
國立臺北科技大學 學術資源網


Chi-Feng Chen

Associate Professor/Department of Civil Engineering

Journal articles

  • "Field performances of 15 rain gardens in different cities in Taiwan", Science of the Total Environment, 947, 174545, 2024/07, SCI
  • "Estimation of Pollution Export Coefficients of Tea Farms and Its Application in Watershed Management", Water, 16, 11, 163, 2024/06, SCI
  • "Field temperature performances of inuse permeable sidewalks and asphalt vehicle roads and the potential impacts on apparent temperature and land surface temperature", Environmental monitoring and assessment, 196, 205, 2024/01, SCI
  • "Assessing the effects of migratory waterbird droppings on potential lake eutrophication using water quality models: A case study of Yangming Lake on Kinmen Island, Taiwan.", Inland waters, 13, 2, 182–196, 2023/09, SCI
  • "Assessing the Effectiveness of Ecological Mitigation Practices in Public Construction with a Quick and Operational Assessment Framework", Sustainability, 15, 9, 7480, 2023/05, SCI
  • "Effects of Cooling Temperature by Permeable Pavements, A Case Study in Taipei City, Taiwan", International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE), 9, 4, 33-36, 2022/12, ELSE2
  • "Assessing wastewater pollution from outdoor night markets and its impacts on river quality", Water Science & Technology, 86, 9, 2288, 2022/11, SCI
  • "Hydrological Cycle Performance at a Permeable Pavement Site and a Raingarden Site in a Subtropical Region.", Land, 11, 2022/06, SCI
  • "基隆河污染源及水質潛在衝擊分析", 農業工程學報, 68, 2, 14-28, 2022/06, EI
  • "Unused Raft Foundation Spaces as Detention Ponds to Mitigate Urban Flooding", Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering, 8, 5, 2022/06, ELSE2
  • "1 to 1000 Policy: Controlling Phosphorous Pollution from Tea Farms with Bioretention Cells.", Applied Sciences, 12, 2022/03, SCI
  • "Application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to evaluate the fates of nitrogenous fertilizer in subtropical mountainous watershed tea farms", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194, 2022/02, SCI

Conference papers

  • "評估水庫集水區之產砂熱區—以石門水庫為例", 2023水土保持學術研討會, 台中, 2023/11/25
  • "臺北市基隆河沿岸截流站操作與退場機制評估研究", 中華民國環境工程學會2023環境資訊與規劃管理研討會, 宜蘭, 2023/11/17
  • "探討台灣不同地區雨水花園之雨水回收貯水效益", 中華民國環境工程學會2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會, 宜蘭, 2023/11/17
  • "Assessing The Effects of Migratory Waterbird Droppings on Phosphorous Budget of Yangming Lake on Kinmen Island, Taiwan.", 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2023, Kaohsiung, 2023/10/22
  • "探尋減緩城市熱島之材料及塗料的最佳搭配", 中華民國營建工程學會第二十一屆營建產業永續發展研討會, 台北, 2023/10/14
  • "不同材質之於屋頂灑水降溫系統探討", 2023中華民國營建工程學會第二十一屆營建產業永續發展研討會, 台北, 2023/10/14
  • "不同地表面土地利用的碳排放", 2023 中華民國營建工程學會第二十一屆營建產業永續發展研討會, 台北, 2023/10/14
  • "RAIN GARDEN PILOT POLICY IN TAIWAN AND THEIR PERFORMANCE", 2023 International Low Impact Development Conference, Oklahoma City, 2023/08/06
  • "Effects of Cooling Temperature By Permeable Pavements, A Case Study In Taipei City, Taiwan", 2023 International Low Impact Development Conference, Oklahoma City, 2023/08/06
  • "Quantitative Assessment with Watershed Model on Drinking Water Protection Areas, The Taiwanese Case", the 8th International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Treatment and Protection (ICEPTP’23), Lisbon, 2023/03/29
  • "不同建材建物生命週期碳排與環境衝擊初步估算", 2022中華民國營建工程學會第二十屆營建產業永續發展研討會, 台中, 2022/12/10
  • "水庫用水安全風險分析及用水安全管理指標", 中華民國環境工程學會2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會, 高雄, 2022/11/18
  • "Characteristics of wastewater from outdoor night markets and its impacts on water quality in a receiving river: a case study in Taipei city, Taiwan.", 2022年貝蒙論壇國際河川日研討會, 台北, 2022/09/25
  • "Monitoring and management strategy of heavy metals in rivers in Taiwan.", International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment - (ICPCSE-22), Edinburgh, 2022/08/03

Research projects

  • 112年度水體環境品質優化管理計畫, 2023/04/21~2024/02/15
  • 112-113年度水庫集水區保育治理重大計畫成效評估(1/2), 2023/02/22~2023/12/15
  • 111年從水體分類(飲用水)水質標準盤點河川水質達成率及改善計畫, 2022/06/23~2022/12/31
  • 111年高等教育深耕計畫經費-教學薪傳計畫, 2022/02/01~2023/01/31
  • 臺北市基隆河沿岸截流站操作與退場機評估研究案, 2022/01/18~2022/12/15

Relevant certifications

  • 環境工程技師, 考試院
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