
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Associate Professor/Department of English

Journal articles

  • "Integrating translation crowdsourcing into metacognitive translator training: raising awareness of conditional knowledge and its monitoring functions", The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 18, 1, 19-39, 2024/01, AHCI
  • "An activity theory perspective on the TEP model replicated in translation crowdsourcing: A case study of Global Voices Lingua", The Journal of Specialised Translation, 38, 320-347, 2022/07, AHCI
  • "Motivational Design in Translation Crowdsourcing: A Gamification Approach to Facebook Community Translation", Compilation and Translation Review (編譯論叢), 12, 1, 141 - 176, 2019/03, THCI
  • "從網路社群翻譯角度再探軟性新聞翻譯之讀者關照", 編譯論叢, 8, 1, 103-142, 2015/03, ELSE1
  • "軟性新聞翻譯之讀者關照", 編譯論叢, 6, 1, 67-112, 2013/03, ELSE1
  • "The mediation of reader involvement in soft news transediting", The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research, 3, 2, 48-66, 2012/03, ELSE2
  • "The ideological construction of solidarity in translated newspapercommentaries: Context models and intersubjective positioning", Discourse & Society, 22, 6, 693-722, 2011/11, SSCI
  • "The translator’s subjectivity and its constraints in news transediting: A perspective of reception aesthetics", Meta: Translator’s Journal, 56, 1, 119-144, 2011/06, AHCI
  • "Quotation as a key to the investigation of ideological manipulation in news trans-editing in the Taiwanese press", TTR : Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction, 22, 2, 203-238, 2010/09, ELSE2
  • "英漢新聞編譯意識型態規範之探索:從「引述」的編譯談起", 《編譯論叢》, 2, 2, 1-36, 2009/09, ELSE1
  • "新聞編譯跨文化與本土化融合現象: 從譯語報紙的意識型態談起", 廣譯, 2, 217-249, 2009/02, ELSE1
  • "The translator’s constrained mediation in trans-editing of news texts narrating political conflicts", Cultus: the Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication, 1, 34-55, 2008/09, ELSE2
  • "再探新聞編譯的「歸化」現象:以「神盾艦」軍售新聞的中譯為例", 翻譯季刊, 45, 34-52, 2007/09, ELSE2


  • 關鍵夢境, 小知堂文化公司, 978-957-450-556-2, 2007/05/31
  • 新聞文化:報紙、廣播、電視如何製造真相?(翻譯書), 書林出版有限公司, 957-445-166-6, 2006/12/21
  • 末日追殺 (翻譯書), 小知堂文化事業公司, 957-450-468-9, 2006/03/01
  • 寂寞獵人(翻譯書), 小知堂文化事業公司, 957-450-434-4, 2005/11/01

Conference papers

  • "柏拉圖譜與翻譯教學上的應用", 第28屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會, 臺北, 2024/06/15
  • "Enhancing Conditional Knowledge and Its Regulative Functions through Collaborative Learning in Translation Crowdsourcing", International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA 2023, 臺北, 2023/10/11
  • "Exploring Translation Crowdsourcing and Metacognitive Translation Training from the Perspective of Collaborative Learning", 6th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Nicosia, 2023/05/25
  • "後設認知譯者培訓與眾包翻譯:情境知識增進之探索", 2022臺灣翻譯研討會, 臺北, 2022/10/28
  • "Metacognitive Translator Training and Translation Crowdsourcing: A Case Study of Facebook Community Translation", 15th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, 2022/07/04
  • "Mapping Translation Crowdsourcing into Metacognitive Translator Training: A Case Study of Global Voices Lingua", 2021 TAIPEI TECH International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Taipei, 2021/10/28
  • "Quality Assurance in Translation Crowdsourcing: The TED Open Translation Project", 20th International Conference on Interpreting and Translation, London, 2018/10/15
  • "he Changes in Motivations and the Use of Translation Strategies in Crowdsourced Translation: A Case Study on Global Voices’ Chinese Translation Project", Asian Translation Traditions Conference 8, 倫敦, 2017/07/05
  • "Crowdsourced Chinese Translation at Twitter: An Approach Using the Gamified Field", 3rd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Zurich, 2016/05/05
  • "Crowdsourced Chinese Translation at Facebook and Twitter: A Holistic Sociological Approach", 2015 TAIPEI TECH International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 臺北, 2015/11/19
  • "A Revisit on Quality Assessment of Professional and Amateur", East Asian Translation Studies Conference, East Angalia, 2014/06/19
  • "Fansubbing: From Japanese Anime to Taiwanese Local Dramas", 2013 Applied Linguistics on Global Fronts: Culture, Pedagogy, Translaiton and Communication, 台北, 2013/11/14
  • "The Acceptability in Cartoon Dubbing from Children’s Perspective: A Case Study of Madagascar 2 Escape Africa", 2013 Applied Linguistics on Global Fronts: Culture, Pedagogy, Translaiton and Communication, 台北, 2013/11/14
  • "Quality Assessment of Professional and Community News Translation", 6th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, 雅典, 2013/07/08
  • "專業暨社群軟性新聞翻譯之讀者關照:跨學科研究模式", 第17屆口筆譯教學國際研討會, 高雄, 2013/03/22
  • "Revisiting Literal Translation in the Era of Globalization", 4th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Belfast, 2012/07/24
  • "The shifts of interactive features in soft news translation", the International Conference on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication, the University of Queensland i, 2011/12/01
  • "The arrangement of interactive features in community soft news translation", 2011 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Learning: Diversity and Innovation, 臺北, 2011/11/03
  • "社群新聞翻譯之讀者關照:以《全球之聲》網站的中譯為例", 2011應用語言學暨語言教學之多元與創新國際研討會, 臺北, 2011/11/03
  • "Concern for the target readers in soft news translation", 4th Annual International Conference on Philology, Literatures and Linguistics, 雅典, 2011/07/11
  • "軟性新聞翻譯之讀者關照:以《台灣光華雜誌》之英譯為例從", 2011口筆譯研究研討會, 彰化, 2011/05/27
  • "From “Empire” to “Echolands”: A crucial passage in translating children’s books in Taiwan", the 4th Lingnan-Tsinghua Translation Symposium, 2010/12/18
  • "The translator’s subjectivity in travelling news translation: An approach of reception aesthetics", 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 嘉義, 2010/11/26
  • "Ideological manipulation in the translation of newspaper editorials: An appraisal theory approach", the VII International Conference on Translation, Barcelona, 2010/06/11
  • "The feasibility of using translation software to render English poems into Chinese", 2009 NTUT International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics: The Form and the Content, Taipei, 2009/11/06
  • "The translator's agency and its constraints in news trans-editing:", 2009 NTUT International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics: The Form and the Content, Taipei, 2009/11/06
  • "On rendering cultural-bound expressions in tourism translation: A perspective of reader's reception", 2009 NTUT International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics: The Form and the Content, Taipei, 2009/11/06
  • "Difficulties and strategies in videogame news translation", 2009 NTUT International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics: The Form and the Content, Taipei, 2009/11/06
  • "On context and news translation from the perspective of reception", the 11th International Pragmatics Conference: Diversity, Context, and Structure, Melbourne, 2009/07/12
  • "The construction of ‘self’ and ‘other’ in trans-editing of news texts concerning political conflicts", the 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies: Mediation and Conflict - Translation and Culture in a Global Context, Melbourne, 2009/07/07
  • "從「引述」的編譯探討新聞編譯之意識型態規範", 第十三屆口筆譯教學國際研討會暨第三屆海峽兩岸四地翻譯與跨文化交流研討會, 台北, 2009/01/10
  • "The translator’s constrained mediation in trans-editing of news texts narrating political conflicts", “System, Norm and the Societal”: A Conference on “Translation Studies as a Science”, 台北, 2008/04/20
  • "新聞編譯教學:翻譯取向新聞論述模式", 2008口筆譯國際研討會, 高雄, 2008/04/11
  • "口譯員的現場•語言的現場:傳統•意義•詮釋", 「語言•傳統」:文學詮釋學的學科條件理論」微型研討會, 台北, 2008/03/01
  • "Quotation as a key to the investigation of ideological mediation in news trans-editing", the International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Languages for Special Purposes, Macerata, 2008/02/01
  • "全球化視野下的新聞編譯標準", 全球化與華語敘述國際研討會, 台中, 2007/12/07
  • "從詮釋角度看新聞編譯的翻譯屬性", 翻譯與詮釋研討會, 台北, 2007/12/01
  • "新聞編譯跨文化與本土化融合現象: 從譯語報紙的意識型態談起", 第三屆國際翻譯研討會:翻譯與跨文化研究, 台北, 2007/06/09
  • "Towards a method for investigating ideology-related norms in news trans-editing", International Conference on Translation in Global News, Coventry, 2006/06/23
  • "再探新聞編譯的「歸化」現象", 第一屆國際翻譯研討會:全球化浪潮中的華語文翻譯, 台北, 2005/10/08
  • "The target newspaper’s political ideology as a social factor conditioning the translator’s decision; A news trans-editing perspective", International Conference on Translating and Interpreting as a Social Practice, Graz, 2005/05/05
  • "Translator’s mediation in trans-editing of news texts engaging with political conflicts: An English-Chinese perspective", International Conference on Translation and Conflict, Salford, 2004/11/26
  • "News trans-editing as an institutionally constructed social practice: A translation-oriented news discourse approach", International Conference on Translation and the Construction of Identity, Seoul, 2004/08/12
  • "When journalistic translation meets news discourse: A translation oriented news discourse", 36th Annual Meeting of British Association fro Applied Linguistics, Leeds, 2003/09/04
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