
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Wu Ko-Chiu

Professor/Department of Interaction Design

Journal articles

  • "Impact of information accessibility and diagnosticity on eye movements of children searching for information", The Electronic Library, 42, 4, 617-642, 2024/05, SSCI
  • "感性與理性交互下公共圖書館轉型: 智慧情感圖書館之想像", 臺北市立圖書館訊, 37, 2, 21-34, 2023/12, ELSE1
  • "Comparative Effectiveness of Combined and Single Neurostimulation and Traditional Dysphagia Therapies for Post-Stroke Dysphagia: A Network Meta-Analysis", Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 37, 4, 194-204, 2023/04, SCI
  • "Product design thinking for transmitting intangible culture", New Design Ideas, 7, 1, 62-80, 2023/04, EI
  • "Web based drawing for students with different learning styles and cognitive abilities", Education and Information Technologies, 28, 9049-9079, 2023/01, SSCI
  • "3D visualization design of thermal environments in urban canyon", Geocarto International, online, online, 1-23, 2022/07, SCI
  • "Architect information seeking in participatory design: A Grounded Theory approach", Architecture Science, 23, -, 1-21, 2022/06, ELSE2
  • "Role of perceived ease of use for augmented reality app designed to help children navigate smart libraries", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, online, online, online, 2022/06, SSCI
  • "Library collections promotion for preadolescents using social media marketing strategies", Library Hi Tech, 39, 0, 0, 2021/04, SSCI
  • "基於無人機遙測都市熱島效應之空間分析方法", 建築學報, 115, 57-72, 2021/03, TSSCI
  • "Social housing residents’ community participation under the impact of lease period restrictions", International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 9, 1, 30-46, 2021/02, EI
  • "The dynamic phenomenon of urban spaces", Impact - The leading Free & Open Access Science Report, 2020, 11, 26-28, 2021/01, ELSE2
  • "LIBRARY 2.0兒童智慧圖書館群智互動介面之建置", 公共圖書館研究, 12, 1-28, 2020/11, ELSE1
  • "兒童圖書館擴增實境導航之建置", 公共圖書館研究, 10, 1-20, 2019/11, ELSE1
  • "Flow Learning Experience: Applying Marketing Theory to Serious Game Design", Journal of Educational Computing Research, ?57, 2, 417-447, 2019/04, SSCI
  • "通用設計理念下不同年齡別使用都市公園設施需求差異分析", 建築學報, 97期增刊, 61-77, 2019/01, TSSCI
  • "活動場所無障礙設施設備標誌設計指引", 建築學報, 97期增刊, 33-46, 2019/01, TSSCI
  • "兒童數位圖書館資訊視覺化網站設計─ 以圓夢繪本資料庫為例", 公共圖書館研究, 8, 28-61, 2018/11, ELSE1
  • "Emotions and eye-tracking of differing age groups searching on e-book Wall", Aslib Journal of information Management, 70, 4, 434-454, 2018/08, SSCI
  • "兒童圖書館智慧化導航及視覺化介面之建置", 國家圖書館館刊, 106年, 2, 85-108, 2017/12, ELSE1
  • "混合實境兒童智慧圖書館之建置", 公共圖書館研究, 0, 6, 1-1--1-24, 2017/11, ELSE1
  • "How Curiosity and Uncertainty Shape Children’s Information Seeking Behaviors", Library Hi Tech, 34, 3, 1-17, 2016/09, SSCI
  • "A Case for Inclusive Design: Analyzing the Needs of Those Who Frequent Taiwan’s Urban Parks", Applied Ergonomics, 58, 254-264, 2016/06, SSCI
  • "Affective Choosing of Clustering and Categorization Representations in E-book Interfaces", Aslib Journal of Information Management, 68, 3, 265 - 285, 2016/05, SSCI
  • "Children use second and third dimensional digital library interfaces", Library Hi Tech, 34, 1, 21-35, 2016/03, SSCI
  • "Changer - a project of contemporary image and body based on theory mirror stage", ICICE 2014 -Innovation in design, Communication and Engineering, 197, 2015/08, EI
  • "Treatment of an Anonymous Recipient: Solid-Waste Management Simulation Game", Journal of Educational Computing Research, 53, 3, 1-32, 2015/07, SSCI
  • "Affective Surfing in the Visualized Interface of a Digital Library for Children", Information Processing & Management, 51, 4, 373-390, 2015/07, SSCI
  • "The Influence of Gender Difference on the Information-seeking Behaviors for the Graphical Interface of Children’s Digital Library", Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3, 3, 200-206, 2015/03, ELSE2
  • "台灣百年公共圖書館建築之規劃設計方式演進", 大學圖書館, 18, 2, 50-59, 2014/09, ELSE1
  • "兒童視覺化資訊檢索介面知識分類架構之初探", 國家圖書館館刊, 103, 1, 79-100, 2014/06, ELSE1
  • "Graphical interface design for children seeking information in a digital library", Visualization in Engineering, 2, 1-14, 2014/05, ELSE2
  • "兒童數位學習資料庫之空間圖示資訊搜尋介面設計", 圖書館學與資訊科學, 40, 1, 51-65, 2014/04, ELSE1
  • "數位時代趨勢下公共圖書館建築轉型", 台北市立圖書館館訊, 31, 3, 9-21, 2014/03, ELSE1
  • "高齡友善城市空間世界衛生組織指標內容與評估因子分析", 健康與建築雜誌, 1, 1, 81-87, 2013/10, ELSE1
  • "由激發想像力思維探索設計課程教學方式", 建築學報, 83, 19-35, 2013/03, TSSCI
  • "以通用設計角度看集合住宅設計", 輔具之友, 31, 29-34, 2012/12, ELSE1
  • "通用設計之意義與發展", 臺灣建築學會會刊雜誌, 68, 14-17, 2012/10, ELSE1
  • "Enhancing the Ability of Elementary School Students to Explore the Wireless Network Technology by Interactive Learning and Participation in Real Situations-Students’ Personal Experience with Digital Technology and Digital Library", Proceddings of 2011 world congress on engineering and technology, 8, 809-812, 2011/11, EI
  • "The Application of Wireless communication on interactive technology that raises the participation of the female in science education: A case study with Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School", Proceddings of 2011 world congress on engineering and technology, 8, 830-833, 2011/11, EI
  • "通用設計理念下之都市公園設計指引", 中華民國建築學報, 76-技術專刊, 105-128, 2011/06, TSSCI
  • "應用通用設計原則於公共圖書館空間規劃分析", 台北市立圖書館訊, 28, 3, 11-22, 2011/03, ELSE1
  • "The development and trend of Universal Design in Taiwan", All Design, 2011, 3-4, 89-95, 2011/03, ELSE2
  • "大學圖書館員對圖書館建築規畫典型訊息之認知", 大學圖書館, 14, 2, 113-133, 2011/01, ELSE1
  • "由宏觀鑑定觀點檢視1949-2000年都市建設類國家檔案之主題分類", 教育資料與圖書館學, 47, 4, 459-497, 2010/07, TSSCI
  • "大學圖書館讀者避難逃生傾向分析", 圖書資訊學研究, 4, 2, 95-121, 2010/06, TSSCI
  • "研究型大學讀者對數位化圖書館使用需求與監概念", 中華民國建築學報, 68, 59-80, 2009/06, TSSCI
  • "人文社會科學園區數位圖書館與資料中心空間規劃研究", 圖書與資訊學刊, 1, 2(69), 18-38, 2009/05, ELSE2
  • "「智慧型」公共圖書館之發展與建築特色", 台北市立圖書館館刊, 26, 1, 31-43, 2008/09, ELSE1
  • "圖書館建築典型訊息對建築師設計資訊尋求模式之影響", 中華民國建築學報, 57, 101-122, 2006/09, TSSCI
  • "Design information seeking for architects, using memory accessibility and diagnosis", Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 23, 1(spring), 60-76, 2006/03, SSCI
  • "有效的溝通讓美夢成真", 書香遠傳-台中圖書館館刊, 29, 20-23, 2005/09, ELSE1
  • "國家檔案館建築計畫課題", 檔案季刊, 4, 2, 1-21, 2005/06, ELSE1


  • 因應高齡低視能者之室內環境設計研究, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-05-7914-7, 2018/12/15
  • 設計也吹起混搭風-專利之演練與生成, 華訊事業股份有限公司, 978-986-84788-2-4, 2018/02/01
  • 活動場所無障礙設施設備指標設計研究, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-05-1159-8, 2016/12/20
  • 廣場及開放空間通用化設計規範, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-04-7428-2, 2015/12/31
  • 建築物無障礙設施設計規範解說彙編, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-04-2905-3, 2014/12/31
  • WHO高齡友善城市指標可及性研究, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-03-4395, 2012/12/20
  • 研訂通用化公園規劃設計手冊, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-03-0174-8, 2011/12/31
  • 通用化公園規劃設計研究, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-02-1562-5, 2009/12/31
  • 通用化住宅規劃設計研究, 內政部建築研究所, 978-986-01-7214-0, 2008/12/31
  • 圖書館建築規劃與設計演練, 建築情報季刊雜誌社, 957-0454-42-3, 2003/09/10


  • 設計智慧圖書館以促進兒童資訊搜尋及樂於其中, 1, 國立公共圖書館, 978-626-7106-02-0, 2021/12/01
  • 第三章 公共圖書館建築之特色與發展, 1, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 978-957-11-7429-7, 2014/01/01
  • 第四章 大學圖書館建築之特色與發展, 1, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 978-957-11-7429-7, 2014/01/01
  • 第五章 中小學圖書館建築之特色與發展, 1, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 978-957-11-7429-7, 2014/01/01
  • 第七章 總結與展望, 1, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 978-957-11-7429-7, 2014/01/01
  • 塑立公共圖書館建築之新典範, 1, 國立台中圖書館, 978-986-03-2760-1, 2012/06/03
  • 改善閱讀環境理念與公共圖書館空間規劃設計與評估, 1, 國立台中圖書館, 978-986-03-0656-9, 2011/12/12
  • 大學圖書館使用者對火災逃生之看法, 1, 西南交通大學出版社, 978-7-5643-0684-7, 2010/06/01

Conference papers

  • "From Repository to Experience: Speculative Design for the Affective Intelligent Library", The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library Information Education and Practice, Taipei City, 2023/12/04
  • "Beating Procrastination: Interface Design of an Affective Task Management APP", 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, 2023/10/10
  • "Ubiquitous Biofeedback Game Induce Relaxation in Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia", 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Nara, 2023/10/10
  • "Desensitization Diary: Integrating EMDR with Constructive Worry for Improving Trauma-Related Insomnia", 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, 2023/10/10
  • "Impacts of Information Accessibility and Diagnosticity on Children’s Visual Perception of Recommended Books", 2023 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Copenhagen, 2023/07/23
  • "Emotion Wheel: Getting Feedback through Mobile Application after Children Reading Books", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS - TAIWAN (IEEE ICCE-TW 2023), Kenting in Pingtung, 2023/07/17
  • "The Relationship Between Gestures and Interfaces: Differences in Sensitivity of Visually Impaired Mobile Phone Swipe Gestures", 2023 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), Tokyo,, 2023/04/21
  • "Gamification of face cognition for elderly tongue-muscle training and game-flow measurement", Joint Symposium-Aging Population, Taipei City, 2021/12/16
  • "Children play in smart UX library", 6th International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr 2021), Virtual conference, 2021/09/14
  • "The analysis of brainwaves to measuring tone impact on behavior of ADHD children", HCI international 2021, Virtual conference, Virtual, 2021/07/24
  • "Using traditional guatemalan textile patterns and designs to inform about guatemalan culture with aid from AR technology", 11th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH 2020), Taipei City, 2020/12/01
  • "Recognizing Situational Color and Facial Emotions through Children’s Interactive Games", ICDTE 2020: 2020 The 4th International Conference on Digital Technology in Education Busan Republic of Korea September, 2020, Busan, 2020/09/15
  • "Usability in APP interface designing for the elderly with low-vision, from Taiwanese and Thai people", 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2020, Tainan, 2020/05/29
  • "Augmented Reality Navigation App and Metadata Icon Design for Children’s Library", World Library and Information Congress 85th IFLA General and Assembly,, Athens, 2019/08/24
  • "Book Recommended Mechanism for the Children Library", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION AND INVENTION 2019 (IEEE ICKII 2019), Seoul, 2019/07/13
  • "Effect of Virtual Reality at Exhibitions on Visitor Experiences Underpinned by Museum Studies: “Seeing The Past Through The Present – The Virtual Reality Of The Taipei West District Beimen VR Tour”", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION AND INVENTION 2019 (IEEE ICKII 2019), Seoul, 2019/07/13
  • "Urban Light Environment Profile Information Collection and 3D Space Syntax Visualization Interface Development", The 12th International Space Syntax Symposium (12SSS), Beijing, 2019/07/08
  • "低視能者視野範圍評估介面之初探", 2019創新數位設計國際學術研討會, 台南, 2019/05/31
  • "應用空間型構法則建構都市熱環境資訊三維視覺化介面", CID2019設計學會研討會, 台中, 2019/05/25
  • "Game-based Learning and Augmented Reality Navigation APP for Children’s Libraries", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Yi-Lan, 2019/05/20
  • "Design thinking learner's imagination in design computational thinking course learning outcomes.", The 2nd international conference on global challenges of traditional education and distance learning: reflections and concerns (TEDLR-2019), Taipei, 2019/05/16
  • "利用電子書之書摘斷詞整合趣味性推薦介面探討", 2019輔仁大學圖書館與資訊社會研討會, Taipei, 2019/05/02
  • "The use of Instagram in public libraries and academic libraries in Taiwan", IEEE 2019 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Fukuoka, 2019/04/11
  • "A Case Study of “Taipei (West District) Geographic Public Art project:Effect of virtual reality content curation on social education", ISER 178th International Conference, Taipei, 2018/12/26
  • "An innovative interface design for a learning website for adolescent seeking information in science research", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
  • "Interface Layout Design: Assisting Children to Effectively Establish the Hierarchical Knowledge by Micro-interaction.", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
  • "Gender Stereotype of Male Nurse in a Virtual Reality Game: Exploring the Effect of MBTI in Decision-Making Process Through Game Theory", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
  • "Pattern-based learning in a computational thinking-driven class", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
  • "The Effects of 3D Doll Figures on Childrens’ Long-Term Memory after Reading e-Books", 2018 International Conference on Business and Social Science, Kyoto, 2018/03/27
  • "An information visualization notepad for adolescent seeking information in science research", 2017 the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information processing, Tokyo, 2017/11/24
  • "Transform Children’s Library into a Mixed-reality Learning Environment Using Smartwatch Navigation and Information Visualization Interfaces", PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, 台南, 2017/11/07
  • "Building a smart library to improve literacy access for children: an innovative project of NLPI in Taiwan", World Library and Information Congress 83rd IFLA General and Assembly, WROCLAW, 2017/08/19
  • "Accessible outdoor wayfinding in urban parks in Taiwan -a case of inclusive design", 11th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, 2017/07/09
  • "A Study on Information- Seeking Behaviors of Differing Age Groups Using E-book Walls in a Library", IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, 2017/05/13
  • "A Comparative Study of User’s Information Seeking Behavior in E-book Recommendation System", 4th International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology (ICSEP 2017), 2017/05/06
  • "E-Book Information System and Browsing Interface for Children: A User Participation Perspective", Taiwan International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Big Data, 台北, 2016/01/13
  • "由兒童認知理解力初探兒童想像力量表-以國小三年級為例", 2015第二十屆 中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨 2015 國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, 雲林縣斗六, 2015/05/16
  • "以互動遊戲設計手法導入環境教育展覽- 以環生方舟之氣候變遷環境教育展覽中心為例", 2015第二十屆 中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨 2015 國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, 雲林縣斗六, 2015/05/16
  • "改善兒童資訊尋求介面–以圓夢繪本資料庫為例", 2015第二十屆 中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨 2015 國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, 雲林縣斗六, 2015/05/16
  • "Introduction to the study of the Non-Image.", ACAH 2015, The Sixth Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Osaka, 2015/04/02
  • "The Influence of Gender Difference on the Information-Seeking Behaviors for the Graphical Interface of Children’s Digital Library", 2014 The 3rd Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, HongKong, 2014/12/29
  • "Need Assessments for Urban Park Facilities in Taiwan", The 5th International Conference for Universal Design in Fukushima & Tokyo 2014, Tokyo, 2014/11/09
  • "International conference on education, psychology and social sciences", 2014 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and social Science, 台北, 2014/08/06
  • "A study of the communication of curators and the audience on interactive technology display model in the new generation of aesthetics - a case study of Action@Pavilion of Dreams", 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art, Melboume, 2014/07/07
  • "兒童視覺化介面之資訊分類架構研究", 2014圖書館與資訊社會研討會, 台北, 2014/05/01
  • "Information processing and media recognition of ‘Architectural design’ E-learning material", Design ED Asia Conference 2013, Hong-Kong, 2013/12/03
  • "兒童虛擬圖像化位圖書資訊搜尋介面之研究", 102年度圖書資訊學專題計畫成果發表會, 台北, 2013/11/29
  • "超展示設計:數位內容策展的文創新思維 ─以2010花博夢想館 v.s. 2013行動@夢想館為例", 2013年中華文化創意發展論壇, 中壢, 2013/11/28
  • "The information seeking navigation interface with spatial icons for children", The 13th International Conference for Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, London, 2013/10/30
  • "大學校園廁所區位資訊即時檢視互動設計", 2013第13屆海峽兩岸大學的校園學術研討會, 廈門, 2013/10/13
  • "SURFING IN THE VIRTUAL DIGITAL LIBRARY – A LINKED DATABASE STRUCTURE FOR INTUITIVE INFORMATION-SEEKING BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN", 12th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Taipei, 2012/11/01
  • "Remind me 互動溝通系統研究-以居家使用情境為例", 2012中華民國設計學會第17屆設計學術研究成果研討會, 台中霧峰, 2012/05/05
  • "運用互動設計方法在漢字數位藝術設計", 2012文化創意設計產學發展研討會, 台南, 2012/03/27
  • "兩性認知地圖建構差異對駕駛尋路行為影響之探討", Proceedings of the 2011 Interactive Experience & Digital Archive Service/ Application Conference, 臺北, 2011/11/20
  • "Special Report : Mobility for All in Asia 2", THE 3nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR UNIVERSAL DESIGN, 濱松, 2010/10/30
  • "Panel Discussion: Mobility for All in Asia 1", THE 3nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR UNIVERSAL DESIGN, 濱松, 2010/10/30
  • "互動科技與水墨藝術之融合-以黃光男水墨畫作圓仔花為例", 2010台灣感性學會學術研討會, 台中, 2010/10/23
  • "大專技職學生「交通空間想像力」之認知歷程", 第一屆國際設計創作與實務研討會論文集, 台北市, 2010/05/15
  • "大學圖書館讀者避難逃生傾向分析", 2009圖書資訊學研討會, 台北, 2009/12/12
  • "大學圖書館使用者對火災逃生之看法", 第三屆海峽兩岸大學圖書館學術研討會, 成都, 2009/11/24
  • "圖書館建築與動線規劃", 第三十一屆醫學圖書館工作人員研討會暨台灣實證醫學學會2009學術年會聯合學術研討會暨2009年海峽兩岸醫學圖書館工作人員研討會, 台北, 2009/08/27
  • "用後評估觀點檢視合作式規劃大學校園架構與調適-以東華大學為例", 2008年第八届海峡两岸大学的校园学术研讨会, 杭州, 2008/11/08
  • "The Communication of Typical Messages for Library Building Programming", Looking Back, Moving Forward: Asian Libraries in the World of Information- The Hong-Kong Library Association 50th Anniversary Conference, Hong-Kong, 2008/11/04
  • "檔案館建築中人員避難逃生傾向分析", 中華民國建築學會第十七屆第二次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2007/11/24
  • "檔案館建築用後調查課題研析", 中華民國建築學會第十七屆第二次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2007/11/24
  • "檔案館建築外殼耗能與光電板應用之研究", 中華民國建築學會第十七屆第二次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2007/11/24
  • "無線射頻識別對圖書館建築空間之影響", 海峽兩岸 圖書館建築學術研討會, 上海, 2007/05/10
  • "圖書館員對圖書館建築需求書的看法", 海峽兩岸「大學圖書館建築、管理、服務理念」學術研討會, 台北, 2006/11/25
  • "檔案館館藏容量、市中心距離與基地規模之迴歸分析", 中華民國建築學會第十八屆第一次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2006/05/27
  • "檔案人員認知建築設計條件訊息之研究", 中華民國建築學會第十八屆第一次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2006/05/27
  • "我國大學圖書館人員密度基礎調查之研究---休閒文教類建築物用途類組及各類組用途使用人數負荷系數調查研究", 中華民國建築學會第十七屆第一次建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2005/06/18
  • "現代化國家檔案館建築之設置策略", 現代檔案管理研討會, 台北, 2004/09/03
  • "建築師的設計資訊尋求差異初探", 第八屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 台北, 2004/06/08
  • "圖書館建築設計條件與理念溝通", 2003海峽兩岸圖書館建築設計研討會, 北京, 2003/12/10
  • "圖書館火災時讀者逃生避難行為模式之研究", 現代防火科技展望與應用國際研討會, 台北, 2003/12/09
  • "專業訊息傳遞對建築師認知效果影響之研究", 第七屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會, 高雄, 2003/06/28
  • "探討設計者與管理者對挑空空間認知差異之研究", 中華民國設計學會第八屆研究成果發表會, 台北, 2003/05/01
  • "由專業認知差異探討建築設備設計條件研擬課題分析", 中華民國建築學會第十四屆建築研究成果發表會, 台北, 2002/11/23
  • "國家檔案典藏策略之探討-設置國家檔案適足典藏環境,推展檔案數位化典藏", 檔案管理策略研討會, 台北, 2002/08/29
  • "北京大學圖書館再發展專案之課程設計與教學演練", 2002海峽兩岸「大學的校園」學術研討會, 台北, 2002/05/20
  • "The Facility Management Information System of Taiwan Urban School Buildings", The Ninth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, 2002/04/03

Relevant certifications

  • 註冊建築師 Registered Architect, 美國賓夕凡尼亞州
  • 81年公務人員特種技術人員乙等考試土木工程職系建築工程科, 考試院
  • 72年全國公務人員普通考試建設人員建築工程科, 考試院
  • 建築師證書, 考試院
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