"Home energy management system for residential fuel cell-based combined heat and power system", Journal of Building Engineering, 98, 3, 111132, 2024/12, SCI
"Optimal power dispatch for a chlorine factory with fuel cells participating in incentive-based demand response", IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform., 20, 3, pp. 4517-4526, 2024/03, SCI
"Resident-centric distributed community energy management system", IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, 14, 2, pp. 849-863, 2023/04, SCI
"A hybrid hand-crafted and deep neural spatio-temporal EEG features clustering framework for precise emotional status recognition", Sensors, 22, 5158, 2022/07, SCI
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"電力用戶寬頻網路多元服務系統用戶故障偵測管理子系統開發", 台電工程月刊, 六六五期, pp. 31-45, 2004/01, ELSE1
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"以無線電傳呼系統對便利商店空調負載之直接控制", 台電工程月刊, 六五四期, pp. 68-76, 2003/02, ELSE1
"適用於負載直接控制之離心式冰水主機無段降載控制器設計", 國科會工程科技通訊, 六十四期, pp. 31-34, 2002/10, ELSE1
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"無線電網路應用於電容器切換控制之設計", 台電工程月刊, 六四一期, pp. 31-42, 2002/01, ELSE1
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"A Load Forecasting Model Based on Sequence-to-Image Preprocessing Framework", Proc. 6th Int. Automatic Control Conf., 桃園, 2024/10/31
"Optimal Power Dispatch and Load Scheduling for Fuel Cell Community Using ADMM", Proc. 24th IEEE Int. Conf. Environment and Electrical Engineering, 羅馬, 2024/06/17
"Aggregated Energy Management of Multiple Factories that Purchased Green Energy Collectively", Proc. 24th IEEE Int. Conf. Environment and Electrical Engineering, 羅馬, 2024/06/17
"Optimal power dispatch and load scheduling for multi-energy community with fuel cell combined heat and power", 23rd IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Madrid, 2023/06/06
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"A feature selection approach to visual domain adaptation in classification", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2020), Bangkok, 2020/11/18
"A Particle swarm optimization based joint geometrical and statistical alignment approach with Laplacian regularization", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2020), Bangkok, 2020/11/18
"A modified joint geometrical and statistical alignment approach for low-resolution face recognition", Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2020), Bangkok, 2020/11/18
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"An intelligent electric vehicle charging strategy for the hybrid type parking station", Proc. International Conf. Environmental Science and Energy Engineering, Phuket, 2015/07/26
"Feature Selection and Classification of SELDI-TOF Mass Spectra of Hepatoma Using Gene-weighted Genetic Algorithm", Annual Conf. of Biomedical Fuzzy Association,, Kitakyushu, 2011/10/09
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"Position Calculating and Path Tracking of Three Dimensional Location System based on Different Wave Velocities", The 8th Int. Conf. Pervasive Intelligence and Computing,(PICOM 2009), Chengdu, 2009/12/12
"Adaptive Fuzzy Control with Modulated Membership Function Applies to Path Tracking Based on Location System", The 8th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICOM 2009), Chengdu, 2009/12/12
"Design of Adaptive Fuzzy PID Controller for Nonlinear System", Int. Conf. Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Kaohsiung, 2009/12/07
"Fuzzy Adaptive Controller with Modulated Membership Function for a MIMO Uncertain Nonlinear System", Int. Conf. Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Kaohsiung, 2009/12/07
"Robust Type-2 Fuzzy Control of an Automatic Guided Vehicle for Wall-Following", 2009 Int. Conf. Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, Malacca, 2009/12/04
"Automatic Diagnostic System of Electrical Equipment using Infrared Thermography", 2009 Int. Conf. Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, Malacca, 2009/12/04
"A Navigation System Based on Real-Time Visual Localization and Mapping,", Int. Automatic Control Conf. Autonomous/Intelligent Robots, Taipei, 2009/11/27
"Clustering of incomplete data based on ellipsoids with adaptive volumes", 2009 Int. Symp. Intelligent Informatics, QinHuangDao, 2009/09/13
"Fuzzy modeling based on self learning of adaptive ellipsoids", 2009 Int. Symp. Intelligent Informatics, China, 2009/09/13
"Fuzzy Classification of Incomplete Data with Adaptive Volume", 2009 Asian Conf. Intelligent Information and Database, Quang Binh, 2009/04/01
"A fuzzy classifier with directed initialization adaptive learning of norm inducing matrix", 2009 Asian Conf. Intelligent Information and Database, Quang Binh, 2009/04/01
"Write strategy optimization for optical disc recording", IEEE Int. Conf. Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, 2009/01/10
"On a Genetic-Algorithm based gain scheduled fuzzy PID controller", 2008 Int. Symp. Intelligent Informatics, 2008/12/12
"Design and implementation of distribution transformer outage detection system", IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Informatics, Vienna, 2007/07/23
"A fuzzy classifier with adaptive learning of norm inducing matrix", 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. Networking, Sensing and Control, London, 2007/04/15
"A block deepening genetic programming for scheduling of direct load control", 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. Networking, Sensing and Control, London, 2007/04/15
"An Evolutionary Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier with Adaptive Ellipsoids", The 14th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Taipei, 2006/12/14
"A Fuzzy Gain Tuner for Networked Automatic Guided Vehicle Control System", The 14th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Taipei, 2006/12/14
"Tracking Control for Automatic Guided Vehicle Based on Sonar Sensor Fusion", The 14th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Taipei, 2006/12/14
"A Fuzzy Classifier with Adaptive Learning of Norm Inducing Matrix", 2006 National Automatic Control Conference, Taipei, 2006/11/10
"Automatic learning of hybrid fuzzy controller for the optical data storage device", 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
"On-line load optimization for two way load management system", 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
"Evolutionary learning of adaptive fuzzy classifier", 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, 2006/10/08
"Genetic programming based multichannel identification of nonlinear systems by Volterra Filters", 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vancouver, 2006/07/16
"Evolutionary Design of Fuzzy Classifier with Ellipsoidal Decision Regions", 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, The Big Island, Hawaii, 2005/10/10
"A Gain-adjusted Fuzzy PI/PD Adaptive Controller based on the Accumulated Genetic Algorithm", 13th IEEE Int. Conf. On Fuzzy Systems, Reno, Nevada, 2005/05/22
"A Gain-adjusted Fuzzy PI/PD Adaptive Controller based on the Accumulated Genetic Algorithm", 13th IEEE Int. Conf. On Fuzzy Systems, Reno, Nevada, 2005/05/22
"A fuzzy classifier with evolutionary design of ellipsoidal decision regions", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2004, Istanbul, 2004/12/17
"Design of gain scheduled fuzzy PID controller", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2004, Istanbul, 2004/12/17
"Learning of class membership values by ellipsoidal decision regions", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2004, Istanbul, 2004/12/17
"Learning of the gain adjusted fuzzy PID controller by accumulated genetic algorithms", 2002 IEEE International Conf. On Industrial Technology, Bangkok,, 2002/12/11