"Microstructures and Dielectric Properties Analysis of BaTiO3 – Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 – Nb2O5 – MgO Based Dielectric Ceramics", Materials Research Bulletin, 179, 112963, 2024/11, SCI
"Study on microstructure and physical properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe1xCuxO3δ–Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.05O1.875 cathode materials used in solid oxide fuel cell", Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 53, B, 928–937, 2024/01, SCI
"Mechanical performances of AlN/Al metallized ceramic substrates fabricated by transient liquid phase bonding and pre-oxidation treatment", Ceramics International, 48, 12, 16619–16629, 2022/06, SCI
"Low dielectric loss ceramics in the Mg4Nb2O9-ZnAl2O4-TiO2 ternary system", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42, 2, 448-452, 2022/02, SCI
"Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of an oxide dispersion strengthened austenitic steel during aging at 973 K", Materials Research Express, 6, 085550, 2021/01, SCI
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"Hybrid-type white LEDs based on inorganic halide perovskite QDs: candidates for wide color gamut display backlights", Photonics Research, 7, 5, 579–585, 2019/05, SCI
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"An investigations on microstructural and electrical properties of the La0.85DxSr0.15–xGa0.8Mg0.2O2.825 (D = Ba and Ca) electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells", Ceramics International, 44, 16, 19706–19717, 2018/11, SCI
"Iron-Gold Alloy Nanoparticles Serving as a Cornerstone in Hyperthermia Mediated Controlled Drug Release for Cancer Therapy", International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2018, 13, 5499–5509, 2018/09, SCI
"Fabrication and characterization of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Sm3+ and La3+ co-doped ceria-based electrolyte powders for low-temperature anode-supported solid-oxide fuel cells", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43, 39, 18463–18476, 2018/09, SCI
"Electrical properties of La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O3δ samples prepared by one- or three-stage solid-state calcination process", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 22, 27284-27297, 2017/11, SCI
"The conductivity and microstructure analysis of the multiple elements doped-ceria materials", Ceramics International, 43, 1, S747-S757, 2017/08, SCI
"The processing improvement and performance analysis of the La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825 electrolyte supported fuel cell", Ceramics International, 43, 1, S729-S738, 2017/08, SCI
"Analysis of domain structure in the Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.05O1.875 sample", Journal of Electroceramics, 38, 1, 81-91, 2017/02, SCI
"Properties and microstructural analysis of La1xSrxCoO3δ (x = 0–0.6) cathode materials", Ceramics International, 43, 2, 2460-2470, 2017/02, SCI
"Effect of Ca2+ and Sr2+ doping on the microstructure and cell performance of samaria-doped ceria electrolytes used in solid oxide fuel cells", Int. J. Hydrogen Energ, 41, 31, 13591-13602, 2016/08, SCI
"Analysis of microstructure and physical properties of La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825 and Ce0.85Sm0.15O1.925 composite electrolytes used in solid oxide fuel cells", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 35, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2015/12, SCI
"The microstructures and property analysis of aliovalent cations (Sm3+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) co-doped ceria-base electrolytes after an aging treatment", Int. J. Hydrogen Energ, 39, 7988-8001, 2014/04, SCI
"Electrical Properties and Microstructural Analysis of Aliovalent-Ion (Y3+, Nb5+)–Doped Bismuth-Based Solid-Oxide Electrolyte", Ferroelectrics, 455, 123-128, 2013/12, SCI
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"Electrical performance and structural analysis of La1-xBaxGa0.8Mg0.2O3-δ solid electrolyte", Int. J. Hydrogen Energ38[28], 38, 28, 12392-12403, 2013/08, SCI
"Properties and microstructural analysis of La1-xSrxGa1-yMgyO3-δ solid electrolyte ceramic", Ceramics International, 39, 9331–9341, 2013/05, SCI
"Dielectric properties and microstructures of non-reducible high- temperature stable X9R ceramics", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33, 10, 1793-1799, 2013/03, SCI
"Characterization of samarium-doped ceria powders prepared by hydrothermal synthesis for use in solid state oxide fuel cells", Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2, 2, 141-148, 2013/03, SCI
"Microstructures and Dielectric Properties of MgTiO3 Thick Film Prepared Using Aerosol Deposition Method", Ferroelectrics, 435, 137-147, 2012/12, SCI
"Porous Ni/8YSZ anode of SOFC fabricated by the plasma sprayed method", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 18, 13746-13754, 2012/09, SCI
"The m-t transformation and twinning analysis of hot-pressed sintered 3YSZ ceramics", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94, 7, 2200-2212, 2011/07, SCI
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"Microstructural investigation of Ba(Ti(1-x)Mnx)O3 ceramics with 6H- and 12R-polytypes", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 92, 9, 2099-2108, 2009/09, SCI
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"Dielectric Behavior and Second Phases in X7R-Formulated BaTiO3 Sintered in Low-Oxygen Partial Pressures", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90, 9, 2926-2934, 2007/09, SCI
"Interface microstructure between Ni base-metal electrode and BaTiO3 dielectric", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 4902-4909, 2007/08, SCI
"Properties of hexagonal Ba(Ti1-xMnx)O3 ceramics: Effect of sintering temperature and Mn content", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 46, 5A, 2978-2983, 2007/05, SCI
"Microstructure analysis of the Y5V multilayer ceramic capacitors based on BaTiO3", Journal of Electroceramics, 18, 1-2, 13-24, 2007/04, SCI
"Migration of half partial dislocations in the planar fault plane of hexagonal barium titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90, 1, 230-237, 2007/01, SCI
"Stacking faults and stacking fault energy of hexagonal barium titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 12, 3778-3787, 2006/12, SCI
"The {111} modulated domains in tetragonal BaTiO3", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 9, 2702-2709, 2006/09, SCI
"Dislocation-containing planar faults in metastably retained hexagonal barium titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 8, 2625-2631, 2006/08, SCI
"Dislocation loops in pressureless-sintered undoped BaTiO3 ceramics", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 7, 2213-2219, 2006/07, SCI
"The {111} Growth Twins in Tetragonal Barium Titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 5, 1679 - 1686, 2006/05, SCI
"Dissociation of basal dislocations in hexagonal BaTiO3", Journal of Microscopy, 220, 3, 205-220, 2005/12, SCI
"Crystallographic orientation relationships between hexagonal and tetragonal barium titanate", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88, 11, 3154-3161, 2005/11, SCI
"Planar defects in metastably retained hexagonal BaTiO3 ceramics: α-type extended stacking faults", Philosophical magazine A, 84, 32, 3467-3481, 2004/11, SCI
"π-rotation faults in hexagonal BaTiO3", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 87, 9, 1753-1763, 2004/09, SCI
"Study on the microstructure and physical properties of La0.6Sr0.4Fe1xCuxO3-– Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.05O1.875 composite cathodes prepared by sol-gel method for application in the intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells", International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology, 曼谷谷, 2024/12/15
"Study the dielectric and structural properties of (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 ceramic system", The 9th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 沖繩, 2024/12/07
"Analysis of the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3-Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-Nb2O5 X9R Ceramics Prepared Using One-Step Calcination", The 9th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 沖繩, 2024/12/07
"Analysis of the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3-Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-SiO2-Nb2O5- MgO X8R Ceramics Prepared Using One-Step Calcination", The 9th Asian Applied Physics Conference, 沖繩, 2024/12/07
"Investigating the grain size effect of BaTiO3–Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 X8R dielectric ceramic", The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, 台北, 2024/05/09
"Effects of Nb2O5-Mn2O3 or Nb2O5-MgO addition on the microstructure and dielectric properties of BaTiO3–Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 sintered in reducing atmosphere", The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, 台北, 2024/05/09
"Effects of CuO and TiO2 additions and long-term sintering on the dielectric properties and microstructure of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramic", The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, 台北, 2024/05/09
"Effect of substitution of aliovalent ions at A and B sites on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3-based ceramics", The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, 台北, 2024/05/09
"Improvement of high temperature dielectric loss and microstructure analysis of (Nb, Mn) doped BaTiO3–Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 Based Dielectric X8R Ceramics", The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications, 台北, 2024/05/09
"Microstructures and Dielectric Properties Analysis of (Nb, Mg) doped BaTiO3–Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 Based Dielectric Ceramics", 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA 2023), Mainz, 2023/09/25
"Study the Microwave and structure properties of Mg4Nb2O9-TiO2 ceramics system", 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA 2023), Mainz, 2023/09/25
"Study of the Physical Property of La0.6Sr0.4Fe1xCuxO3δ – Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 Materials in the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), 新加坡, 2023/06/26
"Study of the Physical Property of Sm0.5Sr0.5Fe1xCuxO3δ – Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 Materials in the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), 新加坡, 2023/06/26
"Study on physical properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCuxO3-δ–Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.05O1.875 cathode materials used in solid oxide fuel cell", Hydrogen Power Theoretical & Engineering Solutions International Symposium (HYPOTHESIS XVII Tapei 2022), Taiwan, 2022/09/26
"Analysis of the microstructure and dielectric properties on CaCu3Ti4O12-based dielectric ceramic materials", The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society (ACTSEA 7, 2021), National Taipei University of 2021/11/15
"The formulation improvement and material property analysis in the high temperature stability BaTiO3–Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–based dielectric ceramics", The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society (ACTSEA 7, 2021), Taipei Taiwan, 2021/11/15
"Electrical and Microstructure Analysis of Cobalt-Free Ba0.5Sr0.5NbxFe1–xO3–δ Cathode Materials", The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM 13, 2019), Poster (28-P-S17-13), Okinawa, 2021/01/01
"A study on microstructure and dielectric property of CaCu(3-x)NixTi4O12 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2) dielectric ceramics", The 10th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA 2018), 大阪, 2018/10/01
"A Study on Microstructure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Mg4Nb2O9-TiO2 Ceramic Composites", The 10th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA 2018), 大阪, 2018/10/01
"Microwave Dielectric Properties of Mg4Nb2O9-ZnAl2O4-TiO2 Ceramic Composites", The 10th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications (MMA 2018), 大阪, 2018/10/01
"Effect of grain size on the ionic conductivities and AC impedances of La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825 and La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825-8YSZ electrolytes", ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM Joint Conference (IFAAP), 廣島市, 2018/05/27
"(1 x) wt Mg4Nb2O9 – x wt R (R = TiO2和SrTiO3)材料之微波介電性質與顯微結構之研究", 中國礦冶工程學會106年年會, 苗栗, 2017/10/19
"Mechanical property evaluation of ZrN films deposited by a hybrid superimposed high power impulse- medium frequency sputtering system", 6th International Thin Film Conference Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology, 花蓮, 2017/10/15
"Analysis of Property and Application of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–δ – Nd0.17Ca0.03Ce0.8O1.9 Composite Cathode Materials", 2017年第十二屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第四屆台灣能源學會年度大會, 花蓮, 2017/10/12
"11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2017)", 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2017, 濟州, 2017/09/11
"Analysis of Property and Application of LSCF–SCDC Composite Cathode Materials", 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting (ACEX2017), 維也納, 2017/07/03
"Analysis of Property and Application of LSCF–SCDC Composite Cathode Materials", 第十一屆海峽兩岸工程材料研討會, 桃園, 2017/03/23
"The processing improvement and performance analysis of the La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825 electrolyte-supported fuel cell", The 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, 台北, 2016/12/04
"Property analysis of Ce0.8Sm0.15R0.05O2–δ (R = Sm, Ca, La) and Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.025Sr0.025O2–δ electrolyte materials synthesized by sol-gel method", The 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, 台北, 2016/12/04
"The processing improvement and performance analysis of the La0.85Sr0.15Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.825 electrolyte-supported fuel cell", 6thYoung Scholars Symposium on Nano & New Energy Technology, 北京, 2016/07/15
"Grain size effect on the conductivity of Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.025R0.025O2-δ (R = Ca, Sr) electrolytes used in the solid oxide fuel cell", 4th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (ISTS 2014), 台北, 2014/11/19
"The performance of Ce0.8Sm0.15Ca0.05O2-δ electrolyte film obtained by stencil printing on the anode supported solid oxide fuel cell", 9th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity and Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMF-AMEC-2014 Conference), 上海, 2014/10/26
"The study of electrical property of Sr doped LaCoO3 cathode material", 2014 International Union of Materials Research Societies – The 15th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Fukuoka, 2014/08/24
"The effect of grain size on the microstructures and conductivities of aliovalent cations co-doped ceria-base electrolytes", IUMRS-ICEM 2014, Taipei, 2014/06/10
"The electric properties and microstructure analysis of aliovalent ions (Y3+, Nb5+) doped bismuth-based solid oxide electrolyte", (2012/12/9~2012/12/14)The 8th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics (AMF8), Pattaya, 2013/01/01
"Microstructures and Dielectric Properties of MgTiO3 Thick Film Prepared Using Aerosol Deposition Method", 7th International Conference on Microwave Materials and their Applications MMA2012, 台北, 2012/06/03
"La1-xBaxGa0.8Mg0.2O3-d solid electrolyte ceramic: electrical performance as functions of doping Ba amount", 八十八週年校慶暨第19屆三軍官校基礎學術研討會, 高雄, 2012/05/18
"Microstructural and property study of La1-xSrxGa1-yMgyOδ and La1-xBaxGa0.8Mg0.2O3-δ electrolytes in SOFC", The 9th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Cairns, 2011/07/10
"The m-t transformation and twinning analysis of hot-pressed sintered 3YSZ ceramics", Second Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Advanced Materials and Devices for Future Medical Engineering, Taipei, 2010/11/22
"The effect of aliovalent cations (Sm3+, Ca2+) doped ceria on the microstructure and property", International Conference of Bi2O3-Based Ionic Materials for Energy Application (BMEA 2010), Taipei, 2010/11/21
"The effect on the microstructure and electrical conductivity of aliovalent cations doped ceria", The 7th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity and the 7th Asian Meeting on ElectroCeramics, 濟州島, 2010/06/28