
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Jenq-Haur Wang

Professor/Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Augmenting Multimodal Content Representation with Transformers for Misinformation Detection", Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 8, 10, 2024/10, EI
  • "The Relationship of Weekly Monitoring of the Radial Artery Pulse Harmonics during Pregnancy Process", Cardiology Research and Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, 1, 2024/06, ELSE2
  • "Unsupervised video summarization with adversarial graph-based attention network", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 102, 2024/06, SCI
  • "Detecting fake reviewers from the social context with a graph neural network method", Decision Support Systems, 179, 2024/04, SCI
  • "Harmonic effects of sham acupuncture at Tsu San Li (St-36) in the radial pulse wave", Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 13, 6, 568-57, 2023/11, SCI
  • "A graph neural network approach to detect original review spammers of astroturfing campaigns", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 62, 2023/11, SCI&EI
  • "Towards Digital Twins of 3D-Reconstructed Apparel Models with An End-to-End Mobile Visualization", Applied Sciences, 13, 15, 1-18, 2023/07, SCI
  • "Improving Rumor Detection by Image Captioning and Multi-cell Bi-RNN with Self-Attention in Social Networks", International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM), 18, 1, 1-17, 2022/10, SCI&EI
  • "Using Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection and Transfer Learning in IoT", Computers, 10, 7, 88, 2021/07, ELSE2
  • "Predicting Implicit User Preferences with Multimodal Feature Fusion for Similar User Recommendation in Social Media", Applied Sciences, 11, 3, 1064, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Combining Post Sentiments and User Participation for Extracting Public Stances from Twitter", Applied Sciences, 10, 22, 8035, 2020/11, SCI
  • "Robust Forecasting of River-flow Based on Convolutional Neural Network", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 5, 4, 594-600, 2020/10, EI
  • "Rumor Detection Using Deep Attention Networks With Multimodal Feature Fusion", International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (IJCLCLP), 25, 1, 57-80, 2020/06, THCI
  • "Vulnerable Community Identification using Hate Speech Detection on Social Media", Information Processing and Management, 57, 3, 2020/05, SCI
  • "An edge computing-based predictive evaluation scheme toward geological drilling data using long short-term memory network", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2020/02, SCI&EI
  • "A robust multilayer extreme learning machine using kernel risk-sensitive loss criterion", International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 11, 1, 197-216, 2020/01, SCI&EI
  • "Combining Deep Neural Networks and Classical Time Series Regression Models for Forecasting Patient Flows in Hong Kong", IEEE Access, 7, 1, 118965 - 118974, 2019/08, SCI&EI
  • "User behavior prediction in social networks using weighted extreme learning machine with distribution optimization", Future Generation Computer Systems, 93, 1023-1035, 2019/04, SCI
  • "A hybrid global maximum power point tracking method for photovoltaic arrays under partial shading conditions", Optik, 180, 665-674, 2019/02, SCI
  • "Day-ahead forecasting of hourly photovoltaic power based on robust multilayer perception", Sustainability, 10, 12, 2018/12, SCI
  • "Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting via Stacked Extreme Learning Machine With Generalized Correntropy", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, 11, 4963-4971, 2018/11, SCI
  • "Resource Allocation in the Cognitive Radio Network-Aided Internet of Things for the Cyber-Physical-Social System: An Efficient Jaya Algorithm", Sensors, 18, 11, 3649, 2018/11, SCI
  • "A Parallel Recommender System Using a Collaborative Filtering Algorithm With Correntropy for Social Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), 2018/08, SCI
  • "A Quantized Kernel Least Mean Square Scheme with Entropy-Guided Learning for Intelligent Data Analysis", China Communications, 14, 7, 127-136, 2017/07, SCI
  • "A Quantized Kernel Learning Algorithm Using Minimum Kernel Risk-Sensitive Loss Criterion and Bilateral Gradient Technique", Entropy, 19, 7, 365, 2017/07, SCI
  • "A Mobile P2P Semantic Information Retrieval System with Effective Updates", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 9, 5, 1807-1824, 2015/05, SCI
  • "A Constructive Algorithm for Unsupervised Learning with Incremental Neural Network", Journal of Applied Research and Technology (JART), 13, 2, 188-196, 2015/04, SCI
  • "Data broadcasting for dependent information using multiple channels in wireless broadcast environments", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 74, 9, 2795-2807, 2014/09, SCI&EI
  • "Exploiting Near-Duplicate Relations in Organizing News Archives", International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), 29, 7, 597-614, 2014/07, SCI&EI
  • "An Image Retrieving Scheme Using Salient Features and Annotation Watermarking", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 8, 1, 213-231, 2014/01, SCI
  • "Feature Extraction using Bionic Particle Swarm Tracing for Transfer Function Design in Direct Volume Rendering", The Visual Computer, 30, 1, 33-44, 2014/01, SCI&EI
  • "CoBITs: A distributed indexing approach to collaborative content-based multimedia retrieval across digital archives", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2013/12, SCI&EI
  • "Constructing Query Context Knowledge Bases for Relevant Term Suggestion", Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), 2013/12, SCI
  • "Perceptual Zero-Tree Coding with Efficient Optimization for Embedded Platforms", Journal of Applied Research and Technology (JART), 11, 4, 487-495, 2013/08, SCI
  • "Building Communication Software: a Project-based Approach for Teaching C++ Object-oriented Programming", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 9, 8, 3415-3436, 2013/08, EI
  • "An Annotation Watermarking Approach to Image Tagging for Relevant Information Retrieval", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 3310-3314, 2013/01, EI
  • "The Single-Pass Perceptual Embedded Zero-Tree Coding Implementation and Optimization on DSP", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 2115-2119, 2013/01, EI
  • "Performance Evaluation for Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Using Runtime Performance Counters", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 2575-2579, 2013/01, EI
  • "Full Multiplexers Implementation of Dual Basis Multiplier over GF(2^m)", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 3423-3427, 2013/01, EI
  • "Low-complexity Design of Bit-parallel Dual Basis Multiplier over GF(2^m)", IET Information Security, 6, 4, 324-328, 2012/12, SCI
  • "An Intelligent Knowledge-Based and Customizable Home Care System Framework with Ubiquitous Patient Monitoring and Alerting Techniques", Sensors, 12, 8, 11154-11186, 2012/08, SCI
  • "A Vision-Based Driver Nighttime Assistance and Surveillance System Based on Intelligent Image Sensing Techniques and Heterogamous Dual-Core Embedded System Architecture", Sensors, 12, 3, 2373-2399, 2012/02, SCI
  • "利用不相關回饋動態調整之個人化搜尋", Journal of National Taipei University of Technology, 44, 1, 35-48, 2011/06, ELSE1
  • "Content Protection and Tracking for Digital Rights Management in Digital Libraries", Journal of Library and Information Science (JLIS), 33, 1, 4-16, 2007/04, ELSE1
  • "Exploiting the Web as the Multilingual Corpus for Unknown Query Translation", of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57, 5, 660-670, 2006/03, SCI


  • A Deep Fusion Model Combining News Content and Historical Prices for Stock Trend Prediction, 1, Springer, 978-3-030-96451-1, 2022/02/26
  • 大數據, 1, 全華圖書股份有限公司, 978-986-463-174-2, 2016/06/01
  • 數位權利管理, 1, 國立臺灣大學出版中心, 中央研究院, 978-986-01-0938-2, 2007/11/01

Conference papers

  • "Improving Code Coverage in Symbolic Execution Based on Longer-Path-First Principle", 第三十四屆全國資訊安全會議, Taipei, 2024/08/29
  • "Optimizing 3D Clothing Models for VR: A Deep Learning Approach to Triangle Count Reduction", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2024), Taichung, 2024/07/09
  • "Combining Transformers and Tree-based Decoders for Solving Math Word Problems", The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2023), Sorrento, 2023/12/15
  • "Network Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning Approach on Multi-access Edge Computing Server", The 20th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2023), Taipei, 2023/12/08
  • "Into 3D-Reconstructed Apparel over Virtual Try-On with Virtual Reality", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (IEEE ICCE-TW 2023), Pingtung, 2023/07/17
  • "Comparing Feature Extraction Methods for Sarcasm Detection in Twitter", The 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2023), Kumamoto, 2023/06/06
  • "Dot-Product Similarity based Centroid Clustering for Popular Topic Detection", The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2022), Osaka, 2022/12/17
  • "Multimodal Content Veracity Assessment with Bidirectional Transformers and Self-Attention-based Bi-GRU Networks", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM 2022), Naples, 2022/12/05
  • "Communication, Computing, and Security Technology for Smart Manufacturing", The 19th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2022), Kaohsiung, 2022/11/11
  • "Aggregating User-Centric and Post-Centric Sentiments from Social Media for Topical Stance Prediction", The 33rd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2021), Taoyuan, 2021/10/15
  • "Modeling Implicit User Relations with Information Propagation Graph for User Influence Prediction", The 30th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2021), Taipei, 2021/10/07
  • "Combining News Content with Deep Learning Models for Stock Trend Prediction", The 35th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2021), 2021/06/08
  • "Combining Oversampling with Recurrent Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection", The 26th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2021), Taipei, 2021/04/11
  • "Automatic Device Identification and Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning Techniques in Smart Factories", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2020), Atlanta, 2020/12/10
  • "Dependency Parsing of Financial News to Improve Sentiment Analysis for Predicting Market Prices", 2020 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2020), Taipei, 2020/12/03
  • "Identifying Device Types for Anomaly Detection in IoT", The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN 2020), Paris, 2020/11/24
  • "Combining Dependency Parser and GNN models for Text Classification", The 32nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2020), Taipei, 2020/09/24
  • "Combining Hybrid Attention Networks and LSTM for Stock Trend Prediction", The 32nd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2020), Taipei, 2020/09/24
  • "應用多模式特徵融合的深度類神經網路進行謠言檢測", The 2019 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2019), 高雄, 2019/11/21
  • "Exploiting Multi-Document Term Extraction to Improve Named Entity Recognition for Major Concept Detection", The 2019 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2019), 高雄, 2019/11/21
  • "結合類神經網路及文件概念圖之文件檢索研究", The 31st Annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2019), 新北市, 2019/10/03
  • "基於BERT模型之多國語言機器閱讀理解研究", The 31st Annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2019), 新北市, 2019/10/03
  • "結合LDA與SVM之社群使用者立場檢測", The 31st Annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2019), 新北市, 2019/10/03
  • "基於徑向基底函數網路之 Android惡意程式偵測", The 25th Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET 2019), 高雄, 2019/09/25
  • "An LSTM Approach to Short Text Sentiment Classification with Word Embeddings", The 30th annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2018), Hsinchu, 2018/10/04
  • "An Interactive Approach to Big Data Analytics for Guiding Crime Scene Investigation", The 14th Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2018), Taoyuan, 2018/08/26
  • "An Efficient Jaya Algorithm for Resource Allocation in the Cognitive-Radio-Networks-Aided Internet of Things,", The 11th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2018), Halifax, 2018/07/30
  • "Social Network Hate Speech Detection for Amharic Language", The 4th International Conference on Natural Language Computing (NATL 2018), Dubai, 2018/04/28
  • "Improving Sentiment Classification from High Volatility Financial News", The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Pau, 2018/04/09
  • "A Comparative Study for Classification on Different Domain", The 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2018), Macau, 2018/02/26
  • "Progress of the Taiwan Mandarin Radio Speech Corpus Project", The 20th Oriental COCOSDA International Conference (International Committee for Coordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques) (O-COCOSDA 2017), Seoul, 2017/11/01
  • "A Robust Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine Using Kernel Risk-Sensitive Loss Criterion", The 8th International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM2017), Yantai, 2017/10/04
  • "Discovering Reader’s Emotions Triggered from News Articles", The 4th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2017), Bangkok, 2017/07/17
  • "基於遞歸式類神經網路之社群網站情緒分析", 2017數位生活科技研討會, 嘉義, 2017/06/24
  • "Heterogeneous Resources Aggregation for Literature Usage Analysis in Academic Libraries", ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2017), Toronto, 2017/06/19
  • "Improving Sentiment Rating of Movie Review Comments for Recommendation", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2017), Taipei, 2017/06/12
  • "Development of a Large-Scale Mandarin Radio Speech Corpus", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2017), Taipei, 2017/06/12
  • "An Interactive Learning System Incorporated Application to Educational Radio Station Website", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2017), Taipei, 2017/06/12
  • "Improving Clustering Efficiency by SimHash-based K-Means Algorithm for Big Data Analytics", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), Washington, D.C., 2016/12/05
  • "Discovering Implicit Concepts in Popular TV Programs from Social Media", The 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2015), Tainan, 2015/11/20
  • "Towards an Efficient Platform for Social Big Data Analytics", The 24th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC 2015), Taipei, 2015/10/23
  • "Feature Extraction for Product Advertising Reviews Identification in Social Media", The 4th ASE International Conference on Social Informatics, 高雄, 2015/10/07
  • "A Distributed Hybrid Recommendation Framework to Address the New-User Cold-Start Problem", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom 2015), Beijing, 2015/08/10
  • "Combining Query Terms Extension and Weight Correlative for Expert Finding", The 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2014), Warsaw, 2014/08/11
  • "Incremental Neural Network Construction for Text Classification", IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C 2014), Taichung, 2014/06/10
  • "Unsupervised Opinion Targets Expansion and Modification Relation Identification for Microblog Sentiment Analysis", The 5th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2013), Kyoto, 2013/11/25
  • "Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Finding and Modifying Relation Identification", The 25th Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2013), Kaohsiung, 2013/10/04
  • "Aggregating Opinions on Hot Topics from Microblog Responses", The Eighth Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS 2012), Tianjin, 2012/12/17
  • "Relevant Term Suggestion based on Pseudo Relevance Feedback from Web Contexts", The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012), Taipei, 2012/11/12
  • "Social Influence Estimation for Short Texts in Plurk", International Workshop on Complex Social Network Analysis (CSNA 2012) in conjunction with IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2012, Istanbul, 2012/08/26
  • "Self-checking Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplier using Multiplexer Approach", The Sixth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2012), Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "Statistical Single-Document Summarization for Chinese News Articles", The Eighth International Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems and Network Applications (FINA 2012) in conjunction with AINA 2012, Fukuoka, 2012/03/26
  • "Unsupervised Opinion Phrase Extraction and Rating in Chinese Blog Posts", The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2011), Boston, 2011/10/09
  • "Web-based Verification on the Representativeness of Terms Extracted from Single Short Dcouments", International Workshop on Computational Social Networks (IWCSN 2011) within WI 2011, Lyon, 2011/08/22
  • "Using Inter-Comment Similarity for Comment Spam Detection in Chinese Blogs", The 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2011), Kaohsiung, 2011/07/25
  • "Unsupervised Multilingual Concept Discovery from Daily Online News Extracts", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2010), Vancouver, 2010/05/23
  • "Exploiting Sentence-Level Features for Near-Duplicate Document Detection", The Fifth Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 2009), Sapporo, 2009/10/21
  • "Enhancing the Performance of Locating Data in Chord-based P2P Systems", The 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Network Virtual Environments (P2PNVE 2008), Melbourne, 2008/12/08
  • "Protecting Digital Library Collections with Collaborative Web Image Copy Detection", The 11th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2008), Bali, 2008/12/02
  • "DHCP Support for Secure Automatic Detection of Host Status", First International Workshop on Zero-Configuration Application Systems (ZCAS 2008), Hsinchu, 2008/08/04
  • "Efficient Histogram-based Indexing for Video Copy Detection", The Third IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE MIPR 2007), Taichung, 2007/12/10
  • "Organizing News Archives by Near-Duplicate Copy Detection in Digital Libraries", The 10th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2007), Hanoi, 2007/12/10
  • "Finding Event-Relevant Content from the Web Using a Near-Duplicate Detection Approach", 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2007), Silicon Valley, 2007/11/02
  • "Collaborative Content Protection through Peer-to-Peer Image Copy Detection", Information Security Conference (ISC 2007), Chiayi, 2007/06/07
  • "Distributed Web Police: A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Collaborative Copy Detection", IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics 2007 (ISI 2007), New Brunswick, 2007/05/23
  • "A Peer-to-Peer Approach to Collaborative Repository for Digital Libraries", The 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2006), Kyoto, 2006/11/27
  • "Effective Content Tracking for Digital Rights Management in Digital Libraries", The 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2006), Alicante, 2006/09/17
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