
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineering

Journal articles

  • "An Analytical Solution of the Optimal Chillers Operation Problems Based on ASHRAE Guideline 14", Journal of Building Engineering, 46, 10, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Optimal Chiller Loading by Team Particle Swarm Algorithm for Reducing Energy Consumption", Energies, 14, 21, 16, 2021/10, SCI
  • "Design and application of evaporative cooler for a freezer", APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 178, 115411, 10, 2020/09, SCI
  • "Energy performance evaluation for benchmarking school buildings using dynamic clustering analysis and particle swarm optimization", Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 41, 4, 429-440, 2020/07, SCI
  • "應用EnergyPlus模擬分析最佳冰水主機組合之開機策略", 科儀新知, 223, 14-29, 2020/06, ELSE1
  • "應用 ENERGY PLUS 模擬分析最佳冰水主機組合", 智動化 SmartAuto, 59, 74-78, 2020/06, ELSE1
  • "歐盟及中國射出成型機耗能標準規範分析介紹", 中華水電冷凍空調, 79, 62-64, 2013/07, ELSE1
  • "Evaluating and ranking the energy performance of office building using technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution", Applied Thermal Engineering, 31, 16, 5, 2012/11, SCI
  • "Yeong-Chuan Lin, “ Evaluating and ranking energy performance of office buildings using grey relational analysis", Energy, 36, 5, 2551-2556, 2011/05, SCI
  • "Using climate classification to evaluate building energy performance", Energy, 36, 3, 1797-1801, 2011/03, SCI
  • "Optimal chiller loading by differential evolution algorithm for reducing energy consumption", Energy and Buildings, 43, 2-3, 599-604, 2011/02, SCI
  • "Theoretical and experimental investigations of a two-phase thermosyphon solar water heater", Energy, 36, 1, 415-423, 2011/01, SCI
  • "Economic dispatch of chiller plant by gradient method for saving energy", Applied Energy, 87, 1096-1101, 2010/04, SCI
  • "Benchmarking the energy performance for cooling purposes in buildings using a novel index-total performance of energy for cooling purposes", Energy, 35, 50-54, 2010/01, SCI
  • "Evaluating and ranking energy performance of office buildings using fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral", Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 197-203, 2010/01, SCI
  • "Optimization for ice-storage air-conditioning system using particle swarm algorithm", Applied Energy, 86, 1589–1595, 2009/09, SCI
  • "Long-term thermal performance of a two-phase thermosyphon solar water heater", Solar Energy, 83, 1048–1055, 2009/07, SCI
  • "Optimal chiller loading by particle swarm algorithm for reducing energy consumption", Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 1730–1734, 2009/06, SCI
  • "A performance enhancement algorithm for the part-machine grouping problem", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 41, 211-218, 2009/03, SCI
  • "Optimization of heat pump system in indoor swimming pool using particle swarm algorithm", Applied Thermal Engineering, 28, 13, 1647–1653, 2008/09, SCI
  • "Benchmarking the energy efficiency of government buildings with data envelopment analysis", Energy and Buildings, 40, 5, 891–895, 2008/01, SCI
  • "熱泵系統應用於室內溫水游泳池之介紹及案例探討", 能源季刊, 7, 1, 39-53, 2007/01, ELSE1
  • "Latent Heat Storage in a Two-Phase Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 128, 1, 69-76, 2005/06, SCI
  • "Charge and Discharge Characteristics of a Thermal Energy Storage Device", Experimental Heat Transfer, 18, 15, 2005/06, SCI
  • "Thermal Performance of a Two-phase Thermosyphon Energy Storage System", Solar Energy, 75, 10, 2003/07, SCI

Conference papers

  • "建築物佈置之空調室外機散熱模擬分析", 第十一屆海峽兩岸冷凍空調學術暨技術交流會, 大連, 2013/08/24
  • "OPTIMAL DESIGN AND OPERATION SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF ABSORPTION", International Conference on Applied Energy, 蘇州, 2012/07/05
  • "吸收液除濕與再生熱質傳之性能研究", 中國機械工程學會第27屆學術研討會, 台北, 2010/12/10
  • "台灣地區地方政府機關建築物能源使用效率分析", 第九屆海峽兩岸制冷空調技術交流會, 杭州, 2009/09/03
  • "台灣能源使用對產業經濟影響的探討", 98年度節約能源論文發表會, 屏東, 2009/05/22
  • "溫度對政府機關辦公建築能源效率的影響分析", 98年度節約能源論文發表會, 屏東, 2009/05/22
  • "冷房度日對建築物能源效率之影響分析", 第二屆海峽兩岸科技與人文教育暨產學合作研討會, 台中, 2008/12/04
  • "應用田口法進行迴路式熱虹吸管儲能系統之最佳化分析", 2008能源與冷凍空調學術研討會, 台北, 2008/10/03

Relevant certifications

  • 機械技師, 考試院
  • 冷凍空調工程技師, 考試院
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