"Synergizing Soft Systems Methodology, Quality system dynamics, and TRIZ to Enhance Policy Implementation for Solid Waste Management in Vietnamese Municipalities", Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2024/11, SCI
"Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Study on Carbon Footprint of Water Treatment Plants: Case Study of Indonesia and Taiwan.", Sustainability, 16, 19, 8409, 2024/09, SCI
"The impact of passenger electric vehicles on carbon reduction and environmental impact under the 2050 net zero policy in Taiwan", Energy Policy, 183, 113838, 2023/10, SCI
"Achieving sustainable industrial ecosystems by design: A study of the ICT and electronics industry in Taiwan", Cleaner Production, 369, 133393, 2022/10, SCI
"A scoping review of design for circularity in the electrical and electronics industry", Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 13, 2022/01, SCI
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"Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Semiconductor Packaging Technologies with Emphasis on Ball Grid Array", Journal of Cleaner Production, 276, 10, 2020/12, SCI
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"Environmental Impact and Carbon Footprint Assessment of Taiwanese Agricultural Products: A Case Study on Taiwanese Dongshan Tea", Energies, 12, 1, 138, 2019/01, SCI
"Assessment of the Carbon Footprint, Social Benefit of Carbon Reduction, and Energy Payback Time of a High-Concentration Photovoltaic System", Sustainability, 1, 9, 27, 2017/09, SCI
"Potentials for Improvement of Resource Efficiency in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing: A Case Study Based on Material Flow Cost Accounting", Sustainability, 9, 907-922, 2017/05, SCI
"An analytic framework for social life cycle impact assessment-part 2: case study of labor impacts in an IC packaging company", The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5, 22, 784-797, 2017/05, SCI
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"Developing a Parametric Carbon Footprinting Tool for the Semiconductor Industry", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13, 1, 275-284, 2016/04, SCI
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"Identifying Strategic Factors of the Implantation CSR in the Airline Industry: The Case of Asia-Pacific Airlines", Sustainability, 7, 7762-7783, 2015/06, SCI
"Assessing Carbon Footprint in the Life Cycle of Accommodation Services: The Case of an International Tourist Hotel", International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 22, 4, 313-323, 2015/05, SCI
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"Municipal Solid Waste Management for Total Resource Recycling -- A case study on the Haulien County in Taiwan", Waste Management and Research, 31, 1, 87-98, 2013/01, SCI
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"Development of a sustainability evaluation model for implementing product service system", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9, 2, 343-354, 2012/04, SCI
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"Using the FDM and ANP to construct a sustainability balanced scorecard for the semiconductor industry", Expert Systems With Applications, 38, 10, 12891-12899, 2011/06, SCI
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"Utilizing Qualitative System Dynamics and Soft System Methodology to Enhance Effectiveness of Solid Waste Management Policy Implementation in Municipalities of Vietnam", The 5th IWWG-ARB 6-8 th March 2023, Bali, Indonesia, Bali, 2023/03/06
"Assessing Water Scarcity Footprint of Semiconductor Packaging Products –A Case Study of a Multinational Semiconductor Company", 2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會, 高雄中山大學, 2022/11/18
"A Comparative Study on Carbon Footprints of Water Treatment Plants- Case Study of Indonesia and Taiwan", 2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會, 高雄中山大學, 2022/11/18
"A Comparative LCA of Traditional and Tablet Types of Toothpaste: From Cradle-to-customer", 2021 永續性產品與產業管理研討會, 台南成功大學, 2021/03/20
"Situation, Challenges, and Solutions of Policy Implementation on Municipal Waste Management in Vietnam toward Sustainability", 2021 永續性產品與產業管理研討會, 台南成功大學, 2021/03/20
"The Comparison of the Environmental Impact and Carbon Footprint Assessment between Taiwan and Australian Greenhouse Facility of Agricultural Crops.", 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), 橫濱, 2019/11/25
"Environmental Benefits of Waste Recycling and Recovery for the Cement Industry: A Case Study.", 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), 橫濱, 2019/11/25
"Gamifying Sustainable Design to Enhance Environmental Consciousness of Industrial Design Students.", 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019), 橫濱, 2019/11/25
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"A comparative life cycle assessment of reinforcement methods of bridges in Taiwan", IICSEEHawaii2018, Hawaii, 2018/01/04
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"Carbon Footprint Assessment of Multimedia Online Services – Case Study of A Taiwanese Mobile Company", 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, Kyoto, 2017/10/24
"Assessing Corporate Sustainability of the ICT sector in Taiwan on the basis of UN Sustainable Development Goals", Electronics Goes Green 2016+, Berlin, 2016/09/07
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"Developing a Parametric Carbon Footprinting Tool for Integrated Circuit Package Technologies", EcoDesign 2013, Jeju, 2013/12/04
"Life Cycle Assessment for Assessing Carbon Footprints of Five Water Supply Systems in Taiwan", TechConnect World Joint Conference, 華盛頓, 2013/05/12
"Developing a Parametric Carbon Footprinting Tool: A Case Study of Wafer Fabrication in the Semiconductor Industry", 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 新加坡, 2013/04/17
"Development of a New Methodology for Impact Assessment of SLCA", 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 新加坡, 2013/04/17
"Development of a Simplified Carbon Footprinting Methodology for the Semiconductor Industry", Electronics Goes Green 2012+, Berlin, 2012/09/11
"Adaptation to climate change in the Gambia using Analytical Hierarchy Processes", Third International Sustainability conference, Basel University, Switzerland, 2012/08/29
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"Carbon Reduction Assessment of a Product Service System-A Case Study of Washing Machines", EcoDesign 2011, 7th Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, 京都, 2011/11/30
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"Establishment the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard: An Example of Semiconductor Industry", 2010 Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Environmental Science, Technology and Management, 台北, 2011/01/01
"Development of sustainability evaluation model for implementing product service system", 2010 Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Environmental Science, 台北, 2011/01/01
"Implementing Strategy for Carbon Labeling by Using SWOT, FDM, DEMATEL and ANP Techniques", ERSCP-EMSU 2010 conference, Netherland, 2011/01/01
"Chin Wang and Ching-Lung Wu, Development of a Sustainability Performance Evaluation Tool for Implementing Product Service Systems", ERSCP-EMSU 2010 conference, Netherland, 2011/01/01
"Incorporating Carbon Management into supplier selection in the green supply chain: Evidence from an electronics manufacturer in Taiwan", 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, 2010/05/30
"An Evaluation Framework for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Sustainable Development Perspective", 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, 2010/05/30
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"Application of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process on Consistency and Priority Strategy for Implementing Green Supply Chain Management", Cross-strait Conference of Enterprise Organization and Management Research, 上海, 2007/06/28
"Identify Relative Importance of Implementing Strategies in Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practices Applying via Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)", The ISIE 2007 conference, Toronto, 2007/06/15
"Application of FMEA in Establishing A Risk Assessment Framework for Parts and Components in Green Supply Chain Management", The ISIE 2007 conference, Toronto, 2007/06/15
"Ecological Footprints Analysis of a Liquid Crystal Display", The ISIE 2007 conference, Toronto, 2007/06/15
"Green Supply Chain Management Practice – A Case Study of Laptop Manufacturer in Taiwan", Conference on Electronic Commerce and Digital Life 2007, Taipei, 2007/03/17
"Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practices - Experience from the Taiwanese Electrical and Electronics Industries", Western Economic Association International - 81st Annual Conference, San Diego, 2006/06/29
"Empirical Study in the Critical Factors of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practice in the Taiwanese Electrical and Electronics Industries", Proceeding of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore, 2006/06/21
"Critical Factors of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practice: An Empirical Investigation", Proceeding of the 2006 International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Kaohsiung, 2006/05/01
"Applying Ecological Footprint (EF) and Environmental Burden (EB) to Establish an Framework for Evaluating Environmental Impact of A Product-A Case Study of LCD", EcoDesign 2005- 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, 2005/12/12
"Eco-efficiency Evaluation of the Eco-industrial Cluster", EcoDesign 2005- 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, 2005/12/12
"Assessing Environmental Impact by Ecological Footprints Theory- Establishment of the Conversion Framework for Pollution", International Conference on Circular Economy and Regional Sustainable Development, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 2005/11/01
"Corporate Synergy System – A Successful Experience of Greening Supply Chain in Taiwan", ISIE 2005 Conference, Stockholm, 2005/06/12
"Critical Factors of DfE Implementation of Taiwanese Companies by Analytic Hierarchy Process", ISIE 2005 Conference, Stockholm, 2005/06/12
"Ecological Footprint Analysis Used as an Assessing Tool for Evaluating Products’ Environmental Performance", ISIE 2005 Conference, Stockholm, 2005/06/12
"ISO/TR 14062: Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Design and Development- Implementation Experience in Taiwan", eco-X : ecology and economy in electronicX 2005- Future Challenges and Sustainable Solutions for the Electronics Sector, Vienna, 2005/06/08
"Management-based Model of Integrating ISO 9001, LCA and DfE", The Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance- Practical Tools and Thoughtful Principles for Sustainability, Tsukuba, 2002/11/06