"Using CIPP Model Evaluation Data to Drive School Innovation Management: A Case Study of Technical Senior High School in Taiwan", Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 12, 2, 126-143, 2025/02, ELSE2
"A Study on the Impact of Work Self-efficacy on Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2024, 152-156, 2024/12, EI
"An Analysis of Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy among Indian and Taiwanese University Students", Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10, 11, 235-250, 2023/11, ELSE2
"Changing the perception of core competency using student journey-Tracking research on the core competencies of EECS students in technological universities.", Education + Training, 65, 12, 81-96, 2023/10, SSCI
"The situation of innovative entrepreneurship courses offered by technological colleges and universities in Taiwan.", Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10, 9, 8-17, 2023/09, ELSE2
"Conscientiousness, prior experience, achievement emotions and academic procrastination in online learning environments", British Journal of Educational Technology, 9999, 9999, 1-26, 2022/12, SSCI
"A study on the middle manager managerial core competencies and training requirements in local government.", Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9, 8, 315-328, 2022/08, ELSE2
"A study of graduate students’ achievement motivation, active learning, and active confidence based on relevant research", Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-10, 2022/06, SSCI
"Influence of innovation and entrepreneurship course on entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial behavior of students in technological colleges and universities", International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences, 8, 2, 6-12, 2022/05, ELSE2
"The impact of industry-oriented capstone courses on the employability of EECS students in technological universities", Education and Training, 64, 2, 290-303, 2022/04, SSCI
"Are pedagogical beliefs an internal barrier for technology integration? The interdependent nature of teacher beliefs.", Education and Information Technologies 【ISSN 1360-2357】, 27, 1, 1-23, 2022/01, SSCI
"Relationships among human capital, employability and innovative work behavior by electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) field.", International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research【ISSN 2456-7760】, 6, 1, 61-78, 2022/01, ELSE2
"The impact of industry-oriented capstone courses on the employability of EECS students in technological universities", Education + Training 【ISSN 0040-0912】, 9999, 9999, 1-14, 2021/12, SSCI
"Examining the multiplicative relationships between teachers’ competence, value, and pedagogical beliefs about technology integration", British Journal of Educational Technology 【ISSN 1467-8535】, 32, 2, 734-750, 2021/03, SSCI
"The impact of a flipped classroom on the creativity of students in a cake decorating art club", Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.533187 【ISSN 1664 - 1078】, 11, 533187, 1-13, 2020/12, SSCI
"What core competence can students learn from off-campus internship?", Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2020). ISBN 978-1-5386-7220-4, 640-644, 2020/12, EI
"What is the core competency of EECS students in technological higher education?", The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education 【ISSN 0020-7209】, 57, 5, 420-432, 2020/12, SCI
"A research on the training status of EECS students’ core competency in university of science and technology", Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2020). ISBN 978-1-5386-7220-4, 1069-1072, 2020/12, EI
"Reviewing the changes in core competencies for undergraduates in technological universities.", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-030-63885-6_21【ISSN 1973 - 2020】, 12555, 182-188, 2020/11, ELSE2
"Research on the implementation status and learning satisfaction of off-campus internship courses in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the university of technology.", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-030-63885-6_21【ISSN 1973 - 2020】, 12555, 172-181, 2020/11, ELSE2
"A research on the application of cooperative education in the capstone project course of technical universities and colleges in Taiwan.", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019). ISBN 978-1-7281-3803-9], 214-218, 2019/12, EI
"A Study of Creative Concept Design Capability and Inquiry Capability Scale Development", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019). ISBN 978-1-7281-3803-9], 1536-1540, 2019/12, EI
"The instructional design and effects of capstone project course embedded inquiry-based learning in technical high school introduction.", US-China Education Review A, 9, 2, 41-64, 2019/02, ELSE2
"A Study Regarding the Gap Between the Industry and Academia Expectations for College Student’s Employability", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2018). ISBN 978-1-5386-6786-6, 1573-1577, 2019/01, EI
"A study regarding the gap between the industry and academia expectations for college student’s employability", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2019), 1850-1854, 2018/12, EI
"An analysis on the teaching process of capstone courses -Taking the best award of National Colleges’ Practical Project Competition as an example.", International Journal of Management and Applied Science【ISSN 2394-7926】, 4, 7, 69-75, 2018/07, ELSE2
"Explorations in professional competency of travel industry professionals in Taiwan.", International Journal of Management and Applied Science 【ISSN 2394-7926】, 4, 7, 4-9, 2018/07, ELSE2
"Exploring the role of professional development motivation between work values and job satisfaction.", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2017), 2291-2295, 2017/12, EI
"A study on entrepreneurial education regarding college students' creative tendency, entrepreneurship self-efficacy and entrepreneurial motivation.", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2017), 850-854, 2017/12, EI
"How do employees inspire innovative work behavior? Transformational leadership and work motivation perspectives.", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2017), 1797-1801, 2017/12, EI
"Core entrepreneurial competencies of students in departments of electrical engineering and computer sciences (EECS) in universities.", Education + Training, 2017/11, SCI
"The affect of off-campus internships program on universities student’s entrepreneurial attitude and capacity", International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7, 6, 449-455, 2017/06, EI
"The important impact factors of entrepreneurial motivation for college students", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) [ISSN 2157-362X], DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.20, 1856 - 1860, 2016/12, EI
"A Study on the Demographics and Personality Traits of Unemployed Trainees from Vocational Training Influence on their Learning Motives", International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education(IJHSSE), 3, 11, 6-16, 2016/11, ELSE2
"The concept and practice of creativity workshop for engineering and technology education in universities of technology.", International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH)[ISSN 2010-364], 6, 10, 7, 2016/10, ELSE2
"The relationship between students’ background and their off-campus internship conditions for departments of electrical engineering & computer science in technological universities: Taking years as reference", . International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences, 4, 3, 1-5, 2016/06, ELSE2
"Off-campus practicum institution of IT foreign companies: Taking company N as an example", International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education【ISSN 1816-9325】, 12, 1, 15-24, 2016/01, ELSE2
"An exploratory study on teaching methods of professional course for teachers from engineering colleges of universities of science and technology.", International Review of Social Sciences, 3, 12, 24, 2015/12, ELSE2
"技職教育學術化的省思", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 4, 11, 4, 2015/11, ELSE1
"Developing and implementing entrepreneurial curriculum in Taiwan-Taking National Taipei University of Technology as an Example.", International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behavior and Decision Sciences (IJRAOB), 1, 4, 13, 2015/09, ELSE2
"Can the entrepreneurship course improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students?", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal【ISSN 1554-7191】, 11, 3, 557-569, 2015/07, SSCI
"The situation of off-campus internship programs for students in the departments of electronic engineering and information science.", Advances in Education Research【ISSN 2160- 1070】, 74, 61-77, 2015/06, ELSE2
"Do teachers understand the motivations of students and the barriers to starting a business? A comparison between Taiwan and the United States.", International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education (IJTEE), 11, 2, 2014/12, ELSE2
"The influence of support for innovation on organizational innovation: Taking organizational learning as a mediator.", The Asia Pacific Educational Researcher, 23, 3, 463-472, 2014/08, SSCI
"An assessment of student’s competency in internship program- A case of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in National Taipei University of Technology.", Advances in Education Research, 29, 465-470, 2014/01, ELSE2
"The relationship between employability self-efficacy and growth: The mediator role of e-recruiting perceived.", Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 269, 1307-1313, 2014/01, ELSE2
"Can the entrepreneurship course improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students?", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2013/12, SSCI
"The impact of learner characteristics on transfer of training", Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE)【ISSN 2227-6459(Print)】, 2, 1, 16-22, 2013/03, ELSE2
"The entrepreneurship core competences for distribution service industry", International Journal of Research in Commerce, It & Management (IJRCIM)【ISSN 2231-5756】, 3, 3, 5-9, 2013/03, ELSE2
"The impact of learner characteristics on transfer of training", Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE), 0, 0, 99999, 2012/12, ELSE2
"The systematic construction and influential factors of training needs assessment", International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4, 1, 31-41, 2012/12, ELSE2
"The influence of hospital organizational culture on organizational commitment among nursing executives", African Journal of Business Management, 6, 44, 10888-10895, 2012/11, ELSE2
"The effect of organization’s innovational climate on student’s creative self-efficacy and innovative behavior", Business and Entrepreneurship Journal, 1, 1, 75-100, 2012/11, ELSE2
"Are you ready for venturing?- College student’s entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial capability.", Crown Journal of Business Management 【ISSN 2276-7444】, 2, 2, 17-25, 2012/07, ELSE2
"The entrepreneurial competences for starting a store.", Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 【ISSN 1976-3700】, 4, 11, 76-83, 2012/06, EI
"Key successful factors in small and medium-sized informational services entrepreneurship: the case of Taiwan", Proceedings of The Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology, 500-503, 2012/05, ELSE2
"Students' perspective on teachers’ innovative teaching in vocational high schools", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research, 0, 0, 183-187, 2012/05, EI
"Is entrepreneurial education available for graduate?", African Journal of Business Management, 6, 15, 5193-5200, 2012/04, SSCI
"Factors that may mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational innovation", African Journal of Business Management, 6, 3, 1010-1018, 2012/01, SSCI
"The effects of trainee characteristics on transfer of training in pre-training stage", Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences 【ISBN 978-1-4244-6580-4】, 853-860, 2011/08, EI
"The Impact of Self-efficacy on Innovative Work Behavior for Teachers", International Journal of Social Science and Humanity[ISSN 2010-3646], 1, 1, 31-36, 2011/06, ELSE2
"Is innovation performance of private schools better than public schools’ in Taiwan?", African Journal of Business Management [ISSN 1993-8233], 5, 11, 4027-4032, 2011/06, SSCI
"The Influencing Factors of Student Teachers' Entrepreneurial Learning Behavior", Proceedings of 2011 The Fourth International Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011), 531-534, 2011/04, EI
"The role of organizational learning in transformational leadership and organizational innovation.", Asia Pacific Education Review【ISSN 1598-1037】, 12, 2011/04, SSCI
"Besides using transformational leadership, what should schools do to achieve innovation?", The Asia Pacific Educational Researcher [ISSN 0119-5646], 20, 1, 48-60, 2011/03, SSCI
"Support for innovation, organizational learning, and organizational innovation in the vocational high schools: a Taiwanese perspective.", International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education 【ISSN 1816-9325】(國科會科教處3.1級期刊), 9999, 9999, 2011/03, ELSE2
"The influence of teachers’self-efficacy on innovative work behavior", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (EI)【ISBN 978-1-4244-9374-6】, 233-237, 2011/02, EI
"Developing a research framework of entrepreneurship education curriculum for department of marketing and logistics management in technological institutes and universities", The 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010)【ISBN 978-1-4244-5326-9】, 1-4, 2010/08, EI
"Validation of school organisational innovation assessment indicators for universities and institutes of technology", World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education【ISSN 1446-2257】, 8, 2, 225-230, 2010/08, ELSE2
"School organizational innovation indicators for technical institutes and universities", Contemporary Issues in Education Research【ISSN 1940-5847】, 3, 7, 43- 50, 2010/07, ABI
"Taiwanese technical education teachers' professional development: An examination of some critical factors", Teaching & Teacher Education [ISSN 0742-051X ], 17, 1, 165-173, 2010/07, SSCI
"Key Motivation Factors of Innovation and Creativity in Students’ Learning in the Junior Colleges in Taiwan", The International Journal of Learning【ISSN 1447-9540】, 16, 1, 15-20, 2010/02, ELSE2
"Creation of Customer Value Innovation with Refined Service:Taking ABC Life Logistics Company in Taiwan as an Example", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management【ISBN 978-7-5603-1868-4】, 2 of 3, 803-808, 2010/01, EI
"The influence of transformational leadership and support for innovation on organizational innovation: from the vocational high school teachers’ perspective", IEEE(International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2009)【ISBN 978-1-4244-4870-8】, 2009/12, EI
"Comparison of school organizational innovation indicates in vocational and technological education system of Taiwan", International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education (ISSN 1816-9325), 6, 2, 1-9, 2009/12, ELSE2
"The Investigation of the Factors Influencing Teachers’ Attitudes to Use ICT into the Teaching Innovation", Proceeding of 2009 the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2009)【ISBN 9780180297-7】, 1707-1714, 2009/09, EI
"The extent and depth of e-commerce employees’professional knowledge in service industry", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2013-1), 2008/10, EI
"A Study of the Effect of School Background on the Performance of Innovative Management in the Excellent Vocational High Schools in Taiwan", World Transaction on Engineering and Technology Education, 7, 3, 291-295, 2006/12, ELSE2
"A Quasi-experimental Study of Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy on the Learning Outcomes for Engineering Students.", World Transaction on Engineering and Technology Education, 2, 3, 391-394, 2003/12, ELSE1
"A study on the impact of work self-efficacy on innovative work behavior- the mediating effect of psychological capital", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2024) (EI), 曼谷, 2024/12/15
"The impact of skill test on technical high schools in Taiwan", 16th Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2024), 東京, 2024/11/25
"Examining vocational education in Indo-Pacific Countries and implications for Taiwan's vocational education", 16th Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2024), 東京, 2024/11/25
"The direction and path of entrepreneurial education in university of science and technology", International Conference on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management ( ICLEBM ), 廣島, 2024/07/24
"Are You Truly Prepared? A Review and Policy Suggestions for University of Technology Students Off-Campus Internships", The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2024 (ACSS2024)), 東京, 2024/05/23
"Examining the Relationship Between School Climate and Job Satisfaction With Teacher’s Autonomy as a Mediator", The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2024 (ACSS2024)), 東京, 2024/05/23
"Which Background of University Students Have More Higher Entrepreneurial Intentions after Receiving Entrepreneurship Education?", The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2024), 東京, 2024/03/25
"An Analysis of Competency’s Connotations and Training Needs Assessment for Travel Agent Managers in Taiwan", The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2024), 東京, 2024/03/25
"The Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Attitude on the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Motivation and Entrepreneurial Intention", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2023), 新加坡, 2023/12/18
"An Analysis of Competency’s Connotations for Travel Industry Professionals in Taiwan", The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2023), Hawaii, 2023/01/05
"An effect of innovation and entrepreneurship course on entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial intention and innovative behavior of students in technological colleges and universities", 8th ASIA International Conference (AIC2022), KuaLumpur, 2022/12/09
"Planning of teaching contents of industry-oriented capstone course in technological colleges and universities", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2021) (EI), Singapore, 2021/12/13
"What core competence can students learn from off-campus internship?", In 2020IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)., Marina Bay Sands, 2020/12/14
"Employability Table for Mechanical and Mechanical College Students in Science and Technology Colleges After Graduation: Analysis of Employability of Graduates and Employers", Second International Conference, ICITL 2019, Troms, 2019/12/02
"The employability of undergraduates in Taiwan: From the view point of enterprises and themselves", Education and New Developments 2019, Porto, Portugal, 2019/06/22
"Teaching process guideline of industry-oriented off-campus internship curriculum for technological university", Education and New Developments 2019, Porto, Portugal, 2019/06/22
"Is the off-campus internship program able to resolve the mismatch between learning and applying? Perspectives from enterprises.", International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS 2019), 臺北市, 2019/01/08
"The study of the decisive factors and strategies concerning early retirement of police: Age management perspective.", International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBASS 2019), 臺北市, 2019/01/08
"翻轉教室應用於技能學習之探討", 技職教育-翻轉學習, 臺北市, 2018/12/22
"A study regarding the gap between the industry and academia expectations for college student’s employ ability", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2018), Bangkok, 2018/12/16
"An Analysis on the Socialization of Off-campus Internship of Students at Technological University in Taiwan", Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation (ICLEHI), Ho Chi Minh, 2018/11/20
"A professional competency analysis of travel agency’s international airfare ticketing personnel in Taiwan.", Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation (ICLEHI), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2018/11/20
"Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity in entrepreneurial competitions.", 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age(CELADA 2018),, Budapest, 2018/10/21
"New direction of career development-based on curriculum reformation for technical high school.", The Asia Conference on Education ACE2018 Programme & Abstract Book., Tokyo, 2018/10/13
"The employability of undergraduates in Taiwan: From the view point of enterprises", nference on Education and Learning (2018 ICEL), Tokyo (Waseda University), 2018/08/20
"A Study on Motivation Strategies for Older Adults Continuing Learning in Senior Citizens Learning Camp", The 9th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation 2018, ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka, Japan, 2018/05/09
"Exploring i-CALL: Effects of automated writing evaluation feedback on EFL writing development of high school students in Taiwan", APLX 2017 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, 台北, 2017/11/16
"Research on innovative approaches in aromatherapy.", 2017 International Conference on Education Innovation and Economic Management (EIEM2017)., 北京, 2017/09/15
"The influence of college students’ participation in off-campus internship on their entrepreneurship competencies", 108th The IIER International Conference, Amsterdam, 2017/07/09
"The innovative model for enhancing benefits on certification of domestic tour leaders", 2017 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 新北市, 2017/05/05
"An analysis of teaching problems in the project-work course in vocational high schools in Taiwan", The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017, Kobe, 2017/03/26
"Can off-campus intership bring up technologival universities students' entrepreneurial attitude and competences?", The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017, Kobe, 2017/03/26
"Application of user-oriented creative design system (UCDS) in industrial design courses", International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2015), Brisbane, 2015/11/02
"A Study of Loyalty on Cell Phone", Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences (AP15VIETNAM), 峴港市, 2015/07/10
"Developing and implementing entrepreneurial curriculum in Taiwan- Taking National Taipei University of Technology as an example.", Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences (AP15VIETNAM), 峴港市, 2015/07/10
"The situation of off-campus internship programs on department of electronic engineering and information science in technological and vocational universities and colleges in Taiwan.", 2015 International Conference on Social Science & Technology Education, London, 2015/06/27
"A case study of applying design principles to practical accessory design.", 2015 International Conference on Social Science & Technology Education, London, 2015/06/27
"Senior fitness test of women elderly population in community of Taiwan.", 2015 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Education (ICSSE 2015), London, 2015/06/27
"What are college students’ entrepreneurial competencies from the viewpoint of practicum advisors in colleges?", 2015 International Conference on Future Engineering Technology and Engineering Education (FETEE 2015), Sanya, 2015/04/11
"Teachers' awareness and utilization of innovative teaching strategies in engineering education in Taiwan.", IAFOR International Conference on Education, 杜拜, 2015/03/08
"The status quo and future of the off-campus internship programs for students in the Departments of Electronic Engineering and Information.", IAFOR International Conference on Education, 杜拜, 2015/03/08
"Entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurship cultivation among college students: A case study of internship institutions in the electrical engineering and computer science industries.", Paper will present in the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education Technology and Management Science(AETMS 2014), 香港, 2014/12/25
"Can the off-campus internship enhance the entrepreneurial capacity and intention for students?", 2014 International Conference on Bisiness and Social Science(ICBASS 2014), 東京, 2014/03/28
"A study of the key success factors for the continuing education school of colleges that adopt Taiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS).", 2013 International Conference on Advanced Education Technology and Management Science (AETMS2013)., 香港, 2013/12/01
"An assessment of student’s competency in internship program- A case of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in National Taipei University of Technology.", 2013 3rd International Conference on Education and Education Management (EEM 2013), 新加坡, 2013/11/15
"The influence of undergraduates’ club experience on their entrepreneurial capability in National Taipei University of Technology.", The Conference on Innovative Education (IEDU2013), 宜昌, 2013/10/26
"Students’ expectation toward programs and practitioners for internship majoring in tourism, leisure, and travel in Taiwan.", Proceedings of International Technological HRD & 9thAASVET Conference, Sarawak, 2013/10/23
"An innovative co-teaching model of industry teachers in technical colleges/universities.", International Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Learning: Lessons, Challenges, and Possibilities (IPTEL 2013), 溫哥華, 2013/07/11
"Developing a research framework of entrepreneurship embedded internship program for department of marketing and logistics in technological universities.", 2013 International Conference on Management Innovation and Business Innovation (ICMIBI 2013)【ISBN 978-981-07-50343】, Singapore, 2013/04/21
"Developing and evaluation teaching material for entrepreneurship management course", ELLTA International Conference: Asia perspectives on transforming societies through creativity, innovation & Entrepreneurship, 蘭卡威, 2012/12/11
"Developing and evaluation teaching material for entrepreneurship management course", ELLTA International Conference: Asia perspectives on transforming societies through creativity, innovation & Entrepreneurship, 蘭卡威, 2012/12/11
"The student of the university students consumer behavior- take tea shop as an example", 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012/07/08
"The student on teachers' willingness to adopt computer-aided instruction in public vocational high schools", 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012/07/08
"Students' perspective on teachers’ innovative teaching in vocational high schools", Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research (ICIMTR2012, 麻六甲, 2012/05/20
"The Entrepreneurial Motivation and Barriers for Technical University Students in Taiwan", 2011 2nd International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, Chengdu, 2011/10/01
"The influencing factors of student teachers’ entrepreneurial learning behavior", 2011 The Fourth International Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011), Kunming and Lijiang, Yunnan,, 2011/04/15
"The role of perception of effort-reward in the relationship between team cohesion and innovative work behavior.", The 2nd WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, pp.23-28. 【ISBN 978-0-9807664-2-4】, Pattaya, 2011/01/25
"The influence of transformational leadership and support for innovation on organizational innovation: from the vocational high school teachers’ perspective (EI) (accepted)", IEEE(International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2009, Hong Kong, 2009/12/08
"The influence of the transformational leadership and organizational learning on organizational innovation for electrical and electronic cluster of vocational high school teachers: a Taiwanese perspective", the 2009 International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH 2009), Singapore, 2009/10/09
"The Investigation of the Factors Influencing Teachers’ Attitudes to Use ICT into the Teaching Innovation(EI)", the 2009 International Conference on Education, Information Technology Applications (EITA 2009), Bejing, 2009/08/08
"The Evaluation Indicators of Organizational Innovation for Technical Institute and University", 2009 College Teacher & Learning Conference, Prague, 2009/06/08
"An Innovative Application of Information control system in industrial safety service industry. 2009 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and E-education, 1042-1057 .", 2009 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and E-education.【ISBN: 978-986-83038-3-6】, Singapore, 2009/01/08
"The extent and depth of e-commerce employees’professional knowledge in service industry (EI Compendex)", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2013-1), Beijing, 2008/10/12
"The Organizational Innovation for Technical Institute and University in Taiwan", The College Teaching & Learning (TLC) Conference and European Applied Business Research (EABR) Conference(ISBN: 1539-8757), Saizburg, 2008/06/23
"Assessing Satisfaction with Learning Resource Service Quality of Taiwanese Technological and Vocational College Students' Perceptions.", The College Teaching & Learning (TLC) Conference and European Applied Business Research (EABR) Conference (ISBN: 1539-8757), Saizburg, 2008/06/23
"Implications of Recent Trends of e-Learning on Teaching Styles in Taiwan. (ISBN : 978-986-8 3038-1-2)", The 2007 International Joint Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education, Hong Kong, 2007/08/15
"Exploring Bloggers' Informal Learning Through the Lens of Mezirow's Transformative Learning Theory(ISBN : 978-986-8 3038-1-2)", The 2007 International Conference on e-Education, Hong Kong, 2007/08/15
"A Study of the Relationship Between Organizational Innovation Climate and Performance of Innovative Management in the Excellent Vocational High Schools in Taiwan", 5th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2007/01/06
"A Study on the Construction and Empirical Survey of the Scale of Innovational Climate (SIC) on the Management of Vocational High Schools in Taiwan", The International Conference of Learning and Creativity-Education and Innovation, 台北市, 2005/05/20
"The Analysis of Practical Competencies for Commercial Program Development of Applied Foreign Language Department of the Institutes of Technology", 1st North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering & Technology Education, 彰化, 2003/11/10
"The Strategy of Promoting the Management of Knowledge Innovation in Technical College/University in Taiwan", 1st North-East Asia International Conference on Engineering & Technology Education, 彰化, 2003/11/10
"Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy on the Learning Outcomes for Vocational Industrial High School Students in Taiwan", the 6th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Cairns, 2003/02/10
"Problem-Solving Teaching Strategy on the Learning Outcomes for Vocational Industrial High School Students in Taiwan", the 5trd UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Madras, 2002/02/06