
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Wu Shih wei

Associate Professor/Department of Business Management

Journal articles

  • "The synergistic effect of green innovation and governance in carbon neutrality: Insights from Japanese companies", Business strategy and the environment, 2024/08, SSCI
  • "Linking Sustainable Project Management with Construction Project Success: Moderating Influence of Stakeholder Engagement", Buildings, 13, 2634, 2023/10, SCI
  • "Exploring the Mediating Effects of the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Relationships between Environmental Awareness, Green Advocacy, and Green Self-Efficacy on the Green Word-of-Mouth Intention", Sustainability, 15, 2023/08, SSCI
  • "Antecedents and Consequences of Sustainable Project Management: Evidence from the Construction Industry in China", Bulidings, 2023/08, SCI
  • "The Impact of Corporate Internal Factors on CSR Reports Disclosure Behavior in the Taiwanese Electronic Industry", International review of accounting, banking, and finance, 15, 2, 2023/07, ELSE1
  • "綠電爭議解決之鑰 -中租創造太陽能的共享價值", 產業與管理論壇, 25, 2, 2023/06, TSSCI
  • "The United States Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Comprehensive Forecast Using a Regression Model", Sustainability, 15, 2023/05, SSCI
  • "Is it good to hold more cash before the pandemic? A case of Taiwanese firms", Heliyon, 2023/05, SCI
  • "Exploring the Moderating Effect of Positive and Negative Word-of-Mouth on the Relationship between Health Belief Model and the Willingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine", Vaccines, 11, 2023/05, SSCI
  • "The Relation between CSR and Financial Performance under Crisis: The Mediating Effect of Foreign Investment", The International Review of Accounting Banking and Finance, 14, 3, 19, 2022/11, ELSE2
  • "Does loan growth impact on bank risk?", Heliyon, 2022/08, SCI
  • "The Key Success Factors for the Operation of SME Cluster Business Ecosystem", Sustainability, 2022/07, SSCI
  • "卜蜂企業-社會許可經營與企業社會責任", 中山管理評論, 29, 4, 617-654, 2021/12, TSSCI
  • "The impact of national culture on IPO underpricing and its influence mechanism: A cross-border empirical research", Financial Research Letters, 2021/11, SSCI
  • "The Mediating Effect of Ownership of Psychological Behavior and Tour Leader Experience on Accountability in Order to Explore the Sustainable Business Model of the Tourism Industry", Sustainability, 13, 2021/07, SSCI
  • "Determinant of Smartphone Purchase Intention of the Office Staffs in the North of Vietnam", Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 11, 24, 2020/12, ELSE2
  • "食品安全事件關注對於味全公司股票影響:頂新個案研究”", 政策與人力管理, 第十一卷, 第一期, 104-136 頁, 11, 1, 104-136, 2020/06, ELSE1
  • "The systematic biases in decision making in the mutual-fund markets: market states and disposition effect", Cogent Economics and Finance, 2018/11, SCI
  • "The influence of cultural distance on the volatility of the international stock market", Economic Modelling, 2018/10, SSCI
  • "Advantage Management Strategy in Competition via Technological Race Perspective: Empirical Evidence from the Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry", The Scientific World Journal, 2014/09, SCI
  • "Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: An Empirical Study of the Taiwan Stock Market", Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 50, Supplement 1, 107-120, 2014/01, SSCI
  • "Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: an Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock Market", Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2013/12, SSCI
  • "Earnings management and investor’s stock return", Emerging Market Finance & Trade, 2013/06, SSCI
  • "A STUDY ON TAIWANESE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND OWNERSHIP", Corporate Ownership and Control, 9, 3, 111-122, 2012/06, ABI
  • "Overconfidence in judgements: the evidence, the implications and the limitations", Journal of Prediction Markets, 2, 1, 73-90, 2008/06, ELSE2

Conference papers

  • "Factors Influencing Supply Chain Sustainability in the Taiwanese and German Biomedical Industry", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "Examining the Interconnectedness of Crude Oil Price and Stock Markets in Asian Countries", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "Factors Influencing Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Mobile Travel Applications among Thai Consumers: An Empirical Study", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "Evaluating the Business Performance of Listed Pharmaceutical Companies in Vietnam", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "Factors Influencing El Salvador Parents' Behavioral Choice of Bilingual Education Schools", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "The factors influencing the use of mobile payments for Thai young consumers", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "探討企業社會責任與公司治理股權結構對經營績效之影響", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "運用隨機森林與本益比河流圖優化定期定額的投資組合", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "探討中國大陸A股上市銀行ESG、財務績效、股票報酬率的相關性", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "企業社會責任對經營績效之影響:探討家族企業與外資持股之調節效果", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "企業社會責任和公司女性董事比例與獨立董事比例對公司經營績效", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "數位轉型浪潮下銀行之經營績效分析:以中國商業銀行為例", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "ESG及商業策略對企經營績效的影響", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "運用資料包絡法及Malmquist生產力指數方法評估台灣顯示器產業中游廠商之經營效率", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "銀行業運用數位金融對於服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響-以T銀行為例", 2023經管研討會, 台北, 2023/06/09
  • "誰是美國銀行的領頭羊? DEA 方法之實證", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "經營績效比較分析以公股銀行為例-運用動態差額變數資料包絡分析法", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "臺灣文創產業之經營績效分析", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "企業社會責任與財務績效關係實證—以中國大陸化工業為例", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "Prediction of the key success factor in crowdfunding for a startup based on Machine learning approach", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "Analysis in The Efficiency Level of Indonesian Banking Sector’s (Conventional and Sharia Commercial Banks) Comparative Study: Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic", 2022經營管理研討會, TAIPEI, 2022/06/17
  • "Digital Enterpreneur : Dropshipper", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "The Marketing Role of Product Packaging", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "跨界聯名對品牌及企業之影響", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "探索影響ICO投資報酬率因素之研究", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "以動態網絡資料包絡分析法衡量台灣產險業之經營績效", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "亞太地區航空公司疫情影響下之績效評估", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "企業社會責任與公司治理評鑑於公司債券信用利差的影響", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "疫情影響下國內本土銀行績效評估-運用動態差額變數資料包絡分析法", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "海運承攬業之效率評估-資料包絡分析法與Tobit之應用", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "利用企業社會責任預測財務困境以─台灣市場為例", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "大量個人化商業模式之鞋產業應用:模組化鞋墊之足底壓力分散為例", 2021經營管理研討會, 台北, 2021/06/18
  • "Social Media as a Marketing Tool", 2020經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2020/06/19
  • "企業社會責任對在台銀行之投資人情緒對股價指數之影響", 2020經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2020/06/19
  • "銀行企業社會責任與財務績效關聯性", 2020經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2020/06/19
  • "Study on the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Listed Banks in China", 2020經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2020/06/19
  • "中港台企業社會責任對銀行效率之比較", 2020經營管理研討會, Taipei, 2020/06/19
  • "綠色金融對企業經營績效之影響-以綠色債券為例", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "服務業在職進修、教育訓練對工作績效之影響以G公司為例", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "不同市場狀況下的賭資效應", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "企業社會責任、公司治理與股票崩跌風險之分析", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "臺灣蛇紋石礦場之市場與績效評估分析-以資料包絡分析法為例", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "公關人員之職業壓力探討", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "台灣觀光旅館之規模效率分析", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "問題導向學習應用於總體經濟學課程對學習成效、學習滿意度之研究", 2019經營管理研討會, 台北, 2019/06/14
  • "網際網路消費者購買行為分析—以化妝品為例", 2018 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "企業社會責任對資金成本與財務績效之影響-以中國能源業為例", 2018經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "探討股權結構,控制權力以及外部董事監督對家族企業多角化之影響", 2018經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "Taiwanese National Health Insurance (NHI) as an Example to Portuguese National Health System (NHS)", 2018經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "Business Plan: Fitness Center in Belgium", 2018經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "All air-conditioned bus service that runs for the METRO route in Belize City", 2018經營管理研討會, 台北, 2018/06/15
  • "境外假日對澳門博弈企業股票之假日效果", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "不同型態之投資人對企業社會責任績效表現之關聯性研究", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "響蒙古銀行業客戶滿意度的因素", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "探討網路銀行使用滿意度之研究-以資訊系統成功模型驗證", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "消費者從事網路口碑傳播行為探討之研究", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "探討O2O電子商務中影響消費者滿意度與忠誠度之因素", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "Understanding Indonesian Millennial: The Influence of Country of Origin Effect, Perceived Quality, and Perceived Price towards ASUS Smartphone Purchase Intention", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "An Analysis on Belize’s Strategic Competencies and Business Strategy to attract Foreign Direct Investment from Taiwan’s Perspective", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "蒙古銀行業危機之探討", 2017經營管理研討會, 台北, 2017/06/16
  • "The Effect of Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions on the Trading Behavior of Investors in the Bear Market or Bull Market", BAI 2016, 名古屋, 2016/07/03
  • "An Empirical Study on the Investor Overconfidence of China Stock Market", BAI 2016, 名古屋, 2016/07/03
  • "中國企業之企業社會責任對財務績效之影響", 2016 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2016/06/17
  • "知覺品質與知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度之影響:以歐克法自家烘焙咖啡為例", 2016 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2016/06/17
  • "品牌形象、服務品質、顧客滿意度對於購買意願之影響–以永慶房屋為例", 2016 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2016/06/17
  • "服務品質、企業形象、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究:以A商業銀行為例", 2016 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2016/06/17
  • "服務品質、顧客滿意度、再購意願之研究-以U咖啡為例", 2016 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2016/06/17
  • "服務失誤類型與尷尬程度對顧客自利性偏誤之影響:視頻實驗之應用", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "台灣銀行服務品質、顧客滿意度、口碑對顧客再購意願之研究", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "品牌形象及知覺價值對顧客再購意願之研究", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "中國企業之企業社會責任對財務績效之影響", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "假日效應對中國航運業股價報酬與波動性之影響", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "企業社會責任與資金成本:大陸股票市場之實證研究", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "以風險與報酬為基底之現金股利決策:生命週期理論之新實證方法", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "雷射測速儀產業之創新商業模式-以T公司為例", 2015 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2015/06/12
  • "Stock Market Returns, Corporate Characteristics, and Corporate governance in overall stock market slump", BAI 2014 Japan, 大阪, 2014/07/03
  • "Framing Effects in Taiwan Stock Market Investors", BAI 2014 Japan, 大阪, 2014/07/03
  • "真空鍍膜產業商業模式之探討-以L公司為例", 2014 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2014/06/13
  • "台指賣權與權證定價之比較", 2014 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2014/06/13
  • "台灣共同基金投資人處分效果之研究", 2014 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2014/06/13
  • "台灣期貨商經營績效之評估", 2014 經營管理研討會, 台北, 2014/06/13
  • "An Experimental and simulated trading game study on the confidence traits", BAI 2013, Bali, 2013/07/07
  • "A study of the investors' psychological biases", BAI 2013, Bali, 2013/07/07
  • "Investors’ Reactions to Rating Reports of Foreign Institutions - Evidence from the Electronics Industry", BAI 2013, Bali, 2013/07/07
  • "半導體通路商經營關鍵成功因素探討 -以加值服務型通路商為例", 2013經營管理與國際企業研討會, 台北, 2013/06/21
  • "A產後護理之家創業個案分析", 2013經營管理與國際企業研討會, 台北, 2013/06/21
  • "基金投資人行為之處分效果─以國內共同基金為例", 2013 服務與科技管理研討會, 台北, 2013/05/26
  • "台灣共同基金特徵、經理人個人特徵對基金從眾之關係探討", 2013北商學術論壇, 台北, 2013/05/17
  • "影響速食消費者滿意度與忠誠度因素之研究-以大台北摩斯漢堡為例", 第18屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北, 2012/12/08
  • "一般大眾自身條件與行為偏誤之研究", 第18屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北, 2012/12/08
  • "Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: An Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock MArket", BAI 2012, 札幌, 2012/07/03
  • "A Study on Investor's Personality Trait and Overconfidence Behavior: The Case of Taiwan Stock Market", BAI, Sapporo, 2012/07/03
  • "服務品質與價格知覺對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究-以現金運送保全產業T公司為例", 2012 經營管理與國際企業研討會, 台北, 2012/06/15
  • "國中小補習班經營關鍵成功因素之研究", 2012 經營管理與國際企業研討會, 台北, 2012/06/15
  • "創新育成中心服務品質與進駐企業期望落差之探討", 2012 經營管理與國際企業研討會, 台北, 2012/06/15
  • "Earnings Management, Stock Performance, and Investors’ Behavior", BAI 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, 曼谷, 2011/07/04
  • "Do Investors' Behaviour Induced by the Earnings Management", 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT, Athens, 2009/07/06
  • "Individual Investors’ Behaviour: Empirical and Experimental Approach", 4th International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management-Marketing-Economic Aspects, Athens, 2007/08/06
  • "The Overconfident Behaviour of Investors in the Taiwan Stock Market", 5th International Conference on Money, Investment and Risk, Nottingham, 2006/11/01

Relevant certifications

  • 防火管理人, 中國生產力中心
  • 防火管理人, 中國勞工安全衛生管理學會
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