
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Lin, Chih-Che

Professor/Teacher Education Center

Journal articles

  • "Parental attachment and dispositional gratitude: The mediating role of adaptive narcissism", Current Psychology, 42, 19, 16121-16130, 2023/07, SSCI
  • "國中生數學學習興趣、學習情緒、學習投入與學習成就之關係", 教育與心理研究, 45, 2, 87-116, 2022/06, TSSCI
  • "感恩本質的回顧與省思", 正向心理:諮商與教育, 1, 58-64, 2022/06, ELSE1
  • "Self-Esteem and Depression as Mediators of the Effects of Gratitude on Suicidal Ideation Among Taiwanese College Students", OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 84, 2, 399-413, 2021/12, SSCI
  • "Gratitude and suicidal ideation in undergraduates in Taiwan: The mediating role of self-esteem and meaning in life", OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 84, 1, 177-193, 2021/11, SSCI
  • "技術型高中餐飲管理科建教合作生生涯自我概念與生涯決定之關係", 學校行政, 134, 59-79, 2021/07, ELSE1
  • "心智圖融入會計學課程對技術型高中學生學習動機及學習成效之影響", 臺北市立大學學報, 52, 1, 75-96, 2021/06, ELSE1
  • "E公分的教學距離,N公尺的學習成效", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 10, 6, 9-14, 2021/06, ELSE1
  • "The effects of gratitude on suicidal ideation among late adolescence: A mediational chain", Current Psychology, 40, 5, 2242-2250, 2021/05, SSCI
  • "北部地區高級中等學校學務主任角色知覺與自我效能之關係", 學校行政, 131, 51-74, 2021/01, ELSE1
  • "讀者劇場融入技術型高中餐飲英文教學對學生學習 動機及學習成就之影響", 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊, 13, 3, 83-112, 2020/12, ELSE1
  • "新南向專班越南學生在臺文化涵化與生活適應之關係", 高等教育, 15, 2, 2020/12, ELSE1
  • "Attachment and life satisfaction in young adults: The mediating effect of gratitude", Current Psychology, 39, 1513-1520, 2020/10, SSCI
  • "以團隊導向學習法提升學生核心素養之省思-以跨領域專題製作為例", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 9, 6, 61-67, 2020/06, ELSE1
  • "淺談青少年的錯失恐懼症及改善策略", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 9, 5, 68-71, 2020/05, ELSE1
  • "淺談高級中等學校學務主任工作困境", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 9, 4, 140-144, 2020/04, ELSE1
  • "心智圖法在技術型高中教學上之應用─以會計學為例", 新北市教育季刊, 33, 54-56, 2019/12, ELSE1
  • "淺談新南向專班政策", 新北市教育季刊, 33, 57-59, 2019/12, ELSE1
  • "高級中等學校學生健康促進生活型態與幸福感相關研究:以桃園市為例", 健康促進與衛生教育學報, 50, 89-119, 2019/12, ELSE1
  • "高中職生活輔導組長情緒管理與工作壓力之關係", 學校行政雙月刊, 124, 3, 32-51, 2019/11, ELSE1
  • "Perceived goodness mediates the relationship between trait and state gratitude", Current Psychology, 38, 5, 1392–1398, 2019/10, SSCI
  • "淺談青少年與社群媒體上的從眾現象", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 8, 7, 112-116, 2019/07, ELSE1
  • "大學生生活因應量表之編製及其恆等性檢驗", 教育與心理研究, 42, 2, 89-118, 2019/06, TSSCI
  • "Gratitude, positive emotion, and satisfaction with life: A test of mediated effect", Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 47, 4, e4398, 2019/04, SSCI
  • "感恩、自尊與憂鬱之研究:中介效果模式驗證", 教育與心理研究, 41, 2, 81-103, 2018/06, TSSCI
  • "The effect of higher-order gratitude on mental well-being:Beyond personality and unifactoral gratitude", Current Psychology, 36, 1, 127-135, 2017/03, SSCI
  • "大學生感恩與自殺意念之關係:以自尊為中介變項", 教育與心理研究, 39, 1, 59-83, 2016/03, TSSCI
  • "The roles of social support and coping style in the relationship between gratitude and well-being", Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 13-18, 2016/01, SSCI
  • "Gratitude and depression in young adults: The mediating role of self-esteem and well-being", Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 30-34, 2015/12, SSCI
  • "The relationships among gratitude, self-esteem, depression, and suicidal ideation among undergraduate students", Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 700-707, 2015/12, SSCI
  • "Self-esteem mediates the relationship between dispositional gratitude and well-being", Personality and Individual Differences, 85, 145-148, 2015/10, SSCI
  • "Validation of the Psychological Well-Being Scale for use in Taiwan", Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 43, 5, 567-874, 2015/06, SSCI
  • "Impact of gratitude on resource development and emotional well-being", Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 43, 3, 493-504, 2015/04, SSCI


  • 差異與多樣性、認知取向的學習與應用、高層次思考與應用, 3, 國立空中大學, 978-986-05-7899-7, 2019/01/31

Conference papers

  • "Reflecting on Integrating Team-Based Learning into Project-Based Courses to Enhance Social-Emotional Learning", The 13th International Conference on Frontier Computing, 東京, 2023/07/10
  • "青少年的FoMO 改善策略之芻議", 2023技職教育永續發展學術研討會, 台北, 2023/03/29
  • "團隊導向學習法提升社會情感學習之省思-以跨校跨領域國際志工服務為例", 2023技職教育永續發展學術研討會, 台北, 2023/03/29
  • "Gratitude, basic psychological needs, and depression: A test of mediated-effects", International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning – Summer Session, 東京, 2018/07/30
  • "網路輔助教學融入國中數學科補救教學之成效分析", 第五屆師資培育國際學術研討會, 台北, 2017/10/20
  • "Gratitude, social support, and life satisfaction: A test of mediated-effects", The 8th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, 神戶, 2017/06/08
  • "臺灣技職教育政策改革因素之研究", 2017技職教育永續發展學術研討會, 台北, 2017/06/07
  • "四向度因應量表之檢證", 2016台灣心理學會第55屆年會暨國際學術研討會, 台南, 2016/10/15
  • "The impact of a multi-dimensional gratitude on psychological well-being above demographics, personality traits, and a single gratitude", The 31st International Congress of Psychology, 橫檳, 2016/07/24
  • "The effect of gratitude intervention on mental well-being", The Fifth Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, 大阪, 2015/03/26

Relevant certifications

  • 公務人員高等考試教育行政職系教育行政科考試及格證書, 考試院
  • 國民小學教師證書, 教育部
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