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"Convolutional Neural Network with Multi-Head Attention for Human Activity Recognition", EEE Internet of Things Journal, 3032-3042, 2024/01, SCI
"Comparative analysis of machine learning and ensemble approaches for hepatitis B prediction using data mining with synthetic minority oversampling technique", Health and Technology, 2023/11, SCI
"Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches on Hepatitis C Prediction Employing Data Mining Techniques,", Bioengineering, 2023/04, SCI
"Using Hybrid Neural Network and Regularized Extreme Learning Machine for Human Activity Recognition by Smartphone and Smartwatch", Sensors, 2023/03, SCI
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"High Accuracy and Cost-Effective Fiber Optic Liquid Level Sensing System Based on Deep Neural Network", Sensors, 2023/02, SCI
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"Deep Convolutional Neural Network Classifier for Travel Patterns Using Binary Sensors", 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, Taichung, 2017/11/08
"Device-Free Non-Invasive Front-Door Event Classification Algorithm for Forget Event Detection Using Binary Sensors in the Smart House,", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Banff, Canada, 2017/10/05
"Mixing PSO and Tabu Search Technique and Its Application to Estimation of Carrier Frequency Offsets for Uplink OFDMA System", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, 2014/10/05
"Indoor Activity Monitoring System for Elderly Using RFID and FitBit Flex Wristband", IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Valencia, 2014/06/01
"Estimation of Carrier Frequency Offsets for Uplink OFDMA System Using A Hybrid Taguchi-Mutated-Particle Swarm Optimization Approach" to appear in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2012 Seoul, Korea.", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2012), Seoul, 2012/10/14
"Using Computer Games in a Computer Course to Improve Learning", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessments and Learning for Engineering (TALE2012), Hong Kong, 2012/08/20
"Developing a Ubiquitous Emergency Medical Service System Based on Wireless Access and Geographic Information System", International Conference on Knowledge Based Industry-2011, Ulaanbaatar, 2011/07/06
"Joint Channel Estimation and Multi-user Detection for MC-CDMA System Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, 2010/10/10
"Development of an Intelligent e-Restaurant with Menu Recommendation for Customer-Centric Service", International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Processing, Istanbul, 2010/08/22
"Development of a Ubiquitous Emergency Medical Service System Based on Zigbee and 3.5G Wireless Communication Technologies", 2010 International Conference on Medical Biometrics, Hong Kong, 2010/06/28
"Estimation of Carrier Frequency Offset for Generalized OFDMA Uplink Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms", the 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2009), Kao-Hsiung, 2009/12/14
"Performance of an Energy Efficient Routing Design for Wireless Sensor Networks", the 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2009), Kao-Hsiung, 2009/12/14
"Development of an Intelligent e-Restaurant for Customer-Centric Service", 2009 年民生電子研討會, Taichung, 2009/11/06
"Joint Channel Estimation and Multi-user Detection for MC-CDMA Systems Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing", 2009 年民生電子研討會, Taichung, 2009/11/06
"Enhancing Bluetooth Data Throughput Using a Mode/Packet Switching Scheme Based on ARQN Statistics", 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC), Baoding, Hebei, 2009/07/12
"An Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Code Allocator for 2-D OVSF Coded OFCDM Communication Systems Over Dual Selective Fading Channels", 2009International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), Baoding, Hebei, 2009/07/12
"Analysis on an Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks", 2009 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2009), Taipei, 2009/06/06
"A Genetic-Based Multi-User Detector for Multi-Carrier CDMA Communication Systems", IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems, Guangzhou, 2008/11/19
"An Energy Efficient Cross-Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Networks", 2008 International Computer Symposium, Taipei, 2008/11/13
"Performance of Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques on PAPR Reduction for OFDM Systems", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore, 2008/10/12
"Performance of Adaptive Fuzzy-Based Code Allocation for 2-D Spreading OFCDM Mobile Communication Systems", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore, 2008/10/12
"Performance of Power Line Communication Systems Using MC-CDMA Transmission Techniques", the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Heraklion, 2008/07/23
"Performance Analysis of Multi-User DS-UWB System under Multipath Effects", 12th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Heraklion, 2008/07/23
"Development and Implementation of an e-Restaurant for Customer-Centric Service Using WLAN and RFID Technologies", 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 昆明, 2008/07/12
"PC-based ECG Signal Analysis Using Artificial Neural Network", 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 昆明, 2008/07/12
"Personal Health Monitoring By PC-based ECG Signal Analysis", 2007年民生電子研討會, Taichung, 2007/11/02
"Performance of Adaptive Multistage Interference Canceller for Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems", 2007 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007/08/12
"RFID-based Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Outdoor Learning", the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT2007), Niigata, 2007/07/18
"2D Barcode and Augmented Reality Supported English Learning System", the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS2007), Melbourne, 2007/07/11
"Markov Model Parameters Optimization for Impulsive Noise over Power Line Communication Network", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC06), Taipei, 2006/10/08
"Performance of a GA-based interference cancellor for MC-CDMA communication systems over frequency selective fading channels", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC06), Taipei, 2006/10/08
"Performance Improvement of Multiuser Detection Using a Genetic Algorithm in DS-CDMA UWB Systems over an Extreme NLOS Multipath Channel", 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC06), Taipei, 2006/10/08
"The Ubiquitous Museum Learning Environment: Concept, Design,Implementation, and a Case Study", the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT2006), Kerkrade, 2006/07/05
"Performance of Partial Interference Canceller with STBC for MC-CDMA Systems", IWCMC 2006, Vancouver, 2006/07/03
"Performance of Space-Time Block Coded MB-OFDM UWB Systems", 2006 Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR2006), Moncton, 2006/05/22
"A Redundancy-Saving Genetic Algorithm for Multi-User Detection in DS-CDMA Systems", 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 海牙, 2004/10/10
"The MObile-Based Interactive Learning Environment (MOBILE) and A Case Study for Assisting Elementary School English Learning", 2004 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Joensuu, 2004/08/30
"The Design and Implementation of Web-based Instruction System for High School–WISH and Executing Status", 2004 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologie, Joensuu, 2004/08/30
"Planning and Designing of Mobile Learning System for Aiding Elementary School English Instruction and Assessmen", 4th Workshop on Language and Technology, 台北, 2004/02/21
"An Adaptive Multistage Partial Parallel Interference Canceller for Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems", 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems, 高雄, 2003/12/14
"Design and Implementation of Mobile Learning System for Aiding Elementary School English Instruction and Assessment", 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems, 高雄, 2003/12/14
"Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Speaker Recognition over GSM Environment", 37th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 台北, 2003/10/14