
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Ting, Hsiu-I

Professor/Department of Information and Finance Management

Journal articles

  • "Board co-option and family succession", Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 35, 1, 2023/03, TSSCI
  • "Online Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Professors and Students of a Taiwanese University", Aquademia, 7, 1, ep23001, 2023/01, ELSE2
  • "CEOs’ foreign experience and corporate litigation: Evidence from China", Applied Economics Letters, 1-4, 2022/09, SSCI
  • "Technical expert CEOs and corporate innovation", Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 68, 101603, 2021/08, SSCI
  • "CEO gender, power, and bank performance: Evidence from Chinese banks", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 15, 1, 155-176, 2021/06, ABI
  • "Government Support and Bank Performance During the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis", North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 55, 101301, 1-24, 2021/01, SSCI
  • "Politically-connected CEOs and bank performance: Evidence from Chinese banks", 證券市場發展季刊, 32, 1, 125-164, 2020/03, TSSCI
  • "Prioritizing Successful Entrepreneurial Skills: An Emphasis on the Perspectives of Entrepreneurs versus Aspiring Entrepreneurs", Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34, 100603, 2019/09, SSCI
  • "Do the Employment Competencies of Business School Graduates Meet Employer Needs?", Business Analytics and Operation Research, 2018/12, ELSE2
  • "CEO Power and Perks: Evidence from Chinese Banks", Journal of Economics and Business, 2018/12, ABI
  • "CEO Power and Its Effect on Performance and Governance: Evidence from Chinese Banks, Emerging Markets Review (SSCI; IF 2.056; MOST B). (9/2017 Accepted) Available online 23 September 2017.", Emerging Markets Review, 33, 42-6, 2017/12, SSCI
  • "Factors Affecting Wealth Management Services: From Investors’ and Advisors’ Perspectives", The Journal of Wealth Management, 20, 1, 17-29, 2017/06, ABI
  • "Financial Development, Role of Government, and Bank Profitability: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis", Journal of Economics and Finance, 41, 2, 370-391, 2017/04, ELSE2
  • "Do Perks Matter? Evidence from Chinese Banks", Sun Yat-sen Management Review, 24, 2, 245-289, 2016/06, TSSCI
  • "CEO Turnover and Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from CEO Power in Taiwan", Journal of Business Research, 66, 12, 2466-2472, 2013/12, SSCI
  • "The Influence of Insiders and Institutional Investors on Firm Performance", Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 16, 4, 2013/12, ELSE2
  • "忙碌獨立董事可以降低公司績效波動性嗎?", 證券市場發展季刊, 25, 2, 161-194, 2013/06, TSSCI
  • "Directors are Rewarded for Past Failure and Future Success", Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 42, 167-190, 2013/04, SSCI

Conference papers

  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan International Conference and Annual Meeting, 台中, 2021/10/29
  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", EFiC 2019 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance, Colchester, 2019/07/04
  • "CEO food culture and corporate innovation", 2019 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Taipei, 2019/05/24
  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", 4th annual ICGS conference, 上海, 2018/10/13
  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", 25th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Budapest, 2018/06/24
  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", 2018 Taiwan Finance Association International Conference and Annual Meeting, 台北, 2018/05/25
  • "Are family firms friendly to women?", 2018 USR X CSR大學社會責任與企業社會責任研討會, 台北, 2018/05/10
  • "CEO Gender, Power, and Bank Performance: Evidence from Chinese Banks", 24th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Bucharest, 2017/06/25
  • "Are female CEOs men in skirts?", The 24th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets (SFM 2016), 高雄, 2016/12/09
  • "CEO gender, power, and bank performance: Evidence from Chinese banks", 2016 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, 台北, 2016/05/27
  • "CEO性別,權力與銀行績效:大陸銀行實證", 2016世新大學財務金融暨趨勢學術研討會, 台北, 2016/05/21
  • "CEO gender, power, and bank performance: Evidence from Chinese banks", 第五屆銀行管理與未來制度發展學術研討會, 台北, 2016/05/21
  • "Behavioral Corporate Finance: Perks in Chinese banks", The 3rd Indonesian Financial Management Association (IFMA), Bali, 2015/12/19
  • "Do perks matter? Evidence from Chinese banks", The 23rd Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets (SFM 2015), Kaohsiung, 2015/12/11
  • "Do perks matter? Evidence from Chinese banks", 2015年臺灣經濟計量學會年會暨兩岸經濟計量學術研討會, Taipei, 2015/10/31
  • "Do perks matter? Evidence from Chinese banks", 12th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, 2015/10/08
  • "The Effect of Ownership Structure on Bank Performance and Risk during The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis", Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences, Osaka, 2015/08/25
  • "The impact of State Ownership on Bank Performance during the Global Financial Crisis", Third Asia Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, Singapore, 2015/07/17
  • "State Ownership and Performance during the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis", International Conference on Business and Information, Macau, 2015/07/07
  • "Why Do Board Members Get Excess Compensation?", Asia Pacific Conference on Accounting and Finance (APCAF) 2015, Bali, 2015/06/11
  • "Rewarding Future Performance", 第十二屆台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會, 台北, 2013/11/01
  • "Financial Development, Political Connection, and Bank Profitability: Evidence from the Financial Crisis of 2008", 5th International IFABS Conference "The Search for Financial Stability: Models, Policies and Prospects", Nottingham, 2013/06/26
  • "銀行家權力對於銀行績效之影響:以中國銀行體系為例", 2013南台灣財金學術聯盟年會暨海峽兩岸學術論文研討會, 高雄, 2013/04/12
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