"Prediction of Carlson trophic state index of small inland water from UAV-based multispectral image modeling", Applied Sciences, 13, 1, 2023/01, SCI
"Hybrid microfluxgate and current transformer sensor", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58, 8, 8002105, 2022/08, SCI
"Two-Dimensional Position Tracking Using Gradient Magnetic Fields", Sensors, 22, 5459, 2022/07, SCI
"A visually interpretable detection method combines 3-D ECG with a multi-VGG neural network for myocardial infarction identification", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 219, 106762, 2022/06, SCI
"A Highly Selective and Interference-Resistive Opto-Mechatronic Sensor for Fast Detection of Nickel Ions", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, 21, DOI 10.1109/JSEN.202, 2021/08, SCI
"An investigation on design and characterization of a highly selective LED optical biosensor for copper ions in aqueous solutions", Sensors, 1, 21, 1099, 2021/02, SCI
"Dual-Bridge Giant Magnetoresistance Spin-Valve Current Sensor", IEEE Magnetics Society, 1, 1, 558, 2020/05, EI
"Quasi-Static Current Measurement with Field-Modulated Spin-Valve GMR Sensors", Sensors, 19, 8, 1882, 2019/08, SCI
"Three-Axis Micofluxgate with a Fluxguide", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55, 7, 2002304, 2019/07, SCI
"Efficacy validation of a lymphatic drainage device for lymphedema drainage in a rat model", Journal of Surgical Oncology, 120, 7, 1162-1168, 2019/07, SCI
"Orthogonality correction for concentric tri-axis fluxgate magnetometer", Journal of Magnetics, 24, 2, 350-354, 2019/02, SCI
"Numerical simulation of nanopost-guided self-organization dendritic architectures using phase-field model", PLoS ONE, 13, 7, e0199620, 2019/01, SCI
"A Real Time and Lossless Encoding Scheme for Patch Electrocardiogram Monitors", Applied Sciences, 11, 8, 2379, 2018/11, SCI
"Soft ferromagnetic amorphous microwires for GMI sensing cores", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 474, 107-110, 2018/11, SCI
"A review - Planarization, Fabrication and Characterization of Three-dimensional Magnetic Field Sensors", IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, 2017/12, SCI
"Miniature tri-axis magnetometer with in-plane GMR sensors", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53, 11, 1-4, 2017/11, SCI
"A novel CMOS transducer for giant magnetoresistance sensors", Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 025004, 2017/02, SCI
"Low-noise tri-axis tunneling-magnetoresistance magnetometer for geomagnetic application", SPIN, 3, 2016/10, EI
"Study of high-tech process furnace using inherently safer design strategies (III) advanced thin film process and reduction of power consumption", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 43, 280-291, 2016/09, SCI
"Tunneling-Magnetoresistance Vector Magnetometer with Deflection Flux-Chopper", Proc. of Magnetics Review, 8, 2016/07, EI
"Study of high-tech process furnace using inherently safer design strategies (IV). Advanced NAND device design and thin film process adjustment", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 40, 378-395, 2016/05, SCI
"An intra-oral drug delivery system design for painless, long-term and continuous drug release", Sensors & Actuators, B, 227, 573-582, 2016/02, SCI
"A Novel Scheme and Evaluations on a Long-Term and Continuous Biosensor Platform Integrated with a Dental Implant Fixture and Its Prosthetic Abutment", Sensors, 15, 10, 24961-24976, 2015/10, SCI
"Fabrication and Characterization of a Pb–Sn Nanowire Array for Detecting Carbon Monoxide", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15, 9, 1-5, 2015/09, SCI
"Design of 3-D Magnetic Field Sensor With Single Bridge of Spin-Valve Giant Magnetoresistance Films", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, 51, 8, 2015/08, SCI
"A 3-Axis Miniature Magnetic Sensor Based on a Planar Fluxgate Magnetometer with an Orthogonal Fluxguide", Sensors, 15, 6, 14727-14744, 2015/06, SCI
"Tri-axis magnetometer with in-plane giant magnetoresistance sensors for compass application", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 17A321, 2015/03, SCI
"Reduction of Low-Frequency Noise in Tunneling- Magnetoresistance Sensors with a Modulated Magnetic Shielding", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014/11, SCI
"High-Sensitivity Low-Noise Miniature Fluxgate Magnetometers Using a Flip Chip Conceptual Design", Sensors, 14, 8, 13815-13829, 2014/08, SCI
"Study of Chemical Supply System of High-tech Process Using Inherently Safer Design Strategies in Taiwan", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 29, 72-84, 2014/05, SCI
"Fabrication of Graphene-Based Micro Strain Gauges", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 6, 2, 140-145, 2014/02, SCI&EI
"Vector Magnetometer with Dual-Bridge GMR Sensors", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics,, 50, 1, 4000704, 2014/01, SCI&EI
"An Electromechanical System Based on Carbon Nanotube sensors to Detect Apnea", IEEE Sensors Journal, 13, 7, 2737 – 2741, 2013/07, SCI&EI
"Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Inserted Fixed Prosthesis and its Applications in Clinical Dentistry", International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 3, 2, 101-105, 2013/06, EI
"Study of high-tech process furnace using inherently safer design strategies (II) Deposited film thickness model", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26, 1, 25-35, 2013/02, SCI
"Novel Design and 3-D Modeling of a CMOS Flip-Chip Fluxgate Magnetometer", Key Engineering Materials, In press, 2012/12, EI
"Enhancement in Sensitivity Using Multiple Harmonics for Miniature Fluxgates", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, v.48, no.11, In press, 2012/11, SCI
"Responsivity and Noise of A Wire-Bonded CMOS Micro-Fluxgate Sensor", Sensors & Actuators, A, v. 179, 39-43, 2012/09, SCI&EI
"A statistical pattern analysis approach for rapid coin identification based on Eddy-current sensors", Procedia Engineering, 15, 5579-5583, 2011/10, EI
"Harmonic response of GMR sensor under sinusoidal excitation field", Journal of Physics, 266, doi:10.1088/1742 -65, 2011/02, SCI&EI
"Odd-Harmonic Characteristics of the Field-Modulated GMR Magnetometer", IEEE Trans. Magnetics, 47, 10, 2011/02, SCI&EI
"Novel fabrication process using nanoporous anodic aluminum oxidation and MEMS technologies for gas detection", Procedia Engineering, 5, 993, 996, 2010/09, EI
"Fabrication of humidity sensors by multi-walled carbon nanotubes", Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 4, 5, 302-309, 2010/08, SCI&EI
"A macroporous TiO2 oxygen sensor fabricated using anodic aluminium oxide as an etching mask", Sensors, 10, 1, 670-683, 2010/01, SCI&EI
"Mesoporous carbon powder gas sensors for detection of carbon monoxide", Biomedical Engineering : Applications, Basis and Communications, 21, 6, 399-404, 2009/12, SCI
"Microfabrication and chemoresistive characteristics of SBA-15-templated mesoporous carbon gas sensors with CMOS compatibility", Sensors and Actuators, B, 143, 500-507, 2009/09, SCI&EI
"Fabrication and carbon monoxide sensing characteristics of mesostructured carbon gas sensors", Sensors and Actuators, B, 143, 12-16, 2009/08, SCI&EI
"Spreads in critical current and normal conductance of high-Tc dc SQUID", IEEE Trans. of Applied Superconductivity, 19, 2009/03, SCI&EI
"Multi-field simulations and characterization of CMOS-MEMS high temperature gas sensors based on SOI technology", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, 2008/07, SCI&EI
"Design and Simulations of SOI CMOS Micro-Hotplate Gas Sensors", Sensors and Actuators, B 78, 180-190, 2002/06, SCI&EI
"Development of a Fluxgate Magnetometer and Its Analog Front-End for Attitude and Orbit Control Systems (AOCS)", 2024 Taiwan International Assembly of Space Science, Technology, and Industry, Kaohsiung City, 2024/11/30
"Fabrication and Characterization of a Tungsten Disulfide Diode Probe as a Thermometer", 2024 27th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT), Kanazawa, 2024/11/19
"Design of a Temperature Sensor with High PSRR and Protection Circuit System LDO", IEEE 6th Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2024), 雲林虎尾, 2024/11/15
"Design of an LDO Regulator for Low-Frequency Temperature Sensors with High PSRR and Embedded Protection Circuits", 2024 IEDMS, 台中市, 2024/08/19
"Characterization and Implementation of a UVA-Band Optical Biosensor for Real-Time Detection of Nickel Ions in Water", 2023 International Conference on Smart Sensors, 台中市, 2024/07/09
"Characterization and Implementation of a UVA-Band Optical Biosensor for Real-Time Detection of Nickel Ions in Water", 2023 IEEE Biosensors Conference, London, 2023/07/30
"Design of a UVA-Band Optical Biosensor for Real-Time Detection of Nickel Ions in Water", 2023 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Tainan city, 2023/06/30
"A combined approach using deep learning algorithmic models and low-light enhancement techniques for bridge crack detection", 2023 International Conference on Information Management, Kaohsiung City, 2023/06/17
"Design of 10-bit 16-MS/s SAR-ADC and Driving Circuits for Micro-fluxgate Sensor", 2022 Symposium on Nano-Device Circuits and Technologies, 新竹市, 2022/05/19
"Hybrid microfluxgate and current transformer sensor", 2022 INTERMAG international conference, 紐奧良, 2022/01/10
"An Investigation on Design and Characterization of a Highly Selective LED Optical Sensor for Copper Ions in Aqueous Solutions", 2021 Transducers, Virtual Conference, 2021/06/20
"Fabrication and Characterization of CMOS MEMS Fluxgate with Noncrystalline Magnetic Material", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Kaohsiung, 2020/11/12
"Flaw and its Depth Evaluation for Metals with the Differential Eddy-Current Probe and Dual Phase Synchronous Signal Detection Software", ICSS 2020 International Conference on Smart Sensors, Kaohsiung, 2020/11/12
"Novel development of lossless compression algorithms for long-term ECG hardware applications", 2019 International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science, 大阪, 2019/07/19
"整合巨磁阻與比流器之高頻寬電流感測裝置", The 14th Intelligent Living Technology Conference, 台中市, 2019/06/14
"Effect of Stress Annealing on Domain Structures and noise performance of METGLAS 2714AZ for Fluxgate sensing applications", International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2018), 舊金山, 2018/07/10
"Design of an Optical Sensor and Opto-Mechatronic System Integration for Copper Ions in Water", 第三十三屆亞太生物醫學學術年會, 台北市, 2018/02/21
"A visually assistive approach for the diagnosis of heart murmurs by using time-frequency transform techniques", 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 濟州, 2017/07/11
"FPGA design and verification for lossless ECG coding compression", International Symposium on Next-generation Electronics (ISNE 2017), Keelung, 2017/06/23
"A method based on time-frequency transform of electrocardiography and phonocardiogram for heart murmurs diagnosis", 第十二屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 新竹, 2017/06/01
"An investigation on the sensing characteristics of a graphene-decorated glucose biosensor", 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Riva del Gadar, 2017/05/07
"An intra-oral dental implant platform featuring relatively painless drug delivery and biomedical detection", The Fifth International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, Taichung, 2016/10/28
"Novel development of micro-mechanisms embedded in an oral-ware implant", 2016 International Conference of Bio-Medical Engineering and Systems, Taipei, 2016/08/13
"Regular and relatively painless blood glucose monitoring through intra-oral biosensors built in dental implants", 13th Global Diabetes Conference & Medicare Expo, Birmingham, 2016/08/08
"Tunneling-Magnetoresistance Vector Magnetometer with Deflection Flux-Chopper", 2016 Intermag, San Diogo, 2016/05/14
"ECG lossless compression coding method development and application of FPGA", International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management, Tainan, 2016/04/12
"Design and Characterization of a Planar Micro-Fluxgate Magnetic Sensors for 3-D Magnetic Field Detection", 2015 International Automation Conference, Taipei, 2015/11/13
"An Innovative Bio-Sensing Scheme and Platform Embedded in a Dental Implant Fixture for Painless and Long-Term Bio-Medical Analysis", 2015 EITA Bio Conference, Taipei city, 2015/10/24
"Novel CMOS Micro-Fluxgate Magnetic Sensors Using Flip-Chip Techniques", 2013 ISAMMA, 彰化, 2013/07/22
"A CMOS Micro-Fluxgate Magnetometer for Dual-Axis Magnetic Field Detection", 2013 ISAMMA, 彰化, 2013/07/22
"Vector Magnetometer with Dual-Bridge GMR Sensors", 2013 ISAMMA, 彰化, 2013/07/22
"Design and simulations of mixed transducing circuits for a CMOS microfluxgate magnetometer", 2013 IASTED International Conference of Modelling and Simulation, Banff, 2013/07/17
"Application of Piezoelectric Nozzles Combined with Titanium Dental Implants", The 3rd International Conference of Geriatric Emergency and Critical Care, Taipei city, 2012/12/29
"Application of the Drug Release Mechanism to Dental Implants", The 3rd International Conference of Geriatric Emergency and Critical Care, Taipei city, 2012/12/29
"The AC drive and low power circuit design for GMR magnetometer", The 3rd International Conference of Geriatric Emergency and Critical Care, Taipei city, 2012/12/29
"Transdermal microneedle array-based sensor and smartphone for realtime continuous glucose monitoring", The 3rd International Conference of Geriatric Emergency and Critical Care, Taipei city, 2012/12/29
"RFID applied in recognition and identification for dental prostheses", 2012 International Conference on Computerized Healthcar, Hong Kong, 2012/12/17
"MEMS Micro-Needles as a Transdermal Glucose Sensor", The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and MicrosystemsISMM 2012, Hsinchu city, 2012/06/10
"Novel Design and 3-D Modeling of a CMOS Flip-Chip Fluxgate Magnetometer", 2nd International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers, Budapest, 2012/05/24
"A statistical pattern analysis approach for rapid coin identification based on Eddy-current sensors", 2011 International Conference on Advanced in Control Engineering and Information Science, 雲南大理, 2011/08/23
"The development of a rapid coin recognition method based on eddy-current sensors", 2011 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, 南投埔里, 2011/06/17
"An in-vitro study on magnetofection efficiency by manipulating factors of magnetic nanoparticles and static magnetic fields", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Magnetics, 台北市, 2011/04/25
"Design, Fabrication and Characterisation of a 3D CMOS Fluxgate Magnetometer", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Magnetics, 台北市, 2011/04/25
"Design and Fabrication of a Nanoporous Micro- hotplate for Gas Detection with Low Power and High Sensitivity", 2011 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 高雄市, 2011/02/20
"Design and Implementation of Driving Circuits for Micro Fluxgate Sensors Employing Multiple-Harmonic Characteristics", 2011 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 高雄市, 2011/02/20
"A novel 3D CMOS micro-fluxgate magnetic sensor for low magnetic field detection", 2010 IEEE Sensors Conference, Hawaii, 2010/11/01
"Harmonic frequency characterizations of a CMOS micro fluxgate sensor for low magnetic field detection", Eurosensors XXIV, Linz, 2010/09/05
"Multiple frequency characterizations of a CMOS planar fluxgate magnetic sensor", 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, Kyoto, 2010/08/01
"Design and fabrication of a low-power and nanoporous micro-hotplate for chemical sensor applications with high sensitivity", 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, Kyoto, 2010/08/01
"Hybrid implementation of secure access control by employing fingerprint identification and RFID systems", 2009 Asian Pacific International Conference on RFID, Taipei city, 2009/12/15
"A novel process to fabricate nanoporous devices using anodic aluminum oxide as an etch mask", TACT 2009 International Thin Films Conference, Taipei city, 2009/12/14
"Simulations of maze solving algorithm using improved potential value method for a micromouse robot", 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Taipei city, 2009/11/27
"Simulation and fabrication of a MEMS microhotplate device with a nanoporous SiO2 surface", Int`l. Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Tainan, 2009/11/20
"Novel fabrication process using nanoporous anodic aluminum oxidation and MEMS technologies for gas detection", the Eurosensors XXIII conference, Launssan, 2009/09/06
"A novel approach for nanoporous gas sensor fabrication using anodic aluminum oxidation and MEMS process", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Genoa, 2009/07/26
"Missions and operation status of an RFID technological resource center – an example for interdisciplinary engineering education", ASME Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress, Taipei city, 2009/04/09
"Novel magnetic microbubbles applied to gene delivery with ultrasound and static magnetic fields", IEEE 2nd Intl. Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED), Suchou, 2008/11/06
"Novel magnetic microbubbles applied to gene delivery with ultrasound and static magnetic fields", IEEE 2nd Int.l Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED), Suchou, 2008/09/16
"A New Class of Ultrasonic Contrast Agent: Magnetic Microbubbles", Macro 2008, 42nd IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Taipei city, 2008/06/29
"A PDMS-based microchannel system for microbubble generation", Asia-Pacific Conf. on Transducers & Micro-Nano Technology on Bio Microsystems & Fluidic Systems, Tainan, 2008/06/22
"Design and simulation of novel CMOS-MEMS implanted glucose sensors", Asia-Pacific Conf. on Transducers & Micro-Nano Technology on Bio Microsystems & Fluidic Systems, Tainan, 2008/06/22
"CMOS-MEMS micro sensors using mesoporous carbon immobilized by the dielectrophoresis process for gas detection", IEEE IMPACT' 07, Taipei, 2007/10/01
"The synthetic effect of ultrasound and static magnetic fields on gene delivery efficiency- an in vitro study", IEEE 1st Intl. Conference on Nanotechnology and Medicine Eng.(NANOMED), Macou, 2007/08/06
"Carbon nanotube integrated micro gas sensor for detection of oxygen", 2006 International symposium on nan science and technology, Tainan, 2006/11/09
"Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensors Fabricated by Dielectrophoresis at Room Temperature with CMOS Integrity", EuroSensors XX, Goteborg, 2006/09/17
"High-temperature smart gas-sensors based on SOI CMOS technology", International Conference on Mechtronics Technology (ICMT03), Taipei, 2003/11/11
"Electro-thermal characterization of high-temperature smart gas sensors in SOI CMOS technology", EuroSensors XVI, Prague, 2002/09/11
"Development of smart gas sensors using SOI technology and embedded micro-FET heaters", International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2002), Boston, 2002/07/07
"Resistive gas sensors with integrated MOSFET micro hot-plates based on analogue SOI CMOS process", IEEE Sensors'02, Orlando, 2002/06/12