
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Jerry- Yang

Assistant Professor/Department of Cultural Vocation Development

Journal articles

  • "推進偏鄉社區發展與衍生之賽局思考 ——以臺北科大「大學社會責任實踐」為例", 國立聯合大學學報, 2023/12, ELSE1
  • "對羅森陶反意識本有主義論證之回應", 《國立臺灣大學哲學論評》, 第六十一期, 1-36, 2021/03, TSSCI

Conference papers

  • "賽局理論對文創產業發展策略的啟發─以苗栗南庄鄉社區再造為例", 第五屆文化創意產業發展論壇暨兩岸文創本科學術聯盟會議, 宜蘭, 2015/10/15
  • "從學校文化革新談教師的成長─論美國的教育實踐", 2014年未來教育家論壇國際研討會, 天津, 2014/12/12
  • "論中國海權觀念的認識論轉向—從開展船政文化到捍衛南海疆域", 第六屆海峽兩岸船政文化研討會, 福州, 2014/08/09
  • "A Fregean Solution to the Problem of multiple contents and attitudes", 第四屆「道」與「德」研討會—美、實踐與知識, 台灣台北, 2014/05/31
  • "A study on the independence of theories of mental state individuation and theories of mental content individuation", The 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, San Diego,CA, 2013/07/12
  • "Rosenthal's argument against Intrinsicalism revisited", 文化大學第三屆「道」與「德」研討會, 台灣台北, 2012/05/11
  • "Rosenthal's Argument against Intrinsicalism Revisited", Toward a Science of Consciousness 2012, Tucson, AZ (April 9-14, 2012), Tucson, Arizona, 2012/04/09
  • "In defense of a mulitiple content structure of Self-representationalism", 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy, 2011/07/19
  • "In defense of a multiple content structure of consciousness", 兩岸認知與邏輯會議2010, 台北, 2010/11/27
  • "Kant's theory of consciousness and self-representationalism", The 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Toronto, 2010/06/24
  • "What's Not Wrong with Intrinsicalism", Toward a Science of Consciousness 2009 Investigating Inner Experience Brain, Mind, Technology, Hong Kong, June 11-14 2009, 中國香港, 2009/06/11
  • "“Turning the table on the dual content structure of Self-representationalism”", the 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 12), 台北, 2008/06/19
  • "“Does Self-Representational Theory of Consciousness necessarily involve a dual content structure?”", Toward a Science of Consciousness 2008, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., 亞歷桑那州土桑市, 2008/04/08
  • "Toward A Naturalistic Account of Self-Knowledge", 13th International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, 北京, 2007/08/09
  • "朝向一個自然主義的自我知識理論", 2007 邏輯、方法論與科學哲學研討會, 台北, 2007/04/27
  • "理解身體性的自我意識", 台灣哲學學會2004年年會暨學術研討會, 台北, 2004/11/27
  • "論專有的自我意識:對專屬的途徑的一個自然主義的理論", 「朝向一個意識的科學」2004年雙年會, 亞歷桑那洲土桑市, 2004/04/07
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