖離岸風場及海纜併接架構下之系統衝擊研究", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "考慮海纜傳輸容量下評估澎湖離岸風場最大併接容量", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "離岸風場排列採用輻射型與星型之系統衝擊分析", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "彰化離岸風場採用型態B與型態C風機之系統衝擊與改善研究", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "不同風場容量對電力系統之衝擊分析", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "竹科69kV第二環路保護系統之分析研", 中華民國第三十一屆電力工程研討會, 臺南, 2010/12/03
  • "使用ATPDraw分析345 kV GCB的啟斷特性", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "高壓直流系統常見事故之研究", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "345kV斷路器試驗電路元件值設定", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "145kV 斷路器試驗電路元件值設定", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "DFIG風機於電力系統衝擊影響之動態模擬", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "離岸風場併入輸電系統之研究", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "彰濱離岸風場併入 2010 年台電系統之衝擊", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "造成澎湖離岸風場切離之臨界區域模擬分析", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "DFIG架構離岸風場併入輸電系統之研究", 中華民國第三十屆電力工程研討會, 桃園, 2009/11/28
  • "Blackout Prevention with Special Protection Systems for Isolated Power System", International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, Jeju, 2009/10/18
  • "一種有效評估加入頻率變化率電驛執行低頻卸載的方法", 中華民國第二十九屆電力工程研討會, 台南, 2008/12/05
  • "高壓絕緣開關之暫態恢復電壓試驗", 中華民國第二十九屆電力工程研討會, 台南, 2008/12/05
  • "以電力系統模擬器分析澎湖電力系統之全黑啟動", 中華民國第28屆電力工程研討會, 高雄, 2007/12/07
  • "新卸載策略之研究", 中華民國第28屆電力工程研討會, 高雄, 2007/12/07
  • "Using Genetic Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Industrial Power System", International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems, 高雄, 2007/11/05
  • "輸電系統之最佳無效功率調度", 中華民國第27屆電力工程研討會, 新竹, 2006/12/22
  • "考慮電力線磁場強度之安全距離評估", 中華民國第27屆電力工程研討會, 新竹, 2006/12/22
  • "The Study of the Longest Non-Intersecting Route Problem Using Genetic Algorithms", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
  • "Optimal Reactive Power Planning Using Genetic Algorithm", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
  • "The Estimation of the Capacity of Lead-Acid Storage Battery Using Artificial Neural Networks", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
  • "應用改良式粒子群優法於電力系統的經濟調度", 中華民國第26屆電力工程研討會, 中壢, 2005/12/09
  • "全黑啟動機組最佳位置之規劃", 中華民國第26屆電力工程研討會, 中壢, 2005/12/09
  • "台電系統區域電力傳送量與超高壓輸電線臨界清除時間之探討", 中華民國第26屆電力工程研討會, 中壢, 2005/12/09
  • "應用類神經網路於醫院空調短期電力預測", 2005能源與冷凍空調學術研討會, 台北市, 2005/09/10
  • "On-line Optimal Shunt Capacitors Dispatch of Peak Power Systems", 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, Dalian, 2005/08/14
  • "Short-term Electricity Forecasting of Air-conditioners of Hospital Using Artificial Neural Networks", 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, Dalian, 2005/08/14
  • "Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch of Power Systems Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm", 2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, Singapore, 2004/11/21
  • "An Special Protection System Implementation-Based on an Isolated and Longitudinal Power System", 2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, Singapore, 2004/11/21
  • "Comparison of Transient Phenomena when Switching Shunt Reactors on the Line’s Two Terminals and Station Busbar", 2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, Singapore, 2004/11/21
  • "應用類神經網路於即時電壓穩定度評估", 中華民國第25屆電力工程研討會, 台南市, 2004/11/19
  • "應用模糊群聚分析法作電力系統動態穩定度評估", 2004中華民國第十二屆模糊理論及其應用會議, 宜蘭市, 2004/11/12
  • "風力發電之電力品質量測與分析", 2004能源及冷凍空調學術研討會, 臺北市, 2004/09/10
  • "離岸式風力電廠之發展與基本規劃", 2004能源及冷凍空調學術研討會, 台北市, 2004/09/10
  • "結合統計製程管制及模糊群聚之智慧型電力監控系統", 2004中華民國自動控制研討會, 彰化縣, 2004/03/26
  • "應用基因法則於公路隧道照明系統設計", 2004中華民國自動控制研討會, 彰化縣, 2004/03/26
  • "An Effective and Economic Special Protection System Implementation-Taiwan Experience", 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems, Kaohsiung, 2003/12/14
  • "風力發電發展及最佳機組選擇策略", 中華民國第24屆電力工程研討會, 台南縣, 2003/12/12
  • "臺北捷運系統低污染氣體自動滅火設備氣密測試之估測", 中華民國第24屆電力工程研討會, 台南縣, 2003/12/12
  • "應用類神經網路於鉛酸蓄電池容量之估測", 中華民國第23屆電力工程研討會, 中壢, 2002/12/14
  • "The Study of the Longest Non-Intersecting Route Problem Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks", the first International Conference on Information Technology & Applications, Bathurst, 2002/11/25
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