"Last-mile delivery during COVID-19: A systematic review of parcel locker adoption and consumer experience", Acta Psychologica, 249, 104462, 2024/09, SSCI
"Sustainable Solutions in E-Commerce: An Examination of Customer Acceptance of Automated Delivery Stations in Vietnam", Sustainability, 18, 11, 4570, 2024/05, SCI
"A K-Means Clustering and the Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree-Based Optimal Picking-List Consolidation and Assignment Methodology for Achieving the Sustainable Warehouse Operations", Sustainability, 15, 4, 3544, 2023/02, SCI
"A robust optimization model with two uncertainties applied to supplier selection", Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 29, 1, 165–191, 2023/01, SCI
"Development and Application of a Model Measuring Public Safety in Taiwan", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2022, 8056897, 2022/10, SCI
"Using an Ontology-Based Neural Network and DEA to Discover Deficiencies of Hotel Services", International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 18, 1, 48, 2022/02, SCI
"Multiobjective optimization for planning the service areas of smart parcel locker facilities in logistics last mile delivery", Mathematics, 10, 3, 422, 2022/01, SCI
"Applying Clustering Methods to Develop an Optimal Storage Location Planning-Based Consolidated Picking Methodology for Driving the Smart Manufacturing of Wireless Modules", Applied Sciences, 11, 21, 9895, 2021/10, SCI
"A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Planning and Supplier Selection with Capacity Constraints", Applied Soft Computing, 101, 107030, 2021/03, SCI
"A benchmark-based low carbon performance evaluation and improvement approach for beverage production", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 139, 106137, 2020/01, SCI
"A multi-objective optimization algorithm for solving the supplier selection problem with assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 105, 247-259, 2017/03, SCI
"A Demand-Oriented Multi-Objective Planning Methodology for Electronic Product Technology Development", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40, (5-6), 3620-3634, 2016/03, SCI
"Integrated methodology for supplier selection: the case of a sphygmomanometer manufacturer in Taiwan", Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17, 1, 17-34, 2016/02, SSCI
"A decision-making methodology for low-carbon electronic product design", Decision Support Systems, 71, 1-13, 2015/03, SCI
"Hybrid Algorithms for Fuzzy Reverse Supply Chain Network Design", The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Article ID 497109, 2014/04, SCI
"Designing a Multistage Supply Chain in Cross-Stage Reverse Logistics Environments: Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms", The Scientific World Journal, 2014, Article ID 595902, 2014/02, SCI
"Designing a collaborative supply chain plan using the analytic hierarchy process and genetic algorithm with cycle time estimation", International Journal of Production Research, 50, 16, 4426-4443, 2012/08, SCI
"Using Analytic Network Process and Turbo Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Non-balanced Supply Chain Planning Considering Supplier Relationship Management", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 34, 6, 720-735, 2012/08, SCI
"A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Product Plan Selection Problem with ASP and ALB", Expert systems with Applications, 39, 5, 5440-5450, 2012/04, SCI
"A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving Unbalanced Supply Chain Planning Problems", Applied Soft Computing, 12, 4, 1279-1287, 2012/04, SCI
"A Hybrid Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6, 1, 50-67, 2012/01, SCI
"Clustering and Selecting Suppliers based on Simulated Annealing Algorithms", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 63, 1, 228-238, 2012/01, SCI
"Feed-forward Neural Networks Training: A Comparison between Genetic Algorithm and Back-propagation Learning Algorithm", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7, 10, 5839-4198, 2011/10, SCI
"Development and Application of an Integrated Multi-objective Methodology for Supplier Selection", International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6, 25, 5951-5960, 2011/10, SCI
"A Benchmark-based Hybrid Evaluation Methodology for Selecting the Best Design Chain Partners", Journal of Quality, 18, 5, 425-437, 2011/10, TSSCI
"A Design for Environment Methodology for Evaluation and Improvement of Derivative Consumer Electronic Product Development", Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 20, 3, 260-274, 2011/09, SCI
"Unbalanced Supply Chain Design Using the Analytic Network Process and a Hybrid Heuristic-based Algorithm with Balance Modulating Mechanism", International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation, 3, 1, 56-66, 2011/02, ELSE2
"An Interactive Perspective Model Based on AHP and 0-1 IP for the Staff Job Rotation of Nurses in Large-scale Hospitals", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7, 2, 587-596, 2011/02, SCI
"A Fuzzy Robust Evaluation Model for Selecting and Ranking NPD Projects using Bayesian Belief Network and Weight-restricted DEA", Expert systems with Applications, 37, 11, 7408-7418, 2010/11, SCI
"A Fuzzy AHP and DEA Approach for Making Bank Loan Decisions for Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan", Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 10, 7189-7199, 2010/10, SCI
"A Two-phase Hybrid Approach to Supplier Selection through Cluster Analysis with Multiple Dimensions", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 6, 9, 4093-4111, 2010/09, SCI
"A Genetic Algorithm-based Model for Solving Multi-period Supplier Selection Problem with Assembly Sequence", International Journal of Production Research, 48, 15, 4355-4377, 2010/08, SCI
"A Modified Pareto Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Build-to-order Supply Chain Planning with Product Assembly", Advances in Engineering Software, 41, 7-8, 1011-1022, 2010/07, SCI
"Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Multi-period Product Configuration Change Planning", International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 6, 6, 2761-2785., 2010/06, SCI
"Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Particle Swarm Optimisation for Balanced and Defective Supply Chain Problems Considering WEEE/RoHS Directives", International Journal of Production Research, 48, 11, 3355-3381, 2010/06, SCI
"PSO-based Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network for Product and Mold Cost Estimation of Plastic Injection Molding", Computers & Industrial Engineering,, 58, 4, 625-637, 2010/05, SCI
"A Supplier Selection Model for Product Design Changes", International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8, 1, 20-30, 2010/03, EI
"Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Evaluating Product Plans", Expert systems with Applications, 37, 2, 1023-1034, 2010/03, SCI
"A Hybrid Approach for Supplier Cluster Analysis", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 59, 2, 745-763, 2010/01, SCI
"Pricing Strategy and Reserved Capacity Plan Based on Product Life Cycle and Production Function on LCD TV Manufacturer", Expert systems with Applications, 36, 2, 2048-2061, 2009/03, SCI
"Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Particle Swarm Optimisation for Balanced and Defective Supply Chain Problems Considering WEEE/RoHS Directives", International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/0020754, 2009/01, SCI
"A Supplier Selection Model for Product Design Changes", International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Accepted, 2009/01, EI
"Cooperator Selection and Industry Assignment in Supply Chain Network with Line Balancing Technology", Expert systems with Applications, 36, 7, 10381-10387, 2009/01, SCI
"Applying and Comparing Four Different PSO Approaches in Integrated Problem of Production Change Planning, Part Supplier Selection, and Quantity Allocation", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 26, 2, 87-98, 2009/01, TSSCI
"A Three-phase Integrated Model for Product Configuration Change Problems", Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 3-1, 5491-5509, 2009/01, SCI
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"Supplier Selection and Supply Quantity Allocation of Common and Non-common Parts with Multiple Criteria under Multiple Products", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 55, 1, 110-133, 2008/08, SCI
"A Multi-phase Model for Product Part Change problems", International Journal of Production Research, 46, 10, 2797-2825, 2008/05, SCI
"A Multi-criterion Interaction-oriented Model with Proportional Rule for Designing Supply Chain Networks", Expert Systems with Applications, 33, 4, 1042-1053, 2007/07, SCI
"An Integrated Model for Supplier Selection Decisions in Configuration Changes", Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 4, 1132-1140, 2007/02, SCI
"A Study of Intention of Participating in Health Promotion Training Programs for Public Health Workers Serving in Hualien and Taitung Counties", Journal of Taipei Institute of Technology, 40, 1, 151-162, 2007/01, ELSE1
"Constructing R&D Alliances in Product Development through System Engineering", International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 5, 1, 59-69, 2007/01, EI
"A Dispatching Rule for Photolithography Scheduling with an On-line Rework Strategy", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 50, 3, 233-247, 2006/07, SCI
"Supply Chain Network Design: Partner Selection and Production/Distribution Planning Using a Systematic Model", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57, 1, 52-62, 2006/01, SSCI
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"A Multi-Criterion Decision-Making Model for Assessing the COVID-19 Government Response", International Conference on Innovation and Management, Osaka, 2023/07/11
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"The Lean-Resources Based Construction Project Planning and Control System", MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015, Bari, 2015/05/27
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"Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach to Identify and Rank Critical Factors of Head Nurse Evaluation", International Conference on Business and Information, Bali, 2013/07/07
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"An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach for Identifying and Ranking Critical Factors of Student Nurse Service in Clinics", International Conference on Business and Information, Bangkok, 2011/07/04
"Using AHP and TOPSIS Approaches to Develop R&D Center Performance Assessment Models and Ranking Methodology", Technology Innovation and Industrial Management, Oulu, 2011/06/28
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"A Genetic Algorithm for Integration Planning of Assembly Operation and Machine Layout", the 2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2010), Fukuoka, 2010/03/23
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"Using DEA Approach to Develop the Evaluation and Priority Ranking Methodology of NPD Projects", The 16th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Taipei, 2009/07/20
"Using DEA and GA Algorithm for Finding an Optimal Design Chain Partner Combination", The 16th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Taipei, 2009/07/20
"Development of Benchmark-based Hybrid Evaluation Methodology for Design Chain Partners", The 6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Bath, 2009/07/06
"Using Multi-Perception Approach to Evaluate the Clinical Performanace of Student Nurses", International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, 2009/07/06
"Location Selection for Home for the Aged in Taiwan by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process", International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, 2009/07/06
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"A Mathematical Model and A PSO Solving Model for Product Change", International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 2008/07/05
"A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Configuration Change with Considering Assembly Sequence", International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 2008/07/05
"Using PSO Approach for Supplier Selection Problems", International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 2008/07/05
"Modeling and Solving Cross-stage Reverse Logistics Planning Problem", International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, 2008/07/05
"Production Decision of Supply Chain Using ANP and PSO with Considering SRM", The 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Theory, Application and Practice, Cancun, 2007/11/04
"Partner Selection and Production- distribution Planning in Green Supply Chain", The 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Theory, Application and Practice, Cancun, 2007/11/04
"A Production-distribution Model For Green Supply Chain Planning", International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, 2007/07/10
"Developing a Supply-quantity Allocation Model for Production Planning with Common Parts", The Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (IERC 2007 Conference), Nashville, 2007/05/19
"Cost Estimation of Plastic Injection Products Through Back-propagation Network", The Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (IERC 2007 Conference), Nashville, 2007/05/19
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"Unbalanced Muti-echelon Supply Chain Planning with Considering Quantity Discount", The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering theory, Application and Practice, Nagoya, 2006/10/24
"Product-part-change Planning: Outsourcing Factory Selection by Using an Integration Model", Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Nagoya, 2006/10/24
"Developing a Multi-factor Integrated Model for Configuration Change Design", Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Nagoya, 2006/10/24
"Two-stage Model for Flow-shop Production Planning with Different Machines", The 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Auckland, 2004/11/27
"Applying the Value Engineering and Genetic Algorithm to Assess the Product-Part-Changes", The 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Auckland, 2004/11/27
"Partner Selection and Production/Distribution Planning Decisions in Supply Chain Networks: An Integrated Approach", Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers National Conference, Changhua, 2003/12/06