
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Vehicle Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Handling Enhancement of Autonomous Emergency Steering for Reduced Road Friction Using Steering and Differential Braking", Applied Sciences, 11, 11, 2021/05, SCI
  • "Design of an Adaptive Power Management Strategy for Range Extended Electric Vehicles,", Energies, 12, 9, 1610, 2019/04, SCI
  • "Adaptive Power Management Strategy for a Four-Mode Hybrid Electric Vehicle", Energy Procedia, 105, 2403-2408, 2017/05, EI
  • "Experimental Study on HCCI Combustion in a Small Engine with Various Fuels and EGR", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 12, 3338-3348, 2016/12, SCI
  • "Application of HCCI Engine in Motorcycle for Emission Reduction and Energy Saving", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 5, 2140-2149, 2015/10, SCI
  • "Adaptive Power Management Control of Range Extended Electric Vehicle", Energy Procedia, 61, 67-70, 2015/01, EI
  • "Electronic Stability Control for Electric Vehicle with Four In-wheel Motors", International Journal of Automotive Technology, 15, 4, 573-580, 2014/05, SCI
  • "Design and Analysis of Power Management Strategy for Range Extended Electric Vehicle Using Dynamic Programming", Applied Energy, 113, 1764-1774, 2014/01, SCI
  • "Design of traction control system for electric scooter using self-organizing fuzzy control", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 62, 1, 87-100, 2013/02, SCI
  • "Pollutant Emission Reduction and Engine Performance Improvement by Using a Semi-Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled by LPG", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 6, 1289-1297, 2012/12, SCI
  • "Design of electronic stability control for rollover prevention using sliding mode control", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 56, 1-4, 224-245, 2011/10, SCI
  • "The Possibility of Running HCCI in SI and CI Small-Scale Engines", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 225, 5, 579-590, 2011/08, SCI
  • "Adaptive Power Split Control for a Hybrid Electric Scooter", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60, 4, 1430-1437, 2011/05, SCI
  • "Sliding Mode Control for Semi-active Suspension with Actuator Dynamics", Vehicle System Dynamics, 49, 1-2, 277-290, 2011/01, SCI&EI
  • "Application of semi-direct injection for spark-ignition engine", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 54, 4, 356-370, 2010/11, SCI&EI
  • "Estimation of Engine Rotational Dynamics Using Kalman Filter Based on A Kinematic Model", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59, 8, 3728-3735, 2010/10, SCI&EI
  • "Performance and emissions of motorcycle engine using water-fuel emulsions", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 49, 1-3, 91-110, 2009/03, SCI
  • "Heat transfer model for small-scale spark-ignition engines", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 7-8, 1875-1886, 2009/03, SCI
  • "適應性PI怠速控制器於電子燃油噴射引擎之應用", 燃燒季刊, 18, 1, 12-24, 2009/02, ELSE1
  • "Sideslip angle estimation using extended Kalman filter", Vehicle System Dynamics, 46, SUPPL. 1, 353-364, 2008/01, SCI
  • "Steering Control of Six-wheeled Vehicles using LQR Techniques", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 221, 10, 1231-1240, 2007/10, SCI
  • "Modulization of Four-Stroke Single-Cylinder Spark-Ignition Air-Cooled Engine Models", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 221, 8, 1015-1026, 2007/08, SCI
  • "Design of Electric Differential System for Three-wheeled Electric Welfare Vehicles with Driver-in-the-loop Verification", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 56, 4, 1498-1505, 2007/07, SCI
  • "應用卡爾曼濾波器於前撞警示系統之設計與分析", 車輛工程學刊, 4, 97-110, 2007/05, ELSE1
  • "Heat Transfer Model for Small-Scale Air-Cooled Spark Ignition Four-Stroke Engines", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 21-22, 3895-3905, 2006/10, SCI
  • "三輪電動福祉車之電子差速器系統", 機械月刊, 370, 2006/05, ELSE1
  • "Rollover Warning for Articulated Heavy Vehicles based on a Time-To-Rollover Metric", Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 127, 3, 406-414, 2005/09, SCI
  • "Modeling and Control of Hybrid Electric Motorcycle with Direct-Driven Wheel Motor", SAE 2004 Transactions, Journal of Engines, 113, 3, 785-791, 2005/07, EI
  • "混合動力機車之設計與控制", 機械月刊,傳動機構與元件專輯, 4月號, 357, 28-40, 2005/04, ELSE1
  • "閉迴路線性估測器於引擎控制之應用", 中華民國自動化科技學會會刊, 3月號, 29-36, 2005/03, ELSE1
  • "車輛穩定控制與防止車輛翻覆系統之整合設計與分析", 工程科技通訊, 77, 198-200, 2004/12, ELSE1
  • "Human-in-the-loop Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics Control with Rollover Prevention", Vehicle System Dynamics, 41, Supplemental, 252-261, 2004/06, SCI

Conference papers

  • "應用碰撞時間於切入情境的自適應巡航控制", 中華民國第二十八屆輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2023/11/10
  • "四輪獨立驅動電動車主動容錯扭力向量控制", 第 32 屆國防科技學術研討會, 桃園, 2023/11/10
  • "應用雙模糊邏輯控制與步進增減壓於輛之減速度控制", 中華民國第二十八屆輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2023/11/10
  • "Active Fault-tolerant Torque Vectoring Control for Four-wheel Independent-drive Electric Vehicles", 7th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero traffic accidents(Fast zero’23), 金澤市, 2023/11/08
  • "Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Time-to-Collision for Cut-in Scenarios", 7th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero traffic accidents(Fast zero’23), 金澤市, 2023/11/08
  • "低速車輛之路徑追隨控制器", 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會, 苗栗, 2022/12/02
  • "應用深度學習與專家系統於自動變換車道決策網路之設計", 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會, 苗栗, 2022/12/02
  • "應用滑差控制與步進增減壓於車輛之減速度控制", 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會, 苗栗, 2022/12/02
  • "先進駕駛輔助系統之致動器容錯控制", 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會, 苗栗, 2022/12/02
  • "側向動態控制之車輛參數估測器設計", 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會, 苗栗, 2022/12/02
  • "Aligning Torque Estimation for Steering Angle Control", 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, AVEC’22, Kanagawa, 2022/09/12
  • "Automatic Lane Change Decision Making using Imitation Learning", 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, AVEC’22, Kanagawa, 2022/09/12
  • "應用監督學習與專家系統於 對向有來車之自動超車系統決策", 中華民國第26屆車輛工程研討會, 彰化, 2021/11/12
  • "應用車道線與物件資訊於全速域自動變換道系統之設計", 中華民國第26屆車輛工程研討會, 彰化, 2021/11/12
  • "應用深度學習於自動變換道決策網路之設計", 中華民國第26屆車輛工程研討會, 彰化, 2021/11/12
  • "應用線性時變模型預測控制於低速車輛軌跡追隨", 中國機械工程學會第三十七屆全國學術研討會, 雲林, 2020/11/20
  • "應用電液壓煞車系統於車輛減速度模糊控制", 中華民國第二十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 新北, 2020/10/30
  • "自動變換車道系統之決策與控制", 中華民國第二十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 新北, 2020/10/30
  • "自動防撞系統之時變軌跡規畫與追蹤控制", 中華民國第二十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 新北, 2020/10/30
  • "應用轉向動態於道路磨擦係數之估測", 中華民國第二十五屆車輛工程學術研討會, 新北, 2020/10/30
  • "Design of ECO-Cruise Control System for Electric Vehicles Using Road Slope Information and Dynamic Programming", 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hanoi, 2020/10/14
  • "Adaptive power management strategy based on equivalent fuel consumption minimization strategy for a mild hybrid electric vehicle", 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hanoi, 2020/10/14
  • "電動車雙速無離合器自動手排變速箱之換檔控制", 中國機械工程學會第三十六屆全國學術研討會, 台北, 2019/12/07
  • "應用自動資料更新於老化電池組之電量狀態與健康狀態估測", 中國機械工程學會第三十六屆全國學術研討會, 台北, 2019/12/07
  • "應用適應性參數估測器與路面識別於機車防鎖死煞車系統之模糊控制", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "鄰車道車輛匯入之緊急迴避軌跡規劃與控制", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "應用多輸入多輸出模型預測控制器與自適應預視時間調整 於自動緊急轉向系統之設計", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "應用模型預測控制與線性平方調整法於全速域適應性巡航控制系統之設計", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "應用時間車距與碰撞時間於自動變換車道之風險評估", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "應用逆向工程於電動輔助轉向系統之轉角追隨控制", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "道路摩擦係數峰值估測與參數靈敏度分析", 中華民國第二十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台南, 2019/11/29
  • "Design of Lane Change System for Collision Avoidance Using Time-to-Collision and Model Predictive Control", 3rd IAVSD Workshop on Dynamics of Road Vehicles, Ann Arbor, 2019/04/28
  • "無人機複合動力系統之引擎發電機模組轉速控制器設計", 中國機械工程學會第三十五屆全國學術研討會, 嘉義, 2018/11/30
  • "應用道路坡度估測與動態規劃於節能型巡航控制系統之設計", 中華民國第二十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 苗栗, 2018/11/30
  • "應用卡爾曼濾波器於機車防鎖死煞車系統之滑差估測", 中華民國第二十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 苗栗, 2018/11/30
  • "具縱向速度調變之自動變換車道系統", 中華民國第二十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 苗栗, 2018/11/30
  • "應用轉向動態於道路摩擦係數峰值之估測", 中華民國第二十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 苗栗, 2018/11/30
  • "應用適應性模糊滑動模式控制於四輪獨立驅動車輛之滑移轉向控制", 中華民國第二十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 苗栗, 2018/11/30
  • "以車輛模型為基礎之輪胎力裕度估測器設計", 中國機械工程學會第三十五屆全國學術研討會, 嘉義, 2018/11/30
  • "Design of Power Management Strategy Using Artificial Neural Networks for Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles", the 14th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Beijing, 2018/07/16
  • "Design of Autonomous Emergency Steering using Multi-Input Multi-Output Model Predictive Control", the 14th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Beijing, 2018/07/16
  • "自動緊急轉向系統之避障軌跡追隨控制", 中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會, 台中, 2017/12/01
  • "應用類神經網路於中度混合油電車能量管理控制策略之設計", 中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會, 台中, 2017/12/01
  • "應用適應性雙擴展式卡爾曼濾波器於鋰電池組之電量狀態與健康狀態估測", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "應用內模控制器於電動輔助轉向系統之轉角控制", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "自動緊急轉向系統之避障軌跡設計", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "應用雙參考輸入模型預測控制於緊急避障系統之設計", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "應用動態規劃於節能型巡航控制系統之最佳車速規劃", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "應用遞迴最小平方法於電子輔助轉向系統之皮帶劣化估測", 中華民國第二十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北, 2017/11/24
  • "Active Fault Tolorant Torque Distribution Control of 4 In-Whel Motors Electric Vehicles Based on Karmal Filter Approach", ICSSE2017, Ho Chi Minh City, 2017/07/21
  • "State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-ion Batteries using Extended Kalman Filter with Local Linearization", The 13th International Conference on Automobile Engineering, Bangkok, 2017/04/03
  • "Model-Based Sensor Fault Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance System", The 13th International Conference on Automobile Engineering, Bangkok, 2017/04/03
  • "以模型為基礎之車輛動態估測與故障偵測", 第三十三屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 新竹, 2016/12/03
  • "應用車道偏離時間與模型預估控制於車道維持系統之設計", 第二十一屆車輛工程研討會, 台南, 2016/11/18
  • "Adaptive Power Management Strategy for a Four-Mode Hybrid Electric Vehicle", ICAE 2016, 北京, 2016/10/08
  • "Adaptive Power Management Strategy for a Four-Mode Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle", AVEC 2016, Munich, 2016/09/13
  • "Design of an Automated Steering Controller with Steering Actuator Dynamics and Adaptive Preview Time", AVEC 2016, Munich, 2016/09/13
  • "應用道路摩擦係數估測於車輪馬達驅動電動車TCS/ABS控制", 2016中華民國系統科學與工程研討會, 南投, 2016/07/08
  • "應用適應性能量管理控制策略於中度混合油電車之設計", 第三十二屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 高雄, 2015/12/11
  • "利用輪胎煞車力即時估測道路摩擦係數於車輛動態模型之研究", 第三十二屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 高雄, 2015/12/11
  • "Application of Adaptive Idle Speed Control on V2 Engine", SETC 2015, Osaka, 2015/11/17
  • "Development of Three-Way Catalytic Converter Diagnostic Strategy", SETC 2015, Osaka, 2015/11/17
  • "應用模型預測控制器於自動緊急煞車系統", 第二十屆車輛工程研討會, 彰化, 2015/11/13
  • "應用模型預測控制與適性視時間於路徑追隨系統之設計", 第二十屆車輛工程研討會, 彰化, 2015/11/13
  • "Path-Following Steering Controller of Automated Lane Change System with Adaptive Preview Time", SMC 2015, 香港, 2015/10/09
  • "Directional Stability Control of Electric Vehicles with Four In-wheel Motors", ICAT 2015, Hanoi, 2015/10/09
  • "協調式再生煞車控制策略之設計", 2015中華民國系統科學與工程研討會, 台北, 2015/07/17
  • "Adaptive Power Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Belt-driven Starter Generator", ICNSC15, Taipei, 2015/04/09
  • "Misfire Diagnostic Strategy for V-twin Engine", 2014-2015 JSAE KANTO International Conference of Automotive Technology for Young Engineers (ICATYE), Kanto, 2015/03/10
  • "Design of Lane Keeping System Using Adaptive Model Predictive Control", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Taipei, 2014/08/18
  • "應用動態規劃法於雙馬達油電混合動力車能源管理策略之分析", 2014中華民國系統科學與工程研討會, 金門, 2014/06/21
  • "Adaptive power management control of range extended electric vehicle", International Conference on Applied Energy, Taipei, 2014/05/30
  • "Development of Engine Model Using Modulization Method for EMS Verification through MIL and HIL", SAE 2014 World Congress, Detroit, 2014/04/08
  • "Design of Forward Collision Warning System using Estimated Relative Acceleration and Velocity Vector", the 10th International Conference on Automotive Engineering, Bangkok, 2014/03/31
  • "增程式電動巴士之柴油引擎發電機功率匹配與能量管理控制策略", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "四輪車輪直驅電動車之主動容錯力矩分配控制", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "應用線上系統判別油膜動態於V2引擎之空燃比控制", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "應用動態規劃法於增程式電動車能量管理之分析", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "雙馬達複合動力車系統建模與能量管理策略", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "四模式油電混合電動車整車動態模型建立", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "應用前後窄域含氧感知器監測三元觸媒轉化器之劣化現象", 第十八屆車輛工程研討會, 屏東, 2013/12/13
  • "應用適應性模型預測控制於車道維持系統之設計", 第三十屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 宜蘭, 2013/12/06
  • "Control of Intake Manifold Pressure for Lean-Burn Motorcycle Engine", ICCAIS 2013, Nha Trang, 2013/11/25
  • "Misfire Diagnostic Strategy for Motorcycles", SETC 2013, 台北, 2013/10/08
  • "Estimation of Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Using Kalman Filter", SETC 2013, 台北, 2013/10/08
  • "Design of HCCI Engine for Range Extender Using Dual Fuel of Gasoline and DME Alternative Fuel", ICAE 2013, Pretoria, 2013/07/01
  • "應用輪胎轉向剛性估測於車輛軌跡之預估", 第二十九屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 高雄, 2012/12/07
  • "增程式電動車之適應性能量管理控制與設計", 第17屆車輛工程研討會, 南投, 2012/11/09
  • "機車點火失效之轉速變化探討", 第17屆車輛工程研討會, 南投, 2012/11/09
  • "Electronic Stability Control of Electric Vehicle with Four Direct-driven Wheel Motors Using Optimal Torque Distribution", AVEC 2012, Seoul, 2012/09/09
  • "Return Control of Electric Power Steering Using Linear Quadratic Regulator and Disturbance Estimation", 2012 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies and Integration, Changchun, 2012/07/16
  • "Power Management Analysis of Range Extended Electric Vehicle Using Dynamic Programming", th 4th International Conference on Applied Energy, Suzhou, 2012/07/05
  • "機車點火失效檢測策略發展", 十六屆車輛工程研討會, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "運用動態規劃探討增程電動車之最小油耗性能", 第十六屆車輛工程研討會, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "四輪車輪馬達驅動電動車之驅動力矩分配", 第十六屆車輛工程研討會, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "應用線性平方調整法於電動輔助轉向系統之回正控制", 第十六屆車輛工程研討會,, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "應用路面狀況估測於防鎖死煞車系統之控制", 第十六屆車輛工程研討會, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "應用移動立體視覺於停車空間之偵測", 第十六屆車輛工程研討會, 台北, 2011/11/11
  • "New Charging Model Using Variable Valve Train for HIL Simulation", SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, 2011/04/12
  • "Engine Rotational Dynamics Calculation with Stroke Identification for Scooter Engine Using FPGA", 2011 International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Delhi, 2011/03/21
  • "Traction Control System for Electric Scooter with Direct Driven Wheel Motor", 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Shenzhen, 2010/11/05
  • "Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Traction Control System for Electric Scooter", 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 煙台, 2010/08/10
  • "Design of Autonomous Parallel Parking Using Fuzzy Logic Controller with Feed-forward Compensation", 7th International Symposium on Neural Networks, 上海, 2010/06/06
  • "應用等效油耗最小策略於油電混合機車動力分配控制之設計", 第二十六屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2009/11/20
  • "應用適應性模糊滑動控制於電動機車循跡防滑控制系統之研發", 第二十六屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2009/11/20
  • "應用相對加速度估測於前方防撞警示系統之設計", 第十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 雲林, 2009/10/30
  • "應用自組織模糊控制於電動機車循跡防滑控制系統之研發", 第十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 雲林, 2009/10/30
  • "利用模糊滑動控制器於多輪獨立驅控車輛之直接橫擺力矩控制", 第十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 雲林, 2009/10/30
  • "應用自組織模糊控制器於自動路邊停車之設計", 第十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 雲林, 2009/10/30
  • "應用適應性模糊滑動模式控制於個人移動載具之傾車控制", 第十四屆車輛工程學術研討會, 雲林, 2009/10/30
  • "A Study of the Characteristics of Fuel-Film Dynamics for Four-Stroke Small-Scale Spark-Ignition Engines", 2009 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2009/04/20
  • "A Study of the Characteristics of Fuel-Film Dynamics for Four-Stroke Small-Scale Spark-Ignition Engines", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2009/04/20
  • "智慧模糊汽車防滑控制技術研究", 第二十五屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 彰化, 2008/11/21
  • "主動式差速器於車輛動態穩定控制之運用", 第二十五屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 彰化, 2008/11/21
  • "多輪驅動之車輛力學模型建構", 第二十五屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 彰化, 2008/11/21
  • "應用窄域型含氧感應器於機車空燃比之控制", 第十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北縣, 2008/10/31
  • "利用DSP 實現倒車輔助之移動障礙物偵測", 第十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北縣, 2008/10/31
  • "電動機車驅動力矩之適應性控制", 第十三屆車輛工程學術研討會, 台北縣, 2008/10/31
  • "Sliding-mode Control Design of Electric Stability Control for Rollover Prevention", AVEC 2008, Kobe, 2008/10/06
  • "Heat Transfer Model for Scooter Engines", 2008 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2008/04/14
  • "The Effect of Control Strategy and Driving Pattern on the Fuel Economy and Exhaust Emissions of a Hybrid Electric Bus", 2008 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2008/04/14
  • "Return Control of Electric Power Steering System using Sliding Mode Approach", 2008 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2008/04/14
  • "機車引擎旋轉動態預估器之發展", 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會, 桃園, 2007/11/23
  • "機車噴射引擎管理系統之設計與驗證", 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會, 桃園, 2007/11/23
  • "複合動力車之引擎定轉速控制", 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 屏東, 2007/11/16
  • "應用模式預測控制器於引擎怠速控制", 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 屏東, 2007/11/16
  • "應用遞迴最小平方法於碰撞時間之估測", 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 屏東, 2007/11/16
  • "倒車輔助攝影機之移動障礙物偵測", 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 屏東, 2007/11/16
  • "防止車輛翻滾之滑動模式控制器設計", 第十二屆車輛工程學術研討會, 屏東, 2007/11/16
  • "Application of Hardware-In-the-Loop for Developing the Engine Management System", 2007 Small Engine Technology Conference, Nigata, 2007/10/30
  • "Sideslip angle estimation using extended Kalman filter", 20th International Symposium Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Berkeley, 2007/08/13
  • "Adaptive Idle Speed control for Spark-ignition Engines", 2007 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2007/04/16
  • "電動輔助轉向控制策略之研發", 第三十屆全國力學會議, 彰化, 2006/12/15
  • "應用輸入受限最佳化控制於半主動懸吊控制系統", 第三十屆全國力學會議, 彰化, 2006/12/15
  • "複合動力公車油耗污染與性能評估", 第二十三屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2006/11/24
  • "應用硬體在迴路中於引擎管理系統之發展", 第二十三屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2006/11/24
  • "再生煞車之設計與分析", 第二十三屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2006/11/24
  • "應用動態規劃於混合動力機車之設計與分析", 第二十三屆中國機械工程學會學術研討會, 台南, 2006/11/24
  • "發展即時模擬之縱向運動模型以提供硬體在迴路中之應用", 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會, 彰化, 2006/11/18
  • "應用擴展式卡爾曼濾波器於車身側滑角估測", 應用擴展式卡爾曼濾波器於車身側滑角估測, 彰化, 2006/11/18
  • "八輪車輛轉向控制策略之研發", 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會, 彰化, 2006/11/18
  • "前撞警示系統之設計與分析", 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會, 彰化, 2006/11/18
  • "車輛循跡控制之側向運動模型建立", 第十一屆車輛工程學術研討會, 彰化, 2006/11/18
  • "Design of Multi-Mode Switch Strategy for Lean Burn Engine Using Driving Pattern Recognition Technique", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 台北, 2006/10/08
  • "Advanced Headlight Distribution Control Based on Vehicle Dynamics", AVEC 2006, 台北, 2006/08/20
  • "Development of Fuel Compensation Strategy Using Dynamic Programming Optimization for Scooter Engine", AVEC 2006, 台北, 2006/08/20
  • "Optimal Steering Control for Six-Wheeled Vehicles", AVEC 2006, 台北, 2006/08/20
  • "Development of Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation for Scooter Engine Control", 2006 SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2006/04/03
  • "Electric Differential System for Three-wheeled Electric Welfare Vehicles", IAVSD 2005, 19th International Symposium Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Milan, 2005/08/29
  • "Estimation of Engine Rotational Dynamics using Robust Kalman Filter with Stroke Identification", The 8th International Conference on Automation Technology Conference, 台中, 2005/05/05
  • "Modeling and Control of Hybrid Electric Motorcycles with Variable-Winding Wheel Motors", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2005/04/11
  • "Crank Angle Estimation with Kalman Filter and Stroke Identification for Electronic Fuel Injection Control of a Scooter Engine", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2005/04/11
  • "卡爾曼濾波器配合行程判別於機車引擎曲軸位置預估之應用", 第二十一屆全國機械工程學術研討會, 高雄, 2004/11/26
  • "道路標線群組化策略之設計與分析", 第九屆車輛工程學術研討會, 桃園, 2004/11/12
  • "應用卡爾曼濾波器與行程判別於機車引擎電子燃油噴射系統之控制", 第九屆車輛工程學術研討會, 桃園, 2004/11/12
  • "直驅式混合動力機車之設計與控制", 第九屆車輛工程學術研討會, 桃園, 2004/11/12
  • "側撞警示系統之設計與研發", 第九屆車輛工程學術研討會, 桃園, 2004/11/12
  • "六輪轉向控制策略之設計與分析", 第九屆車輛工程學術研討會, 桃園, 2004/11/12
  • "輪車動態模式與軟體程式研究發展", 陸軍官校基礎學術研討會暨國科會國防科技航空技術學門研究成果發表會, 高雄, 2004/05/28
  • "Modeling and Control of Hybrid Electric Motorcycle with Direct-Driven Wheel Motor", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2004/03/08
  • "Crank Angle Estimation with Kalman Filter for Ignition Control of a Scooter Engine", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2004/03/08
  • "Rapid Prototyping ECU of a SI Engine with Fuel Injection and Ignition Control", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2004/03/08
  • "Embedded System Development of Electric Power Assisted Steering System using MATLAB/SIMULINK/Real-time Workshop", SAE World Congress, Detroit, 2004/03/08
  • "混合動力機車之模型建立與性能分析", 第二十屆全國機械工程學術研討會, 台北, 2003/12/05
  • "卡爾曼濾波器於機車引擎曲軸位置預估之應用", 第二十屆全國機械工程學術研討會, 台北, 2003/12/05
  • "Engine Modeling with Inlet and Exhaust Wave Action for Real Time Control", IMECE 2003, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Washington, 2003/11/15
  • "Human-in-the-loop Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics Control with Rollover Prevention", IAVSD 2003, 18th International Symposium Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Kanagawa, 2003/08/25
  • "Design of Vehicle Dynamics Control with Rollover Prevention via UMTRI Preview Driver Model", AVEC 2002, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Contro, Hiroshima, 2002/09/09
  • "Motorcycle Engine Modeling for Real Time Control", AVEC 2002, 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Hiroshima, 2002/09/09
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