
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Hsieh-Ching Chen

Professor/Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Journal articles

  • "Effects of different tools and working height on physical workload in vertical cleaning tasks applying ambient control techniques", Applied Ergonomics, 104, 2022/10, SCI
  • "Augmented efficacy of intermittent theta burst stimulation on the virtual reality-based cycling training for upper limb function in patients with stroke: a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial", Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18, 1, 91, 2021/05, SCI
  • "Responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of TNO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life in children with cerebral palsy", Quality of Life Research, 29, 3, 825-831, 2020/05, SSCI
  • "Responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of Modified Ashworth Scale in patients with stroke.", Eur J Phys Rehabil Med., 2019/03, SCI
  • "Whole-Body Vibration Exposure in Urban Motorcycle Riders", Journal of Ergonomic Study, 20, 1, 35-49, 2019/01, ELSE1
  • "Arm support and tool use effects in screw-driving task: muscular activity and self-selected posture adjustment", Industrial Health, 2018/09, SCI
  • "Development and assessment of a visual-aid system for reducing the risk of neck injuries for computer users", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2018/08, SCI
  • "不同溝通障礙程度學齡腦性麻痺兒童語言功能及聲學分析之研究", 台灣復健醫誌, 45, 1, 37-46, 2018/01, ELSE1
  • "以虛擬實境建構侷限誘發療法治療腦性麻痺兒童之上肢之療效:前驅性研究", 台灣復健醫誌, 44, 2, 93-102, 2017/06, ELSE1
  • "學齡前兒童動作發展評估量表之初步研究:開發與驗證", 台灣復健醫誌, 44, 2, 71-80, 2017/06, ELSE1
  • "Younger Children with Cerebral Palsy Respond Better Than Older Ones to Therapist-Based Constraint-Induced Therapy at Home on Functional Outcomes and Motor Control", Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 2015/12, SCI
  • "Potential predictors for health-related quality of life in stroke patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation", Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13, 118, 2015/08, SCI
  • "Kinetics features changes before and after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis", Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 129, S1, S21-S26, 2015/05, SCI
  • "ntra-articular intervention by hyaluronic acid for knee osteoarthritis can modify locomotor pattern of muscle activity", Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 129, S1, S16-S20, 2015/04, SCI
  • "Predictors of participation change in various areas for preschool children with cerebral palsy: A longitudinal study", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 37, 2, 102-111, 2015/02, SSCI
  • "Improvement of upper extremity motor control and function after home-based constraint-induced therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: Immediate and long-term effects.", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95, 8, 1423-1432, 2014/08, SCI
  • "Arm and trunk movement kinematics during seated reaching within and beyond arm's length in people with stroke: a validity study", Physical Therapy, 94, 6, 845-856, 2014/06, SCI
  • "Potential predictors of functional outcomes after home-based constraint-induced therapy for children with cerebral palsy.", American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 2, 159-166, 2014/03, SSCI
  • "Potential predictors of changes in gross motor function during various tasks for children with cerebral palsy: A follow-up study", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1, 721-728, 2013/12, SCI
  • "Effect of shoe heel height and total-contact insert on muscle loading and foot stability while walking", Foot and Ankle International, 34, 2, 273-281, 2013/12, SCI
  • "Effect of therapist-based constraint-induced therapy at home on motor control, motor performance, and daily function in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled study", Clinical Rehabilitation, 27, 3, 236–245, 2013/03, SCI
  • "Relative and absolute reliabilities of the myotonometric measurements of hemiparetic arms in patients with stroke", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94, 3, 459-66, 2013/03, SCI
  • "Effects of shoe heel height and total-contact insert on muscle loading and foot stability while walking", Foot & Ankle International, 34, 2, 273-281, 2013/02, SCI
  • "Potential predictors of changes in gross motor function during various tasks for children with cerebral palsy: A follow-up study", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1, 721-728, 2012/11, SSCI
  • "Knee muscle strength at varying angular velocities and associations with gross motor function in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 6, 2308-2316, 2012/07, SSCI
  • "Effect of therapist-based versus robot-assisted bilateral arm training on motor control, functional performance, and quality of life after chronic stroke: A clinical trial", Physical Therapy, 92, 8, 1006-1016, 2012/07, SCI
  • "Rasch validation of the streamlined wolf motor function test in people with chronic stroke and subacute stroke", Physical Therapy, 92, 8, 1017-1026, 2012/07, SCI
  • "Pilot trial of distributed constraint-induced therapy with trunk restraint to improve poststroke reach to grasp and trunk kinematics", Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 26, 3, 247-255, 2012/03, SCI
  • "Pilot comparative study of unilateral and bilateral robot-assisted training on upper extremity performance in stroke patients", American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 2, 198-206, 2012/03, SSCI
  • "Speech-associated labiomandibular movement in Mandarin-speaking children with quadriplegic cerebral palsy: a kinematic study.", Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 6, 2595-2601, 2011/11, SCI
  • "Does different exercise have the same effect of health promotion for elderly? Comparison of training-specific effect of Tai-Chi and swimming on motor control", Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53, 2, e133-e137, 2011/07, SSCI
  • "到宅式修正侷限誘發運動療法應用於痙攣型腦性麻痺兒童之療效:先驅研究", 台灣復健醫誌, 39, 2, 85-93, 2011/06, ELSE1
  • "Randomized trial of distributed constraint-induced therapy versus bilateral arm training for the rehabilitation of upper-limb motor control and function after stroke", Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 25, 2, 130-139, 2011/02, SCI


  • 人因工程—人機環設計原理與實務應用, 滄海書局, ISBN 9786269602186, 2022/12/01
  • 關鍵指標法適用性分析研究, 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所, ISBN 9786267125236, 2022/06/01
  • 人因工程實驗設計與實習, 第二版, 滄海書局, 978-9865937843, 2014/02/01

Conference papers

  • "新型軍用荷重型外骨骼之支撐輔助評估", 第31屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台北, 2024/03/08
  • "兒童動作能力影像評量系統開發", 第31屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台北, 2024/03/08
  • "穿戴荷重型外骨骼之肌肉骨骼負荷分析以及模擬", 第31屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台北, 2024/03/08
  • "穿戴荷重型外骨骼系統對人體走路、深蹲高跪姿以及上下樓梯動作之關節負荷影響", 第31屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台北, 2024/03/08
  • "The effect of real-time biofeedback on VDT operators’ neck-shoulder workload", AHFE 2023 International Conference, San Francisco, 2023/07/20
  • "使用合成資料訓練深度學習模型進行影像辨識", 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 花蓮, 2023/03/03
  • "新版關鍵指標法電子試算工具之開發與使用評估", 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 花蓮, 2023/03/03
  • "荷重型外骨骼對人體行走時動作以及關節負荷之影響", 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 花蓮, 2023/03/03
  • "穿戴動力型膝關節外骨骼對蹲姿提舉作業代謝成本及主觀知覺施力程度之評估", 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 花蓮, 2023/03/03
  • "軍用下肢外骨骼生物力學動態評估", 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 花蓮, 2023/03/03
  • "基於電腦視覺之兒童動作能力評估", 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台南, 2022/03/12
  • "軍用下肢外骨骼動力輔助設計之人因考量", 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台南, 2022/03/12
  • "關鍵指標法延伸工具之應用探討以布匹推送作業為例", 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台南, 2022/03/12
  • "負重蹲 站 之下肢運動學與生物力學分析", 2021中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 台南, 2021/11/20
  • "早期育兒童細動作與認知發展結合科技應用", 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 澎湖, 2021/03/20
  • "前摔之動態平衡生物學分析", 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 澎湖, 2021/03/20
  • "全身及局部振動規範蒐集與分析", 第28屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 澎湖, 2021/03/20
  • "下肢外骨骼生物力學分析-不同酬載方式下對下肢肌肉負荷之探討", 2020中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 雲林, 2020/11/21
  • "即時生理回饋對電腦作業人員肩頸負荷之影響", 第27屆中華民國人因工程學會研討會, 台北市, 2020/05/30
  • "電腦作業肩頸負荷關鍵因子之探討", 第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 南投日月潭, 2019/03/22
  • "應用Kinect體感器於人體上肢姿勢判定", 第26屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨國際研討會, 南投日月潭, 2019/03/22
  • "Effects of tool use and working height on workers’ physical workload in vertical cleaning tasks", The 25th Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan and International Conference, 新竹, 2018/03/16
  • "Development and assessment of an aiding device for reducing injury risk of neck among computer workers", The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, 2017/08/21
  • "自行車零件廠作業人員之肌肉骨骼危害風險評估與人因改善", 第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 金門, 2017/03/11
  • "面板製造業之肌肉骨骼危害評估與改善", 第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 金門, 2017/03/11
  • "應用環境控制技術探討使用工具對刷洗作業的生理負荷", 第24屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 金門, 2017/03/11
  • "Kinematic analysis of gait while walking over an obstacle in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy", th International Conference of Cerebral Palsy, 斯德哥爾摩, 2016/06/01
  • "應用環境控制技術探討使用工具對刷洗作業的生理負荷", 第23屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2016/03/26
  • "電腦作業人員頸部傷害預防輔具之開發與評估", 第23屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2016/03/26
  • "新型多功能上肢施力評估系統", 第23屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2016/03/26
  • "Assessment of workload and tool use in bathtub scrubbing task", 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne, 2015/08/09
  • "上肢肌肉骨骼危害風險評估工具之適用性比較", 第22屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/03/28
  • "油漆作業生理負荷與上肢肌肉骨骼危害評估", 第22屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/03/28
  • "沖床作業生理負荷與上肢肌肉骨骼危害評估", 第22屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/03/28
  • "運用 Kinect Kinect Kinect 系統自動判定 系統自動判定 OWAS OWAS 與 EAWS1 EAWS1 EAWS1 EAWS1 定", 第22屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 桃園中壢, 2015/03/28
  • "Quantitative assessment of computer inputs and musculoskeletal complaints among three workgroups", The 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Kraków, 2014/07/19
  • "浴缸刷洗作業工作負荷之評估與探討", 第21屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺中, 2014/03/29
  • "OCRA index與HAL-TLV工具對上肢肌肉骨骼危害評估之比較-以鎖螺絲作業為例", 第21屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺中, 2014/03/29
  • "利用人機互動設計進行工作模擬與改善分析-以焊件補焊去焊渣作業為例", 第21屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺中, 2014/03/29
  • "NIOSH抬舉公式及KIM評估工具之適用性比較", 第21屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺中, 2014/03/29
  • "Comparisons of computer exposure and forearm musculoskeletal symptoms among three computer groups", HCI international 2013, Las Vegas, 2013/07/21
  • "Whole-Body Vibration Exposure in Urban Motorcycle Riders", IIE Asian conference 2013, Taipei, 2013/07/18
  • "Whole-body Vibration Exposure of Motorcycle Riders and Passengers", 2013 American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Expo (AIHce), Montreal, 2013/05/18
  • "聯結車駕駛之全身性振動暴露評估", 第20屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺北, 2013/03/30
  • "安全帶與墜落姿勢對人體加速度之影響", 第20屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺北, 2013/03/30
  • "電腦作業暴露與肌肉骨骼抱怨之關聯", 第20屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 臺北, 2013/03/30
  • "Design and evaluation of a standing platform for reducing the physical strains faced by workers on guyed telecommunication towers", 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Francisco, 2012/07/21
  • "體墜落與個人防護具測試平台", 第19屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2012/03/24
  • "機車雙載全身性振動測量與評估", 第19屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2012/03/24
  • "不同坐站兩用椅設計對作業績效與舒適度之影響", 第19屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2012/03/24
  • "以家庭為基礎的虛擬自行車訓練對痙攣型腦性麻痺兒童在肌力及骨密度的影響", 第19屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2012/03/24
  • "攀岩運動上肢肌肉疲勞及重覆性危險因子分析", 第19屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 高雄, 2012/03/24
  • "步槍射擊後座力衝擊之心理物理量關係建立", 第18屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 台中, 2011/03/26
  • "排除人為誤差之全身振動測量技術開發", 第18屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 台中, 2011/03/26
  • "電腦作業前臂肌肉骨骼負荷量化評估", 第18屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨研討會, 台中, 2011/03/26

Research projects

  • 應用深度學習辨識上肢活動 – 以穿戴式裝置時間序列訊號進行初探(2/2), 2022/08/01~2023/07/31
  • 軍用外骨骼系統之動態人因評估, 2022/02/18~2022/12/31
  • 應用深度學習辨識上肢活動 – 以穿戴式裝置時間序列訊號進行初探(1/2), 2021/08/01~2022/07/31
  • 軍用外骨骼人體姿態特徵量測與研析, 2021/01/29~2021/12/31
  • 以機器學習辨識上肢姿勢及活動之應用初探-以生產線組裝作業為例(2/2), 2020/08/01~2021/07/31
  • 108年高教深耕計畫-有效教學設計, 2019/08/01~2020/01/31
  • 108年高教深耕計畫-即時反饋系統導入教學, 2019/08/01~2020/01/31
  • 以機器學習辨識上肢姿勢及活動之應用初探-以生產線組裝作業為例(1/2), 2019/08/01~2021/07/31
  • 108年高教深耕計畫-數位資源導入教學 -彈性自學, 2019/02/01~2019/07/31
  • 108年高教深耕計畫-即時反饋系統導入教學, 2019/02/01~2019/07/31
  • 107年高等教育深耕計畫-行動教學計畫, 2018/09/01~2019/01/31
  • 電腦作業肩頸危害關鍵因子量化研究(2/2), 2018/08/01~2019/07/31
  • 電腦作業肩頸危害關鍵因子量化研究(1/2), 2017/08/01~2018/07/31
  • 應用環境控制技術探討拖地/刷洗清潔作業的生理負荷與肌肉骨骼危害風險(2/2), 2016/08/01~2017/07/31
  • 應用環境控制技術探討拖地/刷洗清潔作業的生理負荷與肌肉骨骼危害風險(1/2), 2015/08/01~2016/07/31
  • 人因工程上肢重複性危害工具量測評估分析, 2015/06/10~2015/12/15
  • 不同角度牙刷之人因工程測試, 2015/05/19~2015/06/15
  • 電腦作業人員頸部傷害預防輔具之開發與評估(2/2), 2014/08/01~2015/07/31
  • 電腦作業人員作業暴露量之監測與分析-- 應用電腦視覺技術(2/2), 2014/08/01~2015/07/31
  • 重複性作業模擬測試分析, 2014/05/26~2014/12/15
  • 電腦作業人員作業暴露量之監測與分析-- 應用電腦視覺技術(1/2), 2013/08/01~2014/07/31
  • 電腦作業人員頸部傷害預防輔具之開發與評估(1/2), 2013/08/01~2014/07/31
  • 貨運車駕駛全身振動暴露評估, 2012/09/01~2012/12/31
  • 長時間全身振動評估技術改良與機、客車駕駛振動暴露量化評估, 2012/08/01~2013/07/31
  • 電腦作業族群人因工程負荷評估, 2012/04/01~2012/12/20
  • 長時間全身振動評估技術改良與機、客車駕駛振動暴露量化評估, 2011/08/01~2012/07/31
  • 人體墜落與相關安全防護具測試, 2011/05/01~2011/12/20
  • 長時間全身振動評估技術改良與機、客車駕駛振動暴露量化評估, 2010/08/01~2011/07/31
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