
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Mechanical Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Application of aptamer-based rapid screening test piece-integrated face mask for detection of viruses", Biosensors and Bioelectronics X, 2023/07, SCI
  • "Fall Recognition Based on an IMU Wearable Device and Fall Verification through a Smart Speaker and the IoT", Sensors, 2023/06, SCI
  • "Development of a portable bioaerosol capture device for influenza virus detection", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023/05, SCI
  • "Learning by Watching via Keypoint Extraction and Imitation Learning", Machines, 10, 11, 1049, 2022/11, SCI
  • "An IoT-based Smart Healthcare System using Location-based Mesh Network and Big Data Analytics", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 14, 6, 483-509, 2022/11, SCI
  • "Deep Learning Object Detection Applied to Defect Recognition of Memory Modules", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022/08, SCI
  • "Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Based on Percutaneous Microneedle Array", Micromachines, 13, 478, 2022/03, SCI
  • "Continuous Lactate Monitoring System Based on Percutaneous Microneedle Array", Sensors, 2022/02, SCI
  • "Portable self-flowing platform for filtration separation of samples", Analytical Methods, 32, 13, 3605, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Rescue notification system with accurate location estimation for injuries in city Marathons", Journal of Location Based Services, 15, 2, 142-168, 2021/03, SCI
  • "A Low-Power Low-Noise Monolithic Accelerometer with Automatic Sensor Offset Calibration", Microelectronics Journal, 105, 2020/11, SCI
  • "The High-payload Manipulator Development Based on Novel Two-stage Cycloidal Speed Reducers and Hub Motors", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1583, 012002, 2020/10, EI
  • "Fabrication of PLLA/C3S Composite Membrane for the Prevention of Bone Cement Leakage", Polymers, 17, 2019/11, SCI
  • "Marathon Active Timing System on Bluetooth low energy technology", Electronics, 8, 1, 252, 2019/08, SCI
  • "A low-power monolithic three-axis accelerometer with automatically sensor offset compensated and interface circuit", Microelectronics Journal, 86, 1, 150~160, 2019/04, SCI
  • "Nanoparticle-induced intraperitoneal hyperthermia and targeted photoablation in treating ovarian cancer", Oncotarget., 6, 29, 26861-75, 2015/09, SCI
  • "The Development of a Blood Leakage Monitoring System for the Applications inHemodialysis Therapy", IEEE Journal of Sensor, 2015/01, SCI
  • "Transdermal Microneedle Array-based Sensor for Real Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring", Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2015/01, SCI
  • "Fabrication of Ni-Mn Micro-Probe Structure with Low Internal Stress and High Hardness by Employing DC Electrodeposition", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 1, 6, 2014/04, SCI&EI
  • "Gold Plated Carbon Nanotube Bundle Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35, 3, 3, 2014/03, SCI&EI
  • "Fabrication on Uniform Plating-Based Flip Chip Solder Bumps after Reflow Process Using a Polishing Mechanism", International Journal of Gerontology, 84, 1, 12, 2014/01, SCI
  • "Surgery for elderly lung cancer", Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 19, 6, 416-422, 2013/12, SCI
  • "Endoscopic Treatment of Esophageal Foreign Bodies in the Elderly", International Journal of Gerontology, 7, 1, 35-39, 2013/03, SCI
  • "Monitoring Apnea in the Elderly by an Electromechanical System with a Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensor", International Journal of Gerontology, 5, 1, 35-39, 2013/02, SCI
  • "Identification of Salmonella using colony-blotting and detection with antibody-coated gold nanoparticles", Journal of Microbiological Methods, 77, 225-228, 2009/02, SCI&EI
  • "Fabrication of silicon-based PZT microstructures using aerosol deposition method", J. Micromech. Microeng., 18, 5, 2008/10, SCI&EI
  • "Recent Patents for Nucleic Acid Sequencing and Its Applications", Current Trends on Biotechnology, 2008/08, ELSE2
  • "Studies on Photokilling of E. coli on TiO2 Nanoparticles by Gel Electrophoresis Technology", Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 11, 2, 139-144, 2008/06, EI
  • "Development of a Biochip Using Antibody-coated Gold Nanoparticles to Detect Specific Bioparticles", Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2008/06, SCI&EI
  • "A Chip for Catching, Separating and Transporting Cells with Dielectrophoresis (DEP)", Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2008/06, SCI&EI
  • "Surface Modification on Plating-Based Cu/Sn/0.7Cu Lead-Free Copper Pillars by Using Polishing", Microelectronic Engineering, 1590-1596, 2008/03, SCI&EI
  • "Study of Interactive Bike Simulator in Application of Virtual Reality", Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 28, 06, 633~640, 2007/11, EI
  • "A Novel Bumping Process for Fine Pitch Sn-Cu Lead-Free Plating-Based Flip Chip Solder Bumps", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 133-142, 2007/09, SCI&EI
  • "Study of Interactive Bike Simulator in Application of Virtual Reality", Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 28, 6, 633-640, 2007/06, ELSE2
  • "Fabrication on Uniform Plating-Based Flip Chip Solder Bumps after Reflow Process Using a Polishing Mechanism", Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 84,, Issue 1, 60-71, 2007/01, SCI&EI
  • "Machine Vision Applied for Detecting the Debris Flow", 中華水土保持學報, 36, 1, 1-18, 2005/03, ELSE1
  • "多軸鑽石線鋸機之研製", 國科會工程科技通訊, 75, 4-7, 2004/07, ELSE1
  • "Universal platform for developing an integrated biochip or micro-TAS based on electrokinetics", Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7, 2, 107-110, 2004/05, ELSE2
  • "Sepearte and Manipulate Different Kinds of Particles by Dielectrophoresis", Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7, 2, 87-90, 2004/03, EI
  • "開放式機電整合設計知識庫系統之研究", 中華民國機構與機器原理學會會刊, 15, 13-21, 2004/02, ELSE1
  • "微機電在無線通訊中的應用", 中華民國自動化科技學會會刊, 1, 3, 2004/01, ELSE1
  • "微機電探針卡之簡介", 微系統暨奈米科技協會會刊, 6, 2003/06, ELSE1
  • "微機電系統封裝技術", 科儀新知雙月, 2003/04, ELSE1
  • "Improvement of bonding time and quality of Anodic Bonding using the spiral arrangement of multiple point electrodes", Sensor and Actuator A: Physical, 102, 1-2, 1-5, 2002/12, SCI&EI
  • "Study of injection molding pressure sensor with low cost and small probe", Sensor and Actuator A: Physical, 101, 3, 269-274, 2002/10, SCI&EI
  • "Thermal Analysis of New Bump-Type Heat Dissipation Fins under Natural Convection", 2002, revised to Microelectronics Reliability, 2002/06, ELSE1
  • "微機電變頻天線之簡介", 微系統暨奈米科技協會會刊, 2002/06, ELSE1


  • 微機電系統技術與應用, 國科會精密儀器中心, 957-01-4265-0, 2003/01/01

Conference papers

  • "A novel antifouling layer for cardiac troponin I detection in a blood sample", IEEE-NANOMED, Okinawa, 2023/11/05
  • "Home health care system for the Elderly based on IMU wearable device", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security, IDS 2023, New York, 2023/05/06
  • "The Internet of Things system combined with the cloud platform applied to the data collection and analysis of the elderly's home life style", DBKDA 2023 : The Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, 線上會議, 2023/03/13
  • "Real-time Location based Bluetooth MESH with PUB/SUB Two-way Communication", ICECC, Fukuoka, 2023/03/11
  • "The Smart Parking System Based on Fog Computing and Cloud Computing", ICECC, Fukuoka, 2023/03/11
  • "藍芽5.1便攜式多功能生物化學感測平台", 解封後之新興智能健康照護科技研討會, Taipei, 2022/11/12
  • "連續乳酸感測器之研製", 解封後之新興智能健康照護科技研討會, Taipei, 2022/11/12
  • "具防污性生物感測晶片之病毒量測", 解封後之新興智能健康照護科技研討會, Taipei, 2022/11/12
  • "基於Openpose姿態辨識校正Opensim虛擬模型", 第三十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, Taipei, 2022/08/27
  • "Smart plantar pressure gait analysis system based on 3D-form insole", THE 9th WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMECHANICS, Taipei, 2022/07/10
  • "Using Machine Learning to Perform Force Calibration of Soft Triaxial Magnetic Sensors and Identify the Temperature of grasped objects", ALLSENSORS, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering, and Sensing, 2022, Porto, 2022/06/26
  • "Implementation of IOT data analysis in personal elderly home care system", The Fourteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, eTELEMED 2022, Porto, 2022/06/26
  • "Deep Learning-Based Food Identification and Calorie Estimation System", The Seventh International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms, VISUAL 2022, Venice, 2022/05/22
  • "A portable highly sensitive lab-on-a-chip for cardiac troponin I detection from blood using a washing-free and sandwich-type electrochemical aptasensor", 6th International Conference on Biosensors and Bioelectronics, London, 2022/05/20
  • "高分子鍍膜於經皮微針發展應用於連續乳酸感測之可攜式低成本感測器系統", 中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2022/01/18
  • "高分子塗層於連續血糖感測器之應用", 中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2022/01/18
  • "工具機之即時幾何誤差補償", CTAM 2021, 線上會議, 2021/11/18
  • "Real-time Angle Error Measurement System based on Eddy Current Sensor and Artificial Neural Network", 2021 Automation, 2021/11/12
  • "Development and application of a portable multifunctional electrochemical measurement platform", International Conference on Precision Nanomedicine in Theranostics 2021, 2021/10/08
  • "Learning by Watching via Keypoint Extraction and Imitation Learning", 2021 ISME 第六屆 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 線上會議, 2021/05/28
  • "基於GCP的雲霧結合智慧停車系統", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "深度學習物件檢測應用在記憶體外觀之研究", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "基於深度學習之3D物品姿態檢測", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "具有高量測範圍曲面式足底壓力感測鞋墊之開發", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "穿戴裝置與人類行為辨識系統", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "基於網狀網路與感測地磁進行室內定位上的應用", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "藍芽5.0 之位基型網狀網絡於工業物聯網的應用", 2021資訊科技應用研討會, 2021/05/27
  • "Implementation of IoT, wearable devices, Google Assistant and Google Cloud Platform for elderly home care system", ICT4AWE 2021, on-line streaming, 2021/04/24
  • "Real-time Compensation of Volumetric Error for Machine Tools", Automation 2020, 花蓮, 2020/11/12
  • "基於深度強化學習的軟性物質組裝", 2020中國業程年會暨學術研討會, 雲林, 2020/10/19
  • "The High-payload Manipulator Development Based on Novel Two-stage Cycloidal Speed Reducers and Hub Motors", The 5 International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology, 奧克蘭, 2020/02/03
  • "Seven DOF Three-finger Robotic Hand with the Pressure/Shear Sensors", 2019 IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), HongKong, 2019/07/08
  • "An Artificial Skin for Detecting Pressure and Shear Forces simultaneously based on Capacitive Sensor and Magnetic Sensor", 2019 IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), HongKong, 2019/07/08
  • "Development and Design of AIVBOT for Intelligent Manufacturing System Education Factory", 2019 IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), HongKong, 2019/07/08
  • "An artificial skin that detects pressure and shear and distinguishes between humans or objects", AUTO2018, 台中, 2018/12/06
  • "Displacement Sensor for Smart Spindle Incorporated with SkyMars", Automation 2018 the 5th interational conference on automation technology, 台中, 2018/12/06
  • "Development and Design of AIV Using Hub Motor Embedded in Mecanum Wheel", 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Auckland, 2018/07/09
  • "工業型機械手臂之具壓剪力感測器之機械手", Proceedings of 2018 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, 新北市, 2018/06/28
  • "SaFePlay: A Portable Biomechanics Measurement and Analysis System of Lower Limbs", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montral, 2018/04/21
  • "IMU 應用於步態的關節活動", 台灣工程科技與應用醫學學會, 台北市, 2017/09/01
  • "電容式足壓感測結合藍芽通訊之穿戴式裝置設計", 台灣工程科技與應用醫學學會, 臺北市, 2017/09/01
  • "壓力感測器結合藍牙的智能床墊", 台灣工程科技與應用醫學學會, 臺北市, 2017/09/01
  • "ROS照護型機器人的開發與應用", 2017 Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology-PMMT 2017, 屏東, 2017/05/19
  • "Wireless Portable Graphene-FET Biosensor for detecting H1N1 virus", Graphene 2017, 巴塞羅那, 2017/03/28
  • "Exercise Bracelet with Bluetooth Low Energy Module and Accelerometer for Sporting Events", ICITES 2012 International Conference, 彰化, 2012/12/13
  • "The Integration of SWNTs with CMOS IC", IEEE The 9th International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2009), Genoa, 2009/06/26
  • "Transfer Printing of the Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Aligned by DEP", IEEE The 9th International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2009), Genoa, 2009/06/26
  • "A Low-Temperature Fabrication Process Integrated Carbon Nanotubes-Based Sensor Device into CMOS IC", IEEE The 9th International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2009), Genoa, 2009/06/26
  • "A Novel Approach for Nanoporous Gas Sensor Fabrication Using Anodic Aluminum Oxidation and MEMS Process", IEEE The 9th International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2009), Genoa, 2009/06/26
  • "A Novel High Coplanarity Lead Free Copper Pillar Bump Fabrication Process", The 2009 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2009), Sapporo, 2009/06/01
  • "The Integration of SWNTs with CMOS IC After Covering Nickel/Gold on the Aluminum Electrode", The 2009 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2009), Sapporo, 2009/06/01
  • "Low-Temperature Fabrication Method of Carbon Nanotubes-Base Gas Sensor with Tunable Impedance", The 16th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2009), Hsinchu, 2009/04/29
  • "Fabricating MEMS Probe Card compatible with standard CMOS-MEMS process", The 16th Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2009), Hsinchu, 2009/04/29
  • "Development of a biochip using antibody-covered nano-gold particles to detect antibiotics resistance of specific bacteria", 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2008), Singpore, 2008/12/03
  • "Low-Temperature Fabrication Method of Carbon Nanotubes-Based Gas Sensor", The 3rd IMPACT and 10th EMAP Joint Conference, Taipei, 2008/10/22
  • "The 3-Axis CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer Include Accelerator Sensing Method of Z-Axis", The 3rd IMPACT and 10th EMAP Joint Conference, Taipei, 2008/10/22
  • "Detection of Specific Bioparticles Using Antibodies-Coated Gold Nanoparticles and Dielectrophoretic Impedance Measurement", 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBC 2008), Vancouvar, 2008/08/20
  • "Application of CMOS Dual-band RF Power Amplifier with On-chip MEMS Switch to Wireless Sensor Network", Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2008. The 4th APCOT Conference, Tainan, 2008/06/22
  • "The Integration of CMOS Process Compatible Force Sensor and Scanning Signal Process Circuit for Vertical Probe Card", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "Application of CMOS Dual-band RF Power Amplifier with On-chip MEMS Switch to Wireless Sensor Network", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "A Novel Process for Fabricating Ultra-High Coplanarity in Electroplating Lead-Free Copper Pillar Bump", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "Innovative Application of MEMS-Based Method to Fabricate Pogo Pin Connector", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "A Study of Carbon Nanotube Field Transistor Sensor Compatible with CMOS Process", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "A DC-Contact RF-MEMS T/R Switch with Low-actuation Voltage Fabricated by CMOS-MEMS Processes", 2008 International Conference on Electronics Packaging, Tokyo, 2008/06/10
  • "Fabrication of a MEMS-Based Cobra Probe", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC2007), Taipei, 2007/12/20
  • "Development of CMOS Process Compatible Force Sensor and its Application to Probe Card", 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC2007), Taipei, 2007/12/20
  • "Development of a Biochip Using Antibodies-coated Gold Nanoparticles to Detect Specific Bioparticles", II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Seville, 2007/11/28
  • "A cell catching, separating and traveling chip with dielectrophoresis", II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Servile, 2007/11/28
  • "Batch-mode Fabrication on Stent by Using MEMS Process", 3rd WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Bangkok, 2007/07/09
  • "Fine Pitch Electroplated Copper Posts with Ultra-high Coplanarity by Using A Micro-polishing Process", 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, 2007/07/01
  • "Batch-mode Fabrication on Easy Medicated Drug-eluting Stents by MEMS Process", 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, 2007/07/01
  • "Batch Mode Fabrication on High Coplanarity with Pressure Sensors by Using MEMS", 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, 2007/07/01
  • "Production of Higher Concentration Semiconducting SWNTs by Using Running Channel with Heated Microelectrodes", 4th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, 2007/07/01
  • "Study of Interactive Bike Simulator in Application of Virtual Reality", The Ninth International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, 2007/06/13
  • "Using an Innovative Polishing Process to Fabricate Ultra-high Uniformity of Polymer Surface", 6th International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, Tokyo, 2007/01/16
  • "Using Micro-electroforming and Micro-assembly Technology to Fabricate Vertical Probe Card", IEEE 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging, Hongkong, 2006/12/11
  • "Use Residual Stresses to Develop CMOS-compatible RF MEMS Switches", IEEE 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging, Hongkong, 2006/12/11
  • "Integration of CNT with TIA into array-type sensors", IEEE 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging, Hongkong, 2006/12/11
  • "Singular Uniformity after Reflow of Varied-Shaped Flip Chip Solder Bump on Single Substrate", IEEE 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging, Hongkong, 2006/12/11
  • "Combination of Fine Pitch and High Uniformity of Lead-Free Plating-Based Flip Chip Solder Bumps", IEEE 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging, Hongkong, 2006/12/11
  • "High Coplanarity of Plating-Based Copper Pillar Solder Bumps", IEEE The 8th VLSI Packaging Workshop, Tukyo, 2006/12/04
  • "應用於RFID系統之複數天線多工切換模組研製", Automation 2006, Taichung, 2006/06/10
  • "Aalysis of Permittivity Characterstics of Salmonell Modified by Nano-Au Particles", Automation 2006, Taichung, 2006/06/10
  • "具收發濾波器功能的微機電可變頻PIFA天線之設計", Automation 2006, Taichung, 2006/06/10
  • "影像辨識應用於人眼保護之研究", Automation 2006, Taichung, 2006/06/10
  • "CMOS MEMS Piezoeletric Inkjet Printhead Chip Design and Analysis", Second International Symposium of Micro & Nano Technology (ISMNT-2), Hsinchu, 2006/03/29
  • "Realization of Trans-impedance Amplifier for Particle Counting Chip", IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conf. (A-SSCC) 2005, 2005/11/01
  • "Computer Controlled Measuring Center", IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2005), 2005/08/01
  • "Carbon Nanotubes Based Corona Discharger and its application", IEEE-Nano Conference, 2005/07/13
  • "Micromachined Droplet on Demand Formation with Shear Mode Piezoelectricity and Micron Size Nozzles", IEEE-Nano Conference, 2005/07/13
  • "DEP-Base Particle Counting Device", Transducer 05, Seoul, 2005/07/04
  • "CMOS MEMS Piezoeletric Inkjet Printhead Chip Design and Fabrication", Automation 2005 8th International Conf on Automation Technology, Taiwan, 2005/05/05
  • "Single Supply Power IC Operational Amplifier Applied on PZT Pressure Sensor", Proceedings of Automation 2005 8th International Conf on Automation Technology, Taiwan, 2005/05/05
  • "奈米碳管電暈放電裝置與其應用", 清大研討會, 2005/05/01
  • "High Uniformity Solder Bump Fabrication by Using Polishing Process", IMAPS, Taipei, 2005/01/01
  • "A Novel Polishing Mechanism Used in Manufacturing Ultra-High Uniformity Gold Solder Bump", IEEE, 2005/01/01
  • "A Novel Polishing Mechanism Used in Manufacturing Ultra-High Uniformity Vertical Probe Card", IEEE, 2005/01/01
  • "Dual-band CMOS RF Power Amplifier", Dual-band CMOS RF Power Amplifier, 2004/12/09
  • "具收發濾波器功能的微機電可變頻PIFA天線之設計", 全國電信研討會, 2004/12/03
  • "利用FDTD分析研製EMP電場感測器", 全國電信研討會, 2004/12/03
  • "高變化率之接觸式可變電感", 全國電信研討會, 2004/12/03
  • "微機電高可變電容與可變電感組成的多頻可調式相移器設計", 全國電信研討會, 2004/12/03
  • "Electrical Characteristic Measurement of Bio-particles by Electrorotation", 8th Nano and Micro sytem Technology Conference, 2004/12/02
  • "Particle Counting Device", 8th Nano and Micro sytem Technology Conference, 2004/12/02
  • "Seperation and Manipulation of bio-particles applied in Bio-chip", 8th Nano and Micro sytem Technology Conference, 2004/12/02
  • "智慧型光碟櫃辨識系統建立分析研究", 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 2004/11/26
  • "即時人臉搜尋與橢圓型搜尋應用在人眼保護", 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 2004/11/26
  • "細胞計數晶片之應用", 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 2004/11/26
  • "內建式感應加熱器於射出模具表面快速加熱之應用", 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, 2004/11/26
  • "資料挖掘模式於製程品質診斷系統--以發光二極體業為例", 第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會2004 Automation, 2004/07/17
  • "電腦影像輔助運動休閒系統之研究", 第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會, 2004/06/17
  • "微型細胞計數裝置", 第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會, 2004/06/17
  • "USB控制器開發與應用於光碟櫃之控制", 第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會 2004 Automation, 2004/06/17
  • "電腦數值化量測中心機台", 第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會, 2004/06/17
  • "Cell permittivity measurement by electrorotation", Symposium on nanotechnologies, 2004/05/02
  • "PARTICLE COUNTING DEVICE BASED ON MICROPORE AND DIELECTROPHORESIS", The 1st International Symposium on Micro & Nano Technology, 2004/03/14
  • "Tunable Frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna", International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems, 2003/12/16
  • "Design and Fabrication of Single and Multilayer Planar Tunable Filter", International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems, 2003/12/14
  • "開放式機電整合設計知識庫系統之研究", 中國機械工程學會第二十屆全國學術研討會, 2003/12/05
  • "微射出壓縮成型技術製微小元件探討--光纖陣列波導射出成形", 中國機械工程學會第二十屆全國學術研討會, 2003/12/05
  • "Design of CMOS Compatible Low Voltage RF MEMS Switch", 中國機械工程學會第二十屆全國學術研討會, 2003/12/05
  • "Design and Package of Wireless Power Transmission System With Sensor using LTCC", the 7th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2003), 2003/12/02
  • "微機電製作快速模具加熱裝置於微射出成型之應用", 2002年模具技術與論文發表會, 2003/12/01
  • "Vision aided Protection of VDT User’s Eyes (II) Study on Face Recognition and Blinking detection", 2003 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2003), 2003/12/01
  • "Vision aided Protection of VDT User’s Eyes (I) Study on Face Finding", 2003 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2003), 2003/12/01
  • "北區奈米科技人才培育計畫", SME國際製造工程學會中華民國分會(SME TAIPEI CHAPTER)第三屆精密機械製造研討會, 2003/11/15
  • "High Efficiency CMOS Class E Power Amplifier for Bluetooth", 2003 EDMS, 2003/11/13
  • "A 5.2-GHz CMOS power amplifier with power control for low-power wireless communications", 2003 EDMS, 2003/11/13
  • "0.25um CMOS 200MHz Two-stage ADC", 2003 EDMS, 2003/11/13
  • "北區奈米科技人才培育計畫", 奈米成果發表會, 2003/09/08
  • "The Study of Integrated Charge Amplifier Inside PZT Piezoelectric Sensor", The 14th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2003/08/01
  • "Using Object Oriented Technology to Implement Integrated Web-Base Platform for Equipment Maintenance", 7th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2003), 2003/05/08
  • "Dielectrophoresis and Electrophoresis Manipulation of DNA in Microfabricated Structures", Symposium on nanotechnologies, 2003/05/02
  • "400MHz 6Bit Flash ADC RF Signal Processing Chip", International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (2003 VLSI-TSA), 2003/04/23
  • "壓電式感測器訊號處理IC之設計與分析", 動控制研討會2003 Automation, 2003/04/23
  • "Analysis and Design of CMOS-MEMS Wide Tuning Range Capacitor", 7th 奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, 2003/01/01
  • "Design of Touch-mode tunable capacitor", 7th 奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, 2003/01/01
  • "Separate and manipulate different kinds of particles by dielectropherosis", 7th 奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, 2003/01/01
  • "Universal Platform for Developing an Integrated Biochip or MicroTAS based on Electrokinetics", 7th 奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, 2003/01/01
  • "CMOS-MEMS可變電容設計與製作之研究", 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2002/12/06
  • "開槽耦合可控波束微帶天線陣列", 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2002/12/06
  • "微機電技術製作可變頻濾波器", 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2002/12/06
  • "可用於高頻模組之CMOS-MEMS微型開關", 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2002/12/06
  • "微機電技術製作可變頻天線", 2002 National Symposium on Telecommunications, 2002/12/06
  • "以XML為基礎建構以影像搜尋知識的線上系統", 2002 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2002), 2002/12/01
  • "Analysis and comparison of body limb motion by costume color aided image processing", 2002 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2002), 2002/12/01
  • "Micromachined Stacked Aperture Coupled Microstrip Steering Beam Array", Proceeding of 6th Nano Engineering and Micro System Technology Workshop, 2002/11/21
  • "微射出壓縮成型技術製作塑膠微系統晶片", Proceeding of 6th Nano Engineering and Micro System Technology Workshop, 2002/11/21
  • "High Frequency Based Rapid and Locally Selective Anodic Bonding", Proceeding of 6th Nano Engineering and Micro System Technology Workshop, 2002/11/21
  • "Study on non-penetration precise alignment in the semiconductor package", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "Analysis and Design of MEMS Probe Cards with Feedback Pressure Sensor", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "Method and Device for Control the Height of Bump Fabricated in Wafer-Level Flip-Chip Packaging", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "Fabrication and Experiment of Diamond Wire Saw Cutting Machine", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "Dynamic Case-Based Reasoning for Remote Diagnosis and Maintenance System", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "MEMS-Fabricated Rapid Heating Apparatus for Wafer-Level Injection Micromolding", 2002 IEEE/ASME international conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education in the 21st Century, 2002/08/11
  • "Improvement of bonding time and quality of Anodic Bonding using the spiral arrangement of multiple point electrodes", Symposium on nanotechnologies, 2002/05/02
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