
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Cheng, Chen-Yang

Professor/Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Journal articles

  • "Benchmark Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling with Identical Machines", Expert Systems With Applications, 183, 30, 115422, 2021/11, SCI
  • "Smart Monitoring of Manufacturing Systems for Automated Decision-Making: A Multi-Method Framework", Sensors, 21, 2021/10, SCI
  • "Deep learning-based optimization for motion planning of dual-arm assembly robots", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160, 2021/08, SCI
  • "Traditional versus Microsphere Embolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Effectiveness Evaluation Using Data Mining", Healthcare, 9, 8, 929, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Unsupervised Learning-based Artificial Bee Colony for minimizing non-value-adding operations", Applied Soft Computing, 105, 2021/07, SCI
  • "Integrated Operational Model of Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain", Sustainability, 2021, 13, 6041, 2021/05, SCI
  • "Multi-temperature simulated annealing for optimizing mixed-blocking permutation flowshop scheduling problems", Expert Systems with Applications, 165, 1, 113837, 2021/03, SCI
  • "Improved location filtering using a context-aware approach", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments,, 13, 1, 55-72, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Cyber-physical assembly system-based optimization for robotic assembly sequence planning", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58, 452-466, 2021/01, SCI
  • "Supply chain-oriented permutation flowshop scheduling considering flexible assembly and setup times", International Journal of Production Research, 1-24, 2020/09, SCI
  • "Greedy-Based Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III for Optimizing Single-Machine Scheduling Problem With Interfering Jobs", IEEE Access, 8, 142543-142556, 2020/08, SCI
  • "Pourya Pourhejazy, Shih-Wei Lin Chen-Yang Cheng, Kuo-Ching Ying*, Pei-Yu Lin", IEEE Access, 148100-148124., 2020/08, SCI
  • "Minimizing total completion time in mixed blocking permutation flowshops", IEEE Access, 8, 142065-142075., 2020/08, SCI
  • "Multi-objective genetic algorithm for energy-efficient hybrid flow shop scheduling with lot streaming", Annals of Operations Research, 290, 1, 813-836, 2020/07, SCI
  • "Applying Data Mining to Investigate Cancer Risk in Patients with Pyogenic Liver Abscess", Healthcare, 8, 141, 1-15, 2020/06, SCI
  • "Dynamic Floating Stations Model for Emergency Medical Services with a Consideration of Tra?c Data", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, 336, 2020/05, SCI
  • "Learning-based metaheuristic for scheduling unrelated parallel machines with uncertain setup times", IEEE Access, 8, 74065-74082, 2020/05, SCI
  • "Robust ambulance base allocation strategy with social media and traffic congestion information", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-14, 2020/03, SCI
  • "A real-time parking service with proxy re-encryption in vehicular cloud computing", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2019, 85, 208-213, 2019/10, SCI
  • "Comparative Analysis of Mixed Integer Programming Formulations for Single-Machine and Parallel-Machine Scheduling Problems.", IEEE Access, 7,, 7, 152998-153011, 2019/10, SCI
  • "Single Machine Job Sequencing With a Restricted Common Due Window", IEEE Access, 7, 148741-148755, 2019/09, SCI
  • "Scheduling Jobs of Two Competing Agents on a Single Machine", IEEE Access, 7, 98702-98714, 2019/08, SCI
  • "Minimising makespan in distributed mixed no-idle flowshops", International Journal of Production Research, 57, 1, 48-60, 2019/04, SCI
  • "Prevalence and demographic characteristics of comorbid epilepsy in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a nationwide population-based study", Child's Nervous System, 35, 1, 149-156, 2019/01, SCI
  • "A novel approach of information visualization for machine operation states in industrial 4.0", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 563-573, 2018/11, SCI
  • "Solving social loafing phenomenon through lean-Kanban: A case study in non-profit organization", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 5, 31, 984-1000, 2018/07, SSCI
  • "工業工程概念與技術於情境智能之應用", 管理與系統, 25, 3, 367-379, 2018/07, TSSCI
  • "Resource constrained assembly line balancing problems with multi-manned workstations.", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48, 107-119, 2018/07, SCI
  • "Multi-objective genetic algorithm for energy-efficient hybrid flow shop scheduling with lot streaming", Annals of Operations Research, 1-24, 2018/07, SCI
  • "Optimization algorithms for proportionate flowshop scheduling problems with variable maintenance activities", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 117, 164-170, 2018/03, SCI
  • "Investigating Multiple Human Performance Measures in Teleoperation Task: A Translation Task in a Tele-Sandblasting Maintenance System. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries.", Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries., 2017/12, SCI
  • "Self-adaptive parameters in differential evolution based on fitness performance with a perturbation strategy", Soft Computing, 2017/12, SCI
  • "An improved water flow-like algorithm for order acceptance and scheduling with identical parallel machines", Applied Soft Computing, 2017/10, SCI
  • "The Development of Skull Prosthesis Through Active Contour Model", Journal of Medical Systems, 41, 10, 164, 2017/09, SCI
  • "Iterated reference greedy algorithm for solving distributed no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problems", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017/06, SCI
  • "Particle Swarm Optimization with Fitness Adjustment Parameters", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017/06, SCI
  • "Using machine learning and big data approaches to predict travel time based on historical and real-time data from Taiwan electronic toll collection", Soft Computing, 1-12, 2017/04, SCI
  • "Gain enhancement of a compact 2.4-GHz meander antenna using inductive feed and capacitive load", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., 59, 10, 2598-2604, 2017/03, SCI
  • "Minimizing Total Earliness and Tardiness through Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Using Distributed Release Time Control", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 42, 1-10, 2017/01, SCI
  • "非營組織餘裕之創造與運用:以β基會麵包工場為例", Industry and Management Forum 產業與管理論壇, 18, 4, 24-46, 2016/12, TSSCI
  • "Dynamic cost forecasting model based on extreme learning machine- A case study in steel plant", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 101, 544–553, 2016/11, SCI
  • "Image Analysis and High Dimensional Control Chart for Inspection of Sausage Color Homogeneity and Uniformity", International Journal of Food Engineering, 12, 7, 625-635, 2016/09, SCI
  • "Intermittent Demand Forecasting in a Tertiary Pediatric Intensive Care Unit", Journal of Medical Systems, 40, 2016/08, SCI
  • "Joint Order Batching and Picker Manhattan Routing Problem", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 95, 164-174, 2016/05, SCI
  • "Case study of physical internet for improving efficiency in solar cell industry", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-10, 2016/03, SCI
  • "Flexible supply network planning for hybrid shipment: A case study of memory module industry", International Journal of Production Research, 54, 2, 444-458, 2016/01, SCI
  • "Using a hybrid approach based on the particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization to solve a joint order batching and picker routing problem", International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 805-814, 2015/12, SCI
  • "Demand-Pull Replenishment Model for Hospital Inventory Management: A Dynamic Buffer-Adjustment Approach", International Journal of Production Research, 53, 24, 7533-7546, 2015/11, SCI
  • "Investigating of antenna selection for the adaptive centroid localization systems", International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 119-127, 2015/09, SCI
  • "非營利組織產業化與社會閒散現象之行動研究", 公共行政學報, 49, 37-70, 2015/09, TSSCI
  • "An RSA-Like Scheme for Multi-User Broadcast Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 2015/08, SCI

Conference papers

  • "The research of hidden Markov models for overall equipment effectiveness analysis in smart manufacturing system", The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST), 普吉島, 2018/07/04
  • "Intelligent Robot of Inclined Assembly Sequence Planning in Industrial 4.0", The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST), 普吉島, 2018/07/04
  • "The Adaptive Balloon Forces for Active Surface Models in skull repair technique", The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST), 普吉島, 2018/07/04
  • "Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in Manpower Planning for a Call Center in Healthcare Service", THE 17TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, Taipei, 2016/12/07
  • "Using Differential Evolution in Skull Prosthesis Modelling by Superellipse", THE 17TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, Taipei, 2016/12/07
  • "Development a Collide-Based automated assembly sequence algorithm in Industry 4.0", THE 17TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, Taipei, 2016/12/07
  • "差分演算法在頭顱骨修復技術上之應用", 2016年第二十二屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展與策略學術研討會, 台北, 2016/07/29
  • "應用動態節拍時間演算法於人力配置之研究-以某化妝品公司為例", 中國工業工程學會 104 年度年會暨學術研討會, 臺中市, 2015/12/12
  • "基於適應值資訊之動態調整差分演算法", 中國工業工程學會 104 年度年會暨學術研討會, 臺中市, 2015/12/12
  • "應用多目標粒子群演算法於電動機車能源補充站設址問題之研究", 中國工業工程學會 104 年度年會暨學術研討會, 臺中市, 2015/12/12
  • "應用智慧辨識於整合性自動分流系統之建置", 中國工業工程學會 104 年度年會暨學術研討會, 台中, 2015/12/12
  • "精實拉式生產系統於產線不平衡環境之研究", 中國工業工程學會 104 年度年會暨學術研討會, 臺中市, 2015/12/12
  • "Sequencing-Coordinate-Capacity Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows", THE 16TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 胡志明市, 2015/12/08
  • "Importing Lean production improvement research status - semiconductor packaging plant, for example", THE 16TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 胡志明市, 2015/12/08
  • "Intermittent Demand Classification and Demand Forecasting for Medical Materials", THE 16TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 胡志明市, 2015/12/08
  • "A Novel Particle Swarm Optimization with Parameter Evolution", THE 16TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 胡志明市, 2015/12/08
  • "Principal component anlaysis for homogeneity detection in sausage color using image analysis", THE 16TH ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 胡志明市, 2015/12/08
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