
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Graduate Institute of Mineral Resources Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Extraction of Ga(III) by D2EHPA-Modified XAD-4 Resins Prepared by Solvent-Nonsolvent Modification", Chemical Engineering & Technology, 20, 2021/09, SCI
  • "The Stabilization of Waste Funnel Glass of CRT by SiO2 Film Coating Technique", Sustainability, 13, 16, 12, 2021/08, SCI
  • "電子材料循環經濟探討與展望", 工業材料, 404, 8, 2020/08, ELSE1
  • "Concentration effect of aluminum nitrate on the CrystallineAmorphous transition between Al-doped ZnO nanorods and nanostructures prepared by electrochemical deposition", Electrochimica Acta, 308, 350-362, 2019/06, SCI
  • "A Separation of manganese (II) and cobalt (II) ions by D2EHPA/TBP-immobilized PolyHIPE membrane", membrane water treatment, 2, 10, 127-137, 2019/03, SCI
  • "Application of PolyHIPE membrane with Tricaprylmethylammonium chloride for Cr", membrane, 8, 11, 17, 2018/03, EI
  • "Cr (VI) separation by PolyHIPE membrane immobilized with Aliquat 336 by solvent-nonsolvent method", Membrane Water Treatment, 8, 6, 16, 2017/11, SCI
  • "Eects of Preparation Parameters of a One-Pot Approach on the Conductivity, Structure, and Chemical Composition of Silver/ Reduced-Graphene Oxide Composite", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 55, 4390-4402, 2016/03, SCI
  • "薄膜分離技術於資源回收之應用", 工業污染防治, 33, 130, 170-190, 2014/12, ELSE1
  • "Surface modification of hydrophobic resin with tri-caprylmethylammonium chloride for the application of trace hexavalent chromium removal", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 2013/07, SCI
  • "Reduction of PCDDs/PCDFs in MSWI fly ash using microwave peroxide oxidation in H2SO4/HNO3 solution", Chemosphere, 91, 6, 864–868, 2013/05, SCI
  • "Effects of CaTiO3 addition on the densification and microwave dielectric properties of BiSbO4 ceramics", ceramics international, 39, 2857-2861, 2013/02, SCI
  • "Study of Optical Recording Properties of Glass-like Polymer Material for Blue Laser Holographic Optical Data Storage", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2, 10, 5, 2009/05, SCI
  • "Control of Shrinkage Characteristics of Blue Laser Sensitive Holographic Epoxy Materials by Addition Different Photosensitizers", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2, 10, 5, 2009/05, SCI
  • "Minimum Feeding Rate of Activated Carbon to Control Dioxin Emissions from a Large-Scale Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator", Hazardous Waste, 161, 8, 2009/01, SCI
  • "Preparation and characterization of polyimide/zirconia composite films", Journal of Electronic Materials, 37, 6, 925-929, 2008/06, SCI
  • "Selective Separation of Cu and Zn in the Citric Acid Leachate of Industrial Printed Wiring Board Sludge by D2EHPA-Modified Amberlite XAD-4 Resin", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, 22, 7231-7238, 2007/08, SCI
  • "富氧化矽再生原料產製纖維水泥板之研究", 礦冶, 51, 1, 45-50, 2007/03, ELSE1
  • "Calcium enhanced COD removal for the ozonation of phenol solution", Water Research, 41, 9, 2007/02, SCI
  • "Deodorization and wastewater treatment study of landfill leachate", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 16, 1, 7, 2006/08, ELSE1
  • "電弧爐煉鋼煙塵資源化問題與方向探討", 礦冶, 50, 2, 7, 2006/06, ELSE1
  • "The effects of preozonation on the biodegradability of phenolic solutions using a new gas-inducing reactor", Ozone: Science and Engineering, 28, 8, 2006/05, SCI
  • "The effects of preozonation on the biodegradability of mixed phenolic solution using a new gas-inducing reactor", Chemosphere, 59, 1279-1287, 2005/09, SCI
  • "金屬資源再生技術", 環境工程會刊, 16, 3, 6-15, 2005/08, ELSE1
  • "以表面改質活化技術回收再利用橡膠粉", 環境工程會刊, 16, 3, 22-27, 2005/08, ELSE1
  • "Separation of gallium and arsenic in wafer grinding extraction solution using a supported liquid membrane that contains PC88A as a carrier", J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A Toxic Hazard. Subst. Environ. Eng., 40, 477-491, 2005/08, SCI
  • "節能材料之開發與使用技術", 工業污染防制, 24, 2, 135-146, 2005/04, ELSE1
  • "Scale-up Study of Dye RB-19 Ozonation in a New Gas-Inducing Reactor", Ozone Science & Engineering, 26, 165-180, 2004/06, SCI
  • "Decolorization of Dye RB-19 Solution in a Continuous Ozone Process", Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 39, 127-144, 2004/06, SCI
  • "The enhancement of the biodegradability of phenolic solution using preozonation based on high ozone utilization", Chemosphere, 56, 149-158, 2004/06, SCI
  • "Post-Cu CMP cleaning for colloidal silica abrasive removal", Microelectronic Engineering, 75, 352-360, 2004/04, SCI
  • "Surface Modification of Amberlite XAD-4 Resin with D2EHPA by a Two-Step Solvent-Nonsolvent Procedures and the Application on the Selective Separation of Lead and Copper Ions", Separation Science and Technology, 39, 2069-2090, 2004/04, SCI
  • "Separation of Mo and V ions using D2EHPA-immobilized Amberlite XAD-4 resin", Separation Science and Technology, 38, 3827-3852, 2003/06, SCI
  • "Peroxone Process for RO-16 and RB-19 Dye Solutions Treatment", Journal of Environmental Science and Health- Part A. Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering, 38, 1361-1376, 2003/06, SCI
  • "Application of Gas-Inducing Reactor to Obtain High Oxygen Dissolution in Aeration Process", Water Research, 37, 2919-2928, 2003/05, SCI
  • "The Preozonation of Phenolic Aqueous Solution and Its Effect on the Improvement of Coagulation Treatment", Ozone Science & Engineering, 25, 323-333, 2003/05, SCI
  • "The preparation of D2EHPA modified Amberlite 200 and its application in the separation of metal ions from sulfuric acid solution", Reactive and Functional Polymers, 56, 175-188, 2003/04, SCI
  • "Ozonation Treatment of 2-Nitrophenolic Wastewater Using a New Gas-Inducing Reactor", Chemical Engineering Communication, 190, 1541-1561, 2003/02, SCI


  • 無機化學Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed. Miessler, G.L. and Tarr, D.A., Prentice Hall, 4, 臺灣培生教育文教出版股份有限公司, 986-154-430-5, 2006/10/01

Conference papers

  • "以化學還原法合成Cu/PANI核殼微米級粉體之研究", 功能性材料研討會暨科技部專題研究計畫, 台南, 2019/06/14
  • "氧化石墨烯/全氟磺酸複合材料之疏水性研究", 中國化學年會, 高雄, 2018/12/08
  • "還原氧化石墨烯/銀複合材料紙之製備研究", 中國材料年會, 台中, 2018/11/16
  • "高液相乳化聚合高分子薄膜於去除再生硫酸銅中鋅鐵之研究", 中國礦冶學會, 台北, 2018/10/20
  • "次微米銅線綠色製程之研究", 2018資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2018/05/28
  • "Selective separation of manganese, cobalt and lithium ions by D2EHPA immobilized XAD-4 resin by a two-step, solvent-nonsolvent procedure", Mine Water and the Environment - A Cross cutting issue” and the 2nd EMNR Conference within framework of the 6th Vietnam International Water Week - VACI 2018, 4-8 March, Hanoi., Hanoi, Vietnam, 2018/03/04
  • "石墨烯/二氧化鈦氣凝膠光觸媒複合材料之研究", 106年中國礦冶工程師學會年會, 苗栗, 2017/10/16
  • "The recovery of vanadium content catalyst and the application on VRB", MMIJ & 2017 EARTH, 札幌, 2017/09/26
  • "複合式鍍層對銅鋅合金材料的耐蝕性研究", 2017 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2017/05/26
  • "Recovery Chromium (VI) by Aliquat 336-immobilized PolyHIPE membrane using Solvent-nonsolvent method", International Conference on Environmental Issues in Mining and Natural Resources Development (EMNR 2016), Hanoi, 2016/11/14
  • "利用水熱法製備氧化鎳/還原氧化石墨烯之導電性研究", 105年中華民國�Y冶工程學會, 高雄, 2016/11/10
  • "利用原位合成法製備奈米銀線/還原石墨烯複合導電材料之研究", 105年中華民國�Y冶工程學會, 高雄, 2016/11/10
  • "磺酸化改質磁性高分子複合物應用於鎳金屬之吸附", 105年中華民國�Y冶工程學會, 高雄, 2016/11/10
  • "Management mechanism of industrial waste in Taiwan", International conference on resource recycling between ROC and Thailand, 台北, 2016/10/12
  • "利用高內相乳化法製作吸濕多孔材料", 2016 資源與環境學術研討會(第十七屆)., 花蓮, 2016/05/27
  • "表面改質玻璃纖維粉於混凝土補強之應用", 2016 資源與環境學術研討會(第十七屆)., 2016/05/27
  • "The study of CRT funnel glass recycling by SiO2 coating-stabilization process", Earth 2015, Pattaya, 2015/11/01
  • "錫鉍混渣分離技術之研究", 2015輸送現象及其應用專題研討會, 台北, 2015/09/15
  • "利用高內相乳化法製作吸濕多孔材料", 2015 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2015/05/29
  • "SURFACE MODIFICATION OF ZrO2 BY SILANE AND THE STABILITY STUDY", The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2014, 屏東墾丁, 2014/10/31
  • "氧化石墨還原法製備還原氧化石墨烯之研究", 103年礦冶年會, 台北, 2014/10/17
  • "評析廢液晶顯示器中氧化銦錫回收與純化技術之研究", 103年礦冶年會, 台北, 2014/10/17
  • "貴稀金屬回收技術", 稀有戰略資源循環技術研習會, 台北, 2014/06/27
  • "太陽能產業表面處理廢噴砂之工程性質研究", 2014 資源與環境學術研討會, 花蓮, 2014/05/23
  • "廢錫鉍渣回收再生技術研發", 102年化工年會, 台南成功大學, 2013/11/23
  • "The Study on the Recovery of Vanadium/Tungsten from Waste SCR Catalysts", EARTH 2013, 張家界, 2013/11/03
  • "有機酸萃取蛇紋石中鎂之研究", 中華民國陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會, 台北市, 2013/05/24
  • "用聚電解質表面改質SiO2包覆氧化鐵之磁性分離材料於回收六價鉻之研究", 中華民國陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會, 台北市, 2013/05/24
  • "利用PEG-6000於水熱法中合成四氧化三鐵微米球體之研究", 中華民國陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會, 台北市, 2013/05/24
  • "利用CTCS自組裝表面改質環氧封膠樹脂及玻纖樹脂粉製作輕質高壓混凝土磚之研究", 101年度技術及知識應用型產學合作計畫成果發表, 台南, 2012/11/20
  • "氟化鈉添加劑對氧化沉澱法中合成四氧化三鐵之影響", 101年礦冶年會, 高雄, 2012/11/02
  • "以固態乳化技術合成表面不對稱二氧化矽/氧化鋅奈米顆粒", 101年礦冶年會, 高雄, 2012/11/02
  • "以低溫製程製備可撓式敏化太陽能電池二氧化鈦正電極材料", 101年礦冶年會, 高雄, 2012/11/02
  • "Recovery of Chromate from Aqueous Solution by Aliquat 336 immobilized Amberlite XAD-4 Resin Prepared by Solvent-nonsolvent Technique", The Organizing Committee of EARTH2011, 高雄, 2011/10/31
  • "可撓式染料敏化太陽能電池正電極材料製備研究", 100年�Y冶工程年會, 台北, 2011/10/25
  • "不同界面活性劑對奈米二氧化矽膠體穩定性影響", 中國鑛冶工程學會99年會, 台南市, 2010/10/07
  • "從國內廢電子電器物品處理體系現況探討分級管理制度之可行性", 中國鑛冶工程學會99年會, 台南市, 2010/10/07
  • "多元醇對溶膠一凝膠法合成奈米氧化鋅成長機制之影響", 中國鑛冶工程學會99年會, 台南市, 2010/10/07
  • "廢太陽能電池資源化技術", 廢棄物資源化研討會, 臺中, 2008/12/26
  • "利用原子轉移自由基聚合與溶液聚合法製備具Fe3O4-PMMA", 材料年會, 台北, 2008/12/21
  • "Recycling Technology for Electronic Appliances", 2008 International Conference on Resource Recycling, 台北, 2008/12/16
  • "Study of Optical Recording Properties of Glass-like Polymer Material for Blue Laser Holographic Optical Data Storage", ASIA-PACIFIC DATA STORAGE CONFERENCE, 濟州, 2008/12/15
  • "Control of Shrinkage Characteristics of Blue Laser Sensitive Holographic Epoxy Materials by Addition Different Photosensitizers", ASIA-PACIFIC DATA STORAGE CONFERENCE, 濟州, 2008/12/15
  • "利用溶劑-非溶劑法製備Aliquat 336改質樹脂(AMR)去除水中六價鉻之研究", 材料年會, 台北, 2008/11/21
  • "廢太陽能電池回收技術", 2008廢棄物資源化暨附加價值提升座談會, 新竹, 2008/11/07
  • "環氧樹脂基材添加不同光敏感劑於全像光資訊儲存材料之研究", 化工年會, 長庚大學, 2007/11/23
  • "全像儲存材料中收縮率之研究", 化工年會, 林口, 2007/11/23
  • "有機-無機混成對全像儲存材料收縮率增益性之研究", 材料年會, 新竹, 2007/11/16
  • "光敏感劑對環氧樹脂全像記錄材料收縮率之影響", 材料年會, 新竹, 2007/11/16
  • "氧化劑對桿狀奈米氧化銅製備之影響", 2006臺灣化學工程學會第53屆年會, 高雄, 2006/11/24
  • "聚醯亞胺膜表面接枝反應之研究", 材料學會年會, 新竹, 2006/11/17
  • "The Fiber Cement Board Made of Stone Sludge & Pulp Sludge", International Symposium on Green Technology for Resources and Materials, 北京, 2006/10/29
  • "節能材料之開發與使用技術之研發現況與前瞻規劃", 永續發展科技與政策研討會, 台北, 2005/12/23
  • "電弧爐煉鋼煙塵資源化問題與方向探討", 礦冶學會年會, 台北, 2005/11/18
  • "Stabilization and Recycling for Aluminum Dross", International Symposium on Green Technology for Resources and Materials, 北京, 2005/10/29
  • "廢鉛玻璃再利用可行性研究", 礦冶學會年會, 臺南, 2004/12/03
  • "A study of the recycling of industrial wastes for fiber cement board", International Symposium on Green Technology for Resources and Materials Recycling, Soul, 2004/11/24
  • "利用表面改質技術製備可變孔隙度離子交換樹脂以分離溶液中重金屬離子之應用研究", 中國化學工程年會, 臺南, 2004/11/21
  • "利用含金屬螯合活性之長鏈有機分子製備可變滲透性薄膜分離溶液中重金屬離子之研究", 中國化學工程年會, 臺北, 2003/11/21
  • "The cement fiberboard made of stone sludge and pulp sludge", The 7th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, Tainan, 2003/11/10
  • "利用外加電場作用力及表面活性之導電性高分子polypyrrole增進液態膜分選重金屬效率之應用研究", 中國化學工程年會, 嘉義, 2002/11/30
  • "利用含浸金屬萃取劑之樹脂分離金屬離子之應用研究", 中國礦冶工程學會年會, 臺南, 2002/11/02
  • "環境材料之生命週期評估─以廢輪胎為例", 中國礦冶工程學會年會, 臺南, 2002/11/02
  • "Separation of Ni, V and Mo ions using D2EHPA modified Amberlite 200 resin", Proceedings of 2002 Taiwan/Korea/Japan Chemical Engineering Conference, Taipei, 2002/10/30
  • "高科技產業纖維質廢棄物再利用開發", 高科技工業環保技術及安全衛生研討會, 新竹, 2002/10/25
  • "The Preozonation of Phenolic Aqueous Solution and its Effect on the Improvement of Coagulation Treatment", ADVANCES IN OZONE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, Hong Kong, 2002/04/15

Relevant certifications

  • 化工技師高考, 考選部
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