"Evaluating Business Chains and Fertilizing Capacity of Biomass Residues by Material Flow Analysis and Digestate Nutrient Balance", Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 4269–4280, 2023/04, SCI
"The Assessment of Indoor Formaldehyde and Bioaerosol Removal by Using Negative Discharge Electrostatic Air Cleaners", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 12, 7209, 2022/06, SCI
"Performance of Coated Activated Carbon Filters Used in the Building Environment", Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2022/05, SCI
"Development of a system dynamics model for dioxin flow and its application to the energy sector", Heliyon, 7, e08361, 2021/11, SCI
"Evaluation of foamed nickel photocatalytic filters for an air cleaner on removal of formaldehyde in the indoor environment", Optik, 244, 2021/10, SCI
"Modeling transmission of hexavalent chromium concentration and its health cost with a water quality analysis simulation program", Water Environment Research, 93, 1779, 2021/09, SCI
"Chitosan-dosed adsorptive filter media for removal of formaldehyde from indoor air - Performance and cancer risk assessment", Chemical Physics Letters, 779, 138836, 2021/06, SCI
"Sustainable municipal waste management strategies through life cycle assessment method: A review", Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 2021/06, SCI
"A Study of Nanosilver Colloid Prepared by Electrical Spark Discharge Method and its Microbial Control Benefits", Micromachines, 12, 503, 2021/04, SCI
"Onepot solution combustion synthesis of crystalline and amorphous molybdenum trioxide as anode for lithiumion battery", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104, 1102-1109, 2021/02, SCI
"Platinum supported aluminum oxide on activated carbon filter media for removal of formaldehyde in the indoor condition", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2021/01, SCI
"Evaluation of characterization and filtration performance of air cleaner materials", nternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18, 2209–2220, 2021/01, SCI
"The Study of an Ultraviolet Radiation Technique for Removal of the Indoor Air Volatile Organic Compounds and Bioaerosol", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,, 16, 14, 2557, 2020/07, SCI
"Getting insight into the influence of coexisting airborne nanoparticles on gas adsorption performance over porous materials,", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 386, 121928, 2020/03, SCI
"System dynamics modeling of waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental costs from convenience stores", Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, 118006, 2020/01, SCI
"Evaluation of hexavalent chromium concentration in water and its health risk with a system dynamics model", Science of The Total Environment, 669, 103-111, 2019/06, SCI
"Modelling of Exposure to Mercury in Different Environmental Media over a 30-year Period: A Case Study of Shimen reservoir, northern Taiwan", Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal,, 2019/03, SCI
"Effective Disinfection of Airborne Microbial Contamination in Hospital Wards using a Zero-Valent Nano-silver/TiO2-Chitosan Composite", Indoor Air, 29, 3, 439-449, 2019/02, SCI
"Verification of air cleaner on-site Modeling for PM2.5 and TVOC Purification in a Full-Scale indoor Air Quality Laboratory", Atmospheric Pollution Research, 10, 209-218, 2019/01, SCI
"Development of a System Dynamics Model for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and its Application to Assess the Benefits of Pollution Reduction", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018/09, SCI
"Characterization and adsorption capacity of potassium permanganate used to modify activated carbon filter media for indoor formaldehyde removal", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12, 2018/08, SCI
"Verification of air cleaner on-site Modeling for PM2.5 and TVOC Purification in a Full-Scale indoor Air Quality Laboratory", Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018/08, SCI
"Assessment of Adsorptive Filter for Removal of Formaldehyde from Indoor Air", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2018/08, SCI
"Novel Mold-Resistant Building Materials Impregnated with Thermally Reduced Nano-Silver", Indoor Air, 28, 2, 276–286, 2018/03, SCI
"Evaluating the Health Costs of Oral Hexavalent Chromium Exposure from Water Pollution: A Case Study in Taiwan", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017/10, SCI
"Socioeconomic Costs of Replacing Nuclear Power with Fossil and Renewable Energy in Taiwan", Energy, 114, 369-381, 2016/11, SCI
"Controlling Indoor Air Pollution from Moxibustion", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 6, 612, 2016/06, SCI
"Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds with Mesoporous Materials Prepared from Calcium Fluoride Sludge", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 2, 1961-1966, 2016/01, SCI
"Climate-Related Economic Losses in Taiwan", International Journal of Global Warming, 2015/04, SCI
"Indoor air quality varies with ventilation types and working areas in Hospitals", Building and Environment, 85, 190-195, 2015/02, SCI
"Health risks and economic costs of exposure to PCDD/Fs from open burning: a case study in Nairobi, Kenya", Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2015/02, SCI
"Health Damages From Indoor Air Pollution Quantified Using a Novel Office Building Diagnosis Methodology", Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014/11, SCI
"Quantifying the environment and health co-benefits of low-emission vehicles in Taiwan", Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 2014/10, SCI
"Co-benefits of mercury reduction in Taiwan: A case study of clean energy development", Sustainability Science, 2014/08, SCI
"Rapid Degradation of Nonylphenol in Wastewater Sludge Using Microwave Peroxide Oxidation with Nitric Acid", Environmental Progress, 2014/01, SCI
"Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sustainable Energy Development using Life-Cycle Co-benefits Assessment and the System Dynamics Approach", Applied Energy, 119, 57-66, 2014/01, SCI
"Economic and health benefits of the co-reduction of air pollutants and greenhouse gases", Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 18, 8, 1125-1139, 2013/12, SCI
"Municipal Solid Waste Management for Total Resource Recycling -- A case study on the Haulien County in Taiwan", Waste Management & Research, 31, 1, 87-98, 2013/01, SCI
"Wireless sensor networks for indoor air quality monitoring", Medical Engineering & Physics, 35, 231– 235, 2013/01, SCI
"Adsorption Studies on the Removal of an Herbicide (Atrazine) Using Activated Carbons Prepared from Agricultural Waste Sugarcane Bagasse", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 251, 378-82, 2013/01, EI
"Yu-Ling Chen, Yi-Hsuan Shih, Chao-Heng Tseng*, Sy-Yuan Kang, Huang-Chin Wang Economic and Health Benefits of the Co-reduction of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases", Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2012/08, SCI
"Toward a total MSW recycling management in Taiwan", Waste Management, 32, 1611-1614, 2012/04, SCI
"Development of an Innovative Circulating Fluidized-Bed with Microwave System for Controlling NOx", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 379-386, 2012/01, SCI
"The Analysis of Subsidy and Reward Policies for Alternative Fuel Vehicles", Advanced Materials Research, 347-353, 3920-3923, 2012/01, EI
"A novel approach of Chitosan Additive to Remove Formaldehyde from Building Materials", Advanced Materials Research, 335-336, 1174-1180, 2011/07, EI
"Evaluation the Feasibility of Prediction Model by Measured and Non-Measured Variables for Indoor Bioaerosol in Office Buildings", Building and Environment, 46, 2578-2589, 2011/07, SCI
"A Study of the Catalytic Activity of Carbon Monoxide Oxidation on Supported Gold Nanoparticle by Design of Experiment", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 166, 2-3, 686-694, 2009/07, SCI
"Evaluation of street sweeping and washing to reduce ambient PM10", Int. J. of Environment and Pollution, 31, 3, 431 - 448, 2007/01, SCI
"Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 by high temperature fluidized zero valent iron processes", Journal of Air & Waste Management, 57, 303-308, 2007/01, SCI
"Effectiveness of Street Sweeping and Washing for controlling ambient TSP", Atmospheric Environment, 39, 1891-1902, 2005/01, SCI
"Studies of NO Removal From Flue Gas By Zero Valent Iron", Journal of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 14, 1, 2004/01, ELSE1
"Pyrolysis Product Distribution of Waste Newspaper Paper in MSW", Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 67, 41-53, 2003/01, SCI
"Pyrolysis Product Distribution of Waste Toilet Paper in a Laboratory-Scale TGA Reactor", Journal of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 13, 1, 67-76, 2003/01, ELSE1
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"The Development of the Impact Model and Warning System of Climate Change Effect on Air Quality", The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC 2022), TAIPEI, 2023/06/06
"The Developments of Indoor Air Quality Management Technology Using a Hotspot Methodology", The 11th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Design and Industrial-Academic Collaboration (ICIDIC’18), Kaohsiung, 2018/05/19
"Develop Real-time Air Quality Map and Health Impact Map", 7th Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference (ANERGY2017, Incheon, 2017/10/18
"The adsorption efficiency and modelling of formaldehyde by Activated carbon filter", 7th Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference (ANERGY2017), Incheon, 2017/10/18
"Monitoring of atmospheric mercury at a clean area in Northern Taiwan", A&WMA’s 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, 2017/06/05
"A Study of Gender Difference in Health Benefits of Air Pollution Reduction", A&WMA’s 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition,, Pittsburgh, 2017/06/05
"The Establishment of a Real-time Air Quality Map and Warning Mechanism Based on Health Impact - A Case Study in Taipei City", A&WMA’s 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, 2017/06/05
"The dynamic model for the adsorption of formaldehyde by Activated carbon filte", The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology - 2016 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Healthcare, Taipei, 2016/09/23
"Verification of the Field Modeling for indoor Air Quality Purification Products in a Full-Scale indoor Air Quality Laboratory", The 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology - 2016 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Healthcare, TAIPEI, 2016/09/23
"The Development of System Dynamics Model for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Flow and the Co-benefits of Pollution Reduction", Air & Waste Management Association's 109th Annual Conference (AWMA 2016), New Orleans, 2016/06/20
"The Removal Efficiency and CADR of Vehicle Air Cleaners", Air & Waste Management Association's 109th Annual Conference (AWMA 2016), New Orleans, 2016/06/20
"A Study of Removal Efficiency and Adsorption Capacity of Nano Au, Ag, Chitosan Coated Activated Carbon Filters", 12th International Conference on Eco-Materials (ICEM 2015), Tainan, 2015/11/08
"The Eliminated Efficiency Evaluation of Electrostatic Precipitator Air Cleaners in Public Places", 5th Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference (ANERGY2015), Incheon, 2015/10/21
"Establish an Regional Early Warning System of Fine Particulate Matters PM2.5", 5th Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference (ANERGY2015), Incheon, 2015/10/21
"Simultaneous removal of oily fume and cooking odor in kitchen exhaust with a combination of filtration- and sorption-type air filters", 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning and 3rd Conference on Building Energy and Environment (ISHVAC-COBEE 2015), Tianjin, 2015/07/12
"A study of adsorption dynamic model of nano Au, Ag, Chitosan coated activated carbon filters", Air & Waste Management Association's Annual Conference A&WMA 2015, Raleigh, 2015/06/22
"The Study of AERMOD and ISCST3 for Area Source Simulation in Taiwan", 2015 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA), Hong Kong, 2015/04/19
"室內懸浮微粒濃度預測系統之建構", 2014室內空氣品質淨化技術研討會, New Taipei city, 2014/11/14
"The Developments of Air Quality Wireless Sensor Network for Carbon Monoxide and Indoor CO Prediction Model", 2014 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Taiwan Mainland China Hong Kong and East Asia (2014 IEQ&H), Taipei, 2014/07/14
"The Development of Air Quality Wireless Sensor Network for Indoor PM10 and PM2.5 Prediction Model", The Thirteenth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Hong Kong, 2014/07/07
"Indoor Air Quality Diagnostic Expert System for optimal improvement measures", The Thirteenth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Hong Kong, 2014/07/07
"The Development of Climate Change Impacts Assessment on Air Quality Short-term Warning System", 2013 T&T International Aerosol Conference (2013 T&T IAC), Bangkok, 2013/11/08
"Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sustainable Energy Development using Life-Cycle Co-benefits Assessment and the System Dynamics", Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference (A.NERGY 2013), Incheon, 2013/10/31
"Co-Benefits of the Air Pollution Offset Program in the Environmental Impact Assessment: A Case Study in Central Taiwa", 20th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taoyuan, 2013/09/27
"DYNAMIC PCDD/F LEVEL MODELING USING STELLA SIMULATION IN TAIWAN", 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants and POPs (Dioxin 2013), Daegu, 2013/08/25
"Evaluation the Ventilation Enhancement at the Office Building in Electronics Industry", Air & Waste Management Association's 106th Annual Conference (AWMA 2013), Chicago, 2013/06/25
"Evaluation of the foamed nickel photocatalyst ZnO filters on the rate of HCHO and TVOC removal", Air & Waste Management Association's 106th Annual Conference (AWMA 2013), Chicago, 2013/06/25
"The Evaluation of Benefits from Greenhouse Gases Reduction by the Analysis of Cost from Weather-Related Disaster and the Value of Human Life in Taiwan", Air & Waste Management Association's 106th Annual Conference (AWMA 2013), Chicago, 2013/06/24
"Co-Benefits Analysis of Mercury Abatement in Greenhouse Gases Reduction Strategies by a Dynamic Mercury Flow Model", 2nd Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference, Incheon, 2012/12/06
"The Application of Air Quality Wireless Sensor Network and Developing Air Pollution Map in Urban Community", 2nd Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference, Incheon, 2012/12/06
"Adsorption Studies on the Removal of an Herbicide (Atrazine) Using Activated Carbons Prepared from Agricultural Waste Sugarcane Bagasse", International Conference on Engineering Materials for Electronics, Communication and Construction 2012 (EMECC 2012), Shanghai, 2012/08/25
"Reduction Strategies in the Transportation Sector in Taiwan- The Simulation and Co-benefits of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutants Reduction for Transportation Sector in Taiwan by System Dynamic Model STELLA", Air & Waste Management Association's 105th ACE Student Poster Competition (AWMA 2012), San Antonio, 2012/06/19
"Huang-Chin Wang, Chao-Heng Tseng*, Sy-Yuan Kang Chung-Chin Yang, Yu-Wen Wang", The 2nd International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE 2012), YiChang, 2012/05/18
"Evaluation of The willingness-to-pay for the Air- Pollution-Related Mortality in Taiwan", The 2nd International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE), YiChang, 2012/05/18
"The Development of System Dynamics Model for Mercury Flow and the Simulation of the Co-benefit of Air Pollutants Reductions on the Energy Sector in Taiwan", 2011 AWMA Specialty Conference on Building a Sustainable Resources Society (SCBSRS & ICAST), Tainan, 2011/10/21
"The Study of Environmental and Health Benefits of Alternative Fuel Vehicle Programs", Asian Network of Environmental Research & Energy conference 2011, Incheon, 2011/09/23
"The Simulation of Methylmercury Exposure and Mercury Reduction Scenarios in Taiwan by System Dynamics Model STELLA", Air & Waste Management Association’s 104th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011/06/21
"The Indoor Air Quality and Exposure Health Effects in Underground Parking Lots", Air & Waste Management Association’s 104th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011/06/21
"The Assessment of the Performance of the UV-C Irradiation on Removing the Indoor Air Pollutants", Air & Waste Management Association’s 104th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011/06/21
"Wireless Sensing System for Indoor Air Quality", 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (IEEE CSIE 2011), Changchun, 2011/06/17
"Improved Photo-catalyst Filter for the Air Pollution Removal of Indoor Air Cleaners", Indoor Air 2011, Austin, Texas, 2011/06/05
"Improvement of Indoor Air Quality in Traditional Chinese Medicine Institutions_Using Moxibustion as an Example", Indoor Air 2011, Austin, Texas, 2011/06/05
"Wireless Sensor Used in Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System", First International Symposium on Bioengineering (ISOB 2011), Singapore, 2011/01/18
"The Analysis of Subsidy and Reward Policies for Alternative Fuel Vehicles", The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS-25), Shenzhen, 2010/11/12
"The Simulation of Methyl Mercury Exposure and Mercury Reduction Scenarios in Taiwan by System Dynamics Model STELLA", 2010 Taiwan/Japan Environmental Engineering Science Research & Engineering Practical Interflow Workshop, Taipei, 2010/09/13
"Development of a Wireless Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Network", 2010 Taiwan/Japan Environmental Engineering Science Research & Engineering Practical Interflow Workshop, Taipei, 2010/09/13
"Evaluation the feasibility of prediction model by measured and non-measured variables for indoor bacteria in office buildings", Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Kitakyushu, 2010/08/31
"Life expectancy impact and medical costs of air pollution", Air & Waste Management Association's 103rd Annual Conference, Calgary, 2010/06/22
"The Assessments of Air Pollution Exposure Risks and Health Effects for Commuters in Various Transportations", Air & Waste Management Association's 103rd Annual Conference, Calgary, 2010/06/22
"A Study of Self-Management Evaluation System for the Indoor Air Quality of Kindergarten and Nursery School", Air & Waste Management Association's 102th Annual Conference, Detroit, 2009/06/16
"A new concept of receptor modeling on risk assessment for indoor VOCs", 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, Korea, 2009/05/24
"Evaluation of Hazard Characteristics for whole period exposures in Taipei exhibition center", 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, Korea, 2009/05/24
"Corporate risk management strategies under threats of global warming - Taiwan’s experience", 6th ISEIS International Conference on Environmental Informatics, Bangkok, 2007/11/21
"Current IAQ Management in Taiwan, R.O.C.", 車內空氣品質國際座談會, 台北, 2007/09/14
"The Removal Efficiency of Indoor Air Pollution by Filter and Function of Air Cleaners", 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Taipei, 2007/08/29
"The Impacts of Climate Change on Future Air Quality and Carrying Capacity of PM", The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaoshiung, 2007/08/26
"Evaluation of Indoor Particulate Matter, Bacteria and Fungi for Various Building Types in Taipei Metropolitan Area", The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kaoshiung, 2007/08/26
"The Climate Change Impacts on Future Air Quality and Carrying Capacity", Japan-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Environmental Science, Technology and Management, Kitakyushu, 2007/02/04
"The Removal Efficiency of Indoor Formaldehyde by Air Cleaners", Japan/Taiwan Environmental Research Seminar, Kitakyushu, 2006/09/04
"The Indoor Air Quality of Buildings and Vehicles in Taipei Area", 2006台日學術交流研討會Japan/Taiwan Academic Exchange, Kumamoto, 2006/04/03
"Eco-efficiency Evaluation of the Eco-industrial Cluster", Eco-design 2005: 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, 2005/12/12
"Evaluate Waste Reduction and Resources Recovery and CO2 Reduction by Eco-Efficiency with Ecological Costs", NSC / SNSF International Seminar of Environmental Impact Estimation for Decision Support in the Regulation and Industrial Production, Taipei, 2005/09/01
"The Removal of Indoor Formaldehyde by Various Air Cleaners", Air & Waste Management Association's 98th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, 2005/06/19
"Ecological Footprint Analysis as an Approach for Assessing the Products’ Environmental Performance", International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2005 Conference, Stockholm, 2005/06/12
"Evaluate the CO2 Reduction Strategies by using Eco-Efficiency with Social and Ecological Costs", 28th Annual International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) International Conference, Taipei, 2005/06/03
"A Study on Reduction Efficiency of Ambient TSP by Street Sweeping and Washing in Taiwan", 17th International Clean Air & Environment Conference, Hobart, 2005/05/03
"The Economic Performance of Industrial Waste Reduction and Resources Recovery with the Analysis of Eco-Cost", Air & Waste Management Association's 96th Annual Conference, San Diego, 2003/06/22