
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Chang, Wen Hsin

Associate Professor/Office of Physical Education

Journal articles

  • "情緒的力量:運動員情緒與運動表現之理論、測量及應用", 中華體育季刊, 37, 2, 161-176, 2023/06, TSSCI
  • "How advertising claims affect sports consumers' purchase intention of badminton rackets? The role of regulatory fit", International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24, 4, 623-637, 2023/02, SSCI
  • "Mindfulness enhances changes in athletes’ subjective vitality: The moderating role of coach interpersonal style.", Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2, 3, 190-197, 2022/12, ELSE2
  • "How can we cope with self-control demands and enhance proactive vitality management? The role of leisure crafting and supervisor recreational sports support.", Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 3961–3980, 2022/10, SSCI
  • "數位媒體教材導入排球課程對大專生之學習成效", 國北教大體育, 15, 2020/11, ELSE1
  • "Perceived coach autonomy support and athlete burnout: The role of athletes’ experiential avoidance.", International Journal of Sport Psychology, 50, 6, 503-522, 2019/08, SSCI
  • "The role of athletic identity in the development of athlete burnout: The moderating role of psychological flexibility", Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 29, 45-51, 2018/09, SSCI

Relevant certifications

  • 室內排球教練, 中華民國排球協會
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