"Developing a Real-Time Serial Servo Motion Control System for Electric Stewart Platform", Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS), 2014 International Conference on, 66 - 71, 2014/06, EI
"Development of a Vision Recognition System for Unmanned Aerial Helicopter Automatic Landing System", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 411 - 414, 12, 1815-1820, 2013/09, EI
"A rare case of dysphagia and palpitation caused by the compression exerted by an enormous mediastinal lipoma", Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia, 18, 3, 149-152, 2012/05, SCI
"A Real-Time Vision-based Embedded Front Car Detecting System", ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2, 2, 395-400, 2011/04, EI
"A DSP-based lane recognition method for the lane departure warning system of smart vehicles", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 6, 8, 12, 2010/08, SCI
"A uniform laser energy density controller for the rapid prototype processing", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 33, 3, 405-414, 2010/04, SCI
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"A comparison of the virtual and physical presences of a robot in the digital twin platform", The 20th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2023), Taipei, 2023/12/08
"A minimum path planning with obstacle avoidance for real time autonomous vehicle navigation", A minimum path planning with obstacle avoidance for real time autonomous vehicle navigation, Taipei, 2022/08/24
"Developing a Real-Time Multi-Axis Servo Motion Control System", 2018 The 6th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA 2018), Tokyo, 2018/10/12
"Developing a Real-Time Serial Servo Motion Control System for Electric Stewart Platform", 2014 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Taipei, 2014/06/06
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"A uniform laser energy controller for the ceramic sintering rapid prototyping", SICE 2010 Annual Conference, 台北, 2010/08/18
"A DSP-based real-time front car detection driving assistant system", the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Annual Conference 2010, 台北, 2010/08/18
"An Automatic RFID and Wireless Sensing System for Hazardous Material Inventory and Security Monitoring", 2010 International Conference of Advanced Manufacturing, Taipei, 2010/02/02
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"A Uniform Laser Energy Density Controller for the Rapid Prototype Processing", CACS International Automatic Control Conference 2009, Taipei, 2009/11/25
"An Enhanced Lane Recognition Method for a DSP-based Lane Departure Warning System of Smart Vehicles", CACS International Automatic Control Conference 2009, Taipei, 2009/11/25
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"A DSP-based Lane Recognition Method for the Lane Departure Warning System of Smart Vehicles", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control Conference, Okayama, 2009/03/26
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