
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Department of Civil Engineering

Journal articles

  • "多期遙測影像對地形差異分析之探討", 地工技術, 181, 5-12, 2024/09, ELSE1
  • "應用無人機光達解密隱藏於密林中之古崩塌地", 土木水利學刊, 50, 5, 1-7, 2023/10, ELSE1
  • "Neotectonics of the volcanic Kuei-Shan Tao island, and geodynamic implications (NE Taiwan - SW Okinawa Trough)", Tectonophysics, 832, 1-17, 2022/04, SCI
  • "Occurrences of Deep-Seated Creeping Landslides in Accordance with Hydrological Water Storage in Catchments", Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Investigation of Geological Structures Using UAV Lidar and Its Effects on the Failure Mechanism of Deep-Seated Landslide in Lantai Area, Taiwan", applied sciences, 11, 21, 10052, 2021/10, SCI
  • "Badland landscape response to individual geomorphic events", Nature Communications, 12, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Mapping vegetation-induced obstruction in agricultural ditches: A low-cost and flexible approach by UAV-SfM", Agricultural Water Management, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Acquired Topography for Quantifying Typhoon-Driven Landslide Volume and Its Potential Topographic Impact on Rivers in Mountainous Catchments", applied sciences, 10, 1-16, 2020/09, SCI
  • "Quantifying sediment mass redistribution from joint time-lapse gravimetry and photogrammetry surveys", Earth Surface Dynamics, 8, 555-577, 2020/06, SCI
  • "Neotectonics of the Southern Hengchun Peninsula (Taiwan): Inputs from high resolution UAS Digital Terrain Model, updated geological mapping and PSInSAR techniques", Tectonophysics, 767, 2019/07, SCI
  • "Construction of Period qp PGISs With Degrees Equal to or Larger Than Four", IEEE Access, 6, 64790-64800, 2018/11, SCI
  • "Perfect Sequences of Odd Prime Length", IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 25, 7, 966-969, 2018/07, SCI
  • "Analytical solution of folding behaviors of multi-layer viscous strata", Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol., 29, 3, 1-16, 2018/06, SCI
  • "Geomorphological evolution of landslides near an active normal fault in northern Taiwan, as revealed by lidar and unmanned aircraft system data", Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,, 18, 709-727, 2018/03, SCI
  • "Active tectonics of the onshore Hengchun Fault using UAS DSM combined with ALOS PS-InSAR time series (Southern Taiwan)", Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 829-845, 2018/03, SCI
  • "光譜相機於無人載具影像之精度評估及應用", 大地技師, 15, 24-30, 2017/11, ELSE1
  • "結合空中與地上影像之傾斜攝影建模成效及精度評估", 中華技術, 118, 30-40, 2017/10, ELSE1
  • "無人機高階應用— 光達系統測繪", 地質, 36, 3, 36-37, 2017/09, ELSE1
  • "Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Period pk With Degrees Equal to or Less Than k + 1", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 2017/06, SCI
  • "Dip-slope mapping of sedimentary terrain using polygon auto-tracing and airborne LiDAR topographic data", Engineering Geology, 222, 236-249, 2017/04, SCI
  • "應用無人飛行載具於山崩及河道變遷之量測分析-以來社溪為例", 土木水利, 44, 2, 67-73, 2017/04, ELSE1
  • "Active interseismic shallow deformation of the Pingting terraces Longitudinal Valley Eastern Taiwan from UAV high resolution topographic data combined with InSAR time series", Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 17, 2016/06, SCI
  • "Identification of co-seismic ground motion due to fracturing and impact of the Tsaoling landslide, Taiwan", Engineering Geology, 196, 269-279, 2015/06, SCI
  • "Derivation of Strike and Dip in Sedimentary Terrain Using 3D Image Interpretation Based on Airborne LiDAR Data", Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 25, 6, 775-790, 2014/12, SCI
  • "無人飛行載具數值地形模型精度評估及應用", 土木水利學刊, 41, 4, 52-57, 2014/08, ELSE1
  • "Pleistocene alluvial deposits dating along frontal thrust of Changhua Fault in western Taiwan: The cosmic ray exposure point of view", Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 51, 1, 1-20, 2012/02, SCI
  • "Erosion rates in an active orogene (NE-Taiwan): A confrontation of cosmogenic measurements with river suspended loads", Quaternary Geochronology, 6, 2, 246-260, 2011/04, SCI
  • "Buckling folds of a single layer embedded in matrix – folding behavior revealed by numerical analysis", Journal of Structural Geology, 32, 960-974, 2010/07, SCI
  • "Anaglyph image: an useful platform of morphotectonic communication", Western Pacific Earth Science, 2010/07, ELSE2
  • "Evaluation of Tectonic Activities Using LiDAR Topographic Data: The Nankan Lineament in Northern Taiwan", Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 21, 3, 463-476, 2010/06, SCI
  • "Discrete element simulation of the Jiufengershan rock-and-soil avalanche triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan", Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, 17, 2009/07, SCI
  • "Simulation of Tsaoling landslide, Taiwan, based on Saint Venant equations over general topography", Engineering Geology, 104, 3-4, 181-189, 2009/03, SCI
  • "Topographical changes revealed by high-resolution airborne LiDAR images: The 1999 Tsaoling landslide induced by chichi earthquake", Engineering Geology, 3-4, 88, 160-172, 2006/12, SCI&EI
  • "Post-seismic surface processes in the Jiufengershan landslide area, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake epicentral zone, Taiwan", Engineering Geology, 2-3, 86, 102-117, 2006/08, SCI&EI
  • "Geological and morphological study of the Jiufengershan landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake", Geomorphology, 3-4, 71, 293-309, 2005/12, SCI
  • "Large earthquake-triggered landslides and mountain belt erosion: The Tsaoling case, Taiwan", Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 13, 337, 1164-1172, 2005/09, SCI
  • "Analysis of landsliding by earthquake shaking using a block-on-slope thermo-mechanical model: Example of Jiufengershan landslide, central Taiwan", Engineering Geology, 1-2, 80, 151-163, 2005/08, SCI&EI
  • "Sandbox Experiments of Plate Convergence– Scale effect and associated mechanisms", Terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, 3, 16, 595-620, 2005/08, SCI
  • "law of frictional granular materials from biaxial numerical tests using contact dynamics simulations", Journal of Geophysical Research, B09202, 110, 1-24, 2005/08, SCI
  • "Influence of large particles on the behavior of granular media", Powders and Grains 2005, 1269-1272, 2005/07, ELSE2
  • "Observations and simulation of force transmission in deformed conglomerates (Jiu-Jiu Fon, Taiwan)", Powders and Grains 2005, 73-75, 2005/07, ELSE2


  • Life-cycle of the 1999 Tsao-Ling landslide dam (Central Taiwan) and its geomorphologic impacts, 1, Springer, 978-3-642-04763-3, 2010/12/15

Conference papers

  • "Assessment of landslide, Sediment Production and Disaster Prevention in in mountainous watersheds in Taiwan", egu 2024, 維也納, 2024/04/14
  • "Analysis of active fault morphotectonic behavior and seismic deformation during the September 2022 earthquakes in eastern Taiwan", egu 2024, 維也納, 2024/04/14
  • "Environmental evolution and Landslide hazard assessment based on UAS multi-sensors", EGU 2022, 維也納, 2022/05/23
  • "Geological mapping and Active tectonics from UAS-HR-DTM and PSInSAR: Case examples in the Longitudinal Valley and the Coastal Range (E. Taiwan)", EGU 2022, 維也納, 2022/05/23
  • "Improve Drone Survey Hazard Mapping technology to decipher landslide activity and geomorphological evolution", EGU 2021, 維也納, 2021/04/19
  • "Volcanoes geological mapping and structural geology with UAS High Resolution Digital Terrain Model : the Kuei-Shan Tao case example (Eastern Taiwan).", EGU 2021, 維也納, 2021/04/19
  • "Progressive landslide activity analysis and monitoring from Multi-temporal high-resolution geoinfomatic data sets", EGU 2020, 維也納, 2020/05/04
  • "UAS LiDAR data processing, quality assessment and geosciences prospects", EGU 2019, 維也納, 2019/04/07
  • "Application of UAS survey to Neotectonics: the active Longitudinal Valley Fault case example (E. Taiwan)", EGU 2019, 維也納, 2019/04/07
  • "Multi-temporal high-resolution geoinfomatic data for progressive landslide monitoring", EGU 2019, 維也納, 2019/04/07
  • "Application of UAS survey to Neotectonics: the active Longitudinal Valley Fault case example (E. Taiwan)", EGU 2018, 維也納, 2018/04/08
  • "Multi-scale and multi-temporal geoinfomatic data acquisition, evaluation and progressive landslide assessment", EGU 2018, 維也納, 2018/04/08
  • "Integration of UAS LiDAR system, data acquisition and assessment", EGU 2018, 維也納, 2018/04/08
  • "Active tectonics of the onshore Hengchun accretionary prism using UAV high resolution topography and ALOS PS-InSAR time series (Southern Taiwan)", EGU, 維也納, 2017/04/23
  • "Mapping and monitoring of sediment budgets and river change by means of UAS multi-scale, high-resolution imageries", EGU, 維也納, 2017/04/23
  • "Feasibility study and quality assessment of unmanned aircraft system-derived multispectral images", EGU, 維也納, 2017/04/23
  • "Coupling effect analysis between landslides, river channel changes and sediment budgets – extreme climate events in Laishe River, southern Taiwan", EGU, 維也納, 2016/04/17
  • "Numerical simulation of coastal flooding after potential reactivation of an active normal fault in northern Taiwan", EGU, 維也納, 2016/04/17
  • "Input of UAV, DTM photo-interpretation and SAR interferometry on active tectonics applied on the Southern Coastal Range (SE Taiwan)", EGU, 維也納, 2016/04/17
  • "Applying 3D DTM for landslide, river channel change and sediment budget study - extreme event of the Typhoon Morakot at Laonong River, Taiwan", Colloque photogrammetrie numerique et perception 3d, Paris, 2016/03/15
  • "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for Geological Applications and Prospects", 2015台美地球科學雙邊合作研討會, 台北, 2015/05/28
  • "Quality evaluation of UAV associated digital terrain model by means of ground control points", egu, 維也納, 2015/04/12
  • "UAV’s for active tectonics : case example from the Longitudinal Valley and the Chishan Faults (Southern Taiwan)", EGU, 維也納, 2015/04/12
  • "Sediment budget analysis from Landslide debris and river channel change during the extreme event - example of Typhoon Morakot at Laonong river, Taiwan", EGU, 維也納, 2014/04/27
  • "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) associated DTM quality evaluation and hazard assessment", egu, 維也納, 2014/04/27
  • "Incremental vs. geological growth of folds: Examples of Tungshih anticline and Neiwan syncline during Taiwan Mw7.6 1999 ChiChi earthquake", egu, 維也納, 2014/04/27
  • "Morphologic analysis and numerical simulation of the earthquake-induced Jiufengershan debris avalanche, central Taiwan", EGU 2013, 維也納, 2013/04/07
  • "Triggering factor evolution and dynamic process simulation of the Formosa Highway dip-slope failure, northern Taiwan", egu 2013, 維也納, 2013/04/07
  • "Applications of photogrammetry for small-scaled Houshanyue landslides,northern Taiwan", egu 2013, 維也納, 2013/04/07
  • "山崩模型建置及震滑機制行為初探-以草嶺山崩為例", 海峽兩岸地質環境及海洋環境保護, 廈門, 2012/06/16
  • "Evidence for Active Normal Faulting in Northern Taiwan and its Seismogenic Implications", EGU, 維也納, 2012/04/21
  • "Earthquake-triggered Tsaoling landslide mechanics and dynamic process revealed by discrete element method", EGU, 維也納, 2012/04/21
  • "Kinematic simulations of the rainfall-triggered Shiaolin debris avalanche,", EGU, 維也納, 2012/04/21
  • "Landslide events in Tsaoling and their effect on sediment flux", EGU, 維也納, 2012/04/21
  • "Landslide mechanism, geomorphic change and surface process: evidence from earthquake-triggered Tsaoling avalanche", EGU, 維也納, 2011/04/03
  • "Preliminary analysis of active deformation in Chengdu foreland basin, China", egu, 維也納, 2011/04/03
  • "Geologic structures contributing to the catastrophic Xiaolin landslide in Taiwan: Evidence from pre- and post-landslide airborne LiDAR data", EGU, 維也納, 2011/04/03
  • "Application of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides to decipher activity of the deformation front in western Taiwan", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, 2010/12/13
  • "Chronological constraints of active thrusting from cosmic ray exposure modeling: A case study of the Changhua Fault in Western Foothills of Taiwan", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, 2010/12/13
  • "Existing large-scale landslides assessment by means of LiDAR data: Example from Tatun volcanic area, northern Taiwan", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, 2010/12/13
  • "Decadal Erosion Rates Derived From An Earthquake-Induced Landslide Region, Central Taiwan", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, 2010/12/13
  • "草嶺山崩機制及後續地表作用估算", 海峽兩岸地質災害防治學術研討會, 福州, 2010/10/12
  • "山崩連續體模式之數值仿真", 海峽兩岸地質災害防治學術研討會, 福州, 2010/10/12
  • "運用歷史航照及地形圖建置數值地形資料並探討1941年草嶺山崩之地形演育", 海峽兩岸地質災害防治學術研討會, 福州, 2010/10/12
  • "Discrete element simulation of the Jiufengershan rock-and-soil avalanche triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan", Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 2010/07/05
  • "Interactions between Tectonics and Surface Processes in Taiwan: Insights from Sandbox Experiments", Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 2010/07/05
  • "The Changhua Fault (Western Foothills of Taiwan): chronological constraints from cosmic ray exposure modeling", Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 2010/07/05
  • "Tectoincs in Taiwan", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Landslide simulations with continuum hydrodyanmic models", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Large-scaled existing landslides assessment by means of LiDAR technique", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Life cycle of landslide dam and its geomorphologic impacts: Tsaoling debris avalanch triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Erosional characteristics of the Chiufenershan landslide, Central Taiwan: Implications for erosion process of tectonically active mountains", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Application of in suit produced 10Be measurements at alluvial terraces", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Geohazards in related to neotectonic patterns of Taiwan based on recent multi-source data", West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. AGU, Taipei, 2010/06/21
  • "Rock avalanche dynamics evidenced by near-field strongmotion", EGU 2010, Vienna, 2010/05/02
  • "Characterization of active normal faulting and associated inundation risks based on LiDAR DTM", EGU 2010, vienna, 2010/05/02
  • "Post-seismic erosional characteristics of the Chiufenershan landslide : Implications for erosion process of tectonically active mountains", EGU 2010, vienna, 2010/05/02
  • "Montoring of surface changes by landslide event base on sediment transport and dem analysis", IAG, Brasov, 2008/08/13
  • "Evolution of large-scale paleo-landslides in volcanic area – reconstructed base on LiDAR technology", AGU, 舊金山, 2007/12/01
  • "Several notes of accretionary processes derived from numerical simulation", Subduction Zone Geodynamics Conference, montpellier, 2007/06/04
  • "Surface features of paleo-landslides analyzed by LiDAR topographic data", EGU, Vienna, 2007/04/15
  • "Structural and geomorphic controls on the earthquake-triggered landslide in the Chiufenershan area during the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan", EGU, Vienna, 2007/04/15
  • "Characterization of active normal faulting using LiDAR-derived DTM and modeling of flood damages in the Jinshan area, northern Taiwan", EGU, Vienna, 2007/04/15

Relevant certifications

  • 應用地質技師, 考試院
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