
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Huang Yao-Chung

Associate Professor/Office of Physical Education

Journal articles

  • "知覺治療人員自主支持行為預測大專運動員運動傷害復健遵從行為:以基本心理需求為中介", 淡江體育學刊, 24, 41-52, 2021/11, ELSE1
  • "建立中年婦女運動習慣:行動計畫的中介效果及預期遺憾的調節效果", 臺灣運動心理學報, 21, 1, 1-28, 2021/03, TSSCI
  • "Effectiveness of individual face to face exercise counselling in changing exercise behaviours to relieve symptom distress in pregnant women", International Journal of Nursing Practice, 26, 1-9, 2020/04, SSCI
  • "籃球攻防能力暨個人貢獻度對比賽排名影響之探討", 中華體育季刊, 34, 1, 71-80, 2020/03, TSSCI
  • "養成身體活動習慣:自我調整把意圖轉化為行動", 大專體育, 150, 1-9, 2019/09, ELSE1
  • "Constructing and applying an exercise counseling model for pregnant women: A preliminary study", Nurse Education in Practice, 30, 77-83, 2018/11, SSCI
  • "無意識歷程對身體活動行為的影響", 中華體育季刊, 31, 1, 57-63, 2017/03, TSSCI
  • "孕婦運動處方", 運動生理暨體能學報, 24, 35-44, 2017/01, ELSE1
  • "Effect of different instructional media on acquisition of martial arts skills by elementary school students", SA Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 37, 3, 113-122, 2015/12, SSCI
  • "編製高中運動選手流暢狀態量表-從質性到量化", 體育學報, 48, 1, 73-91, 2015/03, TSSCI
  • "行動計畫與因應計畫對運動與飲食行為階段及身體組成改變之縱貫性研究", 健康促進與衛生教育學報, 42, 1-27, 2014/12, ELSE1
  • "運動行為階段及其轉變在行動計畫與因應計畫的差異比較", 嘉大體育健康休閒期刊, 13, 2, 195-206, 2014/08, ELSE1
  • "網球正手拍對牆一分鐘反彈球測驗之探討", 嘉大體育健康休閒期刊, 13, 2, 101-109, 2014/08, ELSE1
  • "計畫行為理論對運動傷害復健遵從行為之行動計畫及預期遺憾的預測", 大專體育學刊, 15, 3, 288-299, 2013/09, TSSCI
  • "檢驗運動意圖、計畫及行為關係中的中介與調節效果", 嘉大體育健康休閒期刊, 12, 2, 1-14, 2013/08, ELSE1
  • "大專網球選手團隊凝聚力與運動自信心來源之研究", 嘉大體育健康休閒期刊, 11, 3, 103-113, 2012/12, ELSE1
  • "行動計畫促成健康習慣的形成", 中華體育季刊, 26, 4, 449-454, 2012/12, ELSE1
  • "行動計畫縮短意圖與行為之間的差距", 中華體育, 26, 3, 321-327, 2012/09, ELSE1
  • "身體組成與多頻生物電阻法", 大專體育, 108期, 93-99, 2010/06, ELSE1
  • "養狗有助於建立規律的運動習慣", 大專體育, 101, 172-178, 2009/04, ELSE1
  • "探討意圖與行為的關係及影響兩者之間關係的因素", 中華體育, 23, 1, 80-88, 2009/03, ELSE1
  • "運動傷害復健持續參與的影響因素及促進策略", 中華體育季刊, 22, 4, 32-39, 2008/12, ELSE1
  • "以Eccles 的期望價值理論及自我效能理論探討成年人的運動行為", 身體活動、健康教育理論與實務論文集, 1, 1, 67-76, 2008/06, ELSE1
  • "促進身體活動的運動諮商", 中華體育, 17, 3, 45-52, 2004/09, ELSE1
  • "運動上癮", 大專體育, 66, 117-122, 2003/08, ELSE1
  • "從行為改變階段探討運動促進策略—跨理論模式的應用", 國民體育季刊, 137, 7-12, 2003/06, ELSE1
  • "從運動對健康促進的觀點探討身體活動的測量與運動強度的訂定", 專體育, 65, 155-161, 2003/03, ELSE1


  • 老闆愛運動手冊, 教育部體育署, 978-986-04-2669-4, 2018/05/15


  • 專家的話:運動推廣,從職場開始!, 1, 遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司, ISBN 13 ╱4713510940082 2018/10/24
  • 第9章測量情意的行為, 1, 禾楓書局有限公司, 978-986-6287-26-8, 2012/03/01
  • 第七章—運動心理學, 1, 華格那出版有限公司, 978-986-6680-43-4, 2008/07/01

Conference papers

  • "多元運動介入對社區高齡者健康適能與認知功能促進", 2022國際體育運動與健康休閒學術研討會, 台北市, 2022/04/30
  • "使用功能性動作檢測提升顧客滿意度", 2021年國際調理保健學術研討暨臨床個案技術發表會, 宜蘭, 2021/12/30
  • "意圖對身體活動的影響:行動計畫的中介效果與預期遺憾的調節式中介效果之探討", 2018 Asia Conference on Kinesiology 3rd Annual Meeting of Asian Society of Kinesiology, 臺中市, 2018/11/02
  • "Provision of Sport Psychology Services in Professional Baseball", Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) 33rd Annual Conference, 多倫多, 2018/10/03
  • "Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Exercise Counseling for Pregnant Women to Relieve Symptom Distress", Sigma Theta Tau International's 29th International Nursing Research Congress, Melbourne, 2018/07/19
  • "A First Test of the Cloud-based Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure as a Measure of Self-Esteem in Taiwanese athletes", 23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, 2018/07/04
  • "The effect of physical activity on the frontal-parietal shift of the P300 amplitude in older adults", 2015 The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, Brighton, 2015/07/06
  • "身體活動量對老年人額葉-頂葉P300振幅分佈改變之探討", 台灣認知神經科學學會2015年會暨研討會, 臺北市, 2015/01/24
  • "以行動計畫及計畫行為理論預測運動傷害復健持續意圖與行為", 2012體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會, 台北市, 2012/12/08
  • "體重控制與曲線雕塑訓練課程對體適能之影響", 2012北區技專校院體適能與防災教育推廣計畫成果發表學術研討會, 臺北市, 2012/10/26
  • "Examining Moderated Effects of Intention Stability on the Relation between Exercise Intention, Plans, and Behavior", 6th ASPASP International Congress, 台北市, 2011/11/11
  • "The Effects of Action and Coping Plans on Exercise Stage of Change", 6th ASPASP International Congress, Taipei, 2011/11/11
  • "結合液壓阻力與有氧運動訓練對體適能促進之計畫", 2011年北區技專校院體適能產業推動與體適能促進計畫學術研討會, 台北市, 2011/03/11
  • "Effects of Implementation Intention on Exercise Stage Transitions", 12th World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology, Marrakesh, 2009/06/17
  • "The Relationship between Habit, Past Behavior, Intention, and Future Behavior", 12th World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology, Marrakesh, 2009/06/17
  • "探討行動計畫在不同行為改變階段使用上的差異及與身體活動之間的關係", 2008年體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會, 台北, 2008/12/03
  • "習慣與過去行為對運動意圖的影響", 中華民國大專院校九十七年度體育學術研討會, 彰化, 2008/04/25
  • "The Effects of Objective & Subjective Competence on RPE & Affects under the Different Exercise Intensity", 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Halkidiki, 2007/08/13
  • "The Exercise Addiction and Exercise Behavior", 11th World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology, Sydney, 2005/08/13
  • "The Predictive Utility of Sport Commitment Model on Exercise Participation", 11th World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology, Sydney, 2005/08/13
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