"A Comparative Study on Velocity Fields, Humidity and Oxygen Concentration in a Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) during Purge", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 35, 1, 2022/02, SCI
"Organic Acid Modified Activated Carbon Filter Media for Removal of Isopropanol in the Cleanroom", Optik, 255, 2022/02, SCI
"Parametric Optimization for Moisture Infiltration Prevention into a FOUP (Front Opening Unified Pod)", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 35, 1, 2022/02, SCI
"An experimental study on the filtration performance of a poly-alpha-olefin-compatible expanded polytetrafluoroethylene high-efficiency particulate air filter", South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39, 1, 67-71, 2022/01, SCI
"Flow analysis of a front opening unified pod (FOUP) subjected to different fan filter unit (FFU) coverage area in mini-environment", International Journal of Thermofluids, 1, 12, 10, 2021/12, SCI
"Flow Analysis and Relative Humidity (RH) Measurement in the Horizontal Plane of a Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP)", IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 34, 3, 429-435, 2021/08, SCI
"Comparing the effectiveness of negative-pressure barrier devices in providing air clearance to prevent aerosol transmission", PLOS ONE, 16, 4, 11-17, 2021/04, SCI
"Platinumsupported aluminum oxide on activated carbon flter media for removal of formaldehyde in the indoor condition", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2021/01, SCI
"Optimization of operational parameters of a liquid desiccant system integrated with a heat recovery unit", Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 1-8, 2020/12, SCI
"Adsorption of silver nano-particles modified activated carbon filter media for indoor formaldehyde removal", Chemical Physics Letters, 757, 10, 2020/08, SCI
"Review—Airborne Molecular Contamination: Recent Developments in the Understanding and Minimization for Advanced Semiconductor Device Manufacturing", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 9, 064003, 12, 2020/08, SCI
"Flow characteristics and velocity fields of a front opening unified pod at open door condition", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 21, 1, 10, 2020/08, SCI
"Thermohydraulic and condensing phase-change analysis within the indoor unit of a split-type air-conditioner", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 21, 1, 14, 2020/07, SCI
"An experimental study of the flow characteristics and velocity fields in an operating room with laminar airflow ventilation", Journal of Building Engineering, 29, 101184, 2020/05, SCI
"The model development and case study for transient thermal response of the human body interacting with the coupled fabric-environment system", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 18, 100592, 2020/04, SCI
"Energy savings approaches for high-tech manufacturing factories", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 17, 100569, 2020/03, SCI&EI
"Lin, T., Zargar, O.A., Juina, O., Lee, T., Sabusap, D.L., Hu, S.*, Leggett, G., “Performance of Different Front-Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) Moisture Removal Techniques with Local Exhaust Ventilation System”", IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33, 2, 2020/03, SCI
"Analysis of energy efficiency improvement of high-tech fabrication plants", International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 14, 508–515, 2019/11, SCI&EI
"Degradation of formaldehyde from plywood with an iron electrode in alkaline solution", Building and Environment, 157, 8, 346-356, 2019/05, SCI
"Study on Influencing Mechanism of Outdoor Plant-related Particles on Indoor Environment and its Control Measures during Transitional Period in Nanjing", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, 2, 571–586, 2019/02, SCI
"Experimental investigation on relationship between indoor air quality and ventilation scheme during transition season in Nanjing", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2018/12, SCI
"Assessment of adsorptive filter for removal of formaldehyde from indoor air”", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 2018/11, SCI
"Characterization and adsorption capacity of potassium permanganate used to modify activated carbon filter media for indoor formaldehyde removal", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21, 2018/09, SCI
"Verification of air cleaner on-site Modeling for PM2.5 and TVOC Purification in a Full-Scale indoor Air Quality Laboratory", Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10, 2018/08, SCI
"Humidity control for front opening unified pod after opening its door in a mini-environment", Applied Science, 8, 9, 1149-1153, 2018/07, SCI
"Perfluorocompound Emissions Control and Kinetic Characteristics in Point-of-Use Wet-Thermal-Wet Abatement of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Chamber Cleaning", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 31, 2, 302-307, 2018/05, SCI
"Effect of operating variables on performance of an absorption chiller driven by heat from municipal solid waste incineration", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 27, 2, 134-140, 2018/04, SCI
"Moisture Prevention in a Pre-Purged Front-Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) During Door Opening in a Mini- Environment”, IEEE Transactions Semiconductor Manufacturing", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 31, 1, 108-115, 2018/01, SCI
"Adsorption Kinetics and Breakthrough of Carbon Dioxide for the Chemical Modified Activated Carbon Filter Used in the Building", Sustaintability, 9, 1533, 1539, 2017/08, SCI
"Adsorption characteristics and kinetics of organic airborne contamination for the chemical filters used in the fan-filter unit (FFU) of a cleanroom", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 75, 87-96, 2017/04, SCI
"Assessment of the SEMI energy conversion factor and its application for semiconductor and LCD fabs", Applied Thermal Engineering, 121, 39-47, 2017/03, SCI
"Air curtain application in a purged unified pod.", applied thermal engineering, 111, 1179-1183, 2017/01, SCI
"Numerical Study on an Airflow Field of a Reticle Stocker with a Moving Crane in a Mini-Environment", Atmosphere, 8, 1, 23-27, 2017/01, SCI
"Validation of Contamination Control in Rapid Transfer Port Chambers for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes.", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 1129-1139, 2016/11, SCI
"Air curtain application in a purged unified pod.", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016/10, SCI
"Various Energy-Saving Approaches to a TFT-LCD Panel Fab.", Sustainability, 8, 9, 907, 2016/09, SCI
"Removal of carbon dioxide in the indoor environment with sorption-type air filters.", International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 1, 1-5, 2016/07, SCI
"Experimental study on the moisture removal of a 450-mm FOUP during the purge or vacuum process .", Applied Thermal Engineering., 108, 2, 951-957, 2016/07, SCI
"Reduction of airborne molecular contamination on an extreme ultraviolet reticle dual pod using clean dry purging technology", Microelectronic Engineering, 150, 5, 1-6, 2016/04, SCI
"Monitoring and Analyzing Volatile Organic Compounds in Fabs by Gas Chromatograph /Surface Acoustic Wave", Microchemical Journal., 126, 96-103, 2016/03, SCI
"晶圓傳送盒氣態分子汙染物防治與監控", 潔淨季刊, 105-2, 2016/02, ELSE1
"Validation and Application of the Personnel Factor for the garment used in Cleanrooms", Building and Environment,, 97, 3, 88-95, 2016/02, SCI
"Reduction of moisture and airborne molecular contamination on the purge system of 450 mm Front Opening Unified Pod", Vacuum,, 127, 1, 10-16, 2016/01, SCI
"Developing an innovative fan dry coil unit (FDCU) return system to improve energy efficiency of environmental control for mission critical cleanrooms", Energy and Buildings, 90, 1, 94-105, 2015/11, SCI
"Validation of Cross-contamination Control in Biological Safety Cabinet for Biotech-Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 23, 19264-19272, 2015/08, SCI
"Removal characteristic of PM5.0 airborne pollutant with different return air system designs in a non-unidirectional cleanroom for IC manufacturing processes", HVAC R & Research ., 20, 1, 162-166, 2014/02, SCI
"Removal characteristics of particulate matter with different return air system designs in a nonunidirectional cleanroom for integrated circuit (Ic) testing processes", HVAC and R Research, 20, 1, 162-166, 2014/01, SCI
"Life Cycle Assessment of High-Technology Buildings: Energy Consumption and Associated Environmental Impacts of Wafer Fabrication Plants.", Energy and Buildings. 56(1)126-133, January 2013., 56, 1, 126-133, 2013/01, SCI
"Removal of Inorganic Gas Contaminants via the Air Washer of a Make-up Air Unit in Cleanrooms", Advanced Science Letters, 17, 200-205, 2012/10, SCI
"Specific energy consumption (SEC) of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) module supply chain in Taiwan.", Energy, 41, 1, 508-513, 2012/06, SCI
"Adsorption Kinetics for the Chemical Filters Used in the make-up air unit (MAU) of a cleanroom.", Separation Science and Technology., 47, 577-583, 2012/05, SCI
"Validation and Application of Adsorption Breakthrough Models for the Chemical Filters Used in the make-up air unit (MAU) of a cleanroom.", Building and Environment, 46, 2, 468-477, 2011/02, SCI
"Contaminant particles removal by negative air ionic cleaner in industrial minienvironment for IC manufacturing processes.", Building and Environment, 2011/02, SCI
"Experimental study on airflow characteristics and temperature distribution in non-unidirectional cleanrooms for electronic industry", Building and Environment, 46, 2011, 1235-1242, 2011/01, SCI
"Particle deposition on a 300 mm wafer moving in the opposite direction of the airflow in an uni-directional cleanroom.", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 10, 316-322, 2010/11, SCI
"Characterization of Energy Use in Typical 300 mm Dynamic Random Access Memory Wafer Fabrication Plants in Taiwan.", Energy- The International Journal, 35, 3788-3792, 2010/10, SCI
"Experimental performance investigation of ventilation schemes in a private bathroom.", Building and Environment, 45, 1, 243-251, 2010/10, SCI
"Vapor adsorption characteristics of toluene in an activated carbon adsorbent-loaded nonwoven fabric media for chemical filters applied to cleanrooms.", Building and Environment, 45, 2123-2131, 2010/09, SCI
"Effects of the Removal of 0.1 μm Particles in Industrial Cleanrooms with Fan Dry Coil Unit (FDCU) Return Systems", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 10, 571-580, 2010/08, SCI
"Removal of inorganic gas contaminants in the make-up air unit of cleanrooms by air washer", Building and Environment, 2010/07, SCI
"The vapor adsorption characteristics of toluene in an activated carbon media-based bed cleaning device for cleanrooms", Building and Environment, 2010/06, SCI
"Experimental Study on the Flow and Particle Transport Induced by the Interaction Between Downwash Airflow and a Moving Object in cleanrooms", ASHRAE Transactions, AB, 10, C035, 2010/06, EI
"Influence of Ventilation Arrangements on Particle Removal in Industrial Cleanrooms with Various Tool Coverage.", Building Simulation Journal, 3, 1, 3-13, 2010/05, SCI
"Deposition and electrostatic removal of gaseous organic contaminants on different substrate surfaces.", Applied Surface Science, 256, 2010, 6113-6116, 2010/05, SCI
"An innovative ventilation system for cleanrooms with high cooling loads.", ASHRAE Transaction, RO, 10-31, 2010/04, EI
"Cleanroom exhaust energy recovery optimization design.", ASHRAE Transaction, RO, 10-010, 2010/04, EI
"Using phosphoric acid-impregnated activated carbon to improve the efficiency of chemical filters for the removal of airborne molecular contaminants (AMCs) in the make-up air unit (MAU) of a cleanroom.", Building and Environment, 45, 4, 929-935, 2010/04, SCI
"Reticle Purging Approaches by nitrogen/Compressed Dry air with Enhanced Efficiency.", Aerosol and Air Quality Research., 10, 1, 2010/04, SCI
"Numerical Study of Pleated Fabric Cartridges during Pulse-Jet Cleaning.", Powder Technology, 198, 1, 75-81, 2010/03, SCI
"Development of cleanroom required airflow rate model based on establishment of theoretical basis and lab validation", ASHRAE Transaction, OR, 10-011, 2010/02, EI
"Dynamic Analysis on Particle Concentration Induced by Opening the Door of a Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) that loaded with 25 pieces of 300 mm Wafer Manufacturing Processes.", Aerosol and Air Quality Research., 9, 1, 139-148, 2009/09, SCI
"Humidify large-scale cleanrooms by adiabatic humidification method in subtropical areas.", ASHRAE Transaction., LO, 026, 2009/06, EI
"Specific energy consumption (SEC) for the integrated circuit assembly and testing (IC A/T) industry in Taiwan.", ASHRAE Transaction, LO, 025, 2009/06, EI
"Numerical study on the dispersion of airborne contaminants from an isolation room in the case of door opening.", Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 1544-1551, 2009/05, SCI
"Influence of Bathroom Ventilation Rates and Toilet Location on Odor Removal.", Building and Environment., 44, 2, 271-279, 2009/02, SCI
"“Infection Risk of Indoor Airborne Transmission in Multiple Spaces.", Architectural Science Review, 2008/07, EI
"“Saving energy in the make-up air unit (MAU) for semiconductor cleanrooms in subtropical areas”.", Energy and Buildings, 40, 1387–1393, 2008/07, SCI
"Power consumption benchmark and its application for the facility system of a semiconductor factory", Energy and Buildings, 40, 1765-1770, 2008/06, SCI
"3. Y. C. Tung, S. C. Hu*, Infection risk of indoor airborne transmission diseases in multiple spaces", Architectural Science Review, Volume 51, 1, 13-19, 2008/03, EI
"Design and evaluation of a nitrogen purge system for the Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP).", Design and evaluation of a nitrogen purge system for the Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP). Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 27, pp. 1386-1393. June 2007., 27, 1393-1393, 2007/06, SCI
"A Comparative Study on Energy Consumption for HVAC Systems of High-Tech FABs.", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007/03, SCI
"Locating the very early smoke detector apparatus (VSDA) in vertical laminar cleanrooms according to the trajectories of smoke particles.", Building and Environment, 42, 336-371, 2007/01, SCI
"Particle dynamics in a Front Opening Unified Port/Load Port Unit minienvironment in the presence of a 300 mm wafer in various positions.", Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 39, P185-195, 2005/06, SCI
"Energy benchmark and its application for the facility system of a semiconductor factory", Energy Conversion and Management, 2005/03, SCI
"Development and testing of a multi-type air conditioner without using AC inverters", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 46, 3, 373-383, 2005/02, SCI
"Purge of a Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) with Nitrogen for 300 mm Wafer Manufacturing", Japan Journal of Applied Physics, 2004/12, SCI
"A study on the control of surface condensation on a multi-cone diffuser in cold air distribution applications.", Indoor Build Environment, 13, 223-231, 2004/10, SCI
"Airflow characteristics of a fan filter unit", Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Journal, 2004/05, EI
"Influence of platform screen doors (PSD) on energy consumption of the environment control system of a mass rapid transit (MRT) system: case study of the Taipei MRT system", Energy Conversion and Management, 45, 5, 639-650, 2004/03, SCI
"Energy consumption in a large acute hospital", International Journal on Architecture Science, Vol 5, NO. 1, 2004/02, SCI
"Experimental studies of airflow and particle Characteristics of a 300mm POUP/LPU minienvironment system", IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 16, No. 4, P660-667, 2003/11, SCI
"Power consumption for semiconductor fabs in Taiwan", the International Journal of "Energy", Vol. 28, pp895-907, 2003/09, SCI
"Locating the very early smoke detector apparatus (VSDA) in vertical laminar cleanrooms according to the trajectories of smoke particles", The International Journal of Building Science and its Application (Building and Environment), 38, 553-561, 2003/05, SCI
"Deterministic simulation and assessment of air recirculation performance of unidirectional flow cleanrooms that incorporate age of air concept.", The International Journal of Building Science and its Application (Building and Environment), 38, 4, 563-570, 2003/04, SCI
"Airflow characteristics in the outlet region of a vortex room air diffuser.", The International Journal of Building Science and its Application (Building and Environment), 38, 4, 553-561, 2003/04, SCI
"Performance comparison of axial fan and fan-filter unit type clean rooms by CFD.", ASHRAE Transaction., Vol. 108, part 2, P117-184, 2002/07, EI
"Influences of fresh air supply locations on temperature distribution of a fan filter unit (FFU) type unidirectional clean room.", International Journal on Architecture Science, Vol 3, NO. 2, p112-119, 2002/05, SCI
"Design and evaluation of a mini-environment for semiconductor manufacture processes", The International Journal of Building Science and its Application (Building and Environment), 37, 2, 201-208, 2002/02, SCI
"Performance assessment for locally balanced and wall-return turbulent clean rooms by the Stochastic Particle Tracking Model", International Journal on Architectural Science, Vol. 3, Number 4, 2002/01, SCI
"En-Huai Kuo, Chao-Heng Tseng*, Angus Shiue Shih-Cheng Hu, “Verification of the Field Modeling for indoor Air Quality Purification Products in a Full-Scale indoor Air Quality Laboratory”, The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technolog", The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology-2016 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Healthcare, D3-3 (2016), Taipei, 2016/09/10
"Energy consumption reduction and PFC Emissions control in Point of Use wet- thermal-wet Abatement of PECVD chamber cleanin", The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology-2016, TAIPEI, 2016/09/10
"Simplified heat and mass transfer model for cross and countercurrent flow packed-bed tower dehumidifier in a liquid desiccant syste", 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, #71 (2016)., Singapore, 2016/07/15
"Validation of glove leak testing for pharmaceutical isolato", 33th Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, D26 (2016), Tokyo, 2016/04/23
"Validation and application of the personnel factor for the garment used in cleanrooms", 12th World Filtration Congress, TAIPEI, 2016/04/12
"Validation of a breakthrough theoretical model on adsorptive chemical filter for toluene removal used in the make-up air unit (MAU) of a cleanroom", 12th World Filtration Congress G3-2 (2016), TAIPEI, 2016/04/12
"Validation of Cross-contamination Control in Biological Safety Cabinet for Biotech/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process", International Symposium on Contamination Control, 首爾, 2014/10/13
"Flow Visualization of a 300 mm FOUP/LPU during FOUP Door Opening Processes", 31th Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, Tokyo, 2014/04/10
"Prediction of Locations of Contaminant Sources in Cleanrooms by the Probability-based Inverse Method", 31th Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, Tokyo, 2014/04/10
"Reduction of Moisture and Airborne Molecular Contamination on Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) reticle dual pod by different purging technology", 31th Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, Tokyo, 2014/04/10
"Real-time Monitoring Technology for Airborne Molecular Contamination in the 450mm Front Opening Unified Pod", 20th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology and Conference Management Strategies & Monitoring of PM2.5, B3-5 (2013), Chong-Li, 2013/09/10
"Prediction of multiple contaminant sources in cleanroom with probability-based inverse method", 20th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology and Conference Management Strategies & Monitoring of PM2.5, chong-Li, 2013/09/10
"Validation of Cross- contamination Control in Isolators for Biotech/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process", 20th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology and Conference Management Strategies & Monitoring of PM2.5,, Chong-Li, 2013/09/10
"Pre-particle Filtration and Moisture Control by efficient purging in various inlet and outlet of a 450 mm wafer Front-Opening Unified Pod", 30th JACA Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, Page 19-22 (2013)., Tokyo, 2013/04/03
"Development of a Computational Software for the Annual Energy Consumption of High-Tech Fabs", JACA 30th Annual Tech. Meeting on Air Cleaning and Contamination Control, Page 127-130 (2013)., Tokyo, 2013/04/03
"An Innovative Cleanroom Ventilating System– Fan Dry Coil Units (FDCU) Local Exhaust System", 第三屆全國風工程研討會 國立中興大學 台中, Taichung, 2010/10/15
"Modelling and application of adsorptive chemical filters for tolulene removal. Estimation the modeling on adsorptive chemical filters for toluene removal", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control., Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"Monitoring airborne molecular contamination of cleanroom wipers with qualitative and quantitative techniques.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control., Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"Equilibrium and breakthrough studies for adsorption of VOC on an activated carbon adsorbent-loaded nonwoven fabric filter media applied to cleanrooms.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control., Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"Removal of molecular base contamination via multi-chemical filter of minienvironment in cleanrooms.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control, Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"A comparative study of local exhaust/ceiling return and wall return air distribution systems for cleanrooms of ISO class 6- 8.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control., Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"Nitrogen puge of Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP for 450 mm wafer manufacturing.", Proceedings of International Symposium on Contamination Control, Tokyo, 2010/10/05
"Validation and Application of Adsorption Breakthrough Models for the Chemical Filters Used in the make-up air unit of a cleanroom", International Indoor Environment and Health Conference, Tainan, 2010/10/01
"Particle deposition on an upward moving wafer in a uni-directional flow cleanroom.", Proceedings of the 25th annual technical meeting of Japan Air Cleaning Technology Association (JACA)., Tokyo, 2008/08/17
"A novel air recirculation system for cleanrooms with high heat-load and Airborne Molecular Contaminant (AMC) sources.", Proceedings of the 25th annual technical meeting of Japan Air Cleaning Technology Association (JACA)., Tokyo, 2008/08/17
"Three Dimensional CFD Simulation Around a Moving Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) in a Clean Room.", Proceedings of the 25th annual technical meeting of Japan Air Cleaning Technology Association (JACA)., Tokyo, 2008/08/17
"Three Dimensional CFD Simulation Around a Moving Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) in a Clean Room.", Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, 2008/07/07
"Some successful examples on the micro-contamination control in cleanrooms for semiconductor processes in Taiwan.", Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, 2008/07/07
"Proposing a novel air recirculation system for cleanrooms with high heat-load and Airborne Molecular Contaminant (AMC) sources.", Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, 2008/07/07
"Influence of ventilation rates of a bathroom on odor removal.", Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, 2008/07/07
"Energy benchmark and its application in a semiconductor factory.", Seminar session in ASHRAE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, 2008/06/24
"A N2/CDA Reticle Purging Approach with Enhanced Efficiency", SPIE, Tokyo, 2008/04/12
"Novel air distribution systems for cleanrooms with high heat-load and high particle sources.", Seminar session in ASHRAE winter meeting, USA, 2008/01/21
"Numerical simulation of contaminant dispersion in an isolation room under various pressure differences", the 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaohung, 2007/08/27
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"潔淨室外氣空調箱水洗加濕器對系統加濕及氣體污染物", The Abstract Proceeding of 13th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology,, Tainan, 2006/09/29
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"Flow field and particle trajectories in turbulent type clean rooms with different supply/exhaust air arrangements", the 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT2002), Copenhagen, 2002/09/08
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