
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Office of Physical Education

Journal articles

  • "氣功運動對焦慮及憂鬱的調整效果與機制", 大專體育, 165, 44-55, 2023/10, ELSE1
  • "Which digit is larger? Brain responses to number and size interactions in a numerical Stroop task", Psychophysiology, DOI:10.1111/psyp.137, 2020/11, SCI
  • "身體活動量對老年人執行控制功能 影響之探討", 體育學報, 49, S, 17-32, 2016/06, TSSCI
  • "Antecedent acute cycling exercise affects attention control: an ERP study using attention network test", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2, 2015/04, SCI
  • "音樂在不同運動階段之效益", 大專體育, 132, 44-51, 2015/03, ELSE1
  • "The benefits of endurance exercise and Tai Chi Chuan for the task-switching aspect of executive function in older adults: an ERP study", Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2014/10, SCI
  • "現在體育課不僅是體育課了", 教師天地, 177, 10-19, 2013/12, ELSE1
  • "現在體育課不僅是體育課了", 教師天地, 177, 10-19, 2013/12, ELSE1
  • "籃球罰球表現之腦波活動的差異", 大專體育學刊, 15, 1, 54-63, 2013/03, TSSCI
  • "三分線距離改變對籃球選手投籃時腦波頻率之影響", 大專體育學刊, 14, 3, 318-327, 2013/01, TSSCI
  • "桌球運動員與非運動員在區辨認知作業反應時間及事件關連電位之差異", 大專體育學刊, 12, 4, 1-8, 2010/12, ELSE1
  • "探討籃球三分線距離加長對心跳率與注意力型態的影響", 運動與健身科學期刊, 1, 1, 13-24, 2010/10, ELSE1
  • "不同技術層次空氣槍選手射擊表現與心跳率變化", 體育學報,42 卷,1 期,13-24, 42, 1, 13-24, 2009/03, ELSE1
  • "身體活動與老年人認知功能", 台北科大體育, 4, 152-164, 2008/08, ELSE1
  • "腦波及心跳率監控在射擊選手心理訓練之應用", 國民體育季刊, 35, 4, 13-20, 2006/12, ELSE1
  • "急性低氧情境對聽覺事件關連電位影響之探討", 大專體育學刊, 8, 2, 205-217, 2006/06, ELSE1
  • "不同技術層次空氣槍選手之腦波頻率面分析", 體育學報, 39, 1, 75-86, 2006/03, ELSE1
  • "射擊前心跳率變化對雙不定向飛靶選手成績影響之研究", 體育學報, 38, 4, 69-80, 2005/12, ELSE1
  • "氣功對放鬆及情緒影響之腦波研究", 台灣運動心理學報, 5, 19-42, 2005/11, ELSE1
  • "腦波與運動時之心理狀態", 中華體育季刊, 18, 3, 12-19, 2004/09, ELSE1
  • "籃球罰球的腦波心生理學研究-頻譜與維度複雜性分析之比較", 台灣運動心裡學報, 4, 65-80, 2004/05, ELSE1
  • "高地訓練對無氧運動能力影響之探討", 中華體育季刊, 18, 2, 129-134, 2004/04, ELSE1
  • "The effects of uncertainty on attention in table-tennis players and nonathletes", Taiwan Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 3, 97-110, 2003/05, ELSE1
  • "運動員與非運動員訊息處理之研究", 體育學報, 35, 117-126, 2002/11, ELSE1


  • 腦波與心跳應用在射擊運動之實務研究, 立昌出版社, 957-29577-6-7, 2006/03/01


  • 腦波與心跳生物回饋訓練在運動時心理控制之應用, 1, 禾楓出版公司, ISBN 978-986-84548-8-0, 2010/01/01
  • Regulating Mental States Through EEG and HR Biofeedbeek Training, 1, International Society for Sport Psychology, ISBN 9781885693907, 2009/01/01

Conference papers

  • "氣功運動對高齡者認知功能保護效果之腦波研究", 2024國際體育運動與健康休閒學術研討會, 台北市, 2024/04/27
  • "老化之大腦補償機制與身體活動量之影響", 2022國際體育運動與健康休閒學術研討會, 台北市, 2022/04/30
  • "多元運動介入對社區高齡者健康適能與認知功能促進", 2022國際體育運動與健康休閒學術研討會, 台北市, 2022/04/30
  • "飛輪運動介入對大學生認知表現之促進效果", 2020 中華民國體育學會與臺灣運動心理學會聯合專題, 台北市, 2020/11/21
  • "A Study on the Feasibility of EEG to Improve the Application of Educational Objectives in Vocational Education Psychomotor Domain", The 12th Asian Conference of Education, 東京, 2019/11/02
  • "氣功為基礎之正念訓練對注意力及壓力情境之探討", 2018 Asia Conference of Kinesiology, 台中, 2018/11/02
  • "氣功為基礎之正念訓練對注意力及壓力情境的探析∼神經電生理觀點", 107年科技部體育學門研究成果發表研討會, 台北市, 2018/09/29
  • "The effects of Qigong exercise intervention on the cognitive function in aging adults.", the 19th Word Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 東京, 2017/05/28
  • "Effects of the EEG frequency spectrum and coherence for Qigong practician: An cross section and longitudinal study", 2016 International Congress of Psychology, 橫濱, 2016/07/24
  • "The effects of physical activity on the frontal-parietal shift of the P300 amplitude in older adults", The international conference of 2015 ECP, Brighton, 2015/07/06
  • "身體活動量對老年人額葉~頂葉P300振幅分佈改變之探討", 台灣認知神經科學2015年學術研討會, 台北市, 2015/01/21
  • "身體活動監控與運動介入對老年人健康適能與認知功能促進效果之探討", 103年科技部人文處體育領域專題研究計劃成果發表會, 台北市, 2014/11/22
  • "The effects of aerobic exercise intervention on switching task in executive function of cognition: An event-related potential study", The ISSP 13th World Congress of Sport Psychology, 北京, 2013/07/21
  • "Relationship among Elderl's Attentional Brain Networks, Physical Activity, and Body Composition", The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 北京, 2012/06/10
  • "The enhance effects of physical activity with high cognitive component on the cognitive functiona in aging adults", The International 21st Puijo Symposium, Kuopio, 2011/06/29
  • "籃球罰球表現好壞心跳與大腦活動差異之研究", 2010年上海第二屆兩岸四地華人運動心理國際學術研討會, 上海, 2010/09/15
  • "老年人身體活動狀態對認知功能中轉換作業影響之腦波研究", 二岸四地華人運動心理學研討會, 上海, 2010/09/15
  • "籃球罰球表現好壞心跳率影響之研究", 2010年上海第二屆兩岸四地華人運動心理國際學術研討會, 上海, 2010/09/15
  • "The effects of Qi-gong and physical activity on cognitive function in old adults", The 12th ISSP WORLD CONGRESS OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Marrakesh, 2009/06/17
  • "EEG changes from different types of physical activity in old adults", The 12th ISSP WORLD CONGRESS OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Marrakesh, 2009/06/17
  • "Cortical Activity at Pre-performance State: An Exploring Study of EEG in Double Trap Shooting", 2007 SEA Games & ASEAN Para Games Scientific Congress and 5th ASPASP International Congress on Sport Psychology, 曼谷, 2007/12/01
  • "An electroencephalogram study of pistol shooting: The effects of neurofeedback training on the self-regulate of the preparatory state", 2007 SEA Games & ASEAN Para Games Scientific Congress and 5th ASPASP International Congress on Sport Psychology, Bangkok, 2007/12/01
  • "An EEG coherence study on basketball free throw", North American of Sport Psychology Association, 馬里蘭, 2004/07/02
  • "氣功對放鬆及情緒影響之腦波研究", 台灣運動心理學會學術研討會, 嘉義, 2003/12/27
  • "Intrinsic motivation of college athletes in academic and sport context", the international congress of the 4th Asia-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, Seoul, 2003/07/19
  • "EEG Dimensional Complexity Between Good And Poor Basketball Free Throw performance", North American of Sport Psychology Association, 多倫多, 2003/07/03
  • "Exploring the relationship between flow and brain activity", North American of Sport Psychology Association, 奧蘭多, 2002/06/25
  • "The effects of anxiety on cognitive processing in event-related potential study", North American of Sport Psychology Association, 奧蘭多, 2002/06/25
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