
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Liu Chien-Hung

Professor/Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Dynamic Adjustment of Exploration Rate for PPO Algorithm to Relief Rapid Decline of Ep-isode Rewards", Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN), 12, 1, 1-7, 2024/02, EI
  • "Scheduling for the Flexible Job Shop Problem with Dynamic Number of Machines by Deep Reinforcement Learning", Information, 15, 2: 82, 2024/02, EI
  • "A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Guide Web Crawler to Explore Web Applications for Improving Code Coverage", Electronics, 13, 2: 427, 2024/01, SCI
  • "Estimating Classification Accuracy for Unlabeled Datasets Based on Block Scaling", International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 13, 4, 313-327, 2023/10, EI
  • "A Feedback-Directed Approach to Crawl Android Apps for Increasing Code Coverage", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 39, 5, 1129-1153, 2023/09, SCI
  • "An Operation-Injection Approach to Detect Runtime Permission Crashes of Android Apps", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38, 6, 1149-1169, 2022/11, SCI
  • "Gene-related Parkinson's disease diagnosis via feature-based multi-branch octave convolution network", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148, 2022/09, SCI
  • "Predicting Classification Accuracy of Unlabeled Datasets using Multiple Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Access, 10, 44627-44637, 2022/04, SCI
  • "A Novel Approach to Automate IoT Testing of Gateways and Devices", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38, 2, 317-341, 2022/03, SCI
  • "A Study of Resource Utilization Improvement on Cloud Testing Platform", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 15, 7, 2434-2454, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Improvement of Vocal Detection Accuracy Using Convolutional Neural Networks", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 15, 2, 729-748, 2021/02, SCI
  • "Building Graduate Salary Grading Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 27, 1, 53–68, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Detecting Duplicate Actions in a KDT Script Based on LRS and LCS", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 36, 3, 513-533, 2020/05, SCI
  • "Implementing Action Mask in Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Algorithm", ICT Express, 2020/05, SCI
  • "GUIDE: An Interactive and Incremental Approach for Crawling Web Applications", The Journal of Supercomputing, 76, 3, 1562-1584, 2020/03, SCI
  • "A Compatibility Testing Platform for Android Multimedia Applications", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 4, 4885-4904, 2019/02, SCI
  • "A Concurrent Approach for Improving the Efficiency of Android CTS Testing", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 34, 5, 1287-1306, 2018/09, SCI
  • "A Crawling Approach of Hierarchical GUI Model Generation for Android Applications", Journal of Internet Technology, 19, 5, 1613-1623, 2018/09, SCI
  • "Coupling Analysis and Visualization of KDT Scripts", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 34, 5, 1119-1139, 2018/09, SCI
  • "A New Approach to Determine the Critical Path in Stochastic Activity Network", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014/05, SCI
  • "Data flow analysis and testing for OWL-S semantic web service compositions", Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, 8, 4, 349-360, 2013/10, EI
  • "A Test Case Refactoring Approach for Pattern-based Software Development", Software Quality Journal, 20, 1, 43-75, 2012/01, SCI
  • "Applying PSP to Support Teaching of Programming Courses", Journal of Computers, 9, 3, 55-65, 2008/10, ELSE1
  • "A State-Based Testing Approach for Aspect-Oriented Programming", Journal of Information Science and Engineering,, 24, 1, 11-31, 2008/01, SCI
  • "Data Flow Analysis and Testing of JSP-based Web Applications", Journal of Information and Software Technology, 48, 12, 1137-1147, 2006/12, SCI


  • A Game Framework Supporting Automatic Functional Testing for Games, 1, Springer International Publishing, 978-3319263946, 2016/01/26

Conference papers

  • "A Curiosity-Driven Crawling Approach for Automated Testing of Android Apps", The 7th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024, Nagoya, 2024/08/14
  • "Achieving High Scalability in Local ClusterFuzz Using Container Technology", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "Estimating Classification Accuracy for Unlabeled Datasets Based on Convolutional Neural Networks", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "Application of Self-Supervised Learning to Medical Imaging", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "Collecting Samples Based on Cosine Similarity to Train Web Crawler for Form Filling", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "A Study on GUI Testing of Android Apps Using Different Reinforcement Learning Algo-rithms", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "Extending AAD Framework Operation to Detect Anomaly of Android Apps", The 20th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "Using Webpage Comparison Method for Automated Web Application Testing with Rein-forcement Learning", The 9th International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2024 (ICATI2024), Kanazawa, 2024/04/03
  • "Vocal Segmentation Boundary Detection with Visualization Tools in Convolution Neural Networks", 2023 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taipei, 2023/11/01
  • "An Automated Test Input Generation for Testing REST APIs using Parameter Fuzzing", The 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2023, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2023/08/11
  • "Dynamic Asset Allocation Using Trading Agent", 2023 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), Pingtung, 2023/07/17
  • "Decoupling Dependencies to the Cloud Services in Open-Source Software through Reverse Engineering: A Case Study of ClusterFuzz", The 19th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Hualien, 2023/06/30
  • "Using Webpage Comparison Method to Train A Crawling Reinforcement Learning Agent", The 19th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Hualien, 2023/06/30
  • "Improving GUI Test Coverage for Android Applications with Deep Reinforcement Learn-ing", The 19th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Hualien, 2023/06/30
  • "On Generating REST API Fuzzing Inputs Using Classification Methods", The 19th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Hualien, 2023/06/30
  • "A Distributed Architecture Design for the Operation-Injection Framework to Detect Android Application Anomalies in Parallel", The 19th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Hualien, 2023/06/30
  • "Dynamic Adjustment of Exploration Rate for PPO Algorithm to Relief Rapid Decline of Ep-isode Rewards", The 2023 Information Technology and Applications Symposium (ITAS), Fujisawa, 2023/06/23
  • "Estimating Classification Accuracy for Unlabeled Datasets based on Block Scaling", The 8th International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2023 (ICATI2023), Okinawa, 2023/04/01
  • "A Comparative Study of Reinforcement Learning Models for Web Application Inputs using Webpage Screenshot and Word Embedding Extracted Features", 2022 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taoyuan, 2022/12/15
  • "Improving Test Efficiency for REST API Sequence Testing", The 11th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2022 (IMETI2022), Kaohsiung, 2022/10/29
  • "Vocal Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks with Visualization Tools", The Seventh International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia (IEEE/IEIE ICCE-Asia 2022), Yeosu, 2022/10/26
  • "Using a Feedback-Directed Approach to Increase Code Coverage for Crawling Android Applications", The 18th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2022/06/24
  • "Reducing Duplicate Operation Injections to Improve Anomaly Detection Efficiency of An-droid Applications", The 18th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2022/06/24
  • "Training a Reinforcement Learning Agent to Support Crawling of Different Web Applications", The 18th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2022/06/24
  • "A Project Development Dashboard to Support Project-Based Learning", The 18th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2022/06/24
  • "Detecting Permission Crashes of Android Apps using Crawling and Revoke Operation Injections", The 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2021), Taipei, 2021/12/06
  • "The Design of Actions for a Reinforcement Learning Agent to Improve the Code Coverage of Web Crawler", The 10th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2021 (IMETI2021), Taoyuan, 2021/10/29
  • "A Study of Anomaly-Detection for Android Applications with Different Operation-Injection Levels", The 17th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE2021), Taichung City, 2021/07/08
  • "An Operation-Injection Framework for Detecting Android Application Anomalies", The 17th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE2021), Taichung City, 2021/07/08
  • "A Project Tracking Tool for Supporting Project-Based Learning", The 17th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE2021), Taichung City, 2021/07/08
  • "Using Agents to Automatically Choose Input Data for Web Crawler to Increase Code Coverage", The 17th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE2021), Taichung City, 2021/07/08
  • "Velocity Prediction for MIDI Notes with Deep Learning", The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), Penghu, 2021/06/16
  • "Toward Increasing Code Coverage for Crawling Web Applications Using DQN", 2020 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Tainan, 2020/12/17
  • "Trading ETFs with Deep Q-Learning Algorithm", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), Tauyuan city, 2020/09/28
  • "A Novel Approach to Automate IoT Testing of Gateways and Devices", The 16th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2020/07/15
  • "Detecting Inappropriate Permission Handling of Android Apps", The 16th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2020/07/15
  • "Training a Test Agent to Increase Code Coverage Based on DQN for Web Applications", The 16th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2020/07/15
  • "A Web Variable Element Detection Method Based on Synchronous Crawlers", The 16th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2020/07/15
  • "A Java Program Feature Envy Detection Method Based on Dataflow Analysis with Soot", The 16th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2020/07/15
  • "State Space Reduction for Generating GUI State Models of Android Applications", International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, 2019/07/29
  • "On Detecting Abnormal Behavior in Android Apps", International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, Chiba, 2019/07/29
  • "A Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing Approach Based on Crawling Sequence Verification", The 15th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taoyuan, 2019/07/27
  • "An Incremental and Interactive Android App Crawler", The 15th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taoyuan, 2019/07/27
  • "Extending ACE Crawler for Handling Applications with Multiple Roots", The 15th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taoyuan, 2019/07/27
  • "A Testing Tool for IoT Gateway and Devices", The 15th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Taoyuan, 2019/07/27
  • "ICAT: An IoT Device Compatibility Testing Tool", The 25th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2018), Nara, 2018/12/04
  • "Singing Voice Detection Based on Combination of Multiple Deep Learning Algorithms", 2018 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taoyuan, 2018/10/24
  • "Extending ACE Crawler for Supporting Equivalent State Strategy with Each Choice Cover-age", 2018 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taoyuan, 2018/10/24
  • "A Feature Envy Detection Method Based on Dataflow Analysis", The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018), Tokyo, 2018/07/23
  • "NFS: An Algorithm for Avoiding Restarts to Improve the Efficiency of Crawling Android Applications", The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018), Tokyo, 2018/07/23
  • "The Design and Implementation of a Test Coverage Tool for Cloud Testing Platform", The 14th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2018), Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "An Incremental and Interactive Web Crawler Supporting Code Coverage Measurement", The 14th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2018), Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "A Framework Supporting the Comparison of Android Crawling Algorithms", The 14th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2018), Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "Detecting Duplicate Actions in a KDT Script", The 14th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2018), Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "Singing Voice Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks", The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, Taipei, 2018/05/07
  • "An Android App Crash Testing Tool for Cloud Testing Platform", 2017 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taichung, 2017/10/25
  • "An Approach for Detecting Duplicated KDT Scripts", 2017 Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), Taichung, 2017/10/25
  • "A Cloud Platform for Compatibility Testing of Android Multimedia Applications", The 6th International Conference on Frontier Computing – Theory, Technologies, and Appli-cations (FC 2017), Osaka, 2017/07/12
  • "A Web Crawler Supporting Interactive and Incremental User Directives", The 6th International Conference on Frontier Computing – Theory, Technologies, and Appli-cations (FC 2017), Osaka, 2017/07/12
  • "Coupling Analysis and Visualization of KDT Scripts", The 13th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2017), Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "A Study on Testing the Compatibility of Application Interactions between Android Phones and Watches", The 13th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2017), Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "A Tool for Detecting and Grading Code Smell in Programming Assignments", The 13th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2017), Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "Increasing Crawler's Web Coverage by Using Incremental User Guidance", The 13th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2017), Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "Cost-Benefit Evaluation on Parallel Execution for Improving Test Efficiency over Cloud", The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017), Sapporo, 2017/05/13
  • "Software Debugging Patterns for Novice Programmers", The 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2017), Tokyo, 2017/03/12
  • "A Concurrent Approach for Improving the Efficiency of Android CTS Testing", 2016 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Chiayi, 2016/12/15
  • "Testing of AJAX-based Web Applications Using Hierarchical State Model", 2016 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), Macau, 2016/11/04
  • "A Parallel Execution Approach for Improving Regression Testing Efficiency over Cloud", Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (APCEAS 2016), Tokyo, 2016/08/25
  • "A Performance Testing Platform for Android App Servers", The 12th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Automatic Functional Testing Tool-Design and Survey for Games", The 12th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE, Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Extending Cloud Testing Platform for Supporting Android and Firefox OS Application Test-ing", The 12th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "A Study on Dataflow Testing Model of JavaScript Web Applications", The 12th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "A Crawling Approach of Hierarchical GUI Model Generation for Android Applications", The 12th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Is Low Coupling an Important Design Principle to KDT Scripts?", The 5th International Conference on Frontier Computing – Theory, Technologies, and Applications (FC 2016), Tokyo, 2016/07/13
  • "Evaluation of Cloud Testing Strategies Based on Task Decomposition and Allocation for Improving Test Efficiency", 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), Okinawa, 2016/05/28
  • "A Test Model for JavaScript Web Applications Based on Hierarchical State Machines", 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (APCEAS 2015)Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (APCEAS 2015), Osaka, 2015/08/25
  • "Design and Implementation of a Video Recording Service for Android Testing on Cloud Testing Platform", The 11th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2015/07/10
  • "Design and Implementation of a Calabash-Android Test Library for Robot Framework", The 11th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2015/07/10
  • "A Game Framework Supporting Automatic Functional Testing for Game", The 11th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2015/07/10
  • "On Applying HTML5 Game Framework to Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Laboratory", The 11th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Chiayi, 2015/07/10
  • "Improving Resource Utilization of a Cloud-Based Testing Platform for Android Applications", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York City, 2015/06/27
  • "The Study of Cloud-Based Testing Platform for Android", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York City, 2015/06/27
  • "RobotDroid - A Keyword-Driven Testing Tool for Android Applications", 2014 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Taichung, 2014/12/12
  • "Using Cognitive Behavioral Learning in Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Game", 2014 8th Asia Modelling Symposium, Taipei, 2014/09/23
  • "A Probability Based Object Segmentation for Real-Time Indoor Surveillance", 2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Hong Kong, China, 2014/09/21
  • "An Effective Probabilistic Reverse Nearest Neighbors Query Process", The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Sapporo, 2014/07/22
  • "A Cost-Benefit Analysis Process for Cloud-Based Parallelized Testing from the User’s Perspective", The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Sapporo, 2014/07/22
  • "A Program Slicing Tool for Embedded Software", The 10th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), 南投日月潭, 2014/06/29
  • "A Data-Driven and Keyword-Driven Testing Framework for Android Applications", The 10th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), 南投日月潭, 2014/06/29
  • "Capture-Replay Testing for Android Applications", 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, TaiChung City, 2014/06/10
  • "A New Approach to Determine the Critical Path in Stochastic Activity Network", 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung city, 2014/06/10
  • "High Frequency Characteristics of Magnetostriction on Vibration and Noise for Single-Phase Transformer dependence of Magnetic Circuit Method", 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung city, 2014/06/10
  • "Robust Stability for Discrete-Ttime Uncertain Genetic Regulatory Networks with Infinite-Distributed Delays", 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung city, 2014/06/10
  • "A Keyword-Driven Testing Tool for Android Applications", 2013 National Computer Symposium, Taichung, 2013/12/13
  • "Parallel Testing Strategies for Cloud Testing", 2013 National Computer Symposium, Taichung, 2013/12/13
  • "Classifying Dynamic Pages for Supporting JSP-Based Web Application Testing", The 2013 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation, Zhuhai, 2013/07/23
  • "Improving Android Compatibility Testing Efficiency Based on Cloud Testing", 2013 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Kaohsiung, 2013/07/05
  • "An Approach to Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Cloud Testing", 2013 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE), Kaohsiung, 2013/07/05
  • "A Model-Based Testing Tool for Embedded Software", The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming", The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "A Capture and Replay Tool for Testing Android-based Applications", The 8th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "An Open Source Embedded Software Analysis and Testing Tool", The 8th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "A Framework for Cloud Testing based on MapReduce", The 8th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos", 2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung City, 2012/06/04
  • "Data Flow Testing of OWL-S Service Compositions", 2011 National Computer Symposium(Workshop on Software Engineering and Programming Language), Chia-Yi City, 2011/12/02
  • "A Flow Graph-Based Test Model for OWL-S Web Services", 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), Guilin, Guangxi, 2011/07/10
  • "Change Impact Analysis of WS-BPEL Process", 2011 Joint Conference on 7th Taiwan Software Engineering (TCSE) and 22nd Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA), Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "Using Program Slicing for the Analysis of Embedded Software", 2011 Joint Conference on 7th Taiwan Software Engineering (TCSE) and 22nd Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA), Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving to Object-Oriented Programs", 2011 Joint Conference on 7th Taiwan Software Engineering (TCSE) and 22nd Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA), Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "Change Impact Analysis for Object-Oriented Programs Evolved to Aspect-Oriented Programs", The 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2011), Taichung, 2011/03/21
  • "A Script-Based Visual Editor for QTI Adaptive Items", Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2010), Tainan, 2010/10/27
  • "Data Collection and Analysis for Unit Testing Process", 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE), Jhongli, 2010/07/22
  • "An Approach to Detect Data Flow Anomaly of WS-BPEL Process under the Dead-Path Elimination Semantics", 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE), Jhongli, 2010/07/22
  • "Applying Model Checking to Software Resource Testing", The 1st Cross-strait conference on Software Technology, Taipei, 2010/03/27
  • "Structural Analysis and Testing of Embedded Software", 2009 National Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2009/11/27
  • "An Approach for Analyzing Data Flow Anomaly of WS-BPEL Process", 2009 National Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2009/11/27
  • "A Flexible Combinatorial Strategy Based on Constraint Satisfaction Problems", The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taichung, 2009/11/20
  • "Test Cases Reuse when Software Evolved from OOP into AOP", The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taichung, 2009/11/20
  • "Data Flow Analysis and Testing for Web Service Compositions Based on WS-BPEL", The 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Boston, 2009/07/01
  • "A Structural Testing Tool for Web Service Compositions", The Fifth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2009/06/19
  • "State-based Testing of AJAX Web Applications", The Fifth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2009/06/19
  • "A WS-BPEL Based Data Flow Testing Approach for Web Service Compositions", The Fifth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2009/06/19
  • "A WS-BPEL Based Structural Testing Approach for Web Service Compositions", The Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, Jhongli, 2008/12/18
  • "PSPCAT: A PSP Data Collection and Analysis Tool", The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, San Franscisco, 2008/07/01
  • "應用品質機能展開支援CMMI軟體流程改善", The Fourth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2008/06/13
  • "一個基於WS-BPEL的結構化測試方法", The Fourth Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2008/06/13
  • "延伸個人軟體程序支援單元測試流程資料收集與分析", 2008年資訊科技國際研討會, Taichung, 2008/04/25
  • "Applying PSP to Support Teaching of Programming Course", 2007 National Computer Symposium, Taichung, 2007/12/20
  • "Extend the Scoring System for QTI Player to Support Manual Grading", The 2007 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Las Vegas, 2007/07/12
  • "An Eclipse Plug-in Tool for Generation of Code Review Checklists", The Third Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2007/06/08
  • "A BPEL-Based Web Service Composition Testing Tool", The Third Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2007/06/08
  • "A State-Based Testing Approach for Aspect-Oriented Programming", 2006 International Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2006/12/04
  • "A PSP Eclipse Plug-in Tool for Collecting Time and Defect Data", 2006 「開放原始碼」技術與應用研討會, Taipei, 2006/11/10
  • "Design of a Scoring System for Supporting QTI Specifications", Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2006), HuaLien, 2006/11/01
  • "A State-based Testing Approach for Aspect-Oriented Programming", 第二屆台灣軟體工程研討會, Taipei, 2006/06/09
  • "A BPEL Test Model for Testing Web Service Composition", 第二屆台灣軟體工程研討會, Taipei, 2006/06/09
  • "An Experience Report on Teaching Personal Software Process", 第二屆台灣軟體工程研討會, Taipei, 2006/06/09
  • "A Monitoring and Testing Tool for Compositions of Web Services", 2005 National Computer Symposium, Tainan, 2005/12/15
  • "Extracting and Analyzing Dynamic Pages for the Maintenance of Website Hyperlink Structures", 2005 National Computer Symposium, Tainan, 2005/12/15
  • "An Online Testing and Exercising System for E-Learning", 第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, Taipei, 2005/12/10
  • "Extracting Hyperlink Structures for Supporting Web Application Maintenance", 2005 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, San Diego, 2005/07/28
  • "Disseminating Data on Multiple Channels with Considering the Data Access Pattern", The 22nd Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computational Theory, Tainan, 2005/05/20
  • "A Mobile Agent-based Framework for Supporting Behavior Monitor and Analysis of Web Services", The 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, Kwei-Shan Tao-Yuan, 2005/03/31
  • "An Efficient Protocol for Disseminating Data with Multi-dimensional Index on Multiple Broadcasting Channels", The International Computer Symposium (ICS2004), Teipei, 2004/12/15
  • "An Online Article Review System for E-Learning", Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2004), Tai-Dong, 2004/10/27
  • "Data Flow Analysis and Testing of Java Server Pages", The Workshop on Quality Assurance and Testing of Web-Based Applications, Associated with COMPSAC 2004, Hong Kong, 2004/09/28
  • "Classifying and Extracting Dynamic Pages for Testing Web Applications", The 15th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Tainan, 2004/09/09

Relevant certifications

  • Certified ScrumMaster, Scrum Alliance Inc.
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