"Analysis of Air Quality and Health Co-Benefits under Low Carbon Pathway in Taiwan", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 24, 7, 1-15, 2024/05, SCI
"Secondary inorganic aerosol chemistry and its impact on atmospheric visibility over an ammonia-rich urban area in Central Taiwan", Environmental Pollution, 312, 1-10, 2022/11, SCI
"The Applications and Distinctions of Three Different Material Collection Plates in Wet Electrostatic Precipitator", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 22, 10, 1-13, 2022/10, SCI
"Analyzing the increasing importance of nitrate in Taiwan from long-term trend of measurements", Atmospheric Environment, 267, 118749, 1-13, 2021/10, SCI
"Application of a health index using PM2.5 concentration reductions for evaluating cross- administrative region air quality policies", Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 71, 8, 949-963, 2021/06, SCI
"Analysis of air quality and health co-benefits regarding electric vehicle promotion coupled with power plant emissions", Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, 1-13, 2020/01, SCI
"Improving the removal efficiency of fine particulate matters in air pollution control devices: Design and performance of an electrostatic aerosol particle agglomerator", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 107, 110-118, 2020/01, SCI
"A novel-charged fibrous media characterized by higher efficiency and lower pressure drop", Aerosol Science and Technology, 53, 12, 1441-1452, 2019/09, SCI
"Experimental Investigation of the Filtration Characteristics of Charged Porous Fibers", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 6, 1470–1482, 2018/06, SCI
"Filter quality of electret masks in filtering 14.6±594 nm aerosol particles Effects of five decontamination methods", PLoS ONE, 12, 10, 1-15, e0186217, 2017/10, SCI
"Measurement and Evaluation of Elastic Light Scattering from a Single Levitated Irregular Particle", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17, 1256-1266, 2017/05, SCI
"The Horizontal and Vertical Characteristics of Aeolian Dust from Riverbed", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 3026–3036, 2016/12, SCI
"Characteristics of Persistent Organic Pollutant Emissions from a Diesel-Engine Generator Fueled Using Blends of Waste Cooking Oil-Based Biodiesel and Fossil Diesel", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 2048-2058, 2016/08, SCI
"Source Apportionment of Submicron Particle Size Distribution and PM2.5 Composition during an Asian Dust Storm Period in Two Urban Atmospheres", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 2609–2624, 2015/12, SCI
"Size distributions of PM, carbons and PAHs emitted from a generator using blended fuels containing water", Science of The Total Environment, 536, 252–260, 2015/12, SCI
"Characteristics of Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Generator Fueled with Water-Containing Butanol and Waste-Edible-Oil-Biodiesel Blends", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 2129–2139, 2015/10, SCI
"Characteristics of Aerosol Extinction Coefficient in Taipei Metropolitan Atmosphere", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 1823–1835, 2015/10, SCI
"Effects of water-emulsified fuel on a diesel engine generator’s thermal efficiency and exhaust", Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64, 8, 970-978, 2014/07, SCI
"Emission reduction of NOx, PM, PM-carbon, and PAHs from agenerator fuelled by biodieselhols", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 274, 349–359, 2014/04, SCI
"Emissions from a generator fueled by blends of diesel, biodiesel, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol: Analyses of emitted PM, particulate carbon, and PAHs", Science of the Total Environment, 466, 467, 195-202, 2014/01, SCI
"Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Particle Composition and Submicrometer Size Distribution during an Asian Dust Storm and Non-Dust Storm in Taipei", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13, 545-554, 2013/04, SCI
"Influence of an Asian Dust Storm and Southeast Asian Biomass Burning on the Characteristics of Seashore Atmospheric Aerosols in Southern Taiwan", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 1105–1115, 2012/12, SCI
"Development of an Innovative Circulating Fluidized-Bed with Microwave System for Controlling NOx", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 3, 379–386, 2012/05, SCI
"Particle-bound PAHs and Particle-extract-induced Cytotoxicity of Emission from a Diesel-generator Fuelled with Soy-biodiesel", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11, 7, 822–836, 2011/12, SCI
"Separation Characteristics of Submicron Particles in an Electrostatic Precipitator with Alternating Electric Field Corona Charger", Aerosol Science and Technology, 45, 393–400, 2011/01, SCI
"Characteristics of particulate emissions from a diesel generator fueled with varying blends of biodiesel and fossil diesel", Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 46, 204–213, 2011/01, SCI
"The Emission and Distribution of PCDD/Fs in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators and Coal-fired Power Plant", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 10, 519–532,, 2010/12, SCI
"Experimental Study on the Effect of Fiber Orientation on Filter Quality", Aerosol Science and Technology, 44, 11, 964-971, 2010/11, SCI
"Effect of traffic loading on particle-bound water-soluble ions and carbons collected near a busy road and at an urban site", Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 45, 1839–1849, 2010/10, SCI
"Determination of levels of persistent organic pollutants (PCDD/Fs, PBDD/Fs, PBDEs, PCBs, and PBBs) in atmosphere near a municipal solid waste incinerator", Chemosphere, 80, 10, 1220-1226, 2010/08, SCI
"PM, carbon, and PAH emissions from a diesel generator fuelled with soy-biodiesel blends", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179, 237–243, 2010/07, SCI
"Filtration and loading characteristics of granular bed filters", Journal of Aerosol Science, 41, 2, 223-229, 2010/02, SCI
"Effect of Ethanol–Gasoline Blends on Small Engine Generator Energy Efficiency and Exhaust Emission", Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 60, 2, 142-148, 2010/02, SCI
"NH4þ, NO3, and SO4 2 in roadside and rural size-resolved particles and transformation of NO2/SO2 to nanoparticle-bound NO3/SO4 2", Atmospheric Environment, 43, 17, 2731–2736, 2009/06, SCI
"PAHs, PAH-Induced Carcinogenic Potency, and Particle-Extract-Induced Cytotoxicity of Traffic-Related Nano/Ultrafine Particles", Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 11, 4229-4235, 2008/06, SCI
"Removal Characteristics of PCDD/Fs by the Dual Bag Filter System of a Fly Ash Treatment Plant", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 153, 3, 1015-1022, 2008/05, SCI
"Evaluation of street sweeping and washing to reduce ambient PM10", International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 31, 3/4, 431-448, 2007/10, SCI
"Emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the pyrolysis of scrap tires", Atmospheric Environment, 41, 6, 1209-1220, 2007/02, SCI
"Water-soluble ions in nano/ultrafine/fine/coarse particles collected near a busy road and at a rural site", Environmental Pollution, 145, 2, 562-570, 2007/01, SCI
"Characteristics of Metals in Nano/Ultrafine/Fine/Coarse Particles Collected Beside a Heavily Trafficked Road", Environmental Sci. and Technol., 39, 21, 8113-8122, 2005/11, SCI
"Characteristics of particles sampled in southern Taiwan during the Asian dust storm periods in 2000 and 2001", Atmospheric Environment, 38, 11, 5925-5934, 2004/09, SCI
"The Study of Filter Properties and Filtration Characteristics of Beaded Fibers", 2024 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Ilan, 2024/09/20
"Characteristic Study of Pollutant Removal in Electrostatic Precipitators Using DC and Pulsed High-Voltage Electricity", 2024 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Ilan, 2024/09/20
"Pressure Drop and Filtration Characteristics of Porous Fiber Filters", The 10th Theory & Technique-The 1st Indonesia Aerosol Association Conference 2024, Bandung, 2024/08/02
"Study on Particle and Nitrogen Oxides Removal Efficiency of Tubular", The 10th Theory & Technique-The 1st Indonesia Aerosol Association Conference 2024, Bandung, 2024/08/02
"The Study of Filtration Properties of Immersion Electrospinning Fiber Filter", The 10th Theory & Technique-The 1st Indonesia Aerosol Association Conference 2024, Bandung, 2024/08/02
"The Study of Filtration Properties of Immersion Electrospinning Fiber", 2023 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Net Zero Emissions Issues, Hsinchu City, 2023/09/22
"The Study of Pressure Drop and Filtration Characteristics of Porous Fiber Filters", 2023 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Net Zero Emissions Issues, Hsinchu City, 2023/09/22
"The Study of Filtration Characteristics of Ultrafine Nanofiber Filters", 2023 Theory & Technique International Aerosol Conference, Kanchanaburi, 2023/07/21
"Flat-plate Electrostatic Precipitator Combined with Unipolar Particle Diffusion Charger to Enhance Efficiency", 2023 Theory & Technique International Aerosol Conference, Kanchanaburi, 2023/07/21
"The Study of Filtration Characteristics and Charge of Notch Fiber", Theory and Technique & International Conference on Sustainable Environment (2023 T&T & ICOSE), Chiangmai, 2023/01/12
"Particle Collection Characteristics of an Electrostatic Cyclone", Theory and Technique & International Conference on Sustainable Environment (2023 T&T & ICOSE), Chiangmai, 2023/01/12
"Analyzing PM2.5 Concentration and Subsequent Health Indicator in Cross-County Air Pollution Impact Assessment", Theory and Technique & International Conference on Sustainable Environment (2023 T&T & ICOSE), Chiangmai, 2023/01/12
"The Study of Filtration Characteristics of Various Fiber-size Filters", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"The Effect of Aerosol Size Distribution and Composition on Visibility", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"The Study of Filtration Properties of Immersion Electrospinning Fiber Filter", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"The Study on Filtration Characteristics of Different Fibers", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"The Effect of Pulse High-Voltage Power Supply on the Removal Efficiency of the Tubular Wet Electrostatic Precipitator", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"Particle Collection Characteristics of an Electrostatic Cyclone", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"Filtration Characteristics of Charged Fibers Filter", 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference, Taipei, 2022/06/13
"The Study of Charge and Filtration Characteristics of Notch Fiber", 2021 空氣污染防制技術研討會, 台中, 2021/11/26
"Analyzing PM2.5 Concentration and Subsequent Health Indicator in Cross-County Air Pollution Impact Assessment", 2021 空氣污染防制技術研討會, 台中, 2021/11/26
"Impact of particle size distribution, chemical composition, and hygroscopic property on aerosol light extinction", 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 屏東, 2021/09/24
"Source apportionment of visibility based on particle size distributions", 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 屏東, 2021/09/24
"Seasonal impacts of secondary aerosols on visibility impairment in Taichung", 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 屏東, 2021/09/24
"The Study on Filtration Characteristics of Different Fibers", 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 屏東, 2021/09/24
"The Effect of Aerosol Composition to Visibility", 28th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 屏東, 2021/09/24
"Study on Removal of Oil Fume by Using Scrubber in series with an Electrostatic Precipitator", 2020 空氣污染防制技術研討會, 桃園, 2020/11/27
"Establishing the Emission Rate of Aeolian Dust from Riverbed: A Case Study in Gaoping River", 2020 空氣污染防制技術研討會, 桃園, 2020/11/27
"Effect of Aerosol Composition to Visibility", 27th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 斗六市, 2020/09/25
"The Study on Filtration Characteristics of Different Types of Charged Fibers", 27th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 斗六市, 2020/09/25
"The Study of Relationships Atmosphere Particle Properties to Visibility", 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 桃園市, 2019/10/04
"The Study of Filtration Characteristics of Fibrous Filter with Different Diameter", 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 桃園市, 2019/10/04
"The Study of Emission Characteristics of Cooking Oil Fume and the Capture Efficiency of the Range Hood", 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 桃園市, 2019/10/04
"Effects of Particle Charges on the Electric Agglomeration", 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 桃園市, 2019/10/04
"Effect of particle properties to the atmospheric visibility", 2019 European Aerosol Conference, Gothenburg, 2019/08/25
"Study on Filtration Characteristics of Fibrous Filter With Different Diameters", 2019 European Aerosol Conference, Gothenburg, 2019/08/25
"Effect of particle properties to the atmospheric visibility", 2019 Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, 2019/05/27
"Enhancing the Efficiency of Flat-plate Electrostatic Precipitator by a Unipolar Ion Jet Generator", 2019 Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, 2019/05/27
"Enhancement of Efficiency of Flat-plate Electrostatic Precipitator by using Unipolar Ion Jet Generator", 25th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台南, 2018/09/14
"Improving Filtration efficiency by charged porous fiber", 25th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台南, 2018/09/14
"PM2.5 Related Benefit Analysis by Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants in Southern Taiwan", 25th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台南, 2018/09/14
"Charge and Filtration Characteristics of Novel Porous Fibers", 2018 International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, 2018/09/02
"Enhancing the Efficiency of Flat-plate Electrostatic Precipitator by a Diffusion Charge Method", 2018 International Aerosol Conference, St. Louis, 2018/09/02
"Preparation of novel charged porous fiber to enhance the filtration efficiency", 2018 T&T International Aerosol Conference, Siem Reap, 2018/08/06
"The Study on Collecting Efficiency of Flat-plate Electrostatic Precipitator by Unipolar Ion Jet Generator", 2018 T&T International Aerosol Conference, Siem Reap, 2018/08/06
"PM2.5 Attainment Assessment Analysis by Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants in Southern Taiwan", 2018 International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Sapporo, 2018/05/01
"A study on the filtration Characteristics of charged porous fiber filters", 36th AAAR Annual Conference, North Carolina, 2017/10/16
"Different type of electret filters’ production and measurement", 24th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台中, 2017/09/08
"Investigation of Particle Size Distribution and Carbon Components in Taipei Urban Area", 24th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台中, 2017/09/08
"Study on the production and filtration of electret filters", 2017 European Aerosol Conference, Zurich, 2017/08/27
"The simulation of the Dust Emission Rate from Jhuoshuei River", 2017 European Aerosol Conference, Zurich, 2017/08/27
"The Characteristics of Charged Porous Fibers", 2017 International Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto, 2017/05/09
"The study of electret filter production and measurement", 4th T&T IAC, Ho Chi Minh City, 2016/12/03
"The Study of Dust Emission Rate Zhuoshui River by Regression Analysis", 4th T&T IAC, Ho Chi Minh City, 2016/12/03
"The Study of Unipolar Ion Generator on Particle Charge", 4th T&T IAC, Ho Chi Minh City, 2016/12/03
"Effect of a Unipolar Ion Jet Generator on Characterization of Particle Charging", 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2016/09/23
"The Study of Electret Filter Production and Measurement", 23rd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2016/09/23
"PCDD/Fs emissions from a diesel engine generator fueled with blends of waste cooking oil-based biodiesel and fossil diesel", 2016 European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 2016/09/04
"Effect of water-containing butanol addition to diesel–biodiesel blend on PAHs emissions emitted from a diesel-generator", 2016 European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 2016/09/04
"The measurements of light scattering from a single PMMA particle", 2016 European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 2016/09/04
"Filtration characteristic on different charging conditions of filter", 2016 European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 2016/09/04
"Characteristics of charged porous fiber filters", 2016 T&T International Aerosol Conference, Quezon City, 2016/04/18
"Research sub-micron particle agglomeration characteristics of a bipolar electric field Effect", 2016 T&T International Aerosol Conference, Quezon City, 2016/04/18
"The Characteristics of Wet Electrostatic Precipitator", 22nd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 苗栗, 2015/10/02
"The Characteristics of Charged Porous Fibers", 22nd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 苗栗, 2015/10/02
"5. Influences of beehive firework displays on ambient water-soluble ions in fine particles", 2015 European Aerosol Conference, Milan, 2015/09/06
"Size distribution of DEP-bound PAHs emitted from a diesel-generator fuelled with waste-edibleoil-", 2015 European Aerosol Conference, Milan, 2015/09/06
"Influence of water-containing acetone addition to diesel–biodiesel blend on", 2015 European Aerosol Conference, Milan, 2015/09/06
"Comparison of The Influence of Aerosols On the Impairment of Visibility In Taipei and Yulin", 2015 European Aerosol Conference, Milan, 2015/09/06
"The Characteristics of Charged Droplets Produced by Electrospray", 2015 European Aerosol Conference, Milan, 2015/09/06
"Filtration Characteristics of Electret Fibers Filter", 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, 2015/06/24
"The Characterization of a Unipolar Ion Jet Generator", 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, 2015/06/24
"The Study of the nanofibrous Film Producing by Electrospinning Technology", 2015 T&T International Aerosol Conference, Kitakyushu, 2015/04/20
"Reduction of pollutant emissions from a generator fuelled by biodiesels", 2014 Annual Conference of KOSAE, Pyeongchang, 2014/10/29
"Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds by Zeolite in a Fixed-bed with Microwave System", 21st International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, 2014/09/26
"Filtration Characteristics of Charged Fibers Filter", 21st International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, 2014/09/26
"Size Distribution of PM Emissions from a Diesel Generator Fueled by Blends of Diesel, Biodiesel, and Water-containing Acetone", 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, 2014/08/28
"Evaluation of Cytotoxicity of Exhaust Emissions from a Generator Fuelled by Blends of Diesel, Biodiesel, and Water-containing Acetone", 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, 2014/08/28
"Evaluating the Effects of Aeolian Dust from Jhuoshuei River on the Air Quality", 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, 2014/08/28
"The characteristics of extinction coefficient and chemical compositions on atmospheric aerosol in the center of Taipei City", 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, 2014/08/28
"The agglomeration properties of sub-micron aerosol with electricity", 2014 International Aerosol Conference, Busan, 2014/08/28
"A Study of Nitrogen Oxides treatment by Acivated Carbon in a Circulating Fluidized-Bed with Microwave system", 2013T&T International Aerosol Conference, 曼谷, 2013/11/08
"Particle charging effect of diffusion charger and field charger", 2013 T&T International Aerosol Conference, 曼谷, 2013/11/08
"The Effect of Surface Charge on Characteristics of Fibrous Membrane", 2013 T&T International Aerosol Conference, 曼谷, 2013/11/08
"The study of the Effects of Aeolian Dust of Jhuoshuei River on the Air Quality", 2013 A&WMA Regional Specialty Conference on "Sustainable Resources and Air Quality Management", 宜蘭, 2013/10/23
"Correlation between atmospheric visibility and the physical properties and chemical compositions of aerosol", AAAR 32nd Annual Conference, Portland, 2013/09/30
"The Study of the Fibrous Membrane Produced by Electrospinning Technology", AAAR 32nd Annual Conference, Portland, 2013/09/30
"A modeling study of regional sources contributing to atmospheric PM2.5 of Taiwan", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"An ESP nanoparticle generator", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Survivability of yeast in an electrodynamic balance", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Reduction of PAHs emitted from a generator fuelled by waste-edible-oil-biodiesel with acetone and isopropyl alcohol addition", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Cytotoxicity of exhaust emissions from a generator fuelled by waste-edible-oil-biodiesel with acetone and isopropyl alcohol addition", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Characteristics of fine and coarse particles collected from open burning of jujube tree branches", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"The Effect of Surface Charge on Characteristics of Fibrous Membrane", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Characterization of an ion jet unipolar electrical aerosol diffusion charger", 2013 European Aerosol Conference, 布拉格, 2013/09/01
"Filtration and electrostatic filters Characteristics of Fibrous Membrane", 2012 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 台中, 2012/09/21
"Reduction of particulate matters emitted from a diesel-generator fuelled by waste-edible-oil biodiesel with acetone and isopropyl alcohol addition", 2012 European Aerosol Conference, Granada, 2012/09/02
"Cytotoxicity of organic extracts of particles emitted from a soy-biodiesel fuelled generator", 2012 European Aerosol Conference, Granada, 2012/09/02
"Characterization of charging effects on different particles and discharge electrodes", 2012 European Aerosol Conference, Granada, 2012/09/02
"The Study of the Nanofibrous Film Produced by Electrospinning Technology", 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Bankok, 2012/04/26
"Size Distributions of PM and PM-bound PAHs Emitted from a Diesel Generator Fuelled with Waste-edible-oil Based/converted Biodiesel", 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Bangkok, 2012/04/26
"Characteristics of Particle-bound Metals in a Semiconductor Industrial Park", 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Bangkok, 2012/04/26
"Characterization of Charging Effects on Monodisperse Particles and Electrostatic Precipitator Collection Efficiency", 2011 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 台南, 2011/10/12
"Evaluating the effects of Aerosol Dust from Jhuoshuei River on the Air Quality", 2011 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 台南, 2011/10/12
"Removal of Odorous NH3, R-NH2, and H2S from the Sludge Generated in the Biological Treatment of Photoelectric Industry Wastewater", 2011 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 台南, 2011/10/12
"Comparison of particle composition and size distributions between Asia Dust storm and non-dust periods in Taipei", 2011 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 台南, 2011/10/12
"The effect of agglomeration to collection efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitator", AAAR 30th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011/10/03
"The Study of Emulsion Fuels on the Property of Exhaust from a Diesel Engine Generator", AAAR 30th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011/10/03
"Evaluating the Effects of Aeolian Dust from Jhuoshuei River on the Air Quality", 2011 European Aerosol Conference, Manchester, 2011/09/04
"Effects of Emulsion Fuels on the Characterization of Exhaust from a Diesel Engine Generator", 2011 European Aerosol Conference, Manchester, 2011/09/04
"Effects of aerosol characteristics on visibility and extinction coefficient", 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, 2010/09/24
"The Study of Effects of Aerosol Characteristics on Scattering Coefficient", 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, 2010/09/24
"Effects of Emulsion Fuels on the Characterization of Energy Efficiency and Particulate Matter from a Diesel Engine Generator", 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, 2010/09/24
"The property of aerosols agglomeration to collection efficiency of electrostatic precipitator", 2010 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taipei, 2010/09/24
"Characterization of ambient aerosols collected in the vicinity of a semiconductor plant", 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, 2010/08/29
"Generation Characteristics of ZnO by Evaporation/Condensation", 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, 2010/08/29
"Size distribution of particles emitted from a diesel generator fueled with waste-edible-oil and soybean-oil based biodiesels", 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, 2010/08/29
"Emission reduction of PM and PM-bound carbons on a diesel generator fueled with waste-edible-oil based/converted biodiesel", 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, 2010/08/29
"Emission of PM and carbonaceous PM from a biodiesel-fueled generator", 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, 2010/08/29
"機車觸媒轉化器處理效能之研究", 2009 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taichung, 2009/09/25
"電紡絲技術製備聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯奈米纖維濾材之表面帶電量特性", 2009 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taichung, 2009/09/25
"利用氣膠懸浮量測系統探討單一微粒特性之研究", 2009 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taichung, 2009/09/25
"Particle-extract-induced cytotoxicity of traffic-related particles", 2009 European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, 2009/09/06
"Rain effect on the size distributions of traffic-related particles and particle-bounded PAHs", 2009 European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, 2009/09/06
"Generation characteristics of nanoparticles by evaporation/condensation", 2009 European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, 2009/09/06
"Effect of Ethanol–Gasoline Blends on Small Engine Generator Energy Efficiency and Exhaust Emission", 102nd Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, Detroit, 2009/06/16
"Generation and Sintering of ZnO Nanoparticles", The 6th Conference on Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, Kaohsiung, 2009/05/22
"奈米銀觸媒處理丙酮之效率特性研究", 2008 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2008/09/26
"以電噴霧系統增加微粒荷電之研究", 2008 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2008/09/26
"單一微粒自動控制化懸浮系統發展之研究", 2008 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2008/09/26
"Carbons and PAHs emitted from a diesel generator fuelled with soy-biodiesel blends", European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, 2008/08/24
"Investigation of particle distribution symmetry in the stack flow", European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, 2008/08/24
"Effects of fuel composition on the concentration of exhaust particles from a 4-stroke motorcycle engine", European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, 2008/08/24
"Effects of traffic loading upon atmospheric coarse/fine particulates", European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, 2008/08/24
"Photochemical performance for nitrate and sulfate in nano and ultrafine particles", European Aerosol Conference 2008, Thessaloniki, 2008/08/24
"The study on filtration characteristics of miniature electrostatic precipitator using alternating current", EUROPEAN AEROSOL CONFERENCE 2007, SALZBURG, 2007/09/09
"Size distributions of PAHs collected beside a heavily-trafficked road", European Aerosol Conference 2007, SALZBURG, 2007/09/09
"Characteristics of atmospheric particles collected near a wax apple waste open burning site", European Aerosol Conference 2007, SALZBURG, 2007/09/09
"Emissions of particle number concertration from 4-stroke motorcycle engine", The third International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health International Conference, Taipei, 2007/08/29
"CHARACTERIZATION OF PARTICLES EXHAUSTED FROM A 4-STROKE MOTORCYCLE ENGINE", The fifth asian aerosol conference, Kaohsiung, 2007/08/26
"Effects of Atmosphere Temperature on the Characterization of Exhaust Particles from a 4-stroke Motorcycle Engine", The fifth asian aerosol conference, Kaohsiung, 2007/08/26
"煙道排氣對稱流之研究", 2006 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Taipei, 2006/10/30
"小型交流電場靜電集塵器過濾特性之研究", 第十三屆氣膠研討會, 台南, 2006/10/14
"四行程機車引擎操作條件對粒狀污染物排放影響之研究", 2006 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 台南, 2006/10/14
"排氣水分對煙道粒狀污染物排放影響之研究", 2006 International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, Tainan, 2006/10/14
"Characteristics of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons collected near a heavily-trafficked road", Seventh International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, 2006/09/14
"Characteristics of atmospheric gaseous pollutants and particulate water soluble ions", Seventh International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, 2006/09/14
"Characterizations of water soluble ions and metals in the atmospheric coarse and fine particulates collected near a traffic source", Seventh International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, 2006/09/14
"Effects of fuel composition on the properties of exhaust gas from motorcycle", International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, 2006/09/14
"The Characteristics of Water-Soluble Ions in Atmospheric Particulate Collected Near a Traffic Source", The Fourth Asia Aerosol Conference, India, 2005/12/10
"Metallic characteristics of atmospheric particulates collected near a traffic source", The Fourth Asia Aerosol Conference, India, 2005/12/10