
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Gui Meen Wah

Professor/Department of Civil Engineering

Journal articles

  • "A Numerical Study of a Soil-Nail-Supported Excavation Pit Subjected to a Vertically Loaded Strip Footing at the Crest", Buildings, 14, 4, 927, 2024/03, SCI
  • "Hazard Mitigation of a Landslide-Prone Area through Monitoring, Modeling, and Susceptibility Mapping", Water, 15, 6, 1043, 2023/03, SCI
  • "Responses of Structural Components of a Full-Scale Nailed Retaining Structure under the Influence of Surcharge Loading and Nail Head Configuration: A Numerical Study", Buildings, 13, 2, 561, 2023/02, SCI
  • "Mechanical Responses of Soil-Geosynthetic Composite (SGC) Mass under Failure Load", Sustainability, 14, 15, 9629, 2022/08, SCI
  • "Responses of Laterally Loaded Single Piles Subjected to Various Loading Rates in a Poroelastic Soil.", Applied Sciences, 12, 2, 617, 2022/01, SCI
  • "Stability Assessment of Landslide Occurred in India and Its Remedies: A Case Study", J of Adv Research in Applied Sci. and Eng. Tech., 23, 1, 1-7, 2021/06, ELSE2
  • "Estimation of surface soil moisture content using fractals", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, 2, 91, 2021/02, SCI
  • "Impacts of Compaction Load and Procedure on Stress-Deformation Behaviors of a Soil Geosynthetic Composite (SGC) Mass—A Case Study", Applied Science, 10, 18, 6339, 2020/09, SCI
  • "Effects of Upstream Water Level on Dynamic Response of Earth Dam", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol 2015, Article ID 723904, 1, 2015/03, SCI
  • "Failure of soil under water infiltration condition", Engineering Geology, 181, 124-141, 2014/09, SCI
  • "Diaphragm wall displacement due to creeping of soft clay", Geotechnical Engineering, 167, GE3, 297-310, 2014/06, SCI
  • "A numerical study on soil–pile-group–bridge pier interaction under the effect of earthquake loading", Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 8, 1, No. 1350037, 2014/03, SCI
  • "Estimation of transverse ground surface settlement induced by DOT shield tunneling", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 33, 1, 119-130, 2013/01, SCI
  • "Validity of principle of superposition in predicted ground settlement profile of twin- and quadruple-tube tunnels", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 28, 1, 135-149, 2012/02, SCI
  • "Efficiency of buttress-walls in deep excavations", Journal of GeoEngineering, 6, 3, 145-154, 2012/01, EI
  • "Numerical Analysis for Earth Structure Sitting on Liquefiable Soils in Roller Boundary", Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 287-290, 1911-1914, 2011/07, EI
  • "A non-linear analysis of an advancing hydraulically injected pile", Journal of Zhejiang University Science (A), Springer, 12, 1, 15-23, 2011/01, SCI
  • "Seismic Response of Renyi-Tan Dam during the Ji-ji Earthquake", Journal of GeoEngineering, 4, 2, 41-50, 2010/01, EI
  • "Use of Cavity Expansion Theory in Predicting Cone Resistance", The Open Civil Engineering J., Bentham Open, http://www.bentham.org/open/tociej/index.htm, 3, 1-6, 2009/01, ELSE2
  • "Rate of strength increase of unsaturated lateritic soil", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45, 9, 1335-1343, 2008/09, SCI
  • "The Basics of Noise Detection and Filtering for Borehole Drilling Data", The Open Civil Engineering J., Bentham Open, http://www.bentham.org/open/tociej/index.htm, 2, 113-120, 2008/07, ELSE2
  • "Numerical study of a nailed slope excavation", J of Geotechnical Engineering, 37, 2, 1-12, 2006/04, EI
  • "Depth dependent bearing capacity of shallow foundations", J of Marine Science and Technology, 14, 1, 1-14, 2006/01, SCI
  • "Development of an instrumented borehode drilling system for ground investigation", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 9, 350, 2004/06, EI
  • "Instrumented borehole drilling for subsurface investigation", J of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 128, 4, 283-291, 2002/04, SCI

Conference papers

  • "Finite element analysis of compaction load to investigate the stress-deformation behavior of soil geosynthetic composite mass: A case study", 4th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development (TISDIC-2023), Danang, 2023/08/26
  • "Numerical simulation of compaction load on stress deformation behavior of soil geosynthetic composite mass", 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (4th ICTG), Chicago, Illinois, 2021/05/24
  • "Numerical analysis of the performance of pile cap on a single pile for a lateral bearing capacity in layered soil", Proc. 1st Int. Recent Trends in Technology, Engineering and Computing Conference 2020 (IRTTEC2020), Kuala Lumpur, 2020/09/30
  • "Numerical simulation analysis of stress-deformation behavior of soil and geosynthetic composite mass: a case study.", 3rd Int. Conf. on Transport Infrastructure & Sustainable Development (TISDIC 2019), Da Nang City, 2019/08/31
  • "Soil nailing behaviour for slope stabilization: A case study", The 11th International Conference on Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering (GEOTROPIKA 2019), Kuala Lumpur, 2019/02/27
  • "Stability analysis of unsaturated soil slope via hydro-mechanical model", The 42nd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, November 23-24, 2018, Taipei, 2018/11/23
  • "Effectiveness of Buttress and Cross-Wall in Deep Excavations", Geo China 2016, Shandong, 2016/07/25
  • "Comparison of Terzaghi and Biot's consolidation theories – a numerical study", 4th International Symposium on Technology and Sustainability, Taipei, 2014/11/19
  • "Foundation Construction Materials In The Gambia", 4th International Symposium on Technology and Sustainability, Taipei, 2014/11/19
  • "Volume change behavior of an unsaturated soil–a numerical investigation", 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Kyoto, 2014/09/22
  • "Geometrical Effect on the Stability of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to a Short Period of Rainfall", ICNSE, Kyoto, 2014/05/07
  • "水入滲對紅土強度影響之初步探討", 第十五屆大地工程學術研究討論會暨國科會成果發表會, 雲林, 2013/09/11
  • "A preliminary study on the wetting failure of lateritic soil", Third International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Waste Disposal (UNSAT-WASTE), Shanghai, 2013/07/07
  • "Comparison of two water storage functions of soil on pore-water pressure of earth-filled dam under changing environment", The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2011), Seoul, 2011/06/29
  • "A preliminary study on triaxial extension strength of unsaturated lateritic soil", 1st Int. Conf. on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’10), 濟州島, 2010/05/31
  • "Dynamic Bravior of Liquefaction-Induced Earth Pressure on Single Pile Foundation in Slopping Two- Layered Ground", 1st Int. Conf. on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’10), 濟州島, 2010/05/31
  • "Numerical Analysis for Dynamic Responses of Earth Structure Sitting on Liquefiable Soils", 1st Int. Conf. on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’10), 濟州島, 2010/05/31
  • "Comparison between measured and PTF estimated SWCC of lateritic soil", 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 台北, 2010/05/10
  • "擋土牆受震穩定之不確定性分析", 第十三界大地工程學術研究討論會(11th Conf on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan),民國九十九年八月二六日至二八日, 宜蘭, 2009/08/26
  • "Seepage modelling of a saturated-unsaturated earth-fill Dam", 5th Int. Conf on Landslides, Slope Stability & the Safety of Infra-Structures, 24 - 26 July 2008, Kuala Lumpur, 87-94, Kuala Lumpur, 2008/07/24
  • "A case study on rainfall infiltration effect on the stability of two slopes", 10 Int. Symp. on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Xian, China, June 30 – July 4, A.A. Balkema Publishers – Taylor & Francis The Netherlands, 1737-1743., Xi'an, 2008/06/30
  • "Some Attributes of Road-Slopes Failure Caused by Typhoons", 10 Int. Symp. on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Xian, China, June 30 – July 4, A.A. Balkema Publishers – Taylor & Francis The Netherlands, 1559-1564., Xi'an, 2008/06/30
  • "Comparison of measured and back estimated cone penetration resistance of sand", 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME (OMAE 2008), 15-20 June 2008, Paper No. OMAE2008-57548, Estoril, 2008/06/15
  • "基質吸力與 phi_b角對土壤強度的影響", 第十二界大地工程學術研究討論會暨國科會成果發表會(12th Geotechnical Engineering Conf on Current Researches, Taiwan),民國九十六年八月二十九日至三十一日,A1-38。, 2007/08/29
  • "土壤液化不確定性分析之初步探討", 第十二界大地工程學術研究討論會暨國科會成果發表會(12th Geotechnical Engineering Conf on Current Researches, Taiwan),民國九十六年八月二十九日至三十一日,D3-8。, 2007/08/29
  • "擋土牆穩定不確定性分析之初步探討", 第十二界大地工程學術研究討論會暨國科會成果發表會(12th Geotechnical Engineering Conf on Current Researches, Taiwan),民國九十六年八月二十九日至三十一日,D3-7。, 2007/08/29
  • "地震作用於有限邊坡不確定性分析之探討", 第十二界大地工程學術研究討論會暨國科會成果發表會(12th Geotechnical Engineering Conf on Current Researches, Taiwan),民國九十六年八月二十九日至三十一日,D3-1。, 2007/08/29
  • "Water Coefficient of Permeability of unsaturated Lateritic Soil", 3rd Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils – UNSAT-ASIA 2007, Nanjing, China, April 21-23, (eds. Z.Z. Yin, Y.P. Yuan and A.C.F. Chiu), Beijing: Science Press, ISBN: 7-03-018739-0, 469-474., Nanjing, 2007/04/21
  • "非飽和土壤邊坡穩定之不確定性分析", 2007海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會,4月16-18日,天津,63-68。, 天津, 2007/04/16
  • "Response of Renyi-Tan Dam during the 921- JiJi Earthquake", International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, October 12-13, 2006, Paper No. 27, Taipei, 2006/10/12
  • "考慮未飽和層流對滲流之影響-以仁義潭水庫為例", 第十一界大地工程學術研究討論會(11th Conf on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan),民國九十四年九月八日至十日, 2005/09/08
  • "非飽和紅土孔隙水壓變化對滲透係數影響之探討", 第十一界大地工程學術研究討論會(11th Conf on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan),民國九十四年九月八日至十日。, 2005/09/08
  • "應用數值分析模擬降雨對邊坡穩定之影響", 第十一界大地工程學術研究討論會(11th Conf on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan),民國九十四年九月八日至十日。, 2005/09/08
  • "非飽和紅土剪力強度之初步探討", 第十一界大地工程學術研究討論會(11th Conf on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan),民國九十四年九月八日至十日。, 2005/09/08
  • "Preliminary Study on the Swelling/shrinking Lateritic Soil", Int Conf on Problematic Soils: GeoProb2005, Cyprus, May 25-27, 639-646, Cyprus, 2005/05/25
  • "土石壩在動力下之行為", 中華民國第二十六屆全國力學會議,20-21, December, C018: 1-12。, 2002/12/20
  • "Ultimate bearing capacity via the method of characteristics", Int. Conf. On Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, vol. 1, April 3-5, 339-342, Taipei, 2002/04/03
  • "Statistical tests on drilling data", Int. Conf. On Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, vol. 2, April 3-5, 927-932, Taipei, 2002/04/03

Relevant certifications

  • 英國認許土木工程師(CEng), 英國土木工程師學會
  • 英國認許結構工程師(CEng), 英國結構工程師學會
  • 英國認許環境師(CEnv), 英國環境師學會
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