
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Fabrication of Ceramic Moulds Using Recycled Shell Powder and Sand with Geopolymer Technology in Investment Casting", Environmental and Sustainable Science and Technology, 10(13), 4577, 2020/07, SCI
  • "A study on the characteristics and microstructures of GGBS/FA based geopolymer paste and concrete", Construction and Building Materials 211 (2019) 807–813, 211, 807-813, 2019/03, SCI
  • "Geopolymer technology for the solidification of simulated ion exchange resins with radionuclides", Journal of Environmental Management 235 (2019) 19–27, 235, 19-27, 2019/02, SCI
  • "Study on the treatment of BOF slag to replace fine aggregate in concrete", Construction and building materials, 146, 8, 2017/08, SCI
  • "Application of Geopolymer Paste for Concrete Repair, Structural Concrete", Structural Concret, 2017/02, SCI
  • "A Study on Recovery of SiC from Silicon Wafer Cutting Slurry", Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management., 11, 2017/02, SCI
  • "The synthesis of a gold nanodisk–molecular layer–gold film vertical structure: a molecular layer as the spacer for SERS hot spot investigations", material chemistry, frontiers, 5, 8, 2017/01, SCI
  • "Preparation and characterization of vitrified slag/geopolymers for construction and fire-resistance applications", Materials and Structures, Volume 49,, Issue 5, 1883–1891, 2016/05, SCI
  • "The Purification of Crude Zinc Oxide Using Scrubbing, Magnetic Separation and Leaching Processes", Separation Science and Technology, 50, 15, 2015/06, SCI
  • "Preparation and characterization of vitrified slag/geopolymers for construction and fire-resistance applications", Materials and Structures, 9, 2015/05, SCI
  • "地下水位參數對邊坡穩定分析之影響探討-應用Flac3D程式", 台灣鑛業, 第五十六卷, 第一期, 18-28, 2004/03, ELSE1

Conference papers

  • "Solidification of radionuclide ion exchange resins, The Tenth International Conference on High performance Ceramics", The Tenth International Conference on High performance Ceramics, Nanchang, 2017/11/04
  • "A study on marble based green cement and green pervious concrete", The 14th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, Hokkaido, 2017/09/26
  • "MARBLE BASED GREEN CEMENT BY USING GEOPOLYMER TECHNOLOGY", 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi’an, 2017/08/20
  • "利用無機聚合物技術製成大理石基綠色水泥之研究", 第十八屆資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2017/05/26
  • "A new process for fabrication geopolymer, Advancing Materials and Manufacturing", CAMS2016, Melbourne, 2016/12/06
  • "A study on solidification of simulated radionuclide ion exchange resins using geopolymer technology", Advancing Materials and Manufacturing: CAMS2016, Mlbourne, 2016/12/06
  • "Reutilization of Incinerator Fly Ashes as a Raw Material for Making Fire Resistant Geopolymer", Universal Academic Cluster International Winter Conference, Hokkaido, 2016/02/22
  • "利用濕式渦錐進行粗氧化鋅分選之研究", 第一屆海峽兩岸地質礦產資源學術研討會, 台北, 2015/12/07
  • "Recycling Incinerator Fly Ash and Production of Geopolymer Green Cement", The 13th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, Pattaya, 2015/11/01
  • "印尼煤樣對於CO2及CH4吸附量特性之初步探討", 2014海峽兩岸石油天然氣資源學術研討會, 福建, 2014/11/25
  • "Co2地質封存-煤吸附CO2之初步探討", 2014年海峽兩岸石油天然氣資源學術研討會, 福建, 2014/11/25
  • "不同性筫土壤邊坡之穏定性研究", 鑛冶工程學會研討會, 台北, 2008/10/21
  • "利用紅外線熱影像分析隧道鑽炸後之岩體", 2008 岩盤工程研討會, 台北, 2008/05/20
  • "資源開發區土地整復及應用研究", 資源工程研討會, 台南, 2007/12/07
  • "露天礦場爆破作業之監測與分析", 第三屆資源工程研討會, 台南, 2007/12/07
  • "東部礦場爆破作業對其邊坡與殘壁穏定性之影響研究", 岩盤工程研討會, 台南, 2006/02/26
  • "FLAC3D 應用於地下儲集層岩盤應力之分析", 第二屆資源工程研討會, 台南, 2005/09/30
  • "應用爆破狀庇方程式探討衝擊波之參數", 第二屆資源工程研討會, 台南, 2005/09/30
  • "Flac3D應用於地下儲集層岩盤應力之分析", 第二屆資源工程研討會, 台南, 2005/09/30
  • "鐵砧山地下構造對儲氣窖地層應力分佈影響之研究", 岩 盤工程研討會, 台南, 2005/02/26
  • "應用類神經網路建立儲氣窖應力模組", 經濟部石油基金93年度石油開發技術研究發展計畫成果發表會, 台北, 2004/12/17
  • "3DEC應用於岩體不連續面之階段爆破動態應力分析", 資源工程研討會, 台南, 2004/03/25
  • "台灣地區石礦地下開採數值分析之模組建立", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2003/12/12
  • "台灣地區石礦地下開採數值分析之模組建立", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2003/12/12
  • "3DEC應用於岩體不連續面之階段爆破動態應力分析", 資源工程研討會, 台南, 2003/05/20
  • "花蓮和仁地區-大理岩岩理粗糙度與剪力強度之關係", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "應用3DEC系統模擬-花蓮和平地區大理石礦NO.2豎井之應力分析", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "台灣西部礫石層邊坡強度參數之探討-應用FLAC3D系統模擬", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "應用Flac3D 系統模擬花蓮和平地區大理石礦NO.2豎井之應力分析", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "花蓮和仁礦區-大理岩岩石節理粗糙度與剪力強度之關係", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "台灣西部礫石層邊坡強度參數之探討-應用Flac3D 系統模擬", 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2002/12/20
  • "軟弱岩盤開挖之支撐架設位置探討", 礦冶工程學會研討會, 台南, 2002/11/12
  • "軟弱岩盤開挖之支撐架設位置探討", 礦冶工程研討會, 新竹, 2002/10/01
  • "The Use of Numerical Method for Rock Fragmentation Analysis in Bench Blasting", FragBlast 7,Metallurgical Industry Press, 北京, 2002/08/11
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