
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Chen-Shu Wang

Professor/Department of Information and Finance Management

Journal articles

  • "重規劃公部門之整合式話務客服系統-以台灣中央健保署為例", 管理與系統, 2019/01, TSSCI
  • "An Integrated Data Analytics Process to Optimize Data Governance of Non-Profit Organization", Computers in Human Behavior, 2018/10, SSCI
  • "How Instructors Evaluate an e-Learning System? An Evaluation Model Combining Fuzzy AHP with Association Rule Mining", Journal of Internet Technology, 2018/07, SCI
  • "Is a medical examination necessary? Analysis of medical examination transactions through association mining using multiple minimum supports", Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017/02, SCI
  • "To explore intracerebral hematoma with a hybrid approach and combination of discriminative factors", Methods of Information in Medicine, 2016/10, SCI
  • "Modeling Computer Recycling in Taiwan Using System Dynamics,", Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2016/09, SCI
  • "What make people getting charged apps instead of free one?", Journal of Global Information Management, 124, 57-74, 2016/06, SSCI
  • "Impersonate human decision making process: an interactive context-aware recommender system", Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2016, 1-13, 2016/03, SCI
  • "To Make G ood Decision: A G roup DSS for Multiple Criteria Alternative Rank and Selection", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-15, 2015/01, SCI
  • "How to Replicate the Cognitive Process in Computer Game-based Learning Units", Information Technology & People, 38, 2014/02, SSCI
  • "結合模糊層級分析法與關聯法則建構數位學習系統評估準則", 管理與系統, 2014/01, TSSCI
  • "The integration of radio frequency identification and smart phone for mobile nursing information system development", Advanced Science Letters, 19, 9, 2647-2650, 2013/12, SCI
  • "An Enhanced Case-Based Diagnosis Mechanism for Abnormal Production Administration", International Journal of Production Research, 51, 10, 3131-3142, 2013/03, SCI
  • "An Agent-based Expert System Architecture for Product Return Administration", IEICE transactions on Information and Systems, 2012/09, SCI
  • "Goal-Programming-Driven Genetic Algorithm", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 14, 2012/07, SCI
  • "以系統動態學觀點預測使用者對於廢資用品回收意願與行為", 管理與系統, 2012/04, TSSCI
  • "A Recommender Mechanism Based on Case-Based Reasoning", Expert System with Application, 39, 4, 4335-4343, 2012/03, SCI
  • "Hybrid Intelligence Agents Architecture Design for Product Return Administration", Advanced Materials Research, 403-408, 3339-3343, 2012/01, EI
  • "Integrated Baby-Care Recommender Platform based on Commonsense Reasoning Algorithm", Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 6, 4, 369-376, 2011/04, EI
  • "Attacking and Defending Perspective of E-Crime Behavior and Psychology: A Systemic Dynamic Simulation Approach", Journal of Software, 5, 12, 1349-1359, 2011/01, EI
  • "電玩遊戲內置入Bloom知識與認知歷程重現概念模型", 電子商務研究, 8, 4, 473-498, 2011/01, ELSE1

Conference papers

  • "基於兩階段模型偵測新冠疫情下的中文冒犯性及仇恨言論", ICIM2023 第34屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄, 2023/06/17
  • "基於情感分析與文字探勘建立投資詐騙廣告檢測之模型", ICIM2023 第34屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄, 2023/06/17
  • "運用主題模型於新聞文章分析企業永續表現", ICIM2023 第34屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄, 2023/06/17
  • "A Deep Social Networking Analysis on Hashtags of #fintech from Twitter", International Conference on the Development and Application of Big Data and Enterprise Resource Management (CERPS 2020), 桃園市, 2020/03/21
  • "Optimized Luminaire Allocation and Configuration with Luminaire Failure Compensation", The 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2019), 京都市, 2019/02/27
  • "結合機器學習建構不平衡小數據之中風評分預測模型", 第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP 2018), 台灣省、臺南市, 2018/12/01
  • "應用潛在狄利克里分配主題模型與社群網絡於臺灣升學資訊過載之解決方案", 第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP 2018), 臺灣省,臺南市, 2018/12/01
  • "情感分析對股票市場的資訊內涵–以PTT股票版為指標", 第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP 2018), 臺灣省,臺南市, 2018/12/01
  • "應用臉部表情辨識系統探討老年人臉部表情情緒之研究", 第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP 2018), 臺灣省,臺南市, 2018/12/01
  • "對社群平台之主題標籤(hashtag)淺察分析:以#fintech為例", 第二十四屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP 2018), 臺灣省,臺南市, 2018/12/01
  • "基於MapReduce 之改良式兩階段螞蟻演算法", 第二十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2018), 台灣省,臺中市, 2018/06/03
  • "應用AHP探討台灣考招新制後大學選才的考量因素-以資訊與財金領域為例", 第二十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2018), 台灣省,臺中市, 2018/06/03
  • "王貞淑、阮春榮、王冠婷,資料前處理結合機器學習技術建立鼻咽癌五年存活預測模式之研究", 第二十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP 2017, 苗栗, 2017/12/09
  • "醫療影像辨識:腮腺腫瘤磁振造影影像互動式應用", 第二十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP 2017), 苗栗, 2017/12/09
  • "應用AHP探討使用者採用行動支付的考量因素之研究", 第二十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2017), 台北市, 2017/05/13
  • "社群交易系統排名機制之關鍵指標研究:以台灣股票市場為例", 第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2017), 台北市, 2017/05/13
  • "臺北市政府開放資料之應用:道路挖掘預測和改善", 第二十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2017), 台北市, 2017/05/13
  • "Balanced k-Means", 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Kanazawa, 2017/04/03
  • "To solve the TDVRPTW via Hadoop MapReduce Parallel Computing", 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Kanazawa, 2017/04/03
  • "MapReduce-Based Frequent Pattern Mining Framework with Multiple Item Support", 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Kanazawa, 2017/04/03
  • "以基因規劃法建頸椎病況之預測模型", 第二十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南市, 2016/12/10
  • "基於MapReduce平運算之階段輛線求解模型", 第二十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台南市, 2016/12/10
  • "The Hybrid Partitioning Mechanism to Optimize Data Allocation Problem", International Conference on Management and Information Systems (ICMIS-16), 曼谷市, 2016/09/23
  • "Analyzing Medical Transaction Data by Using Association Rule Mining with Multiple Minimum Supports", 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), 嘉義市, 2016/06/27
  • "Why are people willing to pay for cloud storage service?", 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2016), 京都市, 2016/06/26
  • "探討智慧型手機成癮因素之研究", 第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM 2016), 台中市, 2016/05/21
  • "An Integrated Optimization Model for Wireless Access Point Deployment Construction, and Enhancement", 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2015), 高松市, 2015/06/01
  • "C2C 市場之估價策略模型建置與運用", 第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台北, 2015/05/23
  • "基於異質性資料庫之情境推薦系統─以數位相機為例", 2015 國際ERP學術及實務研討會, 高雄, 2015/03/14
  • "分散式配置非關聯性資料庫模型", 2015 國際ERP學術及實務研討會, 高雄, 2015/03/14
  • "To Make Good Decision: a Group DSS for Multiple Criteria Alternative Rank and Selection", International Conference on Business, Information, and Cultural Creative Industry (ICBIC 2014), Taipei, 2014/08/06
  • "A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Support Model: Combining DANP with MDS", The 8th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2014), Zhangjiajie, China, 2014/05/28
  • "Applying Fuzzy AHP to Understand the Factors of Cloud Storage Adoption", The 6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2014), Bangkok, Thailand, 2014/04/07
  • "混合式多階段多準則決策支援模型", 國際ERP學術及實務研討會 (CERPS 2014), 台南, 2014/03/29
  • "雲端運算服務廠商之訂價策略演化-基於代理人模型模擬", 第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP 2013), 台中, 2014/01/07
  • "以DTN提高警急救難的封包傳送效率", 第19屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台中, 2013/12/07
  • "應用模糊層級分析法探討使用者持續使用社群網站之關鍵因素- 以Google Plus為例", 第19屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台中, 2013/12/07
  • "Combining FAHP with MDS to Analyze the Key Factors of Different Consumer Groups for Tablet PC Purchasing", The 10th FTRA International Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, data management, and Applications (STA 2013), Fukouka, 2013/07/08
  • "影響網路使用者對於採用雲端儲存服務考量因素之研究", 第24屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM), 台北, 2013/05/25
  • "應用集群分析與關聯規則進行分散式資料庫切割", 第24屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM), 台北, 2013/05/25
  • "彙整無線隨意網路之路由協定發展趨勢", 第24屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM), 台北, 2013/05/25
  • "結合 RFID 與互動式推薦機制之智慧型家電應用", 第十五屆全國資訊管理博士生學術交流研討會暨2013國際雲端服務學術研討會, 台北, 2013/04/27
  • "WCDMA系統基地台配置最佳化─以基因演算法", 第十八屆資訊管理實務研討會, 台北市, 2012/12/08
  • "不同消費族群對於購買平板電腦之關鍵因素探討:結合模糊層級分析法與多元尺度法分析", 第18屆資訊管理實務研討會, 台北市, 2012/12/08
  • "最佳化Wi-Fi無線基地台配置—以基因演算法", 第18屆資訊管理實務研討會, 台北市, 2012/12/08
  • "The optimal development of Wi-Fi wireless access points using the genetic algorithm", The Sixth international conference on genetic and evolutionary computing, Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "Combining Fuzzy AHP and Association Rule to Evaluate the Activity Processes of e-Learning System", The Sixth international conference on genetic and evolutionary computing, Kitakyushu, 2012/08/25
  • "應用模糊層級分析法建構數位學習平台流程評估準則", 第23屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄市, 2012/05/22
  • "應用本體論於主檔資料管理之研究", 第23屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄市, 2012/05/22
  • "The Integration of RFID and Smart Phone for Mobile Nursing Information System Development", 2012 International conference on agricultural, food and biological engineering (ICAFBE2012), Guangzhou, 2012/05/11
  • "The interactive interface implementation for the smartphones intelligence NIS", 2011 15th North-East Asia Symposium on Nano, Information Technology and Reliability (NASNIT), 澳門, 2012/01/01
  • "Hybrid Intelligence Agents Architecture Design for Product Return Administration", 2011 International Conference on Computer and Software Modeling, (ICCSM 2011), 新加坡, 2011/09/16
  • "Constructing A Cloud Computing Based Social Networks Data Warehousing and Analyzing System", 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 高雄市, 2011/07/25
  • "Taiwan Academic Network Discussion via Social Networks Analysis Perspective", 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 高雄, 2011/07/25
  • "iDARM互動式智慧型異常製程診斷機制", 第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會, 台中市, 2011/05/06

Relevant certifications

  • Sun JAVA SCJP, Sun
  • ERP規劃師, ERP學會
  • CISCO Security, CISCO
  • Oracle OCA 9i, Oracle
  • IBM AS/400 RPG, IBM
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