
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網



Professor/Office of Physical Education

Journal articles

  • "Acute circulatory and femoral hemodynamic responses induced by standing core exercise at different rotational cadence: a crossover study", BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 14, 1, 1-7, 2022/11, SCI
  • "Acute Effects of Wearing Different Surgical Face Masks during High-Intensity, Short-Rest Resistance Exercise on Cardiorespiratory and Pulmonary Function and Perceptual Responses in Weightlifters", Biology, 11, 7, 992(1-14), 2022/06, SCI
  • "Effects of Acute Interval Exercise on Arterial Stiffness and Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulatory Responses: A Narrative Review of Potential Impacts of Aging", Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, 864713, 2022/05, SCI
  • "A Sports Nutrition Perspective on the Impacts of Hypoxic High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Appetite Regulatory Mechanisms: A Narrative Review of the Current Evidence.", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 3, 1736, 2022/02, SSCI
  • "“The Competitive Season and Off-Season”: Preliminary Research concerning the Sport-Specific Performance, Stress, and Sleep in Elite Male Adolescent Basketball Athletes", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 24, 13259, 2021/12, SSCI
  • "A Preliminary Study of Pre-Season Taekwondo Preparation Strategy: Personal Isolation Training Effect for Elite Athletes", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 20, 10570, 2021/10, SSCI
  • "Influences of Recreational Tennis-Playing Exercise Time on Cardiometabolic Health Parameters in Healthy Elderly: The ExAMIN AGE Study", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1255, 2021/02, SSCI
  • "六週戰繩訓練介入對大專男子網球選手肌力與發球表現之影響", 體育學報, 53, 3, 2020/09, TSSCI
  • "Traditional Chinese acupressure massage ameliorates systemic inflammatory responses and joint mobility limitation after acute repeated jumping exercise", EXPLORE: The Journal of Science & Healing, 16, 1, 26-34, 2020/03, SCI
  • "Can Match-Mimicking Intermittent Practice Be Used as a Simulatory Training Mode of Competition Using Olympic Time Frame in Elite Taekwondo Athletes?", Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 244, 1-12, 2019/03, SCI
  • "Short-Term High-Dose Vitamin C and E Supplementation Attenuates Muscle Damage and Inflammatory Responses to Repeated Taekwondo Competitions: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.", International Journal of Medical Sciences, 15, 11, 1217-1226, 2018/07, SCI
  • "探討綠茶與維生素抗氧化增補劑對運動適應效益之影響", 運動教練科學, 48, 89-105, 2017/12, ELSE1
  • "Acute changes in blood lipid profiles and metabolic risk factors in collegiate elite taekwondo athletes after short-term de-training: a prospective insight for athletic health management", Lipids in Health and Disease, 16, 143, 1-10, 2017/07, SCI
  • "Delayed Onset Vascular Stiffening Induced by Eccentric Resistance Exercise and Downhill Running", Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 27, 369-374, 2017/07, SCI
  • "持拍運動對延緩血管老化之生理效益探討", 運動生理暨體能學報, 24, 45-58, 2017/06, ELSE1
  • "Initial systemic inflammatory state perturbs exercise training adaptations in elite Taekwondo athletes.", Plos One, 12, 4, e0176140, 2017/04, SCI
  • "Panax Ginseng and Salvia Miltiorrhiza Supplementation during Eccentric Resistance Training in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: a Double-blind Randomized Control Trial", Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 29, 158-163, 2016/10, SCI
  • "Eight-Week Training Cessation Suppresses Physiological Stress but Rapidly Impairs Health Metabolic Profiles and Aerobic Capacity in Elite Taekwondo Athletes", Plos One, 11, 7, 1-14, 2016/07, SCI
  • "下肢肌群加壓訓練對傷後復健者與高齡族群在改善肌肉適能可能機制與實務應用之探討", 運動生理暨體能學報, 22, 33-44, 2016/06, ELSE1
  • "Panax ginseng and salvia miltiorrhiza supplementation abolishes eccentric exercise-induced vascular stiffening: a double-blind randomized control trial", BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 16, 168, 1-10, 2016/06, SCI
  • "核心訓練搭配阻力訓練對大專女子甲組網球選手技能表現之影響", 體育學報, 48, 3, 239-250, 2015/09, TSSCI


  • 功能性訓練手冊, 1, 藝軒圖書出版社, 978-986-394-023-4, 2017/07/14
  • 運動生理學: 體適能與運動表現的理論與應用 [第四章 運動代謝], 1, 藝軒圖書出版社, 978-986-341-356-1, 2017/07/06
  • 運動生理學: 體適能與運動表現的理論與應用 [第十七章 特殊族群的運動], 1, 藝軒圖書出版社, 978-986-341-356-1, 2017/07/06

Conference papers

  • "Comparing Acute Exercise Intensity Using Somatosensory Game Interventions: A study of exercise self-efficacy and perception of exercise among middle-aged and elderly people using Nintendo for Switch as an example", International Symposium of Asian Society for AdaptedPhysical Education and Exercise, Sapporo, 2024/08/02
  • "The Serum Biomarkers for Brain Injury during an Annual Periodization in Taekwondo Athletes", The 101st Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, Kokura, 2024/03/28
  • "The muscle damage and related pro-inflammatory biomarkers during acute exercise and long-term training in taekwondo athletes", The 73rd Conference of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences, Kyoto, 2023/08/30
  • "The relationships between interval exercise-induced arterial stiffness parameters changes and metabolic health biomarkers in middle-aged physically active males.", The 73rd Conference of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences, Kyoto, 2023/08/30
  • "The impacts of varied training periods on mental stress and sleep quality in elite high-school make basketball players", 2018 SCSEPF Annual Meeting & 2018 TSEPF Annual Meeting, 臺中市, 2018/08/01
  • "持拍運動與動脈硬化", 2017國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會, 臺北市, 2017/06/17
  • "探討優秀大學生跆拳道退役運動員的身體組成變化", 2016體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會, 宜蘭, 2016/12/03
  • "Effects of Carbohydrate Supplementation on Exercise Performance and Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation During Acute Exhaustive Exercise Under Normobaric Hypoxia (優秀論文獎)", 15th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Hong Kong, 2016/07/21
  • "Periodic Changes of Hormonal Profile and Insulin Sensitivity in Elite Male Taekwondo Athletes", 15th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Hong Kong, 2016/07/21
  • "EFFECTS OF TEN-WEEK TAEKWONDO TRAINING ON METABOLIC PROFILES AND AEROBIC CAPACITY", 39th Annual NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016/07/06
  • "不同賽期對優秀男子跆拳道選手疫與發炎指標之影響", 2016國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會, 桃園市, 2016/06/18
  • "Acute effects of core rotation exercise on leg hemodynamics.", 2016 Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, 2016/05/31
  • "Effects of Core Exercise Combined with Resistance Exercise Training on Groundstroke and Serve Performance in Elite Female Tennis Players", 14th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Macau, 2015/07/22
  • "Effects of a Series of Simulated Taekwondo Matches on Circulating Immunological Protein and Power Performance", 14th Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness, Macau, 2015/07/22
  • "Effects of panax ginseng and salvia miltiorrhiza supplementation with eccentric-biased resistance training on body composition and muscle strength on postmenopausal women", 38th NSCA Annual Conference, Orlando, Orlando, 2015/06/06
  • "十二週雙增補搭 配離心阻力訓練對中老年人身體組成與肌力表現之影響", 2015國際運動生理 及體能領域學術研討會, 高雄市, 2015/05/11
  • "單次站立閉鎖式核心旋轉 運動對血管功能之立即生理效益研究", 2015國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會, 高雄市, 2015/05/11

Relevant certifications

  • 體適能健身C級指導員, 中華民國健身運動協會
  • C級教練證, 中華民國網球協會
  • B級教練證, 中華民國網球協會
  • C級游泳教練證, 中華民國游泳救生協會
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