
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Constructing a Predictive Model for High School Students’ Enrolment Results", Contemporary Mathematics, 2024/07, SCI
  • "The Study on Software Architecture Smell Refactoring", International Journal of Software Innovation, 12, 1, 2024/03, SCI
  • "A Study on the Security of Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology", Electronic, 12, 3018, 12, 2023/07, SCI
  • "Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Harmonic Drive", Applied Sciences, 12, 19, 2022/09, SCI
  • "A Feedback System Supporting Students Approaching a High-Level Programming Course", Applied Sciences, 12, 14, 14, 2022/07, SCI
  • "Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Wind Turbine Blades", Mathematics, 10, 2, 972, 2022/03, SCI
  • "Joint segmentation and classification task via adversarial network: Application to HEp-2 cell images", Applied Soft Computing, 14, 144-149, 2022/01, SCI
  • "The Study of Program Analysis and Feedback Improving System", International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, 8, 9, 35-41, 2021/08, EI
  • "A Study of Resource Utilization Improvement on Cloud Testing Platform", KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 15, 7, 2434-2454, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Building Graduate Salary Grading Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 27, 1, 53-68, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Building Student Course Performance Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 37, 1, 243-257, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Simulating Evacuation Plan of Fire Disaster Based on Cloud Surveillance System", Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 10, 1, 132-134, 2018/07, EI
  • "Time Series Forecasting for Dynamic Quality of Web Services: An Empirical Study", Journal of Systems & Software,, 2017/09, SCI
  • "Search based approach to forecasting QoS attributes of web services using genetic programming", Information and Software Technology, 80, 158-174, 2016/12, SCI
  • "Optimization of Life Cycle Assessment-Based Eco-efficiency", International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2016/03, SCI
  • "A Behavior-Based Flame Detection Method for a Real-Time Video Surveillance System", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2016/02, SCI
  • "Using GIS and Kriging to Analyze the Spatial Distributions of the Health Risk of Indoor Air Pollution", Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2016/01, EI
  • "An Overview and Classification of Service Description Approaches in Automated Service Composition Research", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 99, 2016/01, SCI
  • "Case Study of Using Life Cycle Impact Assessment in Environmental Impact Assessment", International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2016/01, SCI
  • "Configurable RESTful Service Mashup: A Process-Data- Widget Approach", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 9, 2, 637-644, 2015/04, SCI
  • "Multiagent Cooperative Learning Strategies for Pursuit-Evasion Games", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014/11, SCI
  • "GIS-based Regionalization of LCA", Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2, 2, 1-8, 2014/04, EI
  • "Using fuzzy logic to generate conditional probabilities in Bayesian belief networks: a case study of ecological assessment", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2013/12, SCI
  • "The Propagation of Probabilistic and Possibilistic Uncertainty in a Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study of a Naphtha Cracking Plant in Taiwan", International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 4, 6, 652-657, 2013/12, EI
  • "Applying Hybrid Learning Approach to RoboCup's Strategy", Journal of Systems & Software, 86, 7, 1933-1944, 2013/07, SCI
  • "Efficient Periodic Broadcasting for Mobile Networks at Small Client Receiving Bandwidth and Buffering Space", Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 10, 2013/07, SCI
  • "Process-Data-Widget: a REST-Based Software Framework for Building Mashup Applications", Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 2013/07, SCI
  • "A Hybird Approach for Multi-Agent Learning System", Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 17, 3, 385-399, 2011/09, SCI
  • "Code analyzer for an online course management system", Journal of Systems and Software, 2010/12, SCI
  • "The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming Language", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6423, 376-386, 2010/11, EI
  • "An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Mobile Embedded Software Modeling", ICCSA 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6017, 257-272, 2010/04, EI
  • "Utilizing negotiation of multi-agent on selecting vehicle priority", Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (2008.10), 12, 3, 1-12, 2010/01, EI
  • "Object-Oriented Design: A Goal-Driven and Pattern-Based Approach", Software and System Modeling, 1, 1, 67-84, 2009/02, SCI
  • "Belief Evolution of Intelligent Agent", Journal of Computers, 2007/05, ELSE1
  • "Applying Group Agent Negotiation for Decision of Task Assignment", Communications of Institute of Information and Computing Machinery, 9, 2, 63-78, 2006/06, ELSE1
  • "Evolutionary Agents for Intelligent Transport Systems", International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 7, 2, 85-93, 2005/06, EI
  • "Fuzzy BDI Modeling For Intelligent Agent", WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 3, 2, 817-822, 2004/04, EI
  • "A document-driven agent-based approach for business processes management", Information and Software Technology, 46, 373-382, 2004/04, SCI
  • "An Evolving Bidding Strategy for Intelligent Agents in Multiple Auction", Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, 36, 2002/12, ELSE1


  • 數位影像處理技術手冊, 松崗出版社, ISBN 9789572245910, 2016/09/16
  • 現代軟體工程:物件導向軟體發展策略, 博碩文化, 978-986-201-997-9, 2015/03/30


  • Fuzzy Object Modeling, 1, World Scientific Publishing, -, 2011/07/31

Conference papers

  • "入侵偵測系統的機器學習多模型組合分析", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "物流公司之支援線最佳化組合路線挑選", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "以機器學習方法建構高中生升學預測評估模型", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "應用ATT&CK框架之惡意軟體動態行為與攻擊模式分析", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "基於深度學習之神經網路自動化程式修復技術", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "基於容器化技術之模糊測試研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2024/07/12
  • "The Study of Predictive Model for Supporting High School Students' Enrollment", the 35th THAILAND International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology, Bangkok, 2023/08/31
  • "The Study of Automatic Programs Quality Analysis and Correction", he 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Electrical Systems, Kuala Lumpur, 2023/08/04
  • "學生程式分析與回饋系統之研究", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "探討 Linux 惡意軟體的動態行為分析與 ATT&CK 框架應用", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "透過逆向工程解耦開源軟體對雲端服務的依賴:以ClusterFuzz 為研究案例", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "使用 CNN-LSTM 神經網路進行電池健康程度估計", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "基於深度學習建構駕駛人行為辨識混合模型", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "基於卷積神經網路建構多模態情緒辨識模型", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "高中生升學校系選讀評估模型之研究", 2023 臺灣軟體工程研討會, Hualien, 2023/06/24
  • "電動車能耗模型超參數最佳化分析之深度運算研究", Taiwan Academic Network Conference, Taipei, 2023/01/01
  • "電動車能耗模型超參數最佳化分析", Taiwan Academic Network Conference, 桃園, 2022/12/15
  • "The Study on Security Online Judge System Applied Sandbox Technology", 24th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Taichung, 2022/12/07
  • "基於 LSTM神經網路預測電動機車之電池電荷狀態", 第二屆工程科技技術應用研討會, 新北市, 2022/12/02
  • "The Study of Automatic Program Code Logic Error Analysis and Correction", IEEE Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering, Yunlin, 2022/10/28
  • "高中升學預測輔助模型之研究", 臺灣軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2022/06/24
  • "邏輯錯誤偵測與回饋系統之研究", 臺灣軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2022/06/24
  • "軟體架構異味重構之研究", 臺灣軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2022/06/24
  • "建構諧波減速機之故障檢測模型", 臺灣軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2022/06/24
  • "應用沙盒技術於安全線上評測系統之研究", 臺灣軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2022/06/24
  • "Constructing Speech Emotion Recognition Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network", 2021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, TAIPEI, 2021/12/06
  • "Constructing Condition Monitoring Model of Wind Turbine Blades", 2021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, TAIPEI, 2021/12/06
  • "Constructing Predictive Model for High School Students’ Enrollment Results", 021 Software Engineering in Taiwan Workshop, TAIPEI, 2021/12/06
  • "建構風力發電機葉片之監控模型", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "DevSecOps 應用於軟體開發之研究", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "自動化程式行為測試系統之研究", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "建構基於卷積神經網路之語音情緒辨識模型", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "建構高中生升學結果預測模型", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "程式碼分析與回饋改良系統之研究", Proceedings of Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2021/07/08
  • "Study of Automatic Programs Quality Analysis and Correction.", 2020 International Computer Symposium, TAINAN, 2020/12/17
  • "The Study of Programming Debugging and Intelligent Feedback System", 020 International Computer Symposium, TAINAN, 2020/12/17
  • "建構多維情緒辨識模型之即時分析系統", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 嘉義, 2020/07/16
  • "自動化程式品質分析與修正之研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 嘉義, 2020/07/16
  • "程式碼除錯與智慧型回饋系統之研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 嘉義, 2020/07/16
  • "建構大學畢業生就業力分析模型與系統", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 嘉義, 2020/07/16
  • "Building Children Emotion Prediction Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network", International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, 千葉, 2019/07/29
  • "Building Graduate Salary Grading Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning", International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, 千葉, 2019/07/29
  • "基於ROS與RVO實作防碰撞機器人模型", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 桃園市, 2019/07/27
  • "電腦程式智慧財產權侵權鑑定技術研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 桃園市, 2019/07/27
  • "Distributed Computation for M2M Semantic Reasoning System", he 2018 Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Osaka, 2018/11/27
  • "基於深度學習建構學生課程成績預測模型", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "應用網路負載平衡機制改善網站效能之研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "具文化內涵觀光體驗服務之時空資料庫大數據分析研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "分散運算技術應用於M2M 語意規則推論系統", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "程式碼動態結構抄襲鑑定", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Tainan, 2018/07/06
  • "Program Plagiarism Detection with Dynamic Structure", 7th International Symposium on Next Generation Electronics, Taipei, 2018/05/07
  • "Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder for the Student Dropout Prediction", the IEEE International Workshop on Mining and Application of Multimedia, Taichung, 2017/12/11
  • "Cross-Modal Transfer Learning for HEp-2 Cell Classification Based on Deep Residual Network", the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Applications and Design for Quality Living, Taichung, 2017/12/11
  • "Simulating evacuation plan of fire disaster base on cloud surveillance system", 2017 International Conference on Man Machine Systems, Perlis, 2017/08/21
  • "程式碼動態結構抄襲鑑定", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "基於雲端分散式環境多用戶火災逃生系統", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "應用堆疊式降噪自動編碼器建構學生退學預測模型", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "M2M 語意規則推應用架構設計研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "Android 應用程式之資訊安全檢測", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taichung, 2017/07/07
  • "People Counting Base on Head and Shoulder Information", IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, 2016/09/28
  • "資訊系統侵權鑑定研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Android 應用程式之資訊安全靜態檢測", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Android 應用程式安全性動態分析", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "雲端即時監視系統火災逃生規劃研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Keelung, 2016/08/01
  • "Quality of Service timeseries forecasting for Web Services: A machine learning, Genetic Programming-based approach", Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems, 2016/03/16
  • "An Automatic Approach to measuring quality of USB Camera", International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking, Bangkok, 2015/08/28
  • "Android雲端測試平台資源監控管理服務之設計與實作", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, NanTou, 2015/07/10
  • "雲端測試平台的資源利用率改善之排程", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, NanTou, 2015/07/10
  • "The study of Cloud-Based Testing Platform for Android", IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, 2015/06/27
  • "Applying Genetic Programming for Time-aware Dynamic QoS Prediction", IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, 2015/06/27
  • "基於頭肩偵測之行人計數研究", Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, Tainan, 2015/06/26
  • "Using Cognitive Behavioral Learning in Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Game", 8th Asia International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Taipei, 2014/09/23
  • "A probability based object segmentation for real-time indoor surveillance", International Conference on Computer Science and Systems Engineering, HongKong, 2014/09/21
  • "程式碼靜態分析研究", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 南投, 2014/06/29
  • "運用認知行為學習法於多代理人合作的追捕競賽", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 南投, 2014/06/29
  • "基於立體視覺的行人追蹤及計數", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 南投, 2014/06/29
  • "Hand Gesture Recognition Using Standard Deviation of Color Block and Thinning", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, 首爾, 2013/09/24
  • "建構於雲端測試服務上排程和監控資源方法", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 高雄, 2013/07/05
  • "針對手部偵測演算法發展出手勢簡易方向辨識", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 高雄, 2013/07/05
  • "建新概念的USB 攝影機影像測量方法採用智慧型視訊演算法", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 高雄, 2013/07/05
  • "於動態特徵法以垂直俯視的方式進行行人計數", Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 高雄, 2013/07/05
  • "A Survey on Automated Service Composition Methods and Related Techniques", 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing, Hawaii, 2013/02/01
  • "Applying Software Effort Estimation Model Based on Work Breakdown Structure", 2012 Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, 2013/02/01
  • "Robust Little Flame Detection on Real-Time Video Surveillance System", the 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, Kaohsiung, 2012/09/26
  • "The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming", The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "在複雜監視場景下遺失物與遺留物之智慧型偵測", 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "物件導向程式抄襲偵測系統之設計與實作", 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "基於即時影像監控系統之小火焰智慧型偵測演算法的開發與設計", 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "多代理人系統中的混合學習與合作方法", 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taipei, 2012/07/06
  • "Intelligent Detection of Missing and Unattended Objects in Complex Scene of Surveillance Videos", IEEE Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, TaiChung, 2012/06/04
  • "A Genetic Algorithm Application with Multiple and Prioritized Objective Functions", The 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Fukuoka, 2012/03/26
  • "A hybrid approach to multi-agent pursuit-evasion game", The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, 2011/07/10
  • "A flow graph-based test model for owl-s web services", The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, 2011/07/10
  • "Semantic web service discovery based on business rule annotation", The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, GuangXi, 2011/07/10
  • "An automated workflow composition to semantic web services", The 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetic, GuangXi, 2011/07/10
  • "運用強效式學習與案例式推論於多代理人合作的追捕競賽", 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "Applying Q-learning and Fuzzy Set for RoboCup Agent", 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "教育領域資料庫安全與監控系統之設計與實做", 2011 Joint Conference on Taiwan Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taipei, 2011/07/08
  • "運用物件色彩辨識及分類方法於即時視訊監控系統", 2011 Symposium on Digital Life Technology, YuLin, 2011/07/07
  • "Multi-Agent Automatic Negotiation and Argumentation for Courses Scheduling", The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, 2011/06/27
  • "Fuzzy Logic as a Basic for Use Case Point Estimation", The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Taipei, 2011/06/27
  • "Transactional Web Services Composition: A Genetic Algorithm Approach", the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Kuantan, 2011/06/27
  • "Applying reinforcement learning for automation shooting basket system", The 6th Conference on Intelligent Live Technology, Taichung, 2011/05/03
  • "以機率式背景相減法為基礎的背景分割法運用於室內監視系統", The First National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications, Kaohsiung, 2011/04/29
  • "Applying Assimilation and Accommodation for Cooperative Learning of Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Strategies", 2010 International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, Tainan, 2010/12/16
  • "The Study of Multi-Agent Automatic Negotiation and Argumentation", 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Tainan, 2010/11/15
  • "The Study of Plagiarism Detection for Object-oriented Programming Language", International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence – Technologies and Applications, Kaohsiung, 2010/11/10
  • "The Color Recognition of Objects of Survey and Implementation on Real-time Video Surveillance", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, 2010/10/10
  • "運用同化與調適於多代理人合作學習的追捕策略", 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering, JhongLi, 2010/07/22
  • "C/C++抄襲偵測系統之設計與實做", 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering, JhongLi, 2010/07/22
  • "運用同化與調適於多代理人合作學習的足球模擬", Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering, JhongLi, 2010/07/22
  • "智慧型機器人追蹤系統之設計與實做", 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications and Software Engineering, JhongLi, 2010/07/22
  • "Applying assimilation and accommodation for cooperative learning of RoboCup agent", 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 2010/07/11
  • "Genetic algorithm for QoS-aware dynamic web services composition", 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 2010/07/11
  • "Optimal service selection for composition based on weighted service flow and Genetic Algorithm", 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 2010/07/11
  • "顏色辨識在即時視訊上的研究與實作", International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, TaiChung, 2010/04/23
  • "運用基因型案例推理產生足球機器代理人團隊策略", National Symposium on System Science and Engineering (2009.6.26), Taipei, 2010/01/01
  • "運用同化與調適於足球代理人的合作學習", The 5th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (2009.6.19), Taina, 2010/01/01
  • "An Evolutionary Fuzzy Behavior Controller using Genetic Algorithm in RoboCup Soccer Game", The Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems(2009.8.12-14), Shenyang, 2010/01/01
  • "Genetic Case-based Reasoning for Team Strategy of Robot Soccer", The International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems(2009.12.17-19), YunLin, 2010/01/01
  • "以演化模糊系統建置足球代理人", The 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (2009.10.30), TaiChung, 2010/01/01
  • "足球代理人同化與調適學習系統之實做", The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (2009.11.20), TaiChung, 2010/01/01
  • "Applying Agent Composition for Development of Service-oriented Program Language", The 8 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Kaohsiung, 2008/11/26
  • "Cooperative RoboCup agents using Genetic Case-based Reasoning", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore, 2008/10/12
  • "Adaptive and Cooperative Learning for RoboCup agents", International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kunming, 2008/07/12
  • "The Study of Hybrid Approach Learning for RoboCup agents", The 4th Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, Taina, 2008/06/13
  • "適應與合作足球機器代理人", National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, ILan, 2008/06/06
  • "Towards Negotiation of Intelligent Agent in Selecting Vehicle Priority", International Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, TaiChung, 2008/06/01
  • "Agent Plan Evolution using Genetic Case-based Reasoning", the 12th Artificial Intelligence and Application, Yunlin, 2007/11/16
  • "應用適應性學習於代理人溝通演化", the 18th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application, Tainan, 2007/09/20
  • "Adaptive Learning of Assimilation and Accommodation for Intelligent Agent System", The 10th Joint International Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City, 2007/07/18
  • "The study of Web Service-oriented Programming Language for Workflow", The 3rd Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, TaiChung, 2007/06/08
  • "The study of Automatic Negotiation Agent on Fuzzy Theory", The 3rd Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, TaiChung, 2007/06/08
  • "應用文化演算法於代理人之共同演化", 第十一屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 高雄, 2006/12/15
  • "An Examination of Argumentation Negotiation Agent for Course Scheduling", 2006 International Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2006/12/14
  • "多代理人自動協商排課系統研究", 第十四屆模糊理論及其應用研討會, 高雄, 2006/12/14
  • "Goal Evolution based on Adaptive Q-learning for Intelligent Agent", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
  • "Coevolution Approach for Evolving Multi-Agent System", The 8th Joint International Conference on Information Sciences, Kaohsiung, 2006/10/08
  • "Apply adaptive mechanism for agent goal evolution", the 17th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application, Taipei, 2006/09/12
  • "智慧代理人程式碼相似度偵測系統", 第二屆軟體工程研討會, 台北, 2006/06/09
  • "運用多代理人辯證協商於排課系統", 第十屆人工智慧與應用研討會, Kaohsiung, 2005/12/02
  • "群體決策多代理人系統架構", 第十屆人工智慧與應用研討會, Kaohsiung, 2005/12/02
  • "The Study of Goal Evolution for Intelligent Agent", Proceeding of the 13th National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Association Conference, Kaohsiung, 2005/09/30
  • "Apply evolutionary Agents for Intelligent Transport Systems", the 16th Workshop on Object-oriented Technology and Application, Taichung, 2005/09/15
  • "Applying Automation Agent Negotiation for Course Scheduling", Proceeding of the 2005 Active Networking Workshop, ChungLi, 2005/09/02
  • "Intelligent Code Analyzer for Online Course Management System", Proceedings of the 3rd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management & Applications, Michigan, 2005/08/11

Relevant certifications

  • Introduction to CMMI 1.2, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institue
  • Personal Software Process for Engineers, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute
  • IPMA D級專案副理講座, 國際專案管理學會
  • IPMA D級專案副理, 國際專案管理學會
  • EMC Proven Professional Information Storage Associate, EMC
  • Certtified Ethical Hacker, EC-Council
  • Information Security Management System Lead Auditor, The British Standards Institution - BSI
  • Certified Scrum Master, Scrum Alliance
  • 軟體品質工程師, 中華民國品質學會
  • 軟體測試工程師, 中華民國品質學會
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