
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Lo, Yuan-Lung

Professor/Department of Civil Engineering

Journal articles

  • "用風洞試驗探討縮尺風力機於IEC風況下之風力特性", 中國土木水利工程學刊, 35, 5, 437-449, 2023/09, EI
  • "建築物耐風評估檢測之風洞試驗技術要求與報告評定機制探討", 中國土木水利工程學刊, 35, 5, 491-500, 2023/09, EI
  • "Effect of void space arrangement on wind power potential and pressure coefficient distributions for high-rise void buildings", Journal of Building Engineering, 75, 107061, 2023/09, SCI
  • "Aerodynamic characteristics of a high-rise building in a steady thunderstorm outflow-like flow field", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 240, 105501, 2023/09, SCI
  • "應用風洞試驗探討以縮尺模擬IEC規範中常見設計風況之可行性", 台灣能源期刊, 10, 2, 151-170, 2023/06, ELSE1
  • "探討本土颱風風況與IEC-EWM風況對風力機受風反應之差異性", 台灣能源期刊, 10, 1, 69-88, 2023/03, ELSE1
  • "Aerodynamic evaluation of flapping wings with leading-edge twisting", Biomimetics, 8, 2, 134, 2023/03, SCI
  • "nvestigation of the elliptical resonant vibration of high-rise buildings induced by the oblique-downwind interference effects", Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 22, 6, 3476–3495, 2023/02, SCI
  • "Numerical and experimental studies on the aerodynamics of NACA64 and DU40 airfoils at low Reynolds numbers", Applied Sciences, 13, 3, 1478, 2023/01, SCI
  • "Interference effects on the square and circular cross-sectional high-rise buildings under turbulent flows", International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology, 2022, 2022/09, ELSE2
  • "Constant-frequency time cells in the vortex-shedding from a square cylinder in accelerating flows", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 230, 105182, 2022/09, SCI
  • "Simulation of porous claddings using LES and URANS: a 5:1 rectangular cylinder", Wind and Structures, 35, 1, 67-81, 2022/07, SCI
  • "Simulation strategies for wind shields and porous barriers for bridge deck optimization", Structures, 40, 824-839, 2022/07, SCI
  • "利用氣象資料及風洞試驗探討具本土化特性之局部構材或外表被覆物設計風壓", 建築學報, 119, 1-20, 2022/03, TSSCI
  • "On the numerical simulation of perforated bluff-bodies: A CFD study on a hollow porous 5:1 rectangular cylinder", Wind and Structures, 34, 1, 1-14, 2022/01, SCI
  • "A refined method of multi-target equivalent static wind loads: a bridge case", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 212, 2021/05, SCI
  • "On the use of the pressure jump approach for the simulation of separated external flows around porous structures: a forward facing step", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 207, 2020/12, SCI
  • "Wind load reduction effects on inner buildings by exterior porous façades", Building and Environment, 183, 2020/08, SCI
  • "Downstream interference effect of low-Scruton-number high-rise buildings under turbulent boundary layer flow", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198, 2020/03, SCI

Conference papers

  • "以修正獨立事件法預測風場五十年回歸期基本設計風速之研究", 2023台灣風能學術研討會, 台北, 2023/12/15
  • "Poisson process 對於設計風速不確定性的影響", 第十屆全國風工程研討會, 台南, 2023/10/27
  • "二維矩柱模型於加減速氣流下之氣動力行為探討", 第十屆全國風工程研討會, 台南, 2023/10/27
  • "以複數風扇風洞進行開闊地況大氣紊流邊界層之模擬研究", 第十屆全國風工程研討會, 台南, 2023/10/27
  • "Aerodynamic characteristics of high-rise buildings under nose-like velocity profiles", 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, 2023/08/27
  • "Transient aerodynamic forces of 2D rectangular prisms under accelerating and decelerating flows", 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, 2023/08/27
  • "Estimation biases of design wind speed due to mean occurrence rate in the Poisson process assumption", 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, 2023/08/27
  • "Aerodynamic characteristics of a high-rise building due to nose-like velocity profiles with different approaching turbulences", 5th International Workshop on Advanced Wind Engineering Testing and Technology, 神奈川, 2022/12/20
  • "臺中港測風塔風場特性之探討", 第44屆海洋工程研討會, 高雄, 2022/11/17
  • "不同平均風速剖面下之高層建築物設計風載重之探討", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "寬深比5的二維矩柱於穩態氣流及加速氣流下之氣動力行為探討", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "應用風洞實驗探討高寬比小於4以下之建築物受風反應", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "應用風洞實驗探討NTM及ETM風況對縮尺風機模型的轉動效應", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "不同平均風速剖面下高層建築物局部設計風載重之探討", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "深寬比5之二維矩柱模型於加減速氣流下之氣動力行為探討", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "應用集群分析於大跨度屋蓋結構等值靜載重之最佳化", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "高層透空式建築於不同建築配置效應之潛在風能評估", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "探討本土化風況與IEC風況對風力機受風反應之差異性", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "利用風洞實驗探討具備多孔性外牆開孔率對於雙層牆夾層內部風壓之影響", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "風力機於IEC各種非穩態風況條件下之風力特性", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "建築檢測之風洞試驗技術與報告評定機制探討", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "建築複層外殼的立體幾何風阻尼效應", 第九屆全國風工程研討會, 桃園, 2022/10/28
  • "The appearance of constant-frequency time cells during vortex shedding from a square cylinder in accelerating flows", 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Bucharest, 2022/09/20
  • "Transient aerodynamics of a two dimensional square cylinder in accelerating flows", 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Bucharest, 2022/09/20
  • "Aerodynamic force characteristics of a high-rise building under steady incident wind velocity profiles generated by multiple-fan wind tunnel", 8th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Bucharest, 2022/09/20
  • "Effects of flow accelerations typical of thunderstorm outflows on the vortex-shedding from a square cylinder", 15th Conference on Wind Engineering – IN-VENTO 2020, 米蘭, 2022/09/04
  • "Investigation on the aerodynamics force of a square cylinder in accelerating flows", 15th Conference on Wind Engineering – IN-VENTO 2020, 米蘭, 2022/09/04
  • "雙方柱於均勻流下干擾引致雙穩態氣動力現象之探討", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "探討有效受風面積對於雙斜式屋頂低矮建物局部風壓係數之影響", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "考慮方向性與颱風強度效應之局部構材及外部被覆物之設計風載重", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "加速氣流對於二維圓柱模型之氣動力行為探討", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "以力平衡儀氣動力實驗探討方柱與圓柱之干擾效應", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "考慮本土 EWM 風況下風力機結構的局部結構反應", 中華民國第16屆結構工程及第6屆地震工程研討會, 新北市, 2022/08/24
  • "Assessment of wind energy harvest of high-rise building array for different urban patterns", 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bochum, 2022/08/08
  • "Brief Introduction of Recent Activities in Taiwan’s Wind Society", 海峽兩岸建築與橋梁風工程學術研討會, 福州市, 2021/12/16
  • "Investigation on the interference induced bistable aerodynamic phenomenon of double square prisms under uniform flows", 中華民國力學學會第四十五屆全國力學會議 (CTAM 2021), 臺北市, 2021/11/18
  • "Observations of accelerating flow effects on aerodynamic forces of two-dimensional prism models", 4th International Workshop on Advanced Wind Engineering Testing and Technology, 2021/10/28
  • "Taiwanese Country Report 2021", 8 th Workshop on Regional Harmonization of Wind Loading and Wind Environmental Specifications in Asia-Pacific Economies, 2021/10/17
  • "Introduction to the multiple-fan wind tunnel at Tamkang University and examples of its application", International Advanced School on Thunderstorm Outflows and Their Impact on Structures, 熱那亞, 2021/10/04
  • "利用風洞試驗探討縮尺風機模型上部結構於受風下的氣動力特性", 2020台灣風能學術研討會暨經濟部、科技部成果發表會, 新北, 2020/12/11
  • "Wind loads on the CAARC high-rise building subject to non traditional boundary layer profiles", 22nd Australian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, 2020/12/07
  • "非定常性氣流剖面對高層建築風載重之初步研究", 第八屆全國風工程研討會, 台北, 2020/10/19
  • "加速氣流對於橋面板表面風壓特性之探討", 第八屆全國風工程研討會, 台北, 2020/10/19
  • "考慮風向性對高層建築物局部設計風載重的影響", 第八屆全國風工程研討會, 台北, 2020/10/19
  • "以強制振動架構探討二維方柱於平滑流下的下游干擾效應", 第八屆全國風工程研討會, 台北, 2020/10/19
  • "CFD investigations of porous bluff bodies: flow around edges", 15th Conference on Wind Engineering – IN-VENTO 2020, Politecnico di Milano, 2020/09/06
  • "不同平均風速剖面氣流對高層建築風載重分布之探討", 中華民國第15屆結構工程及第5屆地震工程研討會, 台南, 2020/09/02
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