
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Eric Lin

Professor/Department of English

Journal articles

  • "Discourse competence across band scores: An analysis of speaking performance in the General English Proficiency Test", IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2023/06, AHCI
  • "Development of the use of discourse markers across different fluency levels of CEFR: A learner corpus analysis", Pragmatics, 2022/06, AHCI
  • "Gestures as scaffolding for L2 narrative recall and retention: The role of task complexity, gesture type, and working memory", Language Teaching Research, 2021/11, AHCI
  • "A Helping Hand for Thinking and Speaking: Effects of Gesturing and Task Planning on Second Language Narrative Discourse", System, 55, 2020/06, AHCI
  • "Grammatical and lexical patterning of Make in Asian learner writing: A corpus-based study of ICNALE", 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 25, 3, 1-15, 2019/09, ELSE2
  • "Speech-accompanying gestures in L1 and L2 conversational interaction by speakers of different proficiency levels", IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 1-20, 2019/04, SSCI
  • "Co-occurrence of speech and gestures: A multimodal corpus linguistic approach to intercultural interaction", Journal of Pragmatics, 117, 155--167, 2017/08, SSCI
  • "Keywords, semantic domains and intercultural competence in the British and Taiwanese Teenage Intercultural Communication Corpus", Corpora, 12, 3, 2017/06, ELSE2
  • "Development of multi-word sequences by adolescent EFL learners through online interaction", English Today, 32, 4, 27-32, 2016/12, AHCI
  • "Discourse marking in spoken intercultural communication between British and Taiwanese adolescent learners", Pragmatics, 26, 2, 221-245, 2016/06, SSCI
  • "Nonstandard Capitalisation and Vocal spelling in Intercultural Computer-mediated Communication", Corpora, 11, 1, 63-82, 2016/01, ELSE2
  • "Contrastive analysis of adolescent learner interlanguage in asynchronous online communication: A keyness approach", System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 55, 5, 53-62, 2015/10, SSCI
  • "Phonological awareness training for adolescent EFL learners: From research to practice", International Journal of English and Education, 4, 4, 494-506, 2015/10, ELSE2
  • "Using key part-of-speech analysis to examine spoken discourse by Taiwanese EFL learners", ReCALL(Journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning), 27, 2, 304-320, 2015/09, SSCI
  • "國際教育融入課程與教學: 思考到發表,開啟國際新視角", 新北教育季刊, 16, 34-37, 2015/09, ELSE1
  • "Exploring recurrent multi-word sequences in EFL textbook dialogues and authentic discourse", English Teaching & Learning (THCI-Core), 38, 2, 133-158, 2014/08, ELSE2


  • ESP與EMI教學共進—跨域合作模式與教師專業發展, 9, 元照, 978-626-7193-07-5, 2023/06/01
  • 多模態設計在臺灣雙語教學的應用, 6, 書林, 978-626-7193-07-5, 2022/11/01
  • Pragmatic Nature of L2 Communication: Spoken Grammar in Native and EFL Speakers, 3, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-030-55057-8, 2020/08/01
  • Chapter 6: Assessing Foreign Language Narrative Writing through Automated Writing Evaluation: A Case for the Web-based Pigai System, 6, IGI Global, ISBN13: 9781799830627, 2020/04/01
  • 議題融入英語文教學, 3, 五南, ISBN:9789865444532, 2020/03/01

Conference papers

  • "Discourse competence in discussion tasks across score levels in the high-intermediate GEPT speaking test", APLX International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 2021/10/28
  • "Gestures as scaffolding for thinking, speaking, and language learning: An analysis of video-mediated narrative tasks", the 4th Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2021) conference, Taipei, 2021/06/28
  • "A helping hand in the classroom: Gestures in language learning and cognition", 2019 TESPA Annual Symposium, 臺北, 2019/11/10
  • "The effects of task complexity and pre-task planning on the CAF of EFL learners' written production", CSMU conference on foreign language education, 臺中, 2019/05/25
  • "Task complexity and speech-gesture production: A cross-linguistic analysis of L1 and L2 narratives", the Seventh Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC7), Aarhus, 2019/05/22
  • "Making vocabulary comprehensive: integrating gestures in English language teaching in elementary school", 2019 ELT and Cross-cultural Studies Conference, 新北市, 2019/05/20
  • "The influences of cognitive load on co-speech and co-thought gestures for conceptualization", 2018 Australian Linguistic Society (ALS) Conference, 2018/11/11
  • "Automated Writing Evaluation in EFL University Students’ Writing: A Case Study of Pigai System", 2018 年「外語教育與跨文化之建構」國際研討會, 2018/11/01
  • "Co-speech gestures in L1 and L2 narratives: the role of proficiency, cognitive loads and cross-linguistic influence", 8th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS), 2018/07/04
  • "A corpus-based study of discourse marker “like” in academic spoken discourse", International Conference on ELT and Business in the Digital Age, 2018/05/25
  • "Exploring i-CALL: Effects of Automated Writing Evaluation Feedback on EFL Writing Development of High School Students in Taiwan", APLX International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 臺北市, 2017/11/23
  • "Multimodal Corpus Analysis to Speech and Gestures by Speakers of Different Proficiency Levels", 18th AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) World Congress, 2017/07/23
  • "Trump’s and Clinton’s language and gestures in the 2016 U.S. presidential debates", 2017 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature, 臺北市, 2017/05/06
  • "Teaching English through English in elementary schools: an analysis of teaching strategies, learner attitude, and learning outcome", 2017 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature, 臺北市, 2017/05/06
  • "Linguistic-gestural representations in motion event narrations: Mandarin Chinese as L1 and English as L2", 19th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 2017/03/10
  • "Grammatical and lexical patterning of 'make' in native speaker, Taiwanese and other Asian learner writing: A corpus-based study of ICNALE", 19th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 2017/03/10
  • "Questions and Feedback in EFL Elementary Classrooms: A Case Study of Native, Non-native, Novice, and Experienced Teachers", Lung-Hua Foreign Language Conference, 桃園, 2016/10/10
  • "The effect of board games on English vocabulary learning and motivated behavior of elementary school learners", 6th NHUE Conference on Children English Education, 新竹, 2016/05/25
  • "Co-occurrence of speech and gestures: A multi-modal corpus approach to intercultural interaction", 2016 International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) Conference, 香港, 2016/05/25
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