
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Jyh-Cheng Jeng

Professor/Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Journal articles

  • "Mixing efficiency of viscous fluid in a multiple-impeller agitated tank", Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46, 1464–1475, 2023/07, SCI
  • "Mixing performance of a non-Newtonian fluid in a coaxial agitated impeller reactor", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 143, 104715, 2023/02, SCI
  • "Multi-loop PID controllers design with reduced loop interactions based on a frequency-domain direct synthesis method", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 360, 2476–2506, 2023/01, SCI
  • "Design and analysis of fuel-assisted solid oxide electrolysis cell combined with biomass gasifier for hydrogen production", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 49, 2113–2118, 2022/05, EI
  • "Fluid dynamics of a pilot-scale OrbShake bioreactor under different operating conditions", Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2021/12, SCI
  • "Integration of Hydrogen Production and Greenhouse Treatment by Utilizing Nitrous Oxide as Sweep Gas for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021/06, SCI
  • "Design, Operation, and Control of Stand-Alone Hybrid Membrane Osmosis Desalination Systems", CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 86, 991-996, 2021/06, SCI
  • "Mixing performance analysis of orbitally shaken bioreactors", Applied Sciences, 10, 5597, 2020/08, SCI
  • "Data-based approach for feedback–feedforward controller design using closed-loop plant data", ISA Transactions, 80, 244-256, 2018/09, SCI
  • "Novel design of dynamic matrix control with enhanced decoupling control performance", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 44, 541-546, 2018/07, EI
  • "Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Osmosis Processes for Simultaneous Production of Water and Power under Different Demand Conditions", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 43, 761-766, 2018/06, EI
  • "Data-Driven Nonlinear Control Design Using Virtual-Reference Feedback Tuning Based on the Block-Oriented Modeling of Nonlinear Systems", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 57, 7583−7599, 2018/05, SCI
  • "千瓦級中溫型固態氧化物燃料電池純氫陽 極回流氣體供應系統模擬", 鑛冶, 62, 1, 73-79, 2018/03, ELSE1
  • "Coordinated control design for a PEMFC power system using adaptive VRFT method", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016/09, SCI
  • "Closed-loop identification of nonlinear Hammerstein model based on subspace approach", COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 38, 1521-1526, 2016/06, EI
  • "Disturbance-rejection-based tuning of proportional-integral-derivative controllers by exploiting closed-loop plant data", ISA Transactions, 62, 312-324, 2016/03, SCI&EI
  • "A model-free direct synthesis method for PI/PID controller design based on disturbance rejection", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 147, 14-29, 2015/08, SCI&EI
  • "Extended VRFT Method for Controller Design of Nonlinear Systems Based on Block-Oriented Model Structures", COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 37, 1691-1696, 2015/05, EI
  • "Stability of oscillatory solutions of differential equations with general piecewise constant arguments of mixed type", MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 288, 1085–1097, 2015/02, SCI&EI
  • "Closed-Loop Tuning of Set-Point-Weighted Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers for Stable, Integrating, and Unstable Processes: A Unified Data-Based Method", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 54, 3, 1041-1058, 2015/01, SCI&EI
  • "Controller Design for Nonlinear Hammerstein and Wiener Systems Based on VRFT Method", COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 33, 547-552, 2014/06, EI
  • "Simultaneous closed-loop tuning of cascade controllers based directly on set-point step-response data", Journal of Process Control, 24, 652-662, 2014/05, SCI&EI
  • "A one-step tuning method for PID controllers with robustness specification using plant step-response data", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92, 3, 545-558, 2014/03, SCI
  • "Existence and Global Convergence of Periodic Solutions in Recurrent Neural Network Models with a General Piecewise Alternately Advanced and Retarded Argument", Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2013/12, SCI&EI
  • "A simultaneous tuning method for cascade control systems based on direct use of plant data", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52, 16820-16831, 2013/11, SCI&EI
  • "A one-step tuning method for PID controllers with robustness specification using plant step-response data", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2013/10, SCI&EI
  • "Control strategies for thermal budget and temperature uniformity in spike rapid thermal processing systems", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 57, 141-450, 2013/01, SCI&EI
  • "Control Strategy for Thermal Budget and Temperature Uniformity in Spike Rapid Thermal Processing Systems", Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 1637–1641, 2012/07, EI
  • "Simultaneous Automatic Tuning of Cascade Control Systems from Closed-loop Step Response Data", J. Process Control, 22, 1020-1033, 2012/07, SCI&EI
  • "Robust Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller Design for Stable/Integrating Processes with Inverse Response and Time Delay", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51, 2652-2665, 2012/02, SCI&EI
  • "Closed-Loop Identification of Multivariable Systems, Using B-Spline Series Expansions for Step Responses", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51, 2376-2387, 2012/02, SCI&EI
  • "Thermal Budget Control for Processes with Spike-Shaped Temperature Profile: Application to Rapid Thermal Annealing", Asian J. Control, 2011/09, SCI&EI
  • "Nonlinear control strategy for thermal budget in spike rapid thermal processing systems based on Wiener model", ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2011/08, SCI
  • "A simple non-minimum phase zero's predictor for open-loop unstable processes", ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 6, 441-451, 2011/06, SCI
  • "Optimal H2 IMC-PID Controller with Set-Point Weighting for Time-Delayed Unstable Processes", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 4567-4578, 2011/04, SCI&EI
  • "Closed-Loop Identification of Dynamic Models for Multivariable Systems with Applications to Monitoring and Redesign of Controllers", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 50, 3, 1460-1472, 2011/02, SCI&EI
  • "Adaptive Process Monitoring Using Efficient Recursive PCA and Moving Window PCA Algorithms", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 41, 475-481, 2010/06, SCI&EI
  • "Multiple Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Processes", ISA Transactions, 49, 4, 415-432, 2010/06, SCI&EI
  • "Multivariable Control with Generalized Decoupling for Disturbance Rejection", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 9175-9185, 2009/09, SCI&EI
  • "Nonparametric Identification for Control of MIMO Hammerstein Systems", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47, 6640-6647, 2008/08, SCI&EI
  • "PID控制系統之性能評估", 化工, 55, 37-46, 2008/04, ELSE1
  • "Fault Detection and Isolation for Dynamic Processes Using Recursive PCA Based on Filtering of Signals", Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2, 501-509, 2007/11, SCI
  • "Control Structure and Performance Assessment for Disturbance Rejection in MIMO Processes", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, 9170-9178, 2007/11, SCI&EI
  • "Control Relevant Issues in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Overview with Some New Results", Control Engineering Practice, 15, 1268-1279, 2007/10, SCI&EI
  • "Process Trend Monitoring Using Key Sensitivity Index", AIChE J., 53, 2339-2350, 2007/09, SCI&EI
  • "Multiple Multiplicative Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Processes via Parameter Similarity Measures", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, 4517-4530, 2007/05, SCI&EI
  • "Modified Relay Feedback Approach for Controller Tuning Based on Assessment of Gain and Phase Margins", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, 4043-4051, 2006/08, SCI&EI
  • "Dynamic Processes Monitoring Using Predictive PCA", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 29, 311-318, 2006/05, SCI&EI
  • "Model-Based Autotuning Systems with Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 37, 95-102, 2006/02, SCI&EI
  • "Multi-loop PID Controllers Design for MIMO Processes Containing Integrators(s)", Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 38, 742-756, 2005/09, SCI&EI
  • "Auto-tune System Using Single-run Relay Feedback Test and Model-based Controller Design", Journal of Process Control, 15, 713-727, 2005/06, SCI&EI
  • "Identification of Block-Oriented Nonlinear Processes Using Designed Relay Feedback Tests", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44, 2145-2155, 2005/05, SCI&EI
  • "控制系統之性能評估與線上監控", 工程科技通訊, 76, 120-123, 2005/05, ELSE1
  • "Identification and Controller Design for Nonlinear Processes Using Relay Feedback", Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 37, 1194-1206, 2004/10, SCI&EI
  • "A Direct Method for Multi-loop PI/PID Controller Design", Journal of Process Control, 13, 769-786, 2003/08, SCI&EI
  • "Identification for Monitoring and Autotuning of PID Controllers", Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36, 284-296, 2003/03, SCI&EI
  • "Assessment of Performance for Single Loop Control Systems", AIChE Symposium Series-326, 98, 384-388, 2002/06, ELSE2
  • "Monitoring and Assessment of Performance for Single Loop Control Systems", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 1297-1309, 2002/02, SCI&EI
  • "On-line Adaptive Tuning for PID Controllers", IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 149, 60-67, 2002/01, SCI&EI


  • Data-based tuning of PID controllers: A combined model-reference and VRFT method, 1, IntechOpen, 978-1-78923-701-6, 2018/09/12
  • Process Reaction Curve and Relay Methods Identification and PID Tuning, 1, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 1852337028, 2005/05/01

Conference papers

  • "厭氧消化後燃料回收與固態氧化物燃料電池整合系統 之性能評估與最適化", 2023 化工年會, 台北, 2023/12/09
  • "基於神經網路進行固態氧化物燃料電池之故障識別及剩餘使用壽命預測", 2023 化工年會, 台北, 2023/12/09
  • "氨氣輔助之整合固態氧化物電池產氫系統設計", 第十八屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會, 台東, 2023/09/21
  • "Data-based optimal tuning of I-PD controllers for time-delayed unstable processes", The 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Tokyo, 2023/08/20
  • "Optimization of Ammonia Recovery from Wastewater Treatment for SOFC Power Generation", 2023 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2023/05/19
  • "Neural Network Modeling and Control of Methane-Ammonia Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", 2023 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2023/05/19
  • "Data-based tuning of I-PD controllers for time-delayed unstable processes considering output performance, control effort, and robustness", PSE Asia 2022, Chennai, 2022/12/11
  • "Enhancing the Performance of Low-quality Biogas/Ammonia Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using a Mixed Fuel Strategy", PSE Asia 2022, Chennai, 2022/12/11
  • "甲烷與氨氣混合燃料固態氧化物燃料電池之神經網路建模與控制", 2022 化工年會, Taipei, 2022/12/02
  • "應用陽極回流提升氨氣/甲烷混合燃料SOFC系統性能之研究", 2022 化工年會, Taipei, 2022/12/02
  • "印刷電路板鍍鎳製程廢水之氨氣回收與再利用於發電", 中國冶工程學會111年年會, Taipei, 2022/10/14
  • "利用氨氣與甲烷燃料混合策略增強固態氧化物燃料電池之性能", 2022第十七屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第九屆台灣能源學會年會, Taipei, 2022/09/26
  • "Design and Analysis of Fuel-Assisted Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Combined with Biomass Gasifier for Hydrogen Production", The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Kyoto, 2022/06/19
  • "Optimization of RO Desalination System Powered by PRO and PV Energy with Uncertainties", 2021 化工年會, Kaoshiung, 2022/01/06
  • "Design and Analysis of Combined Biomass Gasifier and Fuel-Assisted SOEC System for Hydrogen Production", 2021 化工年會, Kaoshiung, 2022/01/06
  • "Performance Enhancement of Ammonia/Methane Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Mixed Fuels", 2021 化工年會, Kaoshiung, 2022/01/06
  • "Structural optimization and economic model predictive control of RO/PRO integrated system for water and power production with membrane fouling consideration", The 5th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology, Shanghai, 2021/11/14
  • "Design, operation, and control of stand-alone hybrid membrane osmosis desalination systems", The 15th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Naples, 2021/05/23
  • "Performance Evaluation of Biogas-Assisted Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Systems with Fuel Pretreatment", 2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 台北, 2021/05/14
  • "Simulation Study and Performance Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Directly Utilizing Methane-Ammonia Mixed Fuel", 2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 台北, 2021/05/14
  • "Optimization of Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Driven by Hybrid Power from Photovoltaic and Pressure Retarded Osmosis", 2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 台北, 2021/05/14
  • "複合固態氧化物電池產氫系統之設計與性能分析", 第十五屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第七屆台灣能源學會年會, 高雄, 2020/12/01
  • "Multi loop PID Controllers Design Based on Frequency Domain Direct Synthesis Method for Multivariable Interactive Processes", 9th PSE Asia 2020, 台北, 2020/11/04
  • "Optimal Design, Operation, and Scheduling of Membrane Cleaning for Stand Alone Hybrid Membrane Osmosis Desalination Systems", 9th PSE Asia 2020, 台北, 2020/11/04
  • "Design and Performance Analysis of a Solid Oxide Cell Integrated System Applied to High Efficiency Hydrogen Production", 9th PSE Asia 2020, 台北, 2020/11/04
  • "Integration of Hydrogen Production and Greenhouse Treatment by Utilizing Nitrous Oxide as Sweep Gas for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell", 9th PSE Asia 2020, 台北, 2020/11/04
  • "Structural Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Powered by Solar and Pressure Retarded Osmosis", 9th PSE Asia 2020, 台北, 2020/11/04
  • "Integration and optimization of reverse osmosis powered by photovoltaic and pressure retarded osmosis", 2020化工年會, 新竹, 2020/10/23
  • "Design and Performance Analysis of an Integrated Solid Oxide Cell System for Hydrogen Production", 2020化工年會, 新竹, 2020/10/23
  • "Optimization of Stand-Alone Hybrid Osmosis Desalination Systems with Membrane Cleaning Schedule", 2020化工年會, 新竹, 2020/10/23
  • "Performance Analysis of Utilizing Ammonia Addition to Fuel Suppressing Coke Formation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Samaria-Doped Ceria Based Electrolyte", 2020化工年會, 新竹, 2020/10/23
  • "Study on Stand-Alone Operation of Hybrid Membrane Osmosis Desalination Systems", 2019化工年會, 台中市, 2019/11/08
  • "Design and Performance Analysis of Fuel-Assisted Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Integrated System for Hydrogen Production", 2019化工年會, 台中市, 2019/11/08
  • "Optimal Design and Economic Model Predictive Control of RO/PRO Integrated Systems for Water and Power Production with Membrane Fouling Consideration", 2019化工年會, 台中市, 2019/11/08
  • "燃料輔助固態氧化物電解電池與燃料電池之整合系統設計與性能分析", 2019第十四屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第六屆台灣能源學會年會, 新北市, 2019/10/18
  • "Enhancement of energy efficiency in IT-SOFC CHP system using anode recirculation and water separator", The 18th Congress, Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Sapporo, 2019/09/23
  • "Optimal Design and Practical Operation of Stand-Alone Hybrid Membrane Osmosis Desalination Systems", The 18th Congress, Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Sapporo, 2019/09/23
  • "Stand-Alone Hybrid Membrane Osmosis Desalination Systems: Optimal Design and Impact of Membrane Fouling", 2019 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2019/05/10
  • "Design and Performance Evaluation of Tri-Generation Systems for Hydrogen, Heat and Power Production Based on Solid Oxide Fuel-assisted Electrolysis Cell", 2019 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2019/05/10
  • "Optimization of RO/PRO Integrated System for Water and Power Production with Membrane Fouling Consideration", 2019 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2019/05/10
  • "Design and Economic Evaluation of Stand-Alone Hybrid Osmosis Systems for Seawater Desalination", International Congress on Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sciences, Osaka, 2019/05/07
  • "Design and Analysis of Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems Powered by Pressure Retarded Osmosis", PSE Asia 2019, Bangkok, 2019/01/13
  • "Design and Analysis of Two Bi-Reforming Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power Systems", PSE Asia 2019, Bangkok, 2019/01/13
  • "Simulation Study of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Coupled to External Biogas Reforming", 2018化工年會, 雲林, 2018/11/09
  • "Design and Economic Evaluation of Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems Powered by Pressure Retarded Osmosis", 2018化工年會, 雲林, 2018/11/09
  • "Integration of reverse osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis processes for designing stand-alone salinity power driven desalination systems", The 6th International Workshop on Processes Intensification, Taipei, 2018/11/07
  • "固態氧化物燃料與電解電池結合部分氧化重組之三重聯產系統設計與性能分析", 2018第十三屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第五屆台灣能源學會年會, 桃園, 2018/10/19
  • "Novel design of dynamic matrix control with enhanced decoupling control performance", The 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, San Diego, 2018/07/01
  • "Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Osmosis Processes for Simultaneous Production of Water and Power under Different Demand Conditions", The 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Graz, 2018/06/10
  • "Analysis and Comparison of Two Designs of Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Powered by Pressure Retarded Osmosis", 2018熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會, 台南, 2018/05/25
  • "A Combined Model-Reference and VRFT Method for Data-Based PID Controllers Design", 2018熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會, 台南, 2018/05/25
  • "Thermodynamic Analysis of Various Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems Powered by Pressure Retarded Osmosis", 2017化工年會, 台北, 2017/11/17
  • "Design and Analysis of Bi-Reforming Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power Systems", 2017化工年會, 台北, 2017/11/17
  • "New Design of Model Predictive Control with Improved Decoupling Control Performance", 2017化工年會, 台北, 2017/11/17
  • "雙重組應用於SOFC熱電聯產系統之設計與分析", 2017氫能與燃料電池研討會, 花蓮, 2017/10/12
  • "Model-Free Simultaneous Design of Multiloop PID Controllers for TITO Interactive Processes with Time Delays", SICE Annual Conference 2017, Kanazawa, 2017/09/19
  • "Design of Dynamic Matrix Control for Enhanced Decoupling Performance", The 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, 2017/08/23
  • "Optimal Design of Hybrid Osmosis Processes for Simultaneous Production of Desalinated Water and Power under Different Demand Conditions", The 17th Congress of Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, 2017/08/23
  • "Data-Based Design of Centralized PID Controllers for Decoupling Control of Multivariable Processes", The International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, 台北, 2017/05/28
  • "Model-Free Simultaneous Design of Multiloop PI/PID Controller for TITO Processes with Time Delays", 2017 PSE & Cross Strait IPC Symposium, 台北, 2017/05/28
  • "Model Predictive Control Design for Improved Decoupling Control Performance", 2017 PSE & Cross Strait IPC Symposium, 台北, 2017/05/28
  • "Optimal Design of Hybrid Osmosis Processes under Different Water and Power Demands", 2016化工年會, 桃園, 2016/11/25
  • "Data-Driven Nonlinear Control Design: An Extended VRFT Method Based on Block-Oriented Modeling", 2016化工年會, 桃園, 2016/11/25
  • "Application of Bi-Reforming Process to Improve the Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems", 2016化工年會, 桃園, 2016/11/25
  • "雙重組製程應用於固態氧化物燃料電池系統之設計與評估", 2016第11屆全國氫能與燃料電池研討會, 台北, 2016/10/16
  • "Direct Closed-Loop Tuning of 2DoF PID Controllers for Unidentified Processes", SICE Annual Conference 2016, Tsukuba, 2016/09/20
  • "Data-Based Approach to Feedback-Feedforward Controller Design from Closed-Loop Plant Data", The 7th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, 東京, 2016/07/24
  • "Closed-Loop Identification of Nonlinear Hammerstein Model Based on Subspace Approach", Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Portoroz, 2016/06/12
  • "Design and Simulation of Bi-Reforming Process Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems", 2016 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2016/05/13
  • "Data-Driven Subspace Approach to Predictive Control Design for Nonlinear Hammerstein Systems", 2016 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2016/05/13
  • "Data-Based Design Approach for Simplified Decoupling Control Systems", The 13th International Conference on Automation Technology, 台北, 2015/11/13
  • "Design of decoupling model-predictive control for multivariable systems", 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2015/11/08
  • "Simultaneous Optimization of Integrated Operation and Water Supply for Hybrid Desalination Plants", 2015化工年會, 高雄, 2015/11/05
  • "Design of Feedback and Feedforward Controllers by Direct Use of Closed-Loop Plant Data", 2015化工年會, 高雄, 2015/11/05
  • "Subspace Approach to Identification and Predictive Control Design of Nonlinear Hammerstein Systems", 2015化工年會, 高雄, 2015/11/05
  • "Extended VRFT Method for Controller Design of Nonlinear Systems Based on Block-Oriented Model Structures", 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Copenhagen, 2015/05/31
  • "Optimization of Multi-Period Byproduct Gas Distribution System in the Iron and Steel Plant", 2015 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering & Thermodynamics, 金門, 2015/04/10
  • "Model-Free Design of Feedback-Feedforward Controllers Using Closed-Loop Plant Data", 2015 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering & Thermodynamics, 金門, 2015/04/10
  • "Direct Data-Based Design of Multi-Loop PI/PID Controllers for Multivariable Processes", 2014台灣化學工程學會年會, 桃園, 2014/12/12
  • "Multi-Period Optimization of Byproduct Gas Distribution in the Iron and Steel Plant", 2014台灣化學工程學會年會, 桃園, 2014/12/12
  • "Data-Based Control Design for Nonlinear Systems Using VRFT and Block-Oriented Modeling", 2014台灣化學工程學會年會, 桃園, 2014/12/12
  • "Controller Design for Nonlinear Hammerstein and Wiener Systems Based on VRFT Method", The 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Budapest, 2014/06/15
  • "VRFT-Based Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Block-Oriented Model Structures", The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, Hiroshima, 2014/05/28
  • "以適應性VRFT方法設計質子交換膜燃料電池電力系統之整合控制", 2014 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering & Thermodynamics, 南投, 2014/05/23
  • "A Data-Driven Method for Simultaneous Closed-Loop Tuning of Cascade Control Systems", 2013台灣化學工程學會年會, 台北, 2013/11/21
  • "以VRFT方法設計質子交換膜燃料電池電力系統之整合控制", 2013台灣化學工程學會年會, 台北, 2013/11/21
  • "An Extended VRFT Method for Controller Design of Nonlinear Hammerstein and Wiener Systems", 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, 舊金山, 2013/11/03
  • "Design of 2DoF PID Controllers Directly from Plant Data for Stable/Integrating/Unstable Processes", 2013 SICE Annual Conference, 名古屋, 2013/09/14
  • "A direct method for PID controller tuning with desired system robustness using step response data", 6th International Conference on Process Systems Engineering, 吉隆坡, 2013/06/25
  • "Design of 2DoF PID Controllers Directly from Plant Data", 2013 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 新竹, 2013/02/01
  • "Design of PID Controllers for Cascade Control Systems Directly from Plant Data", 2012 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Yunlin, 2012/11/30
  • "Design of Thermal Budget Control with Multivariable Configuration forSpike Rapid Thermal Processing Systems", 2012台灣化學工程學會59週年年會, 台中, 2012/11/23
  • "PID Controller Design Directly from Closed-Loop Plant Data for Cascade Control Systems", 23rd Chinese Process Control Conference, 廈門, 2012/08/10
  • "Control Strategy for Thermal Budget and Temperature Uniformity in Spike Rapid Thermal Processing Systems", 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 新加坡, 2012/07/15
  • "Identification and Controller Tuning of Cascade Control Systems Based on Closed-Loop Step Responses", International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, 新加坡, 2012/07/10
  • "Servo and Regulation PID Controller Design Directly from Closed-Loop Plant Data", 2012 Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 南投, 2012/05/25
  • "Decoupling the Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Parts in Block-Oriented Nonlinear Models Using Subspace Identification Approach", SICE Annual Meeting 2011, 東京, 2011/09/13
  • "IMC Based Set-point Weighted PID Tuning for First Order Delay Unstable Process (FODUP)", 2011 International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, Hangzhou, 2011/05/23
  • "PID Controller Tuning Based on Smith-Type Compensator for Second-Order Processes with Inverse Response and Time Delay", The 8th Asian Control Conference, Kaohsiung, 2011/05/15
  • "Nonlinear Control Strategy for Rapid Thermal Processing Systems Based on Thermal Budget", The 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, 台北, 2010/10/05
  • "CLOSED-LOOP IDENTIFICATION OF COMPLETE MODELS FOR MULTIVARIABLE SYSTEMS", 5th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, 2010/07/25
  • "Thermal Budget Control for Rapid Thermal Processing Systems with Spike-Shaped Temperature Profile", 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Leuven, 2010/07/04
  • "Identification of Complete Model for Multivariable Systems under Closed-Loop", 2009 程序系統工程研討會, 新竹, 2009/12/18
  • "Thermal Budget Control for Processes with Spike-Shaped Temperature Profile: Application to Rapid Thermal Annealing", 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Taipei, 2009/11/27
  • "Simulation Studies on Prediction and Control of Blood Glucose for Type I Diabetes Based on Hammerstein Model", 2009 化工年會, 台中, 2009/11/27
  • "Simulation Studies On Nonlinear Control Strategies of Glucose for Type 1 Diabetes Based On Hammerstein Model", 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, 2009/11/08
  • "Closed-Loop Identification of Process and Disturbance Models for Multivariable Systems", 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, 2009/11/08
  • "Closed-Loop Process Identification Using B-Spline Series", 2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan Chemical Engineering Conference, Taipei, 2008/11/20
  • "Context-based State Estimation in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Reference Path Based State Transformation Approach", IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, 2008/07/06
  • "A Generalized Design of Decoupling Multivariable Control for Disturbance Rejection", IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, 2008/07/06
  • "Improving the Performance of On-line Process Monitoring Using Recursive PCA", PSE Asia 2007, Xi'an, 2007/08/19
  • "Identification of Wiener-type Nonlinear Processes Using Relay Feedback and Sine Wave Test", PSE Asia 2007, Xi'an, 2007/08/19
  • "A Modified EWMA Run-to-Run Control in Its Application to Semiconductor Manufacturing", PSE Asia 2007, Xi'an, 2007/08/19
  • "Optimal Control for Type 1 Diabetes", PSE Asia 2007, Xi'an, 2007/08/19
  • "Nonparametric Method for Identification of MIMO Hammerstein Models", DYCOPS, Cancun, 2007/06/07
  • "Process Monitoring Using Key Sensitivity Index: Applications to Semiconductor Manufacturing", DYCOPS, Cancun, 2007/06/07
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