"Activity Theoretical Analysis on Taiwanese College Freshmen's Perceptions of AI-Based vs. Instructor-Led Revisions in English Writing", The 26th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Taipei City, 2025/03/07
"A Qualitative Exploration on Enhancing ESL Writing Revision Through AI", 2024/The 33rd International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning, Taipei City, 2024/11/09
"College Students’ Learning Preferences and Perceptions in the Post-pandemic Era", 2023/ The 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching, Taipei City, 2023/11/10
"College Digital-Native English Learners’ Learning Styles", 2022/31st International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2022/11/04
"A Phenomenological Study on Mobile-enhanced English-speaking Contexts", 2020 International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2020/11/13
"Creating an EFL Student-centered Learning Environment Through Social Media", 2018 International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2018/11/09
"EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Oral Presentations Through Social Media Live Streaming", 2016 International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2017/11/10
"Online Story Board Creator and College EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension", 2016 Pan Asian Consortium (PAC) and 25th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2016/11/11
"Factors Influencing College Student's English Communication Skill", 24th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2015/11/13
"English Speaking Training: The English Corner Experience", 23rd International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 2014/11/14
"A Qualitative Study of an ESL College Student in the ESL Country", 2013 /22nd International Symposium on English Teaching, 台北, 2013/11/08
"A Joint Activity Theoretical Analysis of the Freshman English Conversation Class", 2013 ASIA TEFL International Conference, 馬尼拉, 2013/10/26
"A Qualitative Study of a Taiwanese International Student in Taiwan", 2013 International Conference on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 桃園, 2013/03/08
"A Qualitative Study of an EFL E-book User", 2012 International Symposium on English Teaching, 台北, 2012/11/09
"English Proficiency Tests and College English Program", PAC 2011 and 20th International Symposium, 台北, 2011/11/11
"Computer-mediated FL Communication: A Biographical Study", The 2007 Asia TEFL International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 2007/06/08
"Needs assessment in an EFL classroom: Focus on English language curriculum", The 10th Pan-Asian Consortium International Conference, Bangkok, 2007/01/26
"Strategies adopted by beginning FL learners to communicate in the web", The 2006 Asia TEFL International Conference, Fukuoka, 2006/08/18
"Web Blogs for Foreign Language Learning: On-Line Learning Journals for FL Learners", World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication, Orlando, 2006/06/26
"Developing cross-cultural awareness through the electronic portfolios", The 14th International Conference on English Teaching, Taipei, 2005/11/11
"Engaging EFL Learners in the global English context", The 3rd Annual Asia TEFL International, Beijing, 2005/11/04
"EFL learners' attitudes towards global English in the cross-cultural", The 2005 JALTCALL Conference, Shiga, 2005/06/03
"World Englishes in the CALL environment: An activity theoretical perspective", The 2005 International Conference of the Application of English Teaching, Taoyuan, 2005/03/11
"Electronic participation of EFL learners in the virtual communication environment", The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Language Education of APAMALL and ROCMELIA, Hsinchu, 2004/12/17
"EFL learners’ attitudes towards world Englishes in the CALL environment", The 13th International Conference on English Teaching, Taipei, 2004/11/12
"EFL learners’ perceptions of acquiring the target culture in the constructivist-designed CALL environment", The 2004 International Conference of the Application of English Teaching, Taoyuan, 2004/03/05
"A CALL environment of constructivist design for cultural learning", The First International Conference on Multimedia Language Education of APAMALL and ROCMELIA, Chaiyi, 2003/12/19
"A constructivist computer-assisted cultural learning environment: A quantitative analysis", The 12th International Conference on English Teaching, Taipei, 2003/11/07
"Cultural learning mediums for EFL Learners: From the physical classroom to the CALL environment", The 2003 International Conference of the Application of English Teaching, Taoyuan, 2003/03/14