"Designing “Forest” into Daily Lives for Sustainability: A Case Study of TaiwaneseWooden Furniture Design", Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 15, 9, 22, 2023/04, ELSE2
"Prediction of Work from Home and Musculoskeletal Discomfort: An Investigation of Ergonomic Factors in Work Arrangements and Home Workstation Setups Using the COVID-19 Experience", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 4, 25, 2023/02, ELSE2
"A study of the acceptability of smart homes to the future elderly in China", Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-19, 2022/02, SSCI
"A Study on the Effects of Digital Learning Sheet Design Strategy on the Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Museum Exhibition Visitors", Education Sciences, 12, 2, 30, 2022/02, ELSE1
""The Impact of Museum's Brand Power on Active Visitor Engagement: The Dual Mediating Effect of Playfulness and Brand Resonance"", The International Jouornal of the Inclusive Museum, 15, 1, 19, 2021/12, ELSE2
"From Cultural Heritage Preservation to Art Craft Education: A Study on Taiwan Traditional Lacquerware Art Preservation and Training", education sciences, 2021,11, 801, 14, 2021/12, SSCI
""Implementation of an Office Ergonomics Program to Promote Musculoskeletal Health: A Case Study in Hong Kong"", IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 9, 2, 96-105, 2021/11, ELSE2
"Developing and implementing entrepreneurial curriculum in Taiwan-Taking National Taipei University of Technology as an Example.", International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behavior and Decision Sciences (IJRAOB), 1, 4, 512-525, 2015/09, ELSE2
"The situation of off-campus internship programs for students in the departments of electronic engineering and information science.", Advances in Education Research, 74, 61-77, 2015/06, ELSE2
"Consumers’ Tactile Images of Foam Sofa Cushions", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 394, 605-611, 2013/08, EI
"Characterization of Natural Dye Extracted from Wormwood and Purple Cabbage for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, 159502, 8, 2013/05, SCI
"Synthesis and Characterization of a Gel-Type Electrolyte with Ionic Liquid Added for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, 834184, 7, 2013/01, SCI
"A Study of the Visual Physical Characteristics and Psychological Images of Select Taiwanese Hardwoods", FOREST PRODUCTS JOURNAL, 62, 1, 18-24, 2012/02, SCI
"A Study on the Properties of Water-Based Woodenware Nanocoating", Advanced Materials Research, 168-170, 2139-2142, 2011/12, EI
"Synthesis and Characterization of Natural Dye and Counter Electrode Thin Films with Different Carbon Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011/11, SCI
"Environmental Impact Assessment on Lifecycle of Sofa Material", Advanced Materials Research, 287-290, 3032-3035, 2011/07, EI
"Development of an Innovative Magnetic Aided Roller Microtransfer Replica Process and a Study of Microstructure Array Replication", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011/07, SCI
"Natural Sensitizer for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Using Three Layers of Photoelectrode Thin Films With A Schottky Barrier", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 4, 2, 214-222, 2011/07, EI
"The Preparation and Characterization of Water-based Tio2 Nano-coating", Advanced Materials Research, 52-54, 343-348, 2011/03, EI
"Driving Force Testing of Lift Mechanism for Green Energy Furniture", Advanced Materials Research, 201-203, 2803-2806, 2011/02, EI
"Preparation and Characterization of Anthocyanin Dye and Counter Electrode Thin Film with Carbon Nanotubes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells", Materials Transactions, 52, 10, 2011/01, SCI
"Study on the Visual Image of Armchairs Furniture in Yangming Shu Wu", Advanced Materials Research, 168-170, 2011/01, EI
"Characterization of ZnO Nano-Coatings on Fibreboard", Advanced Materials Research, 152-153, 764-767, 2011/01, EI
"Fabrication of highly efficient flexible dye-sensitized solar cells", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 540S, 435-438, 2010/08, SCI
"Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Made with TiO2-Coated Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Natural Dyes Extracted from Ipomoea", Materials Transactions, 50, 12, 2879 - 2884, 2009/06, SCI
"The Impact of Different Prompt Structures and Parts of Speech on the Image Generation Results of Generative AI", The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application Technologies (AIAT 2024), Yokohama, 2024/12/05
"Feedback from the Experience of Incorporating ChatGPT into Student Design Thinking Activity", The 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application Technologies (AIAT 2024), Yokohama, 2024/12/05
"Optimizing Learning Experience: Innovative Design of Distance Learning Auxiliary Products for Elementary School Students", In International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research, 新北市, 2024/11/20
"Preliminary Study on the Impact of Technological Intervention in Craft Education on the Ability Cultivation and Engagement of College Students", The 13th International Conference on Education and Management Innovation (ICEMI 2024), Taipei City, 2024/10/18
"A Preliminary Study on Integrating Sustainable Product Design Elements into the Skill Development and Curriculum Planning of Industrial Design Students", The 13th International Conference on Education and Management Innovation (ICEMI 2024), Taipei City, 2024/10/18
"Challenges and Opportunities of Distance Online Learning: A Study on the Home Learning Environment Needs of Taiwanese Elementary School Students", In 2024 the 15th Interna- tional Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning, Fukuoka-shi, 2024/03/18
"Participatory Curation and the Construction of Its Application Models in Exhibitions of Traditional Furniture Industry: A Case Study of Daxi Taoyuan Taiwan", HCI INTERNATIONAL 2022 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Gothenburg, 2022/06/26
"Research on the Acceptability of Short-Video Learning for the Future Elderly in the Context of Mobile Internet", 2020 The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, Japan/Kyoto, 2021/07/19
"6Ws in the Ergonomics Review of Macro and Micro Workplace Design", 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 2021, Virutal, 2021/06/13
"Occupational Disease Compensation and Update on the Musculoskeletal Health of Office Employees in Hong Kong", 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 2021, Virutal, 2021/06/13
"The Study of Decision-Checkpoints in the Process of Design-Thinking Activity", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION AND INVENTION 2019 (IEEE ICKII 2019), 首爾, 2019/07/13
"Design Thinking Teaching Equipment Usability Assessment-Using National Taiwan University as an Example", International Service Innovation Design Conference, 全州市, 2018/10/17
"The Methods and Applications of Creative Teaching in Design", Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 澳門, 2018/01/26
"The Implementation of Digital Creative Teaching in Design", Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 澳門, 2018/01/26
"A study on the forms of planer tools for construction use", Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 澳門, 2018/01/26
"A study of teaching equipment needs for design thinking activities", Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 澳門, 2018/01/26
"Exploring the Allocation of Space for Teaching of Innovative Design Thinking", 2016International Service Innovation Design Association, 清邁, 2016/11/01
"Design approach in response to a multicultural society:Malaysia", 2016 International Service Innovation Design Conference, 清邁, 2016/11/01
"From industrial heritage regeneration to Creative cluster for the wood industry innovation in Yilan,Taiwan.", 2016 International Service Innovation Design Conference, 清邁, 2016/11/01
"Program for the Application of Innovative Design Thinking: Assessment of Product Opportunity Gaps of Classroom Furniture", HCI 2016 International 18th International Conference, 多倫多, 2016/07/17
"Case Study on the Influence of Creativity Characteristic to Applied Design Category of Skills Competition of Taiwan Vocational High School.", International Association of Societies of Design Research, 布里斯班, 2015/11/02
"Application of User-Oriented Creative Design System(UCDS)in Industrial Design Courses", International Association of Societies of Design Research, 布里斯班, 2015/11/02
"The status quo and future of the off-campus internship programs for students in the Departments of Electronic Engineering and Information.", The IAFOR International Conference on Education, 杜拜, 2015/03/08
"The Relationship Between Taiwanese Design Department Students' Learning Style and Learning Feature", The 4th International Symposium on society, Tourism, education and politics, phuket, 2014/07/11
"A Study of the Correlation between Aboriginal Cultural Merchandises and Marketing Channels in Taiwan", The 4th International Symposium on society, Tourism, education and politics, phuket, 2014/07/11
"Taiwan Aboriginal Traditional Alpinia zerumbet Handicraft Preparation Study", 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, TOKYO, 2013/08/26
"Green Ang Pow and Purple Ang Pow in Malaysian Daily Life Practice", 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, TOKYO, 2013/08/26
"Collaboration Design: Impact Factor of Cross- Culture", 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, TOKYO, 2013/08/26
"Co-Brand Strategy of Evaluation of Visual Images in Furniture Design - Jimmy S.P.A. & STRAUSS as Example", 2012 4th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, 2012/10/05
"An image of Multiracial in Mamak Stall", Proceeding of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2012 (KEER 2012), 澎湖, 2012/05/22
"Study of taiwanese indigenous craftsmen's cognitions towards cultural products", Proceeding of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2012 (KEER 2012), 澎湖, 2012/05/22
"The Rationale of International Students in Choosing the Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia", 2012 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research, Maleka, 2012/05/21
"Intelligent Furniture Design Concept in Smart Home for the Taiwan Elderly", 2011 IDA Congress Education Conference, 台北, 2011/10/24
"木質材料表面塗裝之質感意象分析", 2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"台灣原住民文創商品結合服飾文化之應用–以布農族為例", 2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"台灣原住民阿美族豐年祭符碼化之初探", 2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"臺灣常民文物木桶之類型學分析", 2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"文化商品設計之研究-以阿美族豐年祭文化為題", 〉,「2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"Environmental Impact Assessment on Lifecycle of Sofa Foam Cushion", 2011 16th CID Annual Design Conferfece & 2011 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2011/05/13
"The Image of China Ming Dynasty Armchair Form", KEER2010 Editorial Committee, Paris, 2010/03/02
"The Image of China Ming Dynasty Armchair Form", KEER2010 Editorial Committee, Paris, 2010/03/02
"Visual Image Analysis of Sections of Wooden Materials-an example by merchantable broad leaved tree grown in Taiwan", KEER2010 Editorial Committee, Paris, 2010/03/02
"Fabrication of highly efficient flexible dye-sensitized solar cells", The 16th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, Beijing,, 2009/07/05
"台灣產商用針葉樹材質視覺意象之研究", ICID2009 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2009/05/09
"住宅空間系統櫥櫃使用評估項目之研究", ICID2009 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2009/05/09
"巨型動力遊艇規模與沙龍(Saloon)空間配置關係之研究", ICID2009 International Conference of Innovation and Design, 台北, 2009/05/09
"Fabrication of DSSCs Using TiO2 Modified with Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes and Naturral Dyes Extracted from Ipomoea", 2008 Innernational Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology, Gwangju, 2008/11/06
"Fabrication of Dsscs Using TiO2 Modified with Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes and Natureal Dyes Extracted from Ipomoea", 2008International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 2008/11/06